Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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dutch!!! *runs in and gives her buddy a giant hug for those lurvely caps*

What a fantastic episode, both on the DL and non-DL side. Let me just say that Flack looks incredily delicious in a wife beater. Watch out Messer - you got competition in that department! :lol:

Just to warn y'all do NOT read the TALK review of this eppy last night...just don't. Clearly the writer of it did not see the same eppy we did and to save us from wanting to scream at people I just submit that we shouldn't even bother to read it!

Mo, you know I love you to death. But you continue to read the "reviews" because....

Lindsay rocks. ENOUGH SAID. Hey, at least she's perky and spunky! What, you want her to go back to being sulky and depressed? Have her mope around the entire lab looking all sad? Oy vey :mad:
Hello buddies!
How ya doin’ in these days! I’m still very busy with that stupid homework! :(

I’ve just seen the caps and I love the DL scenes of the episode! :D It’s so evident that they enjoy working together (I think that they’d like even cleaning toilets if they’re together :rolleyes: :lol:). In every pic they’re smiling and are all happy, so I noticed that they look more relaxed and in a good mood than the last season, they look cuter *_*

Jodie said:
thought I'd stop by and join the madness of your CANON ship!
Hey dear! *waves* I’m glad to see ya here! :)

Aww! That’s sad…It’s always sad when a boy so young dies…but I’m sure that we’ll get some DL scenes. I think that PTB will take this chance for a DL moment, because Lindsay, when she’ll see Danny so sad, will immediately comfort him. ;) I’d melt seeing a scene like this!

Mo said:
I want D/L babies...*Mo nods diffinitively and grins!*
Same here! :D They must be so cute… I’d pay to look after D/L babies…*_*
Long time, no talk about our favorite Canon couple!! Last night's episode was great! So many cute moments between Danny and Lindsay. The "YES" scene of Lindsay's was beyond adorable! Again, I think this hairstyle really fits her character this season. :) Thanks for the caps, dutch!
Just to warn y'all do NOT read the TALK review of this eppy last night...just don't. Clearly the writer of it did not see the same eppy we did and to save us from wanting to scream at people I just submit that we shouldn't even bother to read it! :D Like Linds so brilliantly said she "ROCKS!" and so does this ship and this eppy in general and that is what we should enjoy! :D

ahhh too late i read it before i saw that warning!!! i really liked the scene's i've seen so far!!! looks like it was a really good episode
auda! Batman & Catwoman *hello gutter!*
Hardy Har, Har....look at my avvie! :devil: Dutch, I love your wicked imagination. :D I was thinking the same thing---no need for words here. ;)

I still don't know much about the episode (just stuff I've heard along the way). I'll try and sneak a look if I can---thanks for the info Fluffy T. :D *Hugs you*

I think they should make out in the Batmobile!! Maybe they should conceive their first baby in it. ;) I never thought I'd want them to have babies (I'm not very maternal despite the fact that I have adopted many angsty children here), but I so want them to have babies. And they will. Poor kids! They'll grow up having two parents that argue over Batmobiles, Bond, and probably every single football game they watch together! :lol:
*Mo dances into the thread, giggling and doing the "Lindsay" dance!* :lol: Linds rocks, Danny rocks, D/L rocks, we rock...this show rocks...Pam Veasey rocks...yeah y'all get the idea! :lol: Yeah...I think I'm a little too tired and giddy here! :rolleyes: :lol:

Stuffy babes, yeah hon don't know why I keep reading those reviews! :rolleyes: Maybe cuz I keep hoping they'll one day end up seeing Linds in a positive light! *Mo sighs...* Someday... :D

Aud! Fluffy wub your avie is AWESOME!! I LOVE "Batman & Catwoman" and I don't know if you said this, but there's their Halloween costumes...good lord that'd be HOT! :devil: Wowza...Lol, and seriously I'm in love with your avie, hon! :D

You're very welcome for the info my wub...*Hugs back!* ;) And they SOOO should conceive baby Messer in the Batmobile...can you imagine them telling that story for the rest of their lives? That would be hilarious and so perfect! :D Lol, no worries about D/L's kids darlin'...their parents will be fabulous for them, teaching them a million odd and fascinating things and loving them fiercly like they love eachother! ;) And on top of that, they'll have several fiercly loyal and attentive babysitters! ;)

Okay time for me to go finish watching WaT! ;)

*Mo waves and shimmers away in her fluffy pink bubble!* :D
*Liff pops into the thread with a grin whilst tryin' to catch his breath* Dang it! I'm always late to post for som unknown reason after the eppy day. *shrugs* But yes, a wonderful episode it was!

