Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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*hurries in*

Liffy said:
Dang it we need to see Danny in a tux and Linds in a smokin dress
*agrees* That would be so totally hot :devil: - just the idea of Danny Messer in a tux *drools*

*hugs Stuffy and offers a shoulder to any one who needs it* :(

I got a little time to let the info sink in and I so know that I'm gonna be crying this ep - it just sounds so sad. I agree that there will not be anything between the mother and Danny; apparently they have known each other for a while and they're just friends. And I have to say that I think this is one ep that I don't even want a DL scene so much :eek:. There are already two cases, the death of a young boy, Danny's grief and the mother's grief; I feel it will be a bit too much drama to add DL to all of that. But I think there will perhaps be plenty in the ep's after that; like JenP said, Danny would want to be there for the mother and Lindsay has to handle that, and perhaps this sad event will change something in Danny's behaviour and/or his outlook on life and DL have to get through that together - *is a bit suspicious about Liffy too*

*hurries out again*
Stuffy, please let me know if it is, indeed, available today. I won't be near a store until the weekend at least, and when I checked Chapters and Amazon, they both have November 27 listed. It would be terrific if it is available.
Oh, and by the way
mean to make you all sad with this info. The thought had crossed my mind that this might be the bump in the road described, wherein maybe Danny would bond with this mother over the death of the child. I guess we'll see how this plays out. Hopefully it will be nothing too bad, and things will be okay.
Stuffy, please let me know if it is, indeed, available today. I won't be near a store until the weekend at least, and when I checked Chapters and Amazon, they both have November 27 listed. It would be terrific if it is available.

I'll keep an eye out for ya catey :D

*peers around room* Where is everyone today? Preparing for tomorrow night I presume...another brand-spankin-new episode!

It does sound like a sad episode, but I know that Carmine will knock this one out of the park. While the shipper in me would love to see Lindsay comfort him, I highly doubt we will get it. It's probably for the better too - this is a Danny-centric episode. Personally I think they're going to focus on him more as an individual rather than one-half of Dantana. I honestly do not believe it will have any negative effect on his relationship with Lindsay - I do believe, however, it will make them stronger, even if we don't get to see her comfort him. I cannot understand why some people are saying stuff about Danny and the mother - he's only consoling her, NOTHING ELSE. Honestly. The poor woman just lost her child, and it seems that Danny has known the boy for quite a while. He's only doing what a good friend would do - offer a shoulder to cry on. Good grief :rolleyes:

*shimmers inside the titanium alloy bubble* Fruity drinks and cabana boys included ;)
Hello All!! :)

It's Pre-Hump Day. :devil: I'm looking forward to tomorrow's episode. I hope for D/L scenes of course. We'll see though.

So what would you all like to see before they 'hit' any possible bumps in the road (which we still don't know if that will happen now or later or whenever)? What do we want from the next couple of episodes also? Just guesses---no spoilers, if any. ;)

I'd personally love to see a little park scene in which they are enjoying a picnic with some sandwiches and lovely snacks. I'd love to see Linds with her shoes off and Danny just relaxing with his head on her lap. How cute would that be? They could feed each other grapes. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Later. :cool:
"Goodnight shippers, Goodnight shippers, I'm going to sleep now!" :lol: *Mo giggles as she stumbles into the thread...more than a little tired but determined to at least pop in here!*

Fluffy Stuffy wuffy said:
I need a hug...
Awww honey...*Mo steps up and wraps her arms around her buddy in a big comforting fluffy hug!* Awww honey, no worries...don't let yourself get sad! *Mo puts on her "fluffy cheerleader" outfit and starts clapping..."Ready, okay...We're shippy, we're fluffy, we're CANON to the max; Our couple is Hot and often in the sack!" :lol: * Feel better? ;)

King of the world Liffy winked:
I love being spoiler free Don't got a care in the world
:p Ehhhhh, yeah we'll see how long you stay that way! ;) I'm not attempting to sabotage you there bud (not in a mean way! ;) :lol: ) but you just wait until sweeps and all there is is spoiler boxes...if you can stay SF then, you have my highest praise as a shipper of the highest level of self control! :D

Fluffy wuffy Stuffy muffy growled:
*eyes Mo and everyone else in the room* Don't even think about saying it! or else...
Lol, I don't even have to say it babe, you thought it/said it yourself! :D Heehee! ;) Lol, it's so cute it's like D/L in the early days...awww! (Sorry babe, couldn't resist! ;) )

