Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Stuffy dear said:
I do strongly believe that they have always loved each other, even before they met. I like to think that Lindsay believes she has always loved Danny and vice versa.
Love that idea (I even like to believe it's true for everyone :))... two halves that, because it's their fate, always end up together; unconsciously looking out for the other until they finally meet... :rolleyes: (yikes fluff! :p)

wise vex said:
I think the writers did a excellent job picking Anna as Lindsay. I really couldn't pick anybody else.
Me neither. I just love her. :D

the one that still questions my Carrie-Bradshaw-it-your-heart-out-like :cool: taste in shoes Mo said:
I think Danny enjoy's it too! I mean we KNOW he loved her aggression and what it resulted in, in Snow Day! And that makes me think that he definitely wouldn't object to a bit more of that side of Linds showing in the future!
Yeah! I think that's perhaps one of the main reasons he likes her so much...she can be all sweet, shy and (almost :devil:) innocent untill suddenly something (good or bad) hits a nerve and her inner fire flares up... :eek: :D

Liffy buddy said:
a D/L soap directed by Mo and I don't sound like a bad idea does it?
Hmmmm, well only if the more angsty ones :p(like myself) get a change to read and edit your scripts every now and then... :D

Dani Whom I'll be joining in a minute to enjoy her dinner party said:
How do you think D/L would decide to take that important step that marriage is?
I would like it not to be that traditional...maybe in some kind of NWILL or SD kinda end scene where they rush together and then while the sound is slowly quieting they'll look into each other's eyes and Danny starts (okay a little traditional then ;)) "Lindsay will you-" only to be cut off by her "Yes I will" before their lips lock.

fellow-countrywoman JenP said:
Here's an idea for a new ficcie!
Ooh, :mad: I'm already struggling with my ficcie, because you guys keep coming up with all those wonderful stories and ideas I wanna use...*sighs*... :)

Liffy asked:
what would happen if Danny and Lindsay were to be seperated
I think Danny will again start to have sleep deprived hallucinations and Lindsay will be come a little hyper; constantly trying to keep herself from not thinking about him too much.

*is off to join Dani's dinner party - baked some nice apple pie as a dessert - and afterwards enjoy the D/L Season #2 marathon*

Welcome Brandy! :)

pst Mo it's from "An American Tail" :p
Love that idea (I even like to believe it's true for everyone )... two halves that, because it's their fate, always end up together; unconsciously looking out for the other until they finally meet... (yikes fluff!)

Awwwwww, my dutch is turning into a fluffy! Come with us to the other side...we have cookies...(psst, I don't mind angst as well, as long as the end result is good ;))

Ooooo I like your proposal idea dutch. Very nice! Another NWILL/SD end scene would be fantastic :D *prods writers with a pitchfork she "borrowed" from Liffy*

what would happen if Danny and Lindsay were to be seperated

They would constantly dream of one another and realize that they cannot escape it: they belong together. Even after a few days they would be two completely different people. They would be depressed and grey, and the light from their eyes would be gone (BTW dutch, that little description of Lindsay you said earlier - her inner fire - brilliant). I think their spirits would feel heavy without being with one another.

Gahhh all this ankst! *runs and joins Brandy and dutch in the DL Marathon*

ETA: I've been sitting here staring at my banner for God knows how long. It's like the Energizer Bunny! It just keeps going and going and going...*giggles* That sucka ain't going nowhere ;)
messermonroe said:

You know, I wonder what would happen if Danny and Lindsay were to be seperated; like one of them were to be sent on a course or something overseas.

I personally that Danny would be in such a lovesick mess like he was in "Slight Out Of Hand." He won't be able to sleep, eat etc. He's got it bad for Montana.

