Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Nope unfortunately I'm not from the city!!! But a girl can dream right ; ) Oh and thanks about the username It's kind of a cross between Roswell and NY I use it pretty much everywhere LOL..Even FF.Net. Everyone here seems so friendly!! I NOW officially love this site!!! I just really need to figure it out...Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Oh and Liff!! My Halloween costume should be ready soon!! I just need the coat...YAY It's gonna be awesome! :devil:
In response to Cateys question, I think that the writers had a romance for Danny in mind. I actually felt that they had something in mind since the first seasson, particually when Mac said "it could happen to you, love" in "Till Death Do Us Part."

As far as who they were going to use as his love interest, they probably wanted someone who was night and day to Danny, complete opposites from him.

I think the writers did a excellent job picking Anna as Lindsay. I really couldn't pick anybody else. :)
I think the writers did a excellent job picking Anna as Lindsay. I really couldn't pick anybody else.

In the words of Danny in today's episode (Manhattan Manhunt)..."You read my mind." ;)

particually when Mac said "it could happen to you, love" in "Till Death Do Us Part."

:lol: I think we share a brain or something vex. You know what they say...great minds think alike.
"There are NO cats in America and the streets are made of cheese! Oh no there are NO cats in America and the streets are made of cheese!" :lol: Yeah 10$ to any of y'all who can tell me what that song is from! ;) And as for why I'm singing it...well it was in my head and we all know what's in my head comes out in here! As for why it's in my head....yeah now there's a great question! :lol:
Anyway!! (Was that nice and random for ya Liffer's? :D And yeah by the way...I definitely LOVE random welcomes! The "giant spoon"...classic! :D )

My fluffy buddy who's too cute Stuffy-wuffy agreed:
Darling Mo you are so right! It definitely makes a big difference if the actors are actually interested in the relationship. It makes everything that much more realistic. Anna and Carmine do indeed support the ship, and that support reflects in their characters. Plus, it never hurts to have the actual actors on board
Yup it really does make all the difference in the world hon, in fact I would go so far as to say that makes or breaks a ship...almost or even moreso than having the PTB on board...the writers have power, but the actors...they can ruin the ship if they want to...which makes me all the more thankful and happy that both Anna and Carmine really do love their characters and our ship...and it doesn't hurt that we have the D/L super hero Pam Veasey on our side too! ;) Awwww what a joy is our ship... *Squee!* :D

Gutter king and random fluffy buddy Liff-erooni giggled:
*looks at Mo, looks to Danny and Lindsay making out on the couch, looks back to Mo and shrugs* Hell yeah I'd say so!
*Mo grins devilishly and covertly watches D/L goin' at it on the couch for awhile before turning to look at Liffy and attempting shaking herself out of her D/L smex induced coma...* I'm sorry what was the question? ;) Passion? Lol, I can't even pretend to be sarcastic...yeah they are SO freaking hot together! But like you all have said...it's so much more than that...they are totally HOT together, but I think they are hot together because of all the parts of them and their relationship that come together to make them that hot ya know! It's like all they have shared and gone through together, all the facets of their personalities that have rubbed off on eachother, all the strengths they have and all the weaknesses they work to overcome and compensate for together, their humor, their teasing, their banter, their frustration, their pain, their smiles...it's the whole combination, the whole package that makes them HOT! So are they HOT/passionate...physically together, definitely (they're both freakin' attractive, and them having "fun" ;) in Snow Day...holy hotness Batman! :devil: ) and overall as a whole, are they HOT/passionate...heck yeah! Their relationship, the whole beautiful package makes them irresistable! :D

They complement each other on different levels, you could say (and I do) they fill out each other's weaknesses. Danny's rashness is tamed by her thoroughness and thought, and Danny's personality rubs off a bit on her, she's starting to be a little more open?
I totally agree bud! That is one of the things I love about them and one of the things I think makes them such a great couple. They are alike enough to click, and yet opposite enough to compliment eachother...it's perfect really! Where she is lacking he makes up for it...and where he is weak she in turn in strong...to be totally cliche (which I love! ;) ) they really do complete eachother! :D