Dear with dreams after my own heart Dutch swooned:
just the idea of Danny Messer in a tux *drools*
Ohhhhhhh, yeah tell me about it! Have we seen him in a tux/suit yet? I can't remember which makes me think we haven't cuz I am fairly sure I would DEFINITELY remember if we got Danny in a suit! *Drool indeed!* That man in a suit...ohhhhhhh baby! :devil: I don't know who will be swooning more at their wedding, Danny over how amazingly perfect his Montana looks in her white gown...or Linds over how drop dead sexy Danny looks in his tux! :devil: Might be a toss up! :D

Brilliant Fluffy Twin wub of mine Aud asked:
What do we want from the next couple of episodes also?
Hi wub! *Hugs!* Mmmmm, I love your picnic idea...that would be the cutest thing ever to see! ;) As for what I'd like to see before any bumps and in the next couple eppy's...I want just a few simple things...I would love to catch them holding hands, or him whispering something in her ear in the breakroom that makes her giggle and blush a little...simple cute things like that! :D Ya know!

Okay peeps, I'm off to sleep...here's hoping my dreams are sweet! ;) Danny in a tux, Danny in a tux...ohhhh yeah! :devil:

*Mo giggles and swoons into her very strong fluffy bubble and shimmers away!*
Happy Hump day, everyone :)

What do we want from the next couple of episodes also?

the picnic idea is great. I would love to see them dance but I think they should finally have that lunch/dinner/meal Danny keeps suggesting since around Supermen, if Im not mistaken.

I would love to catch them holding hands, or him whispering something in her ear in the breakroom that makes her giggle and blush a little...simple cute things like that!

exactly, something that would clearly state that they are together. it can be in a lab, or going to a scene or after work. it might be really short but totally couple-y

just the idea of Danny Messer in a tux *drools*

yeah, that would definitely be a sight for sore eyes. every time Im thinking of their wedding I keep imagining him in a black on black with a blue tie (like Phillip Seymour Hoffman wore when he won his Oscar). I dont know why. I love classic tux and Danny would look great in a one but I think he would choose something less classic

I love being spoiler free Don't got a care in the world

Im right there with you, Liff, life is full of surprises this way :)
*Liff pops into the thread sportin' a chuckly grin since he's happy cos it's HUMP DAY!!!* Howdy y'all, I hope that we're all havin' a lovely Wednesday morning :D Yay! and Hump Day means pool table smex :devil: day as well as new eppy night :)

JenP said:
Liff, you opened my eyes with this comment of yours! But since you're spoiler-free, you don't get the chance to know why...
What? Did I say something close to a spoiler? I just watched the Suicide Girls episode again, which reminded me of how Danny was totally okay when she asked him to take the mother. He didn't ask that many questions and readily agreed to help her :) That's love right there. Then, at the end, she knows that it's part of the job and has to do it. I felt sorry for Danny at the end when he looked so lost in that hallway...probably thinkin' why he was beating his head on the wall with Lindsay. Now he knows why :)

Okay, it is SO evil to put "Liff's comment" as a title for a spoiler box! Cos it's about my comment and I cant read it! I can just guess that the spoiler has something to do with Lindsay and mothers? Or some other fear? *shrugs*

Naughty Dutch agreed:
That would be so totally hot - just the idea of Danny Messer in a tux *drools*
Mmm...Lindsay in a smokin' dark maroon/red full length dress with a plunging neckline that makes our Mr. Messer sweat with discomfort and....hornyness :lol: hehehe. Couldn't help but put that in there... :p

Aud wub said:
So what would you all like to see before they 'hit' any possible bumps in the road (which we still don't know if that will happen now or later or whenever)? What do we want from the next couple of episodes also? Just guesses---no spoilers, if any.
Hmm...I'd love to see that little park scene of yours Aud but if I'm going to keep realistic, then I wanna see Linds playfully scold Danny for doing something....dumb. :p Like leaving his clothes on the floor or something. hehe :lol: I think that would be totally cute, and Danny'll be pouting then he can say sorry 'his' way ;) It'll be the fastest forgiven ever! Face it...they can't stay angry at each other long - which is totally sweet.

Cheerleading Capitan Mo cheered:
Ready, okay...We're shippy, we're fluffy, we're CANON to the max; Our couple is Hot and often in the sack!
*chuckles* :lol: HAHAHA! That was great darlin' ;) Were you a cheerleader in this life per chance? Or perhaps it was your previous life cos I'd say you got a talent for it babes!

