Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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The promo for the new season looks amazing. Danny looks back in action(apparently he's not suffering any ill effects from "Snow Day"). No Lindsay in the promo, but I guess we can't have everything. It was on so fast last night, I missed the first part of it, but someone has put it on YouTube.

Regarding the proposal question, here's my thoughts. I wonder if Lindsay would propose to Danny, saying that she knew that she really had met the best guy the day he flew to Montana to be with her. From that moment on, she knew that Danny was the one who would be by her side for better or worse. Now, mind you, I picture an apartment full of candles and her proposing to him. Sorry if it's a lame idea, just another idea to throw out there.
miss dani said: Just because even simple meals with D/L can be turned into beautiful moments anytime
^^^ awww the song Simple Things by Jim Brickman just popped into my head. i love that guy. ;) yup, a meal as simple as er, BUGS (yuck!), is adorable for them. im glad they have that in common: daring enough to eat several bugs. it's a cute little common liking. *giggle*

oh Cuzzy! i know you suggested the drama, you know im just pulling your leg. :lol: you can have a sweet kitchen utensil-filled office in our Gutterville scripting office building. :cool: and im with ya on the angell thing. but no bashing here, right hun? *gives cheek-to-cheek with lovable liffy*

stuffy, your DL moment choice completes the NWILL hug: danny makes move in NWILL and lindsay makes the move in SOoH with the hand hold. :D

i see ya, Abby! its great to see ya around here again even if its for a little while.

brandy, have ya set up residence in Gutterville yet?

ETA: not lame, big sis. i could see lindsay proposing to danny. we've seen her aggressive side ;) . i'll look that promo up! thnx.
Carly said:
If you had to choose one scene that in your opinion best defines DL or why you like them so much, which one would it be?
I love that question, but it really so hard to come up with just one scene. :mad:

I have to side with Mo though (btw NOT turning fluffy :p, but at the moment I think D/L are perfectly fine together...but I now at some moment I will be longing for some angst again :cool:).

That scene in RSRD where Danny hands in his badge is just so filled with emotion. Their looks just tell a tale. They both suddenly realize that there's so much more going on between them than either one of them was realizing. :D

So we have all those great moments (and I love them) like in NWILL, SOOH and SD, but when asked what my favorite is I have to say this one:

And all those proposal ideas are awesome :)...and Catey the idea of Lindsay proposing is not lame...I actually like it a lot and it's even something I can see her doing :D...

Liffy I kinda like Angel's idea of you bringing Mo and I coffee ;), but no worries you can still work on the script too...You know I love your ideas... :D

Welcome back Abby! And I've missed you, but there are so many people mia at the moment...Only 26 days.... :D

"Liffy, refill please!" :p
I think I should answer my own question. when it popped in my head and I typed it down I realized I dont have an answer myself. but then I found it

for me its either the carrying-her-over-the-roof scene in Cool Hunter or the roach-broche scene from A daze of wine & roaches and both for the same reason

it shows how comfortable they are with each other, their banter (which I love BTW) and also all the sparkles that constantly fly around when they are less then 5 metres appart. especially the 3.19 scene shows they are clearly more then just co-workers and friends

oh, and I love the idea of lindsay proposing to Danny
Morning all, or, for some of you it's the middle of the night so...ohwell :D

Dutch said:
Liffy I kinda like Angel's idea of you bringing Mo and I coffee
*shares a look with Mo* :devil: Umm...sure. I'll just dig into my stock then shall I? *grins evilly* Mo knows why she doesn't want me anywhere near her coffe, but I'd GLADLY get your coffee for ya Dutch :devil: (Silently cheers and sticks tongue out at Mo) :D

OOh, Catey hon, I love the idea of Lindsay proposing - and yeah we have seen her more aggressive side and I think when the time came, she can definately summon up the courage to take her man. :)

Personally, I like the idea of them both skirting the whole marriage thing for a while, maybe a little awkwardness for a while (that's angst for you dutch!) before they both get irritated with each other, flat out confrontation! Talk talk talk, scream yell, bend on one knee, proposal, kissy kissy, smoochy smoochy, [censored], [censored], [censored] :devil: :D

How's that? Haha! :lol:

Gosh, Danny and Lindsay are like a conduit to some untapped dirty place (yes - there are still uncharted grounds in my fogfilled head) in my brain. I think musey's getting back on track, slowly but surely.

You know in PWM, during the club scene with Danny & Angell, I think I mentally erased her out and filled in Lindsay. Oh, I would love to see a club scene similar to Catherine and Nick's from S7 premiere. That would be so sweeet I'd need to buy a new pack of toothbrushes :D

Anywho - gotta run back to work, catch y'all later! :cool:
*JenP finally has time to run in here after a big after-summer clean in her own house*

Hi guys!

