Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Aud wub where is you? I need some shoe shopping advice!

You rang me, my dear? Shopping called my name. ;) Where ya goin' today? Personally, NY&Co. is calling my name today. :D But I want to go shoe shopping as well!! Great places all around! :)

Mo Bunny!! The piccies are wondermus! :)

I finally got to see some of the episodes beyond the pics I've seen. I loved the D/L parts as well as individual Danny and Lindsay scenes. Danny was so funny giving Flack a hard time, and Lindsay was so rockin' cute! "Goin' Old School"! And Carly is right---we are so Canon it's not even funny! :D

Dutch, great minds think alike. ;) :devil:

Have an awesome Saturday all. :cool:
Hello all!

Jen said:
I just saw the D/L scenes Sugah posted on YouTube...and I thought it was great!
I agree! I love her video, I can’t miss any updating after every episode… :D I have to wait a year to see those episode, so at least in this way I can watch their moment! :p

Mo said:
She is finally over that and can move on and enjoy her life and have fun! And that is due in large part to the amazing man who puts the smile on her face!
That’s so true! Now she’s reeeally having fun and enjoying her new hobbies, like play pool. :devil: :lol: That smile is so meaningful… :rolleyes:

Score, now we shippers can slip in and write things our way!"
That would be cool! :D Can you imagine how would be the episodes with the touch of the D/L shippers? IMO, they would sink right into the gutter, with all the dirty thoughts that move along here… :lol: :p

auda said:
Danny was so funny giving Flack a hard time
Eheh...I’m pretty sure that Flack will get his revenge really soon, with Danny and Lindsay flirting all the time! :lol: And that’s good because it would be a really funny scene to see… :D
Wow! I missed alot :lol:.

I loved the clips too, so thankyou!!

Ahem... if we shippers went in to write, they would NOT be allowed to broadcast it on national television...

It would be more.... rentable... no?

*Mo dances into the thread, ready to chill after a nice long productive day!* Hello my dearies, how all y'all this fine Saturday evening? It was a gorgeous Fall day here today, the kind where the sun is out and making things warm with high wispy clouds for added affect! It was gorgeous! :D

Fluffy Twin Aud my wub waved:
You rang me, my dear? Shopping called my name.
HI wub! *Huggles!* Yup, yup I knew the shopping part would get ya! ;) Heehee, what can I say, we share a brain! ;) I found the cutest pair of shoes today...red and white high heels...they were way sexy shoes! I could totally see Linds busting them out with a way hot "give the guy a heart attack or.... :devil: " red strapless dress! Couldn't you all! :D

And Carly is right---we are so Canon it's not even funny!
Sooooo true! What's funny though is people who still refuse to acknowledge they're canon...nothing personal to people in denial about this...but is the sky blue? Is water wet? Is the grass green? Yes, yes, yes? Yeah are D/L canon...yeah that's what I thought! :lol: *Mo sheepishly steps off her soapbox and shrugs!* Canon, canon, lalalala! :lol:

Cute bud Abby giggled:
Can you imagine how the episodes would be with the touch of the D/L shippers? IMO, they would sink right into the gutter, with all the dirty thoughts that move along here…
Oh honey they are guarenteed to be genuine full of fun, flirty, hotness! And there would, of course, be a nice smattering of pool table smex-type scenes! :devil: With maybe a case or two thrown in every once in a while! :lol:

shared ship shippy bud Jodie winked:
they would NOT be allowed to broadcast it on national television...
It would be more.... rentable... no?
Lol, yeah that's for darn sure! ;) And maybe available on HBO...but I'm fairly sure a good number of the eppys (if written by us) would not be "PG" enough for the regular network! :devil: :lol: But they'd make HBO's ratings go way up and they'd definitely be the popular rentals! ;)

Lol, okay now that I've sunk firmly into the Gutter for the evening (love it! :lol: ) I'm off to spread the naughty love! :lol:

*Mo giggles, waves and smirking shimmers off in her pink fog filled bubble of CANON love!*
*Stuffy skips into the thread, tired from just playing a hockey game but uber-excited that her mom bought S3 in Florida*

Ahoy there me hearties! How are we all? Holding the fort down, I see :D

Mo m'dear, I must say that those are wonderful pictures to come home to! Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that Lindsay's shoe off to the left side in the first picture? Looks like a heel to me. It's about half-way down.