I'm not attempting to sabotage you there bud (not in a mean way! ) but you just wait until sweeps and all there is is spoiler boxes...if you can stay SF then, you have my highest praise as a shipper of the highest level of self control!
If all you guys post are spoiler boxes, I wont know anything, and there'd be nothing to talk about (for me anyways) so I'd deem you guys totally mean and won't come around anymore ;) Face it, what's the point of staring at blank boxes? :p *Must have self control* :D

Have we seen him in a tux/suit yet?
Didn't Danny usually wear suits in season 1? *shrugs* Otherwise, I don't think we've ever seen him in formal-formal wear. Linds had her green dress in Risk...but I wanna see 'em match! :devil: That would be a totally HAWT scene... Them doin' the tango on the dance floor...gropin' an' slidin' against each other whilst everyone else watches on in wonder. :D

I don't know who will be swooning more at their wedding, Danny over how amazingly perfect his Montana looks in her white gown...or Linds over how drop dead sexy Danny looks in his tux!
I think we'd be the one passing out on their wedding day my darlin' Mo :lol: They'll both be wondering why there was a collective thud after "I do". Hehehe. I'd give or take 5 minutes before the cheering actually starts.

Danny in a tux, Danny in a tux...ohhhh yeah!
Lindsay in a dress, Lindsay in a....wait... Lindsay in nothing, Lindsay in nothing :devil: hee!

Carly said:
I love classic tux and Danny would look great in a one but I think he would choose something less classic
I dunno, I think Danny could be a classy guy if he wanted to be. And for his Montana, I'd say he'd keep it simple but go all out at the same time :) I like the idea of white on white and have everyone else in black...it would be totally special and Lindsay can roll her eyes when he accidentally knocks something over. :p

Anywho...I've got the day ahead o' me. So I hope y'all have a fabu-d-l-i-cious Hump Day! *Liff bops along to the hairspray soundtrack and waltzes out of the thread lookin' for more D/L love.*
I got a sudden image of Danny singing 'Ladies Choice'... with the sleek tux and 30's hair. How cute... :lol: And Lindsay will be grinning away as Danny looks straight at her during the line 'shake those hips in my direction...'. Lol.

Just read the spoilers! Can't wait! Though of course, it's ages away for me... bleh... :p

Hope you guys enjoy Episode Four tonight!

I would love to see Danny wearing a tux...Yum! It made me think of some idea that popped into my head a while ago: seeing the team all dressed up at some party...Maybe we'll get that someday :D

Liff stated:
JenP said:
Liff, you opened my eyes with this comment of yours! But since you're spoiler-free, you don't get the chance to know why...
What? Did I say something close to a spoiler?
You will never know... :lol: :devil:

Liff mentioned: Okay, it is SO evil to put "Liff's comment" as a title for a spoiler box! Cos it's about my comment and I cant read it! I can just guess that the spoiler has something to do with Lindsay and mothers? Or some other fear? *shrugs*
Keep guessing, keep guessing, we won't say anything! Mwhahahahahahaha!

See you later!
*Mo dances into the thread, songs from Hairspray filling her head as well thanks to her Gutter bud who's obsessed with it! :lol: "Good morning Baltimore! There's the flasher who lives next door..." :lol:
Good morning shippy buddies and Happy Hump Day!! Lol, I love that that has caught on by the way, it's like our thing! Cuz not only is it the middle of the week and our eppy day but it's what our couple does on a regular basis! :devil: :lol: Awww good times, good times indeed! :D

Naughty Gutter bud Liff grinned:
*chuckles* HAHAHA! That was great darlin' Were you a cheerleader in this life per chance? Or perhaps it was your previous life cos I'd say you got a talent for it babes!
Alas no, I was never a cheerleader! In fact I played all the sports and made fun of all the cheerleaders growing up! But I can do an amazing "dumb blonde" impersonation which makes imitating cheerleaders (definitely no offense meant to any of y'all who are cheerleaders! :D ) very easy sometimes! :lol: I could see Linds being the type to make fun of cheerleaders too, or even to have been a cheerleader in high school, which if Danny found that out you KNOW he'd be begging her to pull out that outfit and do a little cheer for him! ;)

so I'd deem you guys totally mean and won't come around anymore
Like you could leave! ;) You're rooted here bud, and besides if you ever even thought about leaving I'd personally hog tie you and toss you in the nearest closet to never escape again! :D You can't leave us! And to be nice, we'll make sure it's not all spoilers all the time! :D

I think we'd be the one passing out on their wedding day my darlin' Mo They'll both be wondering why there was a collective thud after "I do". Hehehe. I'd give or take 5 minutes before the cheering actually starts.
Lol, yeah...it'd be the *Swoon....Thud.....Squeeee....heard round the world!* :lol: Lol, just the thought of them getting married and what they'd look like and how they'd be looking at eachother...it's making me swoon just thinking about it possibly happening! (I'm a dork, but still!)

Cutie pie Fern giggled:
I got a sudden image of Danny singing 'Ladies Choice'... with the sleek tux and 30's hair. How cute...
Cute...hot...sexy....mmmmm all of the above! Lol, that'd be SOOO fun to see! That'd be a good idea for a Halloween costumes for D/L....Danny as a 50's singer and Linds in a 50's style dress and hair...lol, they'd be CUTE!