I can see Lindsay trying to keep busy so she won't miss Danny so much. But that's easier said than done.
*Mo skips in, happy as a clam to finally be done with this loooooooong day and singing..."Happy Hump Day to you! Happy Hump Day to you! Happy Hump Day dear shippy buddies...Happy Hump Day to you!" * :D
Hello my dearies! Guess what today is? I mean aside from Hump Day...today is Wednesday and that means it's only 4 more weeks until our premiere!! Yay! :lol:

My Gutter buddy who is giggling like one of cute preschooler's Liffy laughed:
my currently pink-gassed filled head all thanks to Mo
*Mo grins and brandishes her fluffy hose with pride!* That's right, I am full of fluffy love and I will do my darndest to spread that around to as many people as I possibly can! :D Yay for fluff, yay for fluff! :lol: :lol:

a D/L soap directed by Mo and I don't sound like a bad idea does it?
*Mo ponders the idea and finds herself momentarily speechless she is SO giddy at the idea....*................I........ohhhhhh, how totally fun that would be! Liffer that would be freakin' awesome! We do all our fluffy love ideas and D/L babies and smex and....ohhhhh yeah I most definitely LOVE that idea! And Dutch darlin' I like the idea enough to even be willing to let you edit it and add your angsty ideas to it every once in awhile! ;) But it would be primarily fluffy! ;)

Cute buddy with the brilliant questions Dani asked:
How do you think D/L would decide to take that important step that marriage is? (not necessarily in the near future)
Would Danny do the tradicional proposal, knee on the floor, ring on the pocket, and "Lindsay, would you marry me?"? Or maybe he would just put the ring hidden somewhere and she would discover it (saw that in a soap opera, lol)? Maybe she would do that herself?? Or they would just decide it together when the right time comes? So, what do you think?
Ohhhhhh, great question Dani hon! Pondering how Danny will pop the question and how D/L will get engaged is one of my favorite pastimes! :lol: (Yeah I literally sit and ponder it! :rolleyes: I know I'm a dork! ;) ) I even wrote a ficcie about it...(whoops sorry, I know tooting my own horn again! *Mo rolls her eyes and laughs at herself!* ) Anyway...there are so many sweet ways it could happen! I could see it coming out after a huge tramatic (NWILL) type thing where one of them was so frightened and is now SO relieved the other is okay that is just slips out! Or I could see Danny going all out and making a huge romantic deal of it...although with these two the way I picture it most often is just romantic but simple ya know.
Like....they are sitting on the couch late one night and Linds has her feet in Danny's lap and she's reading a book and he is just watching her read, this profound look of love on his face as he studies her...and then finally he can't hold it in anymore and he says just loud enough for her to hear..."Montana...marry me..." And she would look up at him wondering if she really heard him correctly and then she would realize she did and her eyes would start to shine and that "cute" smile of hers would break out and she would nod...and then he'd grin and go "is that a yes there Montana?" and she would giggle and say "yeah cowboy it was!" Wouldn't that be cute! :D

Fluffy buddy with the angsty question I don't want to ponder Liffy
what would happen if Danny and Lindsay were to be seperated
Okay when I first read this I thought you meant like seperated forever and I panicked for a few seconds...until I realized you just meant like for a period of time as in a trip or something! :lol: And since you meant "for a time" not "forever" then I say Danny would be listless and bored and would probably get spacey and annoyed easier...and I could see Linds throwing herself into her work 200% as if losing herself totally in her work would make her not notice as much that her love was gone! :D Lol, Vex I just saw your answer...great minds think alike honey! :lol:

Fluffy wuffy Stuffy giggled:
Hey, a girl can dream
I sure hope so hon, cuz I know I do...all the time! ;) And on that note can I just say in response to your proposal...Awwww honey! That scenario was so beautiful, that would be a great proposal scene!! I liked it alot! :D

The one who I don't doubt rivals Carrie Bradshaw in her shoe taste Dutch:
(yikes fluff! )
Yeah I saw that!! Try and hide it all you want my buddy from my homeland but I think you are slowly coming around to the dark side...or well I should say the "light" side! :lol:

pst Mo it's from "An American Tail"
Brilliant hon! You get the prize! *Mo hands her buddy a crisp 5$ bill and then giggles as she shoves (very nicely!) a big chocolate cake in her face!* :lol:

