Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Yeah, seen the spoilers and I am looking forward to that!!!! ;)

I agree, it is not a soap. And I do see that the show is all about the crimes and the science. Which is good, because that is why I started watching. Shipping etc. came later.

But showing them naked on a pool table wasn't that secretive, right???

But I am just waiting for 4x06 and then I will see how it will continue. :)
Hiya shippy buddies! *Mo shuffles into the thread, wrapped in her blanket and doped up on cold meds...* Yeah I'm still not feeling 100% and quite prepared to whine about it...again! :lol: Whining, it's one of several bad habits I've picked up from my time with the adorable Mr. Messer! ;) Anyway, enough about me...how are y'all this fine day? Lazy Sunday afternoon's, is there anything better? Gotta say I don't think so! :D

New shippy bud with the pretty name Bella grinned:
I swear that I have a shipper gene in my DNA
Oh honey I am quite sure that such a gene exists! I have had it for a looooong time, in fact I am pretty sure that I was basically born with it! :lol: I have shipped couples in movies and tv shows for as long as I can remember! :D I think I'm reaching new levels of lovely obsession with D/L but it's all good, right! ;)

Darlin' from the land of the tulips Dutch nodded:
I had my moments with John and Elizabeth from Stargate Atlantis
Dutch! You shipped John/Elizabeth?? I didn't know that...I loved them! Love them...although now with Weir "gone" it makes moments between them harder to come by...but I'm convinced there's something there! Awww, yay!

Shippy bud Bella said:
But I would prefer it to be 'subtle' rather than 'in your face'.
Mmmmm, even though I am die hard fluffy who loves big display's of affection and loud declarations of love (hopeless romantic right here :lol: ) I think in this case I agree with you. Subtle scenes with lots of lovely romantic undertones are great for a show like this. That said I really, really want them to show another kiss between D/L! A sweet "good morning" kiss or a spur of the moment "you are amazing!" kiss...and I really, really, really want a declared "I love you" from both of them!!!

Gutter bug who rocks Lifferdiff winked:
My brain is just naturally dirty no matter how many times I rinse it. It's adapted - rinsing creates *new* and *improved* dirty thoughts.
Lol, it's like oil and water babes...oil and water. You try to wash the Guttery thoughts away and they just stick like oil to your brain and the water just kinda slids right over and away from it without doing anything but making you wet! :devil: Yeah I'm a dork...but hey D/L tends to do that to me...all the time! :lol:

I'd like another team scene at the bar, like at the end of heroes, and this time Danny and Linds could arrive together or something whilst holding hands
Awwwww I totally want that too! In fact I don't care where it is, I just really want a scene where they hold hands...there is just something to intimate and real about hand holding. It's such a simple thing, but at the same time so personal....I think I'd like to see them hold hands even more than I'd like another kiss and that my dears...is saying something! :lol:

Okay my dears....our poll has officially been cut in half! Awesome job on the voting and here is the new and improved poll...keep voting and we will have our title in no time! :D
I actually couldn't really decide... I took "BOOM! Instant attraction" in the end, because it fits so perfectly...

But the "German Manufacturing" one is really good, too... said the German shipper here... ;) Not that I ever tried... :confused: ;)

But whoever put that list together: Great, really well done, all those titles would be great! :D
*waves* CSI_NY_Addict- You know that you could have chose 3 right?!?!?

Anyone want an M&M?? Im eating them now, i seem to by them -subconsciencly- NO joke :lol:
Guten Tag! Welcome to the board CSI_NY_Addict :) Take a back seat, pull up your feet, pop in a few (or however many) M&Ms you can fit in your mouth and turn brain setting to "dirty". Mine's broken - it's permanently set that way.

Yeah, another reason for me to bust out by horribly broken German but what the heck :p

Mo admitted:
I think I'd like to see them hold hands even more than I'd like another kiss and that my dears...is saying something!
Yeah, me too. Even though I'm a hopeless romantic too ( :) ), I still prefer the romance to be realistic and I'd say they wouldn't risk doing something too forward in the lab. Chances are, Mac may see it as affecting their work and may come between them - ladida. With that said, the subtle moments are definately much better - but I still hope we get a scene somwhere in the season of D/L outside the lab doing something on their own. Another idea could be them together, visiting Louie. Danny'd be ecstatic to show off his girl! :)

The polls are comin' out nicely (Thanks Mo!) and I think Boom is coming out as a clear winner. Guess I'll have to whip up a lil' somethin' somethin' for the opening :D

OT: Btw, if it gets approved, imma gonna be changin' my display name to Gaelen. It's my new FF.net pen name as well. I had an identity crisis :lol: But you'll still love me right? :D *narrows eyes on evil twin stuffy*
^ As long as we can keep calling you Liffy AND that indentity crisis doesn't change your naughty broken brain :p...