I'm in the middle of my big house clean, but I figured I had to take some time for myself right now and pop in here, 'cause I have the feeling I'm missing a lot of action.
I've noticed some of you seem to be here always (I won't mention any names, Brandy) :D

Saw the new promo on YouTube, it looks awesome! Can't wait to see new epi's! I'm so looking forward to seeing how they are placing the D/L relationship into the show. I just hope it won't be to soapy... :( But then again, soapy isn't a bad thing when it's about D/L :p

To answer the question about THE MOMENT: I think I have to go with RSRD. The moment where Danny has to hand over his badge in front of everyone (the others weren't in the same room, but they could clearly see everything that went on) and searches for eye-contact with Lindsay. For me, that's just a sign that they need each other.

Well, I got inspired! I'm going over to YouTube to see some more D/L moments!

See you soon!
"Goin' courtin', goin' courtin', oh it sets your senses in a whirl! Goin' courtin', goin' courtin', dudin' up to go and see a girl! Oh it's fun to hunt and shoot a gun, or to catch a rabbit on the run, but you'll find it's twice as sportin' goin' courtin'!" *Mo twirls into the thread...singing as beautifully as a lark before lapsing into giggles for no reason!*

Good morning all! Anyone know the song? For some reason it popped into my head and I couldn't get it out and then of course I pictured Danny singing it as he got ready for a date with Linds and now that picture will forever be in my head! :lol: Anyway...Happy Friday! YAY!!! :D :D

Looks like fluffy moments, especially NWILL hug abound as the overwhelming favorites of us in here! *Mo giggles and nods happily!* I love it! I would have totally gone with NWILL, or the courtroom scene in SoOH like you Stuffy (which still makes me squee when I think about it! I love Linds' face when she sees him walk in! *Squee!* ) but that scene I chose is RSRD, just still stands out to me as probably I would say the turning point for her where she realized this was something deeper for her! :D

Catey hon you've seen the promo for next season?! I'm jealous! I watched part of Wed's rerun but jumped up during the commercials totally not thinking about the possibility of a new promo! *Duh Mo!* :lol: And yeah Catey I had the same thought possibility that I could see Linds proposing to Danny...or like on Friends with Monica and Chandler...she starts to propose, starts crying and then Danny has to finish it! :D That'd be cute! :lol:

Abby of course we missed you by the way! Welcome back hon! :D

Dutch I knew you'd agree with me on that scene! Yay for pics by the way...*Mo sighs...* there is so much concern and love in just that small glance! Yay! Yeah I love that, they do this talking to eachother without saying anything stuff and I think that was quite a "conversation" there! :D

Lol Liffer darlin' if I knew you were just going to bring me coffee then I might be okay with it bud, but I'm a bit scared of just what would end up in it! ;) Lol! :lol: Yeah don't look innocent, we can't pull that off remember! :lol:

Gosh, Danny and Lindsay are like a conduit to some untapped dirty place
Okay that is the funniest, truest thing ever! :lol: I love that Liff and it's SO true! It's like we come in here and BAM! Gutter time! :devil:

Alright, I have to go to work...oh the joy! But it's Friday so I'll survive! "I will survive, I will survive...hey, hey, hey!" Have a fabulous day my dearies and I will see you all later!

*Mo giggles in a crazy mood apparently and climbs aboard her fluffy bubble, spraying fluffy fog over the whole of the thread before shimmering gleefully away!*

Pssstt..Aud my fluffy Twin where are you? I miss you :D
*Liff pops in singing..."Yes, it came direct from Paris, France, It'll help with your romancin' goin' dancin'* Haha that's from Seven Brides For Seven Brothers!

I pictured Danny singing it as he got ready for a date with Linds and now that picture will forever be in my head!
Aw see now you got that scene in my head too babes! It's so sweet, and now that I think about it, I've got Lindsay's scene too - though hers is alot more chaotic and involves her clad in nothing but a loosely tied towel which is threatening to drop at any moment. Yum :devil:

Yeah don't look innocent, we can't pull that off remember!
Yes, yes, I remember. Neither of us can pull off the innocent look, it's just not our thing :devil: Doing naughty on the other hand... it's our specialty ain't it Mo? :devil: Mwahahaa.

I love that Liff and it's SO true! It's like we come in here and BAM! Gutter time!
Haha - tell me about it. D/L are so gutter material. Clean thoughts come in rare 'round these parts don't they. Where the air is pink and foggy loving enveloped by the sounds of smexy music, serenaded by our ever smexy couple! :devil: Ooh - I just had a scene of Danny humming to a love song whilst shaving. Weird timing...but cute all the time. I think Imma gonna have to use that :)

I would say the turning point for her where she realized this was something deeper for her!
It's always lovely when we see the realisations in them that they care so much for each other, even if they were denying it at first. It's so love - the eye smex is intoxicating.