Fluffer nuffer Stuffer buffer agreed:
BTW dutch, that little description of Lindsay you said earlier - her inner fire - brilliant
Yeah Stuffy I agree with you! I read that description you wrote Dutch and I could instantly see that description fitting Linds perfectly! She does have an inner brilliance and fire that is so strong and amazing and yet sweet somehow too! Love it! (And you know Danny does too! ;) )

Alright time for me to go make meself some food! I'd have me a little Danny boy snack but he and Linds seem to have snuck off for some good D/L lovin'! :devil: Ahhh well, I'll snag the boy a bit later! :lol:

*Mo giggles and climbs aboard her fluffy bubble and shimmers gleefully off!*
How do you think D/L would decide to take that important step that marriage is? (not necessarily in the near future)
Would Danny do the tradicional proposal, knee on the floor, ring on the pocket, and "Lindsay, would you marry me?"? Or maybe he would just put the ring hidden somewhere and she would discover it (saw that in a soap opera, lol)? Maybe she would do that herself?? Or they would just decide it together when the right time comes? So, what do you think?

I think it would be either some really elaborated and perfectly planned proposal - like a dinner at a special place with soft music, flowers, fancy clothes and well-thought speech and a perfect ring or some spur-of-the-moment thing where he just pops the question out of nowhere

what would happen if Danny and Lindsay were to be seperated

I think they both would be really cranky and moody or totally unfocused and daydreaming constantly depending on how much time passed since they last talked to each other. and I can inmagine the team teasing them about it - especially Flack and Hawkes

I have a question too :)

If you had to choose one scene that in your opinion best defines DL or why you like them so much, which one would it be?
Hye y'all, thank you for coming, your desserts were awesome! Besides, the D/L marathon was as good as it always is, plus the fact that you had next to you shipper buddies that understand every single giggle/squeee that you make. Because every single smile/giggle/squeee one makes watching D/L is a completely understandable one, some people are not able to see it but we know it is :p

Anyway, as you might have noticed, Abby has been kind of MIA because she has been busy with study, but she asked me to tell you that she loves you all and that she'll be back asap. Cammie has been even more away because she had some bad luck with some sickness, and now she also has to study, but she is missing all this and all of you. And, I'm sure they both keep D/L in their minds all the moment between the complications of chemistry :rolleyes: After all, they can always imagine D/L together in the lab. And that is always something beautiful to imagine, as long as they're together, it's good to imagine :)

Wow, anyway, I loved your proposal scenarions, they are all so beautiful and sweet, some simpler than others, but I could see them all happening ;) Aww, isn't D/L love beautiful, makes you dream and dream.

How would they react if they were to be apart? I definitely agree with what has been said. I mean, we kind of have seen Danny without her Montana and it was pretty bad, he just had to go after her :p I think he would be so alone, feeling something was missing, and kind of miserable :rolleyes: As for her, she would try to hide the 'i miss you' feelings (why dont you use a word for this?), being busy with anything she had to do, just ignoring the fact that she was feeling alone as well. But when they both talk to each other on the phone, they keep saying "i love you" and "I miss you" again and again, between some teasing, and then the 'who goes first' thing, because none of them wants to stop listening to each other's voice. And by the time they get together again, they have realised that they really can't live without each other :)

Now, Dani has the pleasure to present you a D/L picture for the day:

Just because even simple meals with D/L can be turned into beautiful moments anytime :p
YAY!! More people joining my marathon *Brandy runs to get more popcorn and M&M's* Thanks for joining me and Natsky, Stuffy and Dutch! I'm starting back up today with "Stuck on You" :D
See you guys on the big couch!?
oh yes, Mo, i DO know all well that youre fluffy ;) *tackles Mo and gives her a big bear hug* and me likes that a lot.