Im not feelin' all that well right now so I doubt I'll have much to say - so oh well. The episode was a great one both on the D/L front and non-D/L. :)

Lindsay's little "I rock" moment was so completely true and if only Danny were there - but we know he knows it. ;) Their little argument about the mach 5 and batmobile was hilarious and I just couldn't help picture Danny when he was younger *hint hint* running around in a batman suit for halloween :) It's just an adorable mental pic!

Okay, so I giggled when Danny mentioned 'date' to Lindsay and called her montana...and they were both so dang excited to process the car! :p haha, but sayin' "we got a date' made me smile...i tuned out the rest of the sentence :lol:

Alright so I've got to skdaddle. Cheers to you all and a happy FRIDAY! TGIF! :cool:
"Good morning, good morning...we talked the whole night through, good morning, good morning to you...and you...and you...and you!" Hello my lovelies! Happy Friday!! :D *Mo sighs happily and passes out big warm gooey cinnamon rolls to everyone in honor of...mmmm, love!* :lol:

Awww Liffer-diff isn't feeling well? Sorry bud! No worries though...Nurse Lindsay "I rock!" Monroe is on her way with hot soup, a warm blanket and plenty of ideas to make you feel better! (I'll keep Danny company while she's gone...it's only fair! ;) :lol: )

Yeah a younger Danny in a Batman costume is something I can totally picture...what's even funnier though I can totally picture grown up Danny in the same costume...although that picture quickly becomes VERY naughty! Hello black nylon and rubber! :devil: Have I mentioned lately that Linds is a lucky woman? :lol: *Mo swoons just a bit!*

Liff! I totally I did that with the "date" comment too! *High five!* That's hilarious...I was like yay, he called her "Montana" and they have a "date"! :lol: We're dorks dude...but then again, who cares! It's fun! :D

Did y'all notice by the way, that he actually called her "Montana" twice this eppy? :D I just felt it was necessary to point that out! :lol: Yay!

Okay time for me to go make my lunch and skedaddle myself...but yay for Friday...yay for Canon...yay for us! :D

*Mo giggles and shimmers away in her never-will-be-popped-full-of-lovely-pink-fog-filled fluffy bubble!*
Hello everyone!

I just saw the D/L scenes Sugah posted on YouTube...and I thought it was great!

I got the impression Lindsay is feeling absolutely amazing, so well that she can do her own little 'I rock'-dance! It was fun watching!

And when Lindsay was about to enter the elevator...and Danny called her Montana again and said they had a date...what more can a shipper wish for? :D

See you guys later!
^ I think you're right! Lindsay's feeling totally amazing :)...and I couldn't blame her! :D

And that 'date' remark was, indeed, cute. We're on page 20 now, but I can't wait 'til we get to make up thread titles again...just 3 ep's and we already got enough shippy 'material' to come up with many, many great suggestions. :cool:

Mo said:
but seriously I think Mac or at least Stella suspects something...she is very intuitive that way and I just got that feeling that she knows for some odd reason!
I have that same feeling about Hawkes. He always seems to be quietly observing the people around him and that way he picks up a lot of things that others would like to keep hidden -for now- :D.

Angel said:
wanted to see: danny run after lindsay and cutely touch her arm only to slide down to her hand and clasp it quickly, and let go (then continue scene).
Hey hon! Great to see you in here again. :) And I love that idea. It would've been awesome too if he told her about the car and had taken her hand to pull her out of the elevator and back down the hall. :D

Abby said:
I think that they’d like even cleaning toilets if they’re together
Hey Abby you're back too! :) And although they both loved to process the Batmobile, they seemed to be enjoying the rest of the work they had to do together too; so I guess you're right. Maybe they should be ordered to clean up a broom closet. :devil:

Auda said:
I think they should make out in the Batmobile
So we did have the same naughty idea ;)...LOL that's one original place to conceive the D/L baby... :eek:

And your avvie is great! :D

It's great to so so many different people coming in and out of this thread...the new season ROCKS!

*leaves to look up what 'skedaddle' means* :eek: - wow, that hasn't happened in a long time :eek:

Okay, so I learned a new word today :D (it's never too late to learn something new :)), but I actually jumped back in to see if you guys have seen this article ? I think we should offer our services :lol:; who's with me? ;)
My favorite cap:


Danny is so in love with Lindsay. Check on the smile that he's giving her. He's so proud of her! :)

It's not the biggest scene that sticks out but to me, small smiles are some of the best things.
I finally got to watch the clips.. yay and I absolutely loved it especially Lindsay's "I ROCK" scene with that little dance move :lol:.

