Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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They have IKEAs everywhere - trust me. Everywhere :lol: But I can definately see Danny and Linds going out shopping for some new furniture, and Danny scratching his head trying to figure out how to fit everything into the car. That and he's trying to pursuade Lindsay to use the delivery service, whilst she is just having fun saying no :lol:

Dutch said:
I hope that "Jenny don't be hasty" doesn't mean you spent too much time on that toiletseat..
*cleans monitor* :eek: OMG, thankgoodness I only had water in my mouth. rofl, I think I just died from laughter. Hello floor!

trying to put together a BILLY or a BJÖRN
Err...I'm probably the only one out of lingo but what on earth are BILLYs or BJÖRNs? :(

Stuffy said:
Hmmm....maybe play a game of some sort? And no, by "game" I don't mean anything naughty *eyes Liffy and gives him a whack on the head 'cause he was thinking dirty thoughts*.
Hey! Watch it! I was going to say twister, it's not MY fault that some of YOU are extremely dirty minded now is it? I firmly believe that twister is a game fit for any family minus the dirty minded lunkheads who live in gutterville in which case the ratings shoots up to 'Adults Only'. *whacks stuffy cos she's one of those dirty minded people* :D

What do you think would cheer Danny and Lindsay up whenever they're sad?
I'd say just a moment of cuddling on the couch. They don't need anything more than that. They have each other and their love - the best thing in the world.

Oooo!! And the team can be outside the apartment, all huddles up against the door, and they rush in to find out the answer, and when Lindsays says "We're getting married!" they all cheer and embrace. Just like the episode
I would hate that. A proposal shouldn't be made into some kind of spectacle. It's something between 2 people and should have nothing to do with anyone else. It's not a game or some piece of gossipy news. It's a proposal - supposed to be filled with love. I would shoot whoever was at their door!

Looking at their relationship now and what it could be, I don't think Danny or Lindsay would be in a rush to tell the world that they're getting married. I don't think they'd tell the team either, nor would they hide it. Kind of let the CSIs do their jobs kind of thing. Stella would probably spot the ring first, what with her love of them blue boxes and shiny rocks! The two could be evasive and just annoy the peanuts out of Stella - that would be amusing too. :)

Vex said:
As far as a proposal goes, I would have to say that Lindsay is probably a woman of traditions and would want Danny to propose to her.
Yeah - I'd think so too. Well, the letting Danny propose to her that is. She'd sit there and watch him stumble over his words for a minute before she tells him to breathe. The only problem is that Lindsay's a woman of traditions that include eating bugs :p haha - you can't help but love her!
*enters thread bombarding Stuffy with M&M's* :p

Oh and txs to Mo, Catey and Stuffy for reminding me of that Friends ep :D...I love that and I can somehow totally imagine something like that happening...*grins at the idea of Mac eavesdropping* :lol:

Liffy wubs said:
A proposal shouldn't be made into some kind of spectacle. It's something between 2 people and should have nothing to do with anyone else. It's not a game or some piece of gossipy news. It's a proposal - supposed to be filled with love. I would shoot whoever was at their door!
I agree that it is something between two people, but in a case like with D/L their work and friendship with the people they see on a day-to-day basis may change that a little; those people are such a big part of the life and love they are about to share together, that it would in way feel strange to keep them out of the moment (if that makes any sense :rolleyes:)...And just like in the friends ep...the actual proposal can be an intimate moment between D/L :cool: and then the other can come in afterwards to share the joy... :D

Liffy who knows about IKEA but perhaps has never been to one said:
Err...I'm probably the only one out of lingo but what on earth are BILLYs or BJÖRNs?
LOL *hugs buddy*...IKEA furniture has those kind of names...I know that my bookcase is a BILLY and BJÖRN is just another Swedish name that popped in my head...there are even weirder and far more difficult to pronounce ones... :lol:
dutch_treat said:
and then of course the most 'fun' ;) part...trying to put together a BILLY or a BJÖRN using all those weird tools and screws...I think Danny will have lost his patience long, long before any piece of furniture is finished... :lol:
As a Swede, I'm totally an expert on putting together ikea-stuff ... so I'll gladly help him ... :D