Mo directing a D/L drama: im imagining Mo and dutchy in a meeting room using the white board to draw out their storylines (stick figures and quotes included!) and playfully supporting their sides (more fluff vs more angst) for the coming episodes. cuzzy liffy running in with some coffee for them and trying to sneak in his own take on the show. *sticks tongue out at cuzzy liffy and tickles him*

bombarded with questions! :D

1. miss dani & proposal & marriage: love that adventure scenario, stuffy! yes, a girl can dream ;) . thumbs up for all the special places (on top of the empire state building, at the zoo, over a romantic dinner, on the crime lab rooftop). im bordering between: on the porch of lindsay's childhood home in montana (with danny pulling up in a rental pickup truck, meeting her by the door for their old-fashioned movie date, and getting down on one knee) -or- danny slips the engagement ring on lindsay's finger while she's sleeping (assuming danny and lindsay already share an apartment in new york) and lindsay wakes up. she talks to danny in bed, and as she reaches over to stroke danny's face: she is happily shocked to see the new band with a rock on her finger. danny then does the whole speech thing and lindsay accepts! :)

in terms of how D/L would decide to take the big step: i think marriage would come up over a quiet date probably at home. for danny, it's something he's already had his heart set on WITH HER (yup, dutchy, here he could just blurt it out). for lindsay, it's something she has come to want after meeting/being with danny (lindsay would feed off danny's words and actions). after that, danny would go about his merry little way to make the moment of asking lindsay formally just perfect for THEM.

2. liffy & separation: i dont like danny and lindsay separated. :lol: if they were to separate for reasons such as working a week in another state or train in another city: lindsay would probably be able to make it through the day without thinking of danny too much, until she comes home and realizes that her partner is not there. then i think she'd still do her regular routine, look over at the empty space in the bed next to her, and take out some pictures of them together to cuddle with. danny, well danny...he'd (i agree) halluncinate. we already saw him on SOoH! :lol: :lol: great scene, by the way, so funny, so good, so caring. danny would bury himself in work but be thinking about his montana all the time.

3. carly & DL best defining scene: there are so many great scenes. as much as i love the SD and SOoH scenes. im going to go with the NWILL hug scene. for me that was the first time danny and lindsay stepped over the boundary between friendship. it may just be a hug, but it meant much more (the hold, the stance, the eye emotion). ah loves teh hug!

that was a memorable one liner, vex, you said about anna [as lindsay monroe].

anyone else feeling this randomly after watching older D/L clips: wow, season 4 is coming up, and danny and lindsay are IN a relationship. theyre dating!! i still need to be pinched sometimes. :cool:

*thanks miss dani for dinner at her place, takes some popcorn from nat and brandy, and joins the D/L marathon*
*Liff pops in after another tiring day of work* Hey guys - S3 is starting here tonight :D Wee!

Stuffy said:
*ducks* Ha! Missed me
You duck? I quack. :p

How do you think D/L would decide to take that important step that marriage is?
Personally, I'd like to believe that he'd been thinking about it for a while, continuously second guessing himself if she really loves him, if they're ready, if he's ready and all the other problems they have to work through if they were to take their relationship to the next level. But seeing her throws all the uncertainty out the window and he realises how much he needs her by his side. (aww...) I still like my plastic ring idea - what with his spontaneous nature and all. (That and he's already bought the ring, and have been carrying it around everywhere for him to find the right time, but on the one day, he forgets, so he wanders off to find a plastic ring) - It's cute in a humourous, fluffy, danny way :lol:

If you can tell - I'm not a fan of cliche proposals. Yes they're romantic and all, but to me it's a bit too much. Originality is always best - and Danny and Lindsay have that. :)

Dutch said:
Hmmmm, well only if the more angsty ones (like myself) get a change to read and edit your scripts every now and then...
Aww don't worry babes - I won't let Mo fluffify everything :)