*nudges Mo* Liffy will be happy to see those pictures, I'm sure. His crush on Lindsay is just too adorable :)

I love how Lindsay is back to her normal self. It's fantastic to see her so light-hearted and happy. Her spirit is finally shining through again. Not to mention Anna is just fab in all her scenes :D

Alright kiddos, I should probably head off to bed now. It's calling me ;) so have a good one and I'll talk to you all later!

*hands out M&Ms and daisies to her buddies before grabbing a pillow and blanket and swooning off to dream of DL again*
Hockey playing...mmmm, were you playing with your yummy hockey player there Stuffy hon? ;) Heehee! Yeah that's right haven't forgotten about him! :D

Holdin' down the fort indeed...always! ;)

Holy cow chica, nice eye there...yup that's Linds' shoe...nice one! :lol: I'm impressed, wow! :D

Lol, yeah his crush on Linds is adorable....and naughty...kinda like my crush on Danny! :devil:

Anna totally is fabulous, she is so much fun and she really is an amazing actress! I have always thought she was great, and this season she's stepped it up even more and is just doing awesome! I love how happy she is playing Linds right now, it's so refreshing to see! :D

Time for bed? Nighty night hon...mmmm, sounds like a kind of good idea actually....okay, maybe I'll head to my own bed too.... :D
*giggles* Alas no, I did not play with him tonight. In my dreams I do though - although hockey isn't the only thing we "play" ;) *evil grin*

Holy cow chica, nice eye there...yup that's Linds' shoe...nice one!

Well, when you've seen the picture a billion times you catch those things ;)

*sniffs* Any chance I can borrow Danny for a while. I'm getting a nasty cold...again...pwease??

Anna totally is fabulous, she is so much fun and she really is an amazing actress! I have always thought she was great, and this season she's stepped it up even more and is just doing awesome! I love how happy she is playing Linds right now, it's so refreshing to see!

Agree with everything there m'dear! Three cheers for Anna!

Hip hip HORRAY!
Hip hip HORRAY!
Hip hip HORRAY!

Okay, seriously...off to bed now. Night everyone! *mwah* xx
It's amazing how divided fans of the show are. You guys seen the other threads, right? All of them smashing Anna... :(

Oh, well, nevermind, Lindsay Monroe, you have a strong following over here!! We love you! And the man who's always by your side too! (well, almost always... seeing that we are always borrowing him for some reason or other... :lol: )

I watched her 'I rock' already. Hilariously adorable!!

So people, Mach 5, or the Batmobile?? :lol:
DAnNSfreak said:
It's amazing how divided fans of the show are. You guys seen the other threads, right? All of them smashing Anna... :(
I get your point, Fern. I think it's just a matter of taste. Although I don''t like the fact how Lindsay-haters always seem to mention that...Nor the way they do it. We aren't saying 'we love Lindsay and D/L' in the spoiler-thread, so let other people keep their mouths shut as well. We know it by now.

We just rock ;) I had to laugh today: I was watching a korfball-match and one player scored a goal. She was like 'I rock' with both of her arms in the air! Wow!