You know, I wonder how long D/L could go without touching each other when in the same room, which includes any brushing or nudging or bumping of any sort. I'd say about a few seconds above never. :lol: They're joined at the hip remember? :devil:
Hello buddies! How ya doing today?
*Abby pops in and sits on Brandy’s big couch to join season 2 marathon*

Yay! Dutch I love the pics you posted!!! :)

Catey said:
The promo for the new season looks amazing.
Wow, ya saw the promo?! Yay! I think that now I’ll run to Youtube to watch it! Btw I’m glad that Danny is ok even after the injuries of SD. :D

I wonder if Lindsay would propose to Danny,
Wow! That sounds interesting. I can see Lindsay proposing to Danny, she’d do that. Probably Danny would have the intention to propose to her and would buy the ring, but when they’re having a dinner together he could be too embarrassed. So when he’s trying to find the words to propose to her she says: “Would you marry me?” That would be cute! :lol:

Liff said:
I wonder how long D/L could go without touching each other when in the same room, which includes any brushing or nudging or bumping of any sort. I'd say about a few seconds above never.
Mmmh…in the best hypothesis! Probably they’d resist less than a second… :devil: ;)

Anyway, thanks guys for the welcome back!!! I love you all! :)
Well hello my lovely shippers!

I went to IKEA a few hours ago (for those who are in Europe, you know what I mean) and I went to the toilet. I was a bit pissed, 'cause my husband wouldn't let me buy some stuff for my son. But then, I was sitting on the toiletseat :confused: and I heared some music...And I almost sang along! It was the song from SD :lol:

Never thought I would get my good mood back by going to a toilet! :lol: Learned something new today!

To stay on-topic: What do you think would cheer Danny and Lindsay up whenever they're sad?

See you tomorrow!
^ Jen they have IKEAs in the US too *blushes* :eek: I love those stores and when a friend and I were in LA we just had to go there :rolleyes:...I hope that "Jenny ;) don't be hasty" doesn't mean you spent too much time on that toiletseat... :lol:

*giggles* You just gave me visions of Danny and Lindsay in an IKEA...picking out all kinds of fun stuff for his/their ;) apartment...followed by the whole ordeal of trying to get everything to fit in the car :mad: and then of course the most 'fun' ;) part...trying to put together a BILLY or a BJÖRN using all those weird tools and screws...I think Danny will have lost his patience long, long before any piece of furniture is finished... :lol:

What do you think would cheer Danny and Lindsay up whenever they're sad?
Well, playing pool would be a nice mood-lifter... :devil:

*eyes her coffee suspiciously -txs for the heads-up Liffy (I just knew that no-one could really look that innocent :p)- and replaces it with her own very strong brew*
^^Oh dutch, you always make me chuckle :lol: *hugs buddy 'cause she rocks*

What do you think would cheer Danny and Lindsay up whenever they're sad?

Hmmm....maybe play a game of some sort? And no, by "game" I don't mean anything naughty *eyes Liffy and gives him a whack on the head 'cause he was thinking dirty thoughts*. Or perhaps watch a pick-me-up movie, something that will get them laughing and forget about their woes.

*plops down on couch 'twixt Brandy and Auda to watch the DL Marathon, but not before tossing a piece of cake at dutch*

Wubs ya darlin' ;)
...or like on Friends with Monica and Chandler...she starts to propose, starts crying and then Danny has to finish it! That'd be cute!

Mo, you read my mind! That's what I pictured, where Lindsay seems to be this strong woman, but at this moment, trying to do this, she'd start to cry. I loved that episode of Friends, but I could totally see Lindsay doing this too.
^^That was a fantastic episode indeed, and I'm in the same boat: I can see Lindsay on her knees before breaking down and Danny coming to the rescue. Then Danny would start crying softly as well like Chandler and he'll pour his heart out to her, and voila! The million-dollar question and answer. Lots of hugs and kisses to go 'round.

Oooo!! And the team can be outside the apartment, all huddles up against the door, and they rush in to find out the answer, and when Lindsays says "We're getting married!" they all cheer and embrace. Just like the episode ;)
I'm surprised that Danny and Lindsay are heading for the broom closet at the top of the hour. They have fallen head over heels for each other. Lindsay is a lucky girl! :)

As far as a proposal goes, I would have to say that Lindsay is probably a woman of traditions and would want Danny to propose to her.
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