Mo said:
Okay when I first read this I thought you meant like seperated forever and I panicked for a few seconds
*blink* Are you kidding me? Those two are never going to be seperated forever. Ever! :D

Okay so I am addicted to the Bacardi Mojito song - and everytime I see them I get this picture of Danny and Lindsay dancing at a club - and it's pret-ty hot :devil: as you guys can imagine...rubbing, grinding, and...lurrrve. :devil:

ETA: Why am I bringing Mo and Dutch coffee Cuz? It's MY idea you nut! Someone should be bringing US coffee - not me. I don't even drink coffee... :lol: :D Stop stealing my thunder! or I'll send my legion of kindergarteners after you! :devil: Oh gosh - Danny Jr. mental picture attack. :)
"Good mornin', good mornin', we've slept the whole night through, good mornin', good mornin' to you!" :D *Mo giggles and skips into the thread!* It's a pretty new day and it's almost Friday, both of which make me quite happy! :D

If you had to choose one scene that in your opinion best defines DL or why you like them so much, which one would it be?
Ohhhh holy cow Carly hon...I don't even know that I could begin to answer that! :lol: There are SOOOO many scenes of D/L's that I love and that define some part of them for me...wow! Ummm...I like Angel's choice, with the NWILL hug, that one was definitely a turning point for them, and fabulous fluffy sweet scene/moment, of course!! And Snow Day hello! :lol: Hmmmmm....Okay here's what I'm gonna do for this question... :lol: I'm gonna go with the first thing that pops into my head (like free association...you know you say "dog" I say "cat" you say "black" I say "white"...etc!) So when I think of this question the first scene that pops into my head (and as a fluffy this is funny to me! :lol: ) is the scene from RSRD where Linds comes to Danny with the cig info first and then she watches as his badge gets taken away later...those two (or one loooong scene! ;) ) were to me a real turning point, it kind of marks I think where this went from being a work friend she teased to someone she cared about enough to break the rules for (which for Linds is big!) and for Danny I think he realized that Linds was someone who was really there for him and he started to fall even more for her...or really hard at that point! So yeah, that's gonna be my answer for now! (And as a fluffy I can justice the angst of the scene, because angsty as it was, their looks are so full of love you can't help but feel some fluff! :lol: )

Okay that said, I gotta gets to work! Oh if only work were producing or writing for CBS instead of what I really do...I would be so ecstatic to go to work everyday! :lol: Ah well...a girl can dream! ;)

Have a fabulous day my dears! Pssttt...Aud my wub where is you?! And Mer how's that internet coming??!

*Mo giggles, waves and shimmers away in her fluffy bubble!* :D

ETA: Liffy you won't let me fluffy everything up? :lol: You silly goose, you'll be the one egging me on for more fluff! :lol: *Mo tackles her buddy and smooshes whipped cream on his fluffy head!* ;)
If you had to choose one scene that in your opinion best defines DL or why you like them so much, which one would it be?

*steps up to podium and clears throat*

While all the DL scenes have been absolutely fantastic, I am going with the courtroom scene in SOOH, more towards Lindsay's perspective. Danny may have flown across the country for her, but it was she who really made the first move: taking his hand. It showed everyone that she was ready, that she wasn't scared anymore. She was taking a huge leap of courage by reaching out and grasping Danny's hand. We all know that Lindsay seemed scared this past season - and the reason is obvious - but by making the first move, it showed that she was ready to allow herself to get close to Danny, because she knew that he had been there for her all along. Even when she turned him down and asked for some space, he was still there to offer her support. To me, Lindsay did a very brave thing by reaching out first. Even after the verdict had been announced, she continued to hold his hand, and by resting her head on his shoulder it seemed to say that she was finally ready to move on. She didn't want to stay in the shadows any longer; she was ready for a new life. And of course initiating the almost-kiss doesn't hurt either ;)

*makes as if to step off podium but grabs mike*

And Dantana rocks.