Okay time for me to head off to work....haven't bought my Seas. 3 yet, finding the best deal today though if I can! And I can't wait until Ep. 11...I'm too lazy at this moment to add more spoiler boxes...but I definitely think it will be great! (Sorry Liff!)

Have a swell day all y'all...and yay for a new fun eppy tonight! As always can't wait :lol: I'll be back!

*Mo grins, waves and dances off to her reinforced fluffy bubble!*
Awww honey...*Mo steps up and wraps her arms around her buddy in a big comforting fluffy hug!* Awww honey, no worries...don't let yourself get sad! *Mo puts on her "fluffy cheerleader" outfit and starts clapping..."Ready, okay...We're shippy, we're fluffy, we're CANON to the max; Our couple is Hot and often in the sack!" * Feel better?

Seriously, I think that is the funniest thing I have ever read/heard. Ever. In the history of all things funny, that's definitely up there.

Price. Less. :D and I do feel better miss Mo m'dear, thank ye kindly ;) *huggles*

I'd personally love to see a little park scene in which they are enjoying a picnic with some sandwiches and lovely snacks. I'd love to see Linds with her shoes off and Danny just relaxing with his head on her lap. How cute would that be? They could feed each other grapes.

aha. Nice scenario aud - me love!

Dear TPTB:

Is it too much to ask for a scene like that?

Love always,
Stuffy xx
In Miami but I STILL manage to find the time to pop on here. That's commitment for you!

Mo, I'm worried about you.... you're strange :lol: but In a very good way!! ;)

Hows the D/L Lovin' going?
*comes in turning cart-wheels like one of Mo's cheerleaders*
'Give us an H, give us a U, give us a M, give us a P, give us a Day...HUMP DAY

auda asked:
What do we want from the next couple of episodes also?
Just some little, but very meaningful, scenes. Something nice and intimate, like that suggested picnic, or snuggled together at the movies and then that moment will get interrupted by their phones going off and the ep starts. :D

Mo said:
Have we seen him in a tux/suit yet? I can't remember which makes me think we haven't cuz I am fairly sure I would DEFINITELY remember if we got Danny in a suit!
Liffy is right; season 1 Danny wore suits, but there are suits and there are SUITS...I didn't like the colors he was wearing then :rolleyes:, when I say suit I'm talking Armani :D

Liffy said:
Lindsay in a smokin' dark maroon/red full length dress with a plunging neckline that makes our Mr. Messer sweat with discomfort and....hornyness
It would be funny to see Danny (and Liffy ;)) squirm when she puts on something like that... :cool:

I took some work with me so I can stay at home tomorrow and watch the ep when it's done or when I allow myself a well-deserved long break :D...better start already...Enjoy the ep and I'm looking forward to the spoilers already ;)
Ahhh!!! New eppy tonight!! *dances*

I'm looking forward to the spoilers already

*giggles* Same here dutch wubs. Without giving too much away to poor ole Liffy here, it's rounding up to be a fantastic ep! Both on the DL and non-DL side :D

If Lindsay were to wear a dress like that, I think Danny would do a double-take *cough* again *cough*, but this time say something like "God you're beautiful." That would get all our shipper hearts racing ;)

snuggled together at the movies and then that moment will get interrupted by their phones going off and the ep starts.

*sighs dreamily* Ahhhhh - what a perfect way to start an episode! :D

Alright mateys, have a fantastic evening and I'll catch everyone later! I'll get to watch this one tonight (most of it, anyways), so hold down the fort and eat lots of M&Ms!! And throw them at dutch ;)

You know I wubs ya hunny :D :p
Okay, tonight's episode
James Bond car type episode. You get to see Flack with no shirt on(but with a white tank), and some good Danny and Lindsay scenes together. They process one of the cars they dub the "Batmobile". She's loving it as much as Danny does. Flack gets some ribbing about his new girlfriend Devon. And there are more clothes changes in this episode than enough. This is also the episode where you see Lindsay hold her arms up in the air and say "Yes, I rock", when she finds out what made blue flame come out of the tail pipe of the "bat mobile' Anyway, maybe I'm shallow, but Lindsay looks terrific in this episode. More of her tonight than in the last two episodes put together, and she was only out of the lab for one scene. She was in the lab most of the time, and we get to see her in her street clothes, ready to leave the lab when Danny catches up to her and gets her to process the batmobile together.

was an amazing episode, both on the D/L front and the non-D/L moments. I liked how Flack got teased about the girlfriend by three of them at diifferent times. Makes me wonder if they all know about Danny and Lindsay, and if they do, why don't they tease them?
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