dutch_treat said:
IKEA furniture has those kind of names...I know that my bookcase is a BILLY and BJÖRN is just another Swedish name that popped in my head...there are even weirder and far more difficult to pronounce ones... :lol:
Not for me! Or what do you say NinaM? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Btw, I read a fanfic about D/L where Danny accidentally answers Lindsay's mobile when Mac is calling (Danny and Lindsay aren't working). How about if Stella phones Lindsay for work and saying something like: "btw, danny needs to work too, so if you can say it to him that would be great!" inclining that Danny must be with Lindsay ... :)
A scene like this would be totally hilarious! Now I’m picturing Lindsay’s face after Stella says that… Probably she would be dumbfounded and would turn red for the embarrassment. :lol:

Jen asked:
What do you think would cheer Danny and Lindsay up whenever they're sad?
I agree with Dutch, their mood would become immediately good after playing pool… :devil:But I also think that coming home after a long and exhausting day of work and spend an evening together would cheer them up, too. ;)

Dutch said:
*giggles* You just gave me visions of Danny and Lindsay in an IKEA...picking out all kinds of fun stuff for his/their apartment...
Yay! It would be funny to see them in the IKEA too! I can see Lindsay as one of those persons that take every chance to go to buy furniture in the IKEA and that are excited since the first moment they come in. :lol: I can see her waking Danny up at half past seven and entering into the IKEA immediately when it opens. I think that she’d go round all the day dragging him filling the trolley with every kind of stuff for their apartment. :lol:

and then of course the most 'fun' part...trying to put together a BILLY or a BJÖRN using all those weird tools and screws
Yeah! OMG, this would drive them crazy! Probably Danny would end overwhelmed with pieces of wardrobe and bookcase and when they finally manage to mount them, Danny would drag the furniture through all the house because Lindsay can’t decide the best place to put it. :D
And don’t forget the part where they’d have to carry the pieces of furniture from the car to their apartment! :lol: I went to the IKEA when I was a child and it wasn’t a good experience. I remember the whole day going round among the furniture and all that stuff, but especially the three hours that my parents spent carrying the pieces of the cupboards from the car to the apartment at the fourth floor without elevator! :rolleyes:

Liff said:
I would hate that. A proposal shouldn't be made into some kind of spectacle. It's something between 2 people and should have nothing to do with anyone else.
I agree. I’m sure that at their marriage their co-workers would be present, but the proposal will be only between Danny and Lindsay. Without anyone else, the proposal would be more romantic and natural, IMO. ;)
dutch_treat said:
^ Jen they have IKEAs in the US too *blushes*I love those stores and when a friend and I were in LA we just had to go there ...I hope that "Jenny don't be hasty" doesn't mean you spent too much time on that toiletseat...
O that's good! If I go there sometime, I can go shopping in my favorite store! :D Sometimes I'm such a dork...
Unfortunately for me, somebody else had already spent A LOT OF TIME in there.... :(

*giggles* You just gave me visions of Danny and Lindsay in an IKEA...picking out all kinds of fun stuff for his/their apartment...followed by the whole ordeal of trying to get everything to fit in the car and then of course the most 'fun' part...trying to put together a BILLY or a BJÖRN using all those weird tools and screws...I think Danny will have lost his patience long, long before any piece of furniture is finished...
I can see them in there! Lindsay would be totally comfortable and Danny will be lost...And I bet lindsay's going to be the one putting al the stuff together! But I can only see them buying children-stuff, that store is absolutely great when you have little children!

messermonroe said:
Dutch said:
I hope that "Jenny don't be hasty" doesn't mean you spent too much time on that toiletseat..
*cleans monitor* :eek: OMG, thankgoodness I only had water in my mouth. rofl, I think I just died from laughter. Hello floor!

Liff, you just made me spill my drinks all over here as well!