Cool beans shippy pal who secretly loves wooden shoes (you know you do!) Dutch nodded:
I like her a little more aggressive...
Ohhhh, I totally agree! When she's a bit more edgy and aggressive like that, even playful or teasing it's SO fun! I love the scenes where she gets a bit more emotional and even angry too...like in the few interrogations where she got pissy, I LOVED those! Like in one of her first eppy's of Seas. 2 when she does her first on screen interrogation and Mac and Stella watch and then Stella's like "New girl's good!" I loved that! Like you said...aggressive! And I gotta say I think Danny enjoy's it too! I mean we KNOW he loved her aggression and what it resulted in, in Snow Day! :devil: ;) And that makes me think that he definitely wouldn't object to a bit more of that side of Linds showing in the future! :D

Halo wearing cutie pie Angel peeked out of her hiding place:
you know im all about the D/L kiddies, BUT for now, i do agree that it would be too soon.
Okay now you all KNOW that I am a fluff lover and always will be! And one of my favorite topics is D/L kiddies...heck I've got "pics" of D/L's kids on my computer! :lol: But that said...*Mo pauses and wonders if she should run...* I gotta say I actually agree with you all...or most of you anyway...I love the "idea" of D/L kids and I think someday they should most definitely have them, I'm just not sure they should do it on the show actually. And the reason I say that, isn't so much that I think it would make the show too cheesy (although I think it probably would) but I think moreso it wouldn't be done in a way that would make us happy! Nothing against you lovely PTB (you know I LOVE you all right now!! :D ) but I just think that it would be too hard to stay true to CSI while mixing it with babies! :D I still do want D/L babies sometime though...so yeah :D

Angsty bud Vex who is SO brilliant commented:
I think the writers did a excellent job picking Anna as Lindsay. I really couldn't pick anybody else.
I am SOOO glad you said that Vexxy! I could not agree more! I don't want to bash on people who don't like Linds, not worth my comments...Anna is the PERFECT Lindsay Monroe...I could not pick anyone else would do a better job. :D

Okay now that I've apparently written a small novel here (Liffy your "books" are inspiring me, or haunting me! :lol: ) I'm gonna go to bed and go to sleep! Have a wonderful night all y'all my dearies and I will be back later! ;)

*Mo grabs her pillow and crawls sleepily into her fluffy bubble to dream all night of D/L love!* :D
Hey guys, just a quick word while I'm still at work! :D

My baby ideas are for my ficcy *whacks stuffy* - I wouldn't like it any more than you guys would if they played that on screen - cute, but not D/L. :D So yeah - baby talks are all in my head, my currently pink-gassed filled head all thanks to Mo :lol:

But yeah, I hope that they dont, and they probably wont put in any pregnancies on the show. It is a crime show and not a soap, though...a D/L soap directed by Mo and I don't sound like a bad idea does it? :devil: Thought I wouldn't be so sure on the rating and if it would pass on primetime tv.

D/L complement each other in so many ways, and as cliche as it is, and like Mo - I love, they're just squee-giggle worthy :)

I spy with my glassed eye... MY P.I.C!!! Wee! I'll catch up with y'all later since I have a class to teach now.

Time to play with the kiddies!
Yeah, dear Angel, I invited everyone for a dinner at my place, and as this is Gutterville and not RL, it can always be tonight as you remembered it now. JenP also asked, so yeah! Brandy, welcome! Join us!

dutch said:
but when they saw them together they decided to give it a shot ...and we all know how wonderful that worked out...
OH, yeah we definitely do :D I didn't know that it was not supposed but when they saw them in "Zoo York" decided that they would work with D/L, but it makes perfect sense. We can totally see the chemistry, and behind that teasing, it was (and is) all Love! :D They are so making this ship go in a wonderful Canon way, such a good work on their part ;) So yeah, not planned, but definitely changed because it was too obvious already to let it go!

Oh, yeah, that "benjamin" kiss is so amazing! I love her way of doing it. I love that scene! :D Wait a minute, you knew that already?! :p

Hmm, passionate, I would say that yeah, they are. I think D/L have a great relationship that can reach pretty much everything. I mean, I think they have the teasing, being funny and lighthearted, then the caring, softly stuff, and obviously that passion *coughsSDcoughs*

About D/L babies, it's really cute to think about them, but I don't want them on the show, for now. And not until the show is about to end, if it ever happens. As said, it's not a soap opera, and that's what fanfictions are for. It would be too much. About marriage, not now either for me. I mean, as long as I think it would be cute *giggles*, maybe then it wouldn't work out as well for the show :rolleyes: I think they have to wait a little more. And I don't think they would do it. But anyway, as it might happen, I have a question...