Gotta thank TPTB for giving us wonderful D/L moments.
this was such a fantastic episode. IT ROCKED

I liked the non-DL parts a lot though for a while there it felt like I put on Eureka by accident :) I loved Flack *drools* and Lindsay was incredible during the blue flames scenes. she is back and she ROCKS - I love to say it

back to main topic:

we are so CANON its not even funny

their scenes were perfect and he called her Montana - I actally did my own little dance after I heard it. the elevatior scene was so sweet and flirty. and them working together brings the phrase perfect team to a whole new level

after that little Don/Danny talk on Devon I start to think that the team doesnt know about our lovely couple. which is kinda strange since the only way it could be clearer is if they had big neon signs above their heads reading So in love we glow

Im so high on exciment right now that I wont be coming down till Christmas
Hello buddies! *waves*

I just found something out: the best couples have a connection with Montana...It's true! I told you about the books I was reading this summer, and that the story took place in Montana (and a lovely couple in there ;) ), now we obviously have Danny and Lindsay and I discovered that my favorite couple from As the World turns (Carly and Jack)also have a connection with Montana: Carly!

Not that I watch ATWT anymore...I just read about it on the net and I was like: OMG, how could I have missed that!

Well, I'm off. Have a birthday-party to get to...And tomorrow I have another one... :( Hope I have some time to catch up with you guys!

Bye for now!
*Mo lazily strolls into the thread, happily rested on this foggy and lovely Saturday morning!* Good morning my shippy lovelies! How are y'all this fine morning! I just checked in on our lovely couple and they weren't quite away yet...but they sure look cute all snuggled up close to eachother!


Cute bud JenP grinned:
I got the impression Lindsay is feeling absolutely amazing, so well that she can do her own little 'I rock'-dance! It was fun watching!
I know right, wasn't that fun to see! I'm so glad they had that scene, not only was it totally fun and cute, it shows us too that Linds is finally feeling herself again and more free finally after all the crud she had to deal with last season. She is finally over that and can move on and enjoy her life and have fun! And that is due in large part to the amazing man who puts the smile on her face!

Lover of strong coffee and secret fluffy Dutch giggled:
I can't wait 'til we get to make up thread titles again...just 3 ep's and we already got enough shippy 'material' to come up with many, many great suggestions.
Lol, I know me too hon! I keep watching our page number, I think we're gonna have a hard time deciding for this next thread! I'm gonna guess we've got a ton of good suggestions out there! :lol: I'm willing to bet it will end up being something to do with a certain "spray on product"! :devil: Just a guess though! ;) Heehee! :lol:

I think we should offer our services ; who's with me?
Awesome! I saw that article and that was totally my first though too :lol: "Score, now we shippers can slip in and write things our way!" :lol: Not that I want the writers to strike really cuz that would mean a hiatus of CSI :( but if we could do the writing, then heck yeah I'm all for it! :lol: Let's do it! :D

Shippdy bud Carly rolled her eyes and laughed:
the only way it could be clearer is if they had big neon signs above their heads reading So in love we glow
Lol, you said that and I totally got this picture of them walking around like in the cartoons where there's these big blinking arrows pointing at eachother, flashing "I'm in love" over their heads! :lol: :lol: That's totally true...(not the flashing arrows ;) ) but that it is SO totally obvious how they feel about eachother...I mean of course to us, but even non-shippers have commented on them! My mom thinks they love eachother and she's only heard me talk about a couple scenes...and she concluded from that they are in love! YAY for CANON... :lol:

Okay I gotsta be going...laundry and grocery shopping are calling my names...mmmm, and maybe some shoe shopping...Aud wub where is you? I need some shoe shopping advice! ;)

Lol, JenP I totally feel you on the Montana thing...anytime anyone mentions Montana now I'm like "D/L!" :lol: It was hilarious at work the other day, one of our guys was traveling to Bozeman and my first thought was "That's where Linds is from, ya know on CSI: NY!" and I so totally almost said that out loud to him...I barely stopped myself in time, cuz he would have looked at my like I was nuts! :lol:

Have a swell day all my darling buddies and I will back later...of course! ;)

*Mo grins and shimmers giddily away in her very fluffy pink fog bubble!*
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