See you soon, I'm going to the cinema!
Dutch said:
I agree that it is something between two people, but in a case like with D/L their work and friendship with the people they see on a day-to-day basis may change that a little; those people are such a big part of the life and love they are about to share together, that it would in way feel strange to keep them out of the moment (if that makes any sense )...And just like in the friends ep...the actual proposal can be an intimate moment between D/L and then the other can come in afterwards to share the joy...
I dunno - I still don't like it. It just makes the whole thing so comedic-like if you know what I mean. I wouldn't think Danny would tell the team that he was going to propose either....so I dunno. *shrugs* They should be able to share that joy privately before sharing it with their friends. I'm a hopeless romantic when it comes to these things :eek:

FYI I have been to IKEA - used to go there all the time actually, but not recently since I'm no longer living in a country which has one. Malaysia had a few I think - but I wonder if they had the swedish names, either that - or I was too preoccupied to notice the names :p

Without anyone else, the proposal would be more romantic and natural, IMO.
Yeah, I think so too. Danny and Lindsay are a very dynamic couple and having something that seemed so scripted would not be them. Danny especially is very impulsive, so I'd gather that he'd try and prepare a speech, or something, and plan the night perfectly but throws his plans out the window and wings it the moment he set his eyes on her. :)
Abby said:
I went to the IKEA when I was a child and it wasn’t a good experience.
But don't ikea have a special place in the store for kids to play? You know, where they have employed personnel just to take care of the kids? They have it here in Sweden, but you're only allowed to leave your child there for an hour because it's a popular place. I remember that I loved to go there when I was a child, because they had an ocean of plastic balls to dive into.

Btw now it's September 2nd! Only 24 days to go! I can't wait! :D
"Doe a deer, a female deer. Ray a drop of golden sun! Me a name I call myself, Faa a long long way to run! Sew a needle pulling thread, La a note to follow Sew, Tea a drink with jam and bread, and that would bring us back to Doe, doe, doe..." Hello, hello, hello! *Mo dances into the thread singing along with the insanely talented Julie Andrews!* Hi my shippy buddies, anyone want to guess what movie I am watching? :D (It's been my favorite movie since I was 5!) :lol: (Good job on Seven Brides by the way Liff! Brilliant!) So how are you all this fine evening?

Oh and hey Happy September 1st y'all! And may I say...yay for it being the month of our premiere, finally! :D :D Only 25 more days...SWEET! Oh and I finally saw the promo for our new season...it looks so good! I cannot wait!!

Gutter king who is fluffy to the core Lifferooni winked:
Doing naughty on the other hand... it's our specialty ain't it Mo?
Lol...okay I was going to agree with you and then I re-read your statement and realized that it itself was guttery too! ;) Lol nice one bud! :lol: Lol, I guess that confirms what you were saying huh...I can take anything and drop it into the gutter...especially when it comes to D/L! But in my defense they make is SO dang easy! :devil:

Shippy dearie JenP asked:
What do you think would cheer Danny and Lindsay up whenever they're sad?
Well I'm liking Dutch's pool table suggestion a lot! ;) Nice hon! :devil: And I like the snuggling on the sofa ideas too...I gotta say I think even something as simple as just a hug or one grabbing the others hand...or even just a phone call to say "I love you" would do it for both of them! :D It's the little things like that, that mean the most and really show someone that you care about them! *blushes* Yeah I'm a sap...so what?! :lol:

Spoiler queen and shippy dear Catey grinned:
Mo, you read my mind! That's what I pictured, where Lindsay seems to be this strong woman, but at this moment, trying to do this, she'd start to cry. I loved that episode of Friends, but I could totally see Lindsay doing this too.
*High fives her bud!* Sweet! Yeah I read your idea and the first thing that popped into my head was that eppy of Friends...that one always gets me and I'm crying right along with Monica each time! And I KNOW if Linds did that I'd totally be crying right along with her! But I really do like that idea! It'd be really cute! :D

Bud who is firmly rooted in the soil of the Gutter Liffster tried and failed to look innocent!
I was going to say twister, it's not MY fault that some of YOU are extremely dirty minded now is it?
Oh yeah nice try dude, but that's SO not true! I think you are the reason at least half of the this thread is as guttery as it is! :lol: And for the record there is NOTHING innocent about Twister...at least not in this thread! Anyone remember Nekkid Twister? :devil: ( Aud my fluffy twin wub, Mer-bear...you remember Nekkid Twister right?! ;) )