I'm off to my second birthday-party of this weekend. See you!
*comes in wishing everyone a wonderful sunday, like she's having today; the sky is blue, the sun is shining AND 'we're canon!'* :D

Vex said:
It's not the biggest scene that sticks out but to me, small smiles are some of the best things
You're so right, that's why I love this cap:


It's just a small scene, but I love how she is watching the tank and he, at first, is too, but then he looks sideways just to look at her; and she's smiling 'cause she knows he's looking (watch that scene again, and you'll know what I mean - it's so sweet :))

Carolina I'm on that high with you! And I hope we can stay there long after X-mas too! :D

JenP I don't have so many Montana related moments, but somehow it seems like everywhere you go or everything you watch mentions Montana at a certain moment - I had never even thought about that state ever, and now it's everywhere... :cool:

Mo said:
I'm willing to bet it will end up being something to do with a certain "spray on product"!
Yeah that will probably be what we'll end up with. That or something with a Batmobile... :devil:

And yeah for you getting to buy new shoes. I went to Amsterdam yesterday with two friends and we bought enough new clothes for the next 3 falls, but we couldn't find any cute shoes :mad: :(...and believe me, we looked... :)

Awesome! I saw that article and that was totally my first though too "Score, now we shippers can slip in and write things our way!"
LOL, auda was right...great minds do think alike :lol:, but those ep's will definitely need to be broadcasted by HBO (wasn't that the network that gave us the wonderful Carrie Bradshaw :) and her friends?) Maybe this possible strike is the reason we already have spoilers up to ep 11...TPTB are really stocking up on scripts. :cool:

*huggles Stuffy because she's right with the shoe -go Linds!- and then throws some M&M's at her for ol' times sake* :)
It's amazing how divided fans of the show are. You guys seen the other threads, right? All of them smashing Anna...

Unfortunately yes, I have seen the other threads (in long-ago days of course) but let's not concern ourselves with them. By talking about them we're only bringing negative energy into the thread. This is a fluffy place! All positive thoughts now :) or the pink fog will descend upon ye with much wrath.

*giggles* I loved that scene dutch. I was like "Um, Messer? Eyes forward." And you're right - he does look at the tank as he's bending down, but then he gets...ahem...distracted ;) Lindsay just sits there, all smiles of course ;) Speaking of which...do I see a hint of one on Danny's face? *giggles again*

Positive vibes!! Think happy thoughts :D remember that nothing can bring us down 'cause we're CANON. *dances and throws celebration confetti everywhere, then sprays some Silly String at dutch*
Yes, never mind talking of the other threads. Nothing will change their mind, and this isn't the place for it. Here in the D/L thread, it is a shiny, shimmering bubble. D/L is canon, and we just need to think the happy thoughts. We are fans of this fabulous ship, and come to think of it, nothing will change our minds about that. So, have some M&M's and some cookies, sit back and relax. Stuffy and I have some Season 3 watching to do(although mine will be delayed a little), so we can watch the wonderful "Snow Day" episode. You can't get any more CANON than that episode!

Oh, and Dutch I love that cap also. It doesn't have to be a big scene to me, but the little things like that smile that make D/L a terrific thing for me. It's not in your face, but there is enough subtle signs that they are a couple(condom spray in his pocket, anyone). So, yes, they are Canon, and nothing can change that.
We are fans of this fabulous ship, and come to think of it, nothing will change our minds about that.

*raises glass* Here here!

Here in the D/L thread, it is a shiny, shimmering bubble.

Not only is it shiny and shimmering, it is also made of titanium alloy ;) *cough* stronger than steel *cough*

Stuffy and I have some Season 3 watching to do(although mine will be delayed a little),

You can come over and watch it with me when my mom comes back tomorrow :) we'll have a party to celebrate the canon-ness that is Danny and Lindsay.

But of course, what is a party without all our buddies there? :D
It's not in your face, but there is enough subtle signs that they are a couple(condom spray in his pocket, anyone). So, yes, they are Canon, and nothing can change that.

Y'know, as much as I love DL, I really like how it's not front-and-centre on the show. I'm glad that they decided to not make it so, 'cause everyone knows they're canon. Subtle signs are the best :D

And you're exactly right catey - nothing can change the fact that we're canon.