*puts mike back in holder and steps off* :p :lol:
Hello buddies!
I’m baaaaack!!! But nobody miss me… :( :(
I had (and still have) a lot of study…In these days I realized how much both chemistry and Mr. M. suck! :mad: I missed ya’ll and D/L!
Btw, thanks Dani for saying that I and Cammie are still alive even after the chemistry chapters! :D

Dani said:
How would they react if they were to be apart?
Uhm…It’s hard to thin of them apart, because the time they stay apart is the worst time than ever. Probably Danny would be always absent-minded and apathetic, wanting to do nothing except call his Montana. He would eat not much and would take every chance to call her on the phone. Probably, he would surrender to the temptation to join her. :lol: About Lindsay…probably during the day she would throw herself headlong into the work, but in the night she’d miss him, so she would call him, but after they hang up she’d be really sad and for her it would be hard to sleep without him at her side.

Carolina said:
If you had to choose one scene that in your opinion best defines DL or why you like them so much, which one would it be?
Mmmh, I agree with Angel. I think that the NWILL hug scene best defines D/L, because it showed how much they care of each other and that they couldn’t live without each other. ;) I think that TPTB are giving a lot of importance at this side of their relationship. In that scene they started having ‘I can’t live without you’ written on their face! :lol:

Btw… Yay! Another D/L shipper! Welcome aboard Brandy! :) Abby throws confetti and offers a slice of cake to our new shipper!
Thanks for the welcome Abby, and the cake!! You are more than welcome to join the season 2 marathon I've got going on on my big couch!!
*Brandy scoots over to make room*

We have popcorn and M&M's (of course) :D
*Climbs soap box and readies presentation slides and video examples*

In RSRD, we see Lindsay showing us that she does view their relationship as something more than just normal office friendship. That scene showed us that she does care about him - more so than she's willing to let on.

In turn, Danny reciprocates that in NWILL with the hug. It's clearly PDA - and sheds light on Danny's feelings towards Lindsay.

When Lindsay leaves (the name of the ep escapes me at this headache induced moment), we get that shot of longing (imo to jump into Danny's arms). We see the hesitation in her and how she looks on in silence as Danny walks into the lab.

That longing is repeated by Danny and his haluccinations in SOoH, where he clearly has more than lust for her, followed by the lovely near kiss.

All of this is consumated on the pool table in SD. They've been through a whirlwind and that's definately strengthened their relationship and what's to become of it. And...Danny's smitten and Lindsay's lovestruck. They're in lurrrve :devil:

But my fav moment of all was the hug in NWILL, I loved the love (haha!) flowing between them there. And when Lindsay clings on, you can't help but wonder if she's letting her guard down for a minute, letting Danny support her - and that gave her a taste of what she could have with him - helping her make her mind up that she would fight her past so she could move on to hopefully have a life with Danny by her side.

*Stumbles off soapbox due to high altitude and saturated pink fog* Wee!

PWM aired today - and I've gotten a renewed dislike for Angell. *looks at Cuzzy* You agree with me right? :) Can't wait for NWILL and the hug though :) That scene is just pure love!
Liffy my love you are too damn cute!! I have way too many favs too name...But I love the NWILL Hug scene, but also moments before that when Flack is explaining to Stella & Danny what Linds is going to do with the flash grenade and if you look closely you can see Danny's legs shifting back & forth like he wants to listen to Flack but can't wait to go and talk to Linds...Then when he does go and talk to her...the look in his eyes. Like he is so afraid to loose her but doesn't even know it yet.

Also after the marathon now I really want to see the scene they had intended for D/L in CoTp....I wanna know what was supposed to go on..If I'm the only one who doesn't know someone please share :D I've been out of the loop on that "inside stuff" LOL!! YOu guys rock! As Does D/L!!
Love you all and good night!!
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