Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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My totally fluffy even though she won't admit it, buddy from the land of wooden shoes Dutch giