*Mo spins into the room, content after a very good day...it was beautiful outside and life was good today!* Life is good, our ship is good, our couple is amazing and we my dear shipper buddies, we are CANON!!!
I really don't like playing the blame game
and I am attempting to stay off my soapbox :lol: (or at least not get on it as often!
) so in response to people not liking Linds or D/L together...all I'm gonna say is, it is SO their loss!
Fluffy Stuffy wuffy blushed:
In my dreams I do though - although hockey isn't the only thing we "play" *evil grin*
Heehee, you're naughty
Stuffy, hon and I likes it!
Shippy bud Fern asked the BIG question:
So people, Mach 5, or the Batmobile??
Mmmmmm, I gotta agree with my Fluffy Twin on this one....I too grew up watching Batman cartoons, so I gotta say it's all about the Batmobile! It's a HOT car!
And don't get me started on Batman... :lol: Or Danny as Batman...
*Swoon...melt!* :devil:
Queen of the Dutch shoppers Dutch grinned:
but then he looks sideways just to look at her; and she's smiling 'cause she knows he's looking (watch that scene again, and you'll know what I mean - it's so sweet
Dutch I totally agree with you, as a fluffy I readily admit to loving the big fluffy scenes...but like you said, it's the cute small scenes that really make D/L! Those little looks, sneaked glances and smiles, the small touch that no one else sees...those are what we love! That cap you posted was fabulous...him staring all in love and her grinning cuz she knows he's staring at her...awww, good times!
Spoiler Queen Catey nodded firmly:
Here in the D/L thread, it is a shiny, shimmering bubble. D/L is canon, and we just need to think the happy thoughts. We are fans of this fabulous ship, and come to think of it, nothing will change our minds about that.
Shiny, shimmering,
titanium, ever expanding, incapable of being popped bubble!! And yeah nothing will change our minds about this ship...we're sold, caught...hook, line and sinker!
And I for one, couldn't be happier about that fact!
Fluffy Stuffy muffy cheered:
*We're shippy, we're fluffy, we're CANON to the max!* that has been stuck in my head ever since you sang it Mo.
:lol: Rock on!
*Mo pulls out her pom poms and cheers with her buddy!* Heehee, I love that you remembered that and got it stuck in your head! :lol:
Fluffy Wub Aud twinny winked:
He likes it when Country Girl gets naughty
You are naughty Fluffy Twin, and I adore you for that!
Heehee, and yeah Danny loves it when Linds is a bit naughty :devil: In fact I think she is naughty alot more often than we think (which is saying something, cuz I think she's pretty naughty! :lol: :devil: ) I see her being the secretly naughty type though ya know...proper and good at work, but a tigress at home! :devil: And Danny loves that!
Vexxy bud grinned:
We are definitely getting scenes like Season 2.
Vex, totally, that fun and flirting type scene is back, but now we have the added bonus of KNOWING not only that they're in love, but in a CANON relationship...which makes those scenes that we already love, like 10 thousand times better! :lol:
Okay gotta be up early in the morning...blah!
So I'm off to get ready to sleep...or ya know try to, being the night owl that I am, it always seems to take me longer to get to bed than it should!
*Mo grins and waving does her best to take herself off to sleep in her lovely pink fluffy bubble!*