How do you think D/L would decide to take that important step that marriage is? (not necessarily in the near future)
Would Danny do the tradicional proposal, knee on the floor, ring on the pocket, and "Lindsay, would you marry me?"? Or maybe he would just put the ring hidden somewhere and she would discover it (saw that in a soap opera, lol)? Maybe she would do that herself?? Or they would just decide it together when the right time comes? So, what do you think?
Aliff my Darling!! Your Blonde P.I.C. is here!!I'm glad to be back!! I'm heading over to FF.Net today to catch up!!
Thanks for the welcome Dani...This is the friendliest site I've ever been to!!
So to say I'm ready for the new season is an understatement, I'm seriously considering hibernating for the next couple of weeks so that it will go by faster....
Thanks for the invitation Dani, I'll be there! Need some M&M-cookies? I'll bring them with me!

Welcome aboard, Brandy! The more shipper we have, the better!

Dani asked us a great question:
How do you think D/L would decide to take that important step that marriage is?
Here's an idea for a new ficcie! I'd say something bad will happen to Lindsay which makes Danny realize he doesn't want to be without her ever. And then he'll ask her. Can't wait for that to happen!

We've given TPTB so many great ideas to work with! This show can continue for ages! Who says summer is boring? :lol:
I'm home! I'm home! I'm home! :D ...and half of you aren't even up yet! :lol: Such is the joy (and pain) of time differences.

You know, I wonder what would happen if Danny and Lindsay were to be seperated; like one of them were to be sent on a course or something overseas. A part of me thinks that Danny would be a lost puppy outside his NYC and without his Montana with him. Lindsay however seems more apt to fitting in a little better. :)

But lets face it, we know they hate to be apart at any time (the closer the better right?) and absence does make the heart grow fonder. Their reunion would be one big BOOM!

Not to mention, Danny's going to get alot of teasing from Flack. Oh that would be something great to see air! Flack just making a crack at Danny's new relationship and how much of a whipped puppy he is :D
Hey I'm up...But then again I'm always up. Maybe that's why a summer with no new eps has seemed so long...I'm telling you guys if I didn't have my kids to think about I would seriously hibernate. I haven't even had any motivation to write a new chapter....ALL SUMMER! What on earth is wrong with me????
My baby ideas are for my ficcy *whacks stuffy*

*ducks* Ha! Missed me :p

How do you think D/L would decide to take that important step that marriage is?

Methinks a good ol' treasure hunt ought to do the trick. Danny will start at the lab, leaving his Montana a little trinklet and clue as to where she has to go next. Eventually the hints will lead her to their apartment, where rose petals will be splayed out all on the floor and vanilla-scented candles will flicker on every table. Danny will be in the centre of the apartment, his hand held out to Lindsay and soft music adding a finishing touch to the romantic scene. Montana will accept his offer to dance, and after the song Danny will open his heart to her and she'll do the same. They'll both kneel down and Danny will bring out the ring, asking the million-dollar question. Lindsay will say yes (of course), and he'll put the ring on her finger and they'll kiss as the candles continue to burn gently, thus uniting two souls who were bound to be together even before they met.

Hey, a girl can dream :cool:
It's not that I'm never in here, okay? I browse a lot. But I never have time to write novel like posts like some of you cool dudes do. Not to mention I don't have anything fab to say anyway about wonderful DL. I really want the new eppy's to start, then I'll be posting like mad woman. You guys are great at keeping the convo's going when there isn't any new DL about, I'm rather lousy at it..

Rad i'm in the same boat as you!!

Did I hear season 2 and popcorn??.... I love season 2 DL!! *Natsky jumps onto sofa with Brandy!*
Thanks for the company Natsky I was wondering if anyone was going to take me up on that offer! I just got finished watching "Risk"....I forgot how much I loved that double take Danny does when he 1st sees Lindsay in her pretty green dress! :eek:
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