Bella said:
Danny's mobile phones rings, "Montana" flashes up as caller ID and we get the famous Messer grin Nothing major but enough to keep me happy.
Yeah that would be great. And since that scene from YODO where Danny teases Flack about his girlfriend and Flack doesn't tease back I'm quite convinced that Flack knows nothing about D/L. :)

And I like the idea of them holding hands. Wouldn't it be great to have an ep start with them coming up in the elevator and then the doors open and they are actually unawere that they're still holding hands and walk out in to the hallway to find the whole team looking at their hands curiously... :lol: :lol:

But a quick kiss before one of them has to go out would be amazing too. :)

Mo said:
Dutch! You shipped John/Elizabeth?? I didn't know that...I loved them!
Yeah love(d) them too...I have a thing for (cliché, I know :p) 'bad boys falling for their opposites...and Elizabeth is just mia :p in my book, maybe that's their bump... :D

*waves and welcomes her 'neighbour' CSI_NY_Addict*

But whoever put that list together: Great, really well done, all those titles would be great!
Well coming up with the suggestions is a team effort we start in every thread in (or close to) page 23. And Mo did a perfect job of making a poll out of all those lovely ideas.. :)

WOW page 24 already! :D
dutch_treat said:

I had my moments with John and Elizabeth :( from Stargate Atlantis (Nina you watch that show too, cool! :)), but it never became as serious as this one, oh and I like Alex and Izzy in Grey's but again not so serious. :)

Cool you too... :) that is where I've gotten a lot of crap..because I stand on the opposite side of Liz & John ;) that's why I hate seeing it on the NY forum as well...

I can't recall hrmm reading if there might be any scenes between DL in he next epi...darn I've read so many spoilers I can hardly remember them *lol*

Sure we have gotten moments,,but as some say I want something little more that shows they really are together...I'm not saying we can't tell that they isn't together,,just some kind of comment or something.. or a touch or something... well hopefully something will turn up in future episdoes...
Ahoy there CSI_NY_Addict!! Welcome aboard the Dantana. Please enjoy this complimentary packet of M&Ms and get ready to party!! We're a crazy bunch here :p

But you'll still love me right? *narrows eyes on evil twin stuffy*

Whaaaat? I told you on MSN that I liked it. The name fits you :)

And I like the idea of them holding hands. Wouldn't it be great to have an ep start with them coming up in the elevator and then the doors open and they are actually unawere that they're still holding hands and walk out in to the hallway to find the whole team looking at their hands curiously...

aha. That would be hilarious to see. I can only imagine the looks on their faces..."Finally!" and Mac in smiles 'cause he won the office pool ;)

A scene like that would be great. Just a small one, nothing big. I think it would be a better fit at the end of the episode, just to wind everyone down. *pokes TPTB with her sword*
Hiya peeps! I've decided I like cold meds, they make ya kinda loopy and happy in a funky kinda way! :lol: Yeah, yeah I can hear some of you...saying I'm loopy all the time! ;) Heehee! I know! :D

Liffer, as long as I can still call you Liff and as long as you'll still be as guttery as ever...then you can feel free to call yourself whatever you want bud! ;) I do like the new name though, it's cool! :D

Dutch glad you liked my poll...but it's all y'alls fab title suggestions that make the poll good...we really are an amazingly creative bunch in here! I can't wait to see what our title's gonna be...#20 already, we are flying on this ship...it's so amazingly fabulous! :D

Stuffy-wuff that "them coming out of the elevator holding hands" scene sounds absolutely adorable!! :D I want it!

Alright time for food...feed a cold, starve a fever...but what if I have a cold and a fever...what do I do then??
Alright time for food...feed a cold, starve a fever...but what if I have a cold and a fever...what do I do then??

Pig out then starve yourself, maybe? Actually I don't know if starving would help a fever anymore than eating a bit of soup would help a cold. Get some warm, fuzzy socks, grab a blanket, turn on the TV in the living room and feed yourself the nutrition you need! DL!! ;)

..."them coming out of the elevator holding hands" scene sounds absolutely adorable!! I want it!

You guys are gettting tame on me. Geez, I'm hoping for some loose buttons, messed up hair, and some lipstick smudges on Danny's face. :devil: Of course, I also hope that Hammerback's standing right in front of the elevator with everyone---his comment would be pricless. Mac would just give 'em the 'evil stare of death'. :cool: I could see D/L trying to pretend nothing happened at all. :lol:

I do think we have gotten hints about the D/L relationship---especially the condom scene. And Pam did say that they wouldn't focus on it much in the beginning. I'm fine with that, and I don't fear anything about their relationship right now. But sooner or later I will want scenes in which Danny and Lindsay act like they've seen each other nekkid. :lol: :p

P.S. Dutch, please take the cold meds away from Fluffy T. She's going to get too fluffy and start bouncing off the walls so hard that even Danny wouldn't be able to help her. :eek: :lol:
Stuffy-wuff that "them coming out of the elevator holding hands" scene sounds absolutely adorable!!