Everyone ready? Here we go!

*We're shippy, we're fluffy, we're CANON to the max!* :lol: that has been stuck in my head ever since you sang it Mo.
Like water off a duck's back...moving on... ;)

So people, Mach 5, or the Batmobile??

I think I'll have to go with the Batmobile. My brother tortured me as a child---making me watch old Batman reruns. He wubs the Batmobile. Not much into Speed Racer.

Danny was so serious about this conversation. He sounded just like a little boy watching his beloved Batman. I still say that he and Lindsay went home and played Batman and Catwoman. He likes it when Country Girl gets naughty; he also likes whips and chains. :devil: :devil: :devil:

For those of you that need visuals...here you go:


Notice the costumes including the Batman ring! I can see Danny needing the 'ring'. It glows. :lol: If he's like my brother then he probably loves trick-or-treating more than the kiddies. So he'll need the super cool Batman Treat Pail. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Whoa, finished reading all the posts I have been missing while I am doing my 5765748 exercise of the weekend. Homework can be so damn stupid, especially when you are super excited to know all the news on the episodes and D/L ;)

First of all, welcome Jodie. See how bad this is, when I come saying hello, you're probably feeling at home here already. Everyone needs to feel at home here quickly, because
as Stuffy said (in the continuation of Catey's idea:
Not only is it shiny and shimmering, it is also made of titanium alloy *cough* stronger than steel *cough*
True, true, true. Extra Strong D/L love :D And not wanting to keep this discussion going really, and not personal to anyone *cough cough*, but you know what, it feels so much better to be glad and happy and all giggly because you watched a super awesome scene and you love the shows you watch than to take your time to criticize every single thing. And I love how we get all happy and hyper about just little smiles (those matter the most, that was well said!), because 'D/L rock!' :D

I too think I'll be hyper until Xmas with everything going on already. The funny thing is, I hope (and believe) that in the next weeks until Xmas we'll have more D/L beautiful scenes, so we'll never be able to stop the hyper thing going on. And that will last and be so great that it will have power to go on trough the summer hiatus until the next season. Ok, ok, going too far already, let the season last for long, but you got my point ;)

I do vote as well for D/L having the scene before the opening credits. Ok, new idea popped in my mind. Imagine the team still doesnt have a clue about them...*pictures scene*

Lindsay pager beeps 'murder in school.we need you in the field(insert adress here)mac', interrupting D/L cuddling in the couch supposedly watching a movie (you know what they were already getting ready to do). Danny cell phone rings
'Hey Danny, it's Mac.I need you'
'Oh, in that school?'
'How do you know that...'

Needless to say that would give it away. That and D/L arriving together. Or if they made it so they wouldn't come together, they would come with some evidence behind :lol:

So yeah, I want a D/L scene in the beginning of an episode. That and it would be so totally awesome if TPTB made them eat M&M's together. Totally normal storyline, huge meaning to us *hint hint*

I was thinking they didn't show us wheter the team knows about D/L or not because they want us to be in doubt. Or maybe, as the episodes are not written yet, they're waiting for a better storyline to let it show...

OMG, this week I had a huge D/L *squeee!* because of my friend. Actually, it was two squeees, but I will only able to tell you the second one later, when I get a pic to show at the same time (believe me, thats the good of it ;)). Anyway, she was like "Hm, there's this song I also like *sings* Jenny, don't be hasty" Needless to say how that made an imediate D/l connection :) I got this huge smile and then had to tell her why.

About this week's episode, the one with the 'I rock!', I haven't seen it yet. I will do it asap, but I need to when I have a little time, so that i can watch it and then replay again and again :p But it sounds pretty interesting and sweet and funnily adorable ;) Other than that, the batman, catwoman thing really screams 'gutter' :devil:

Hm, ok my dear shippers, I'm off to finish my english assignment. Yay for D/L, CANON ship :)
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