I wouldn't think Danny would tell the team that he was going to propose either....so I dunno. *shrugs* They should be able to share that joy privately before sharing it with their friends. I'm a hopeless romantic when it comes to these things
Okay Liffer bud I am definitely with you on being a hopeless romantic, I'm pretty much ALL romantic! :lol: *High five on that!* :D But I gotta say I wouldn't hate it if Danny told at least part of the team! I could see him getting really excited about proposing and telling Flack since they are so close and he wanted to share his "news"...or I could easily see Danny going to Stella and asking her for planning help or even help looking at rings to surprise Linds! (My brother asked for my help to pick out the ring he gave my best friend now sister-in-law! :D ) And then of course Flack would tell Hawkes in a "you'll-never-guess-what-Messer-is-gonna-do-tonight" kind of way and you KNOW Stella would not be able to resist sharing the info with Mac! So then Danny would ask Lindsay and they would come in the next day all excited to share and everyone would swarm around her asking to see the ring and how'd it go, before they even said anything! And then Linds would just look at Danny and he'd grin sheepishly and then they'd both laugh at the "gossip-chain" that could only happen in their lab! :lol:

I could see D/L shopping at IKEA...but for some reason in my head, Linds is wanting to get the shopping done so she's all business and Danny is wanting to play...so he's laying on all the beds and lounging in the chairs and testing everything out...can't you totally see that! :lol:

Alright I'm off to play with my Windows Movie Maker...I'm making a present for my mom's b'day, we'll see if it works! One of these days I'll make that D/L vid I hope to make! :D

*Mo skips to her fluffy bubble, humming along to "Edelweiss" as she goes!* :D
let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start
hey, my mom was watching that movie too
looooove it
the songs are great
sorry, i'm a vegas girl, obviously, stumbled in here out of curiousty, just watched some danny/lindsey vids on youtube.. wish they would do that on my show...
anyways, saw your post, thought i'd comment
hope all goes well w/ yalls season and yalls ship!
au revoir

climb every mountain, forge every stream, follow every rainbow, till you find your dream! ;)
*Liff pops into the near empty thread and looks around* Helloooo! Where's everyone gone? Guess we've all been busy bees then eh?

Mo darling, love the Sound of Music and Julie Andrews is amazing! I can just see Lindsay talking about the musical and Danny would act all dumb, saying that he's never seen it before. She'll then go on to catching him humming to the songs whilst doing the laundry or something :lol: Caugh ya red handed Messer! :devil:

I can take anything and drop it into the gutter...especially when it comes to D/L! But in my defense they make is SO dang easy!
You can say that again! D/L make it so dang easy to be dirty it's just wild :devil: Of course it helps that we know they like to get down and dirrty. rawr :devil:

It's the little things like that, that mean the most and really show someone that you care about them! *blushes* Yeah I'm a sap...so what?!
Join the club babes! :) I can see Lindsay as a woman who prefers the little things that Danny does for her for no reason (aside from the fact that he loves her of course ;) ) like the way he kisses her good morning, and open doors for her :) No overtures - just the good ol' Staten Island charm. :lol:

I think you are the reason at least half of the this thread is as guttery as it is!
Well that's not fair now is it? That means you get the other half, and we're not letting any of the others get their share :devil: We make the majority that's for sure :devil:

I could see D/L shopping at IKEA...but for some reason in my head, Linds is wanting to get the shopping done so she's all business and Danny is wanting to play...so he's laying on all the beds and lounging in the chairs and testing everything out...can't you totally see that!
Oh yeah - I can definately see that. He'll be grinning at her and lounging around, and testing everything and she'll just be rolling her eyes at him before he convinces her to join him in that oh-so-comfortable-bed he just picked out. SOLD! :devil: Those two need a sturdy bed. None of 'em flimsy stuff. :p

Thanks for the stop-by GSRfanatic25. Our ship is one of a kind cos nothing else gets the attention Mo and I give it. :devil: Heh...maybe a gutterclean up is in order. *face meets floor. Hello!* Aw who am I kidding? This place is gonna be guttery till D/L grow old. :p
Good Lord. I pop in here and y'all are talking about dirty stuff and whatnot. *shrugs* Not surprised since Liffy is in here. Whenever he peeks his head in this thread is bound to spiral into the gutter.