Yes it does :D but you can thank dutch for that scenario - she thought of it ;)

as long as I can still call you Liff and as long as you'll still be as guttery as ever...then you can feel free to call yourself whatever you want bud!

I concure :) you'll always be our Liff and Gutter King.

But sooner or later I will want scenes in which Danny and Lindsay act like they've seen each other nekkid.

*giggles* Oh dutch - you're so cute! I think spending all that time in the gutter has gotten to you ;)
Ohhh Aud wub, I adore you! :D Lol, no worries we're not going tame on ya...well I know I'm sure not! ;) I would ADORE a "I have SO seen you nekkid" scene between D/L! :devil: Although that "condom spray" scene was pretty close to that ;) Still some mussed hair and lipstick on Danny would be pretty fabulous too! I still want my sweet hand holding though... can I just have both, pwease?! :D

And hey now don't be taking my cold meds away! Mine! *Mo protects her stash and giggles!* Not like they make a difference in my level of fluffyness really...we all know it's through the roof regardless! ;)

Here's hoping we get some good D/L this next eppy :D
Yes Mo why not get both..holding hands with mussed up hair and all that,,trying to look innocent like nothing happened, like all those signs wouldn't tell everyone what must have happened ;)

Would be pretty instresting if Hammerback saw them and gave one of his famous comments :D
*Liff wanders into the thread with a yawn but happy that we're one day closer to Hump Day and new eppy day!*

Hulloooooooo in here! Hope y'all are havin' a stupendous Monday everywhere :)

Dutch said:
As long as we can keep calling you Liffy AND that indentity crisis doesn't change your naughty broken brain
:devil: Never in a million years will I get my brain fixed. I'll tell you that much right now babes ;) Hehehe.

And since that scene from YODO where Danny teases Flack about his girlfriend and Flack doesn't tease back I'm quite convinced that Flack knows nothing about D/L.
"So she's got teeth?" :lol: Maybe you're right....or maybe they're done with the teasing :p I mean...it's been how long since the pool table smex? 10 days since the premier so I'm assuming either he doesn't know, or the entire teasing ordeal has passed without us knowing.

Mo said:
Dutch! You shipped John/Elizabeth?? I didn't know that...I loved them!
Hey! I shipped John/Liz too :D *chuckles* Naughty minds think alike ;)

Evil Twinny-Stuffy said:
Whaaaat? I told you on MSN that I liked it. The name fits you
Yeah well...that's assuming it gets approved first :D Hopefully it will.

Mo said:
as long as you'll still be as guttery as ever...then you can feel free to call yourself whatever you want bud!
If I could call myself anything I wanted...I'd be kicked out indecency. :devil: *whistles innocently*

Alright time for food...feed a cold, starve a fever...but what if I have a cold and a fever...what do I do then??
Stare at Danny and Lindsay on a pool table. Find yourself a pool table...and then snuggle in :p But I dont do meds - just drink plenty of water/juice and fresh fruit :) Citrus for the cold and make it cold for the fever. + lots of sleep!

Auda said:
You guys are gettting tame on me. Geez, I'm hoping for some loose buttons, messed up hair, and some lipstick smudges on Danny's face.
We're not going tame on you! At least...I'm not :) Just exercising caution whilst the meter hangs ever so close to my forehead :D But yeah...a nice little scene with....messed up hair, torn clothes...flushed skin...loud moans...heavy panting and *ding* the elevator opens with Sid in the lead, "You know elevator sex isn't all that it's cracked up to be...one time I..."

*floor clears* Sid looks around....pulls out a bagel and wanders off singing to himself.
messermonroe said:

We're not going tame on you! At least...I'm not :) Just exercising caution whilst the meter hangs ever so close to my forehead :D But yeah...a nice little scene with....messed up hair, torn clothes...flushed skin...loud moans...heavy panting and *ding* the elevator opens with Sid in the lead, "You know elevator sex isn't all that it's cracked up to be...one time I..."

*floor clears* Sid looks around....pulls out a bagel and wanders off singing to himself.

*lol* You know I can so see Hammerback doing something like that...
He says something on topic of whatever it is he is seeing and then ends up going to that creepy place.. :lol:

And I'm sure even Danny and Lindsay would take one look at eachother and make run for their office or something to get away ;)
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