:lol: wubs ya babe. And lookie! I have a purty new avvie for you.

I'm in the same boat as everyone: I could see DL taking a gander in IKEA. Someone mentioned Danny being all goofy...definitely agree. That's our cowboy ;) wanting to lay on the beds and generally have a good time.
Good evening y'all! Well this place is really quiet during the weekends...

SB said:
As a Swede, I'm totally an expert on putting together ikea-stuff ... so I'll gladly help him ...
LOL I didn't know you're from Sweden :)...Well that's so cool (and unfair :p) that you're probably the only one who's going to be able to help Danny.... ;)*pouts*

JenP said:
Unfortunately for me, somebody else had already spent A LOT OF TIME in there....
Ewww! :eek: That gave me all kinds of really, really nasty images....more dirty even than Liffy can come up with... :D

Hopeless romantic Liffy said:
Danny especially is very impulsive, so I'd gather that he'd try and prepare a speech, or something, and plan the night perfectly but throws his plans out the window and wings it the moment he set his eyes on her.
Now that is something I can absolutely see him doing...every detail planned out until Lindsay steps in the room and he just blurts out the question :eek: afraid that he will lose his nerve if he waits any longer...that would be sooo sweet... :)

Ooow 'The Sound of Music' I haven't seen that movie in ages (I was actually singing a long with your first line Mo)...And Liffy I think you're spot-on about Danny's reaction...he would so deny ever having seen that movie and then walk away humming "The hills are alive..." :lol: Lindsay would tease him forever with that... :)
Hey guys I was over at the spoiler thread and there was info on the haloween ep Boo..

Meanwhile, Danny drives through Long Island with Lindsay in the passenger seat. They pass a sign proclaiming that they are entering the Village of Amityville. Children in their Halloween costumes are trick-or-treating, but Danny and Lindsay head for the sight of crime scene tape and flashing lights. As they get out of the car and approach the house, Chief Benson walks up to them, clearly upset by what has occurred.Danny and Lindsay have been called in because the local team is busy with another case. The Duncan family has been murdered--the bodies of the mother, father and two sons are in the house, but the family's daughter is missing. Chief Benson shows them a picture of the Duncan family and points out the missing girl, Reena. He tells them that there is no sign of breaking and entering, and that this is looking like a murder-suicide with the father wielding the gun. He tells them that the media will be all over this case because the house is considered cursed: more than thirty years ago, a man shot himself there, and a few days later his daughter disappeared. Chief Benson dismisses the idea of a curse, saying that there has to be another explanation for Gil Duncan to murder his own family.As they look through the house, Lindsay hears something. When she follows the sound, she finds a wall leaking blood. Spooked, she calls to Danny and aims his flashlight at the wall when he arrives. She tells him to be quiet, and they hear the sound of a person moaning. Danny retrieves a crowbar and rips at the wall. When they tear the materials away, they find the source of the sound: Reena Duncan, still in her Halloween costume, bleeding from a shotgun wound to her chest. Danny picks her up and rushes to get her some help.When Reena is taken to the hospital, Danny and Lindsay must go back to processing while they wait for news. As Lindsay works, she hears a noise. Suddenly, an old woman appears, grabbing Lindsay's arm and telling her to leave before the house kills her. Lindsay tries to follow the woman but loses her in a hidden passageway within the home's walls.
It says that Danny and Lindsay go back to the house whilst waiting for the news regarding Reena. So, what. Does that mean we won't get that forehead kiss? Blarg!!! Or maybe it's a different scene...maybe they go back to see her or something. Ahh curse it all! Why can't it be Sept 26th? Or better yet, Oct 31? *drums fingers on table*
Liffy[/b] go do what Stuffy suggested]I think it could be a different scene...I don't know where in the original spoilers this forehead kiss is...if it's near the end then perhaps they go back to the hospital after they've checked the cs...I always thought that the people who wrote those CSI-files-articles just made a synopsis of the spoilers; so perhaps the kiss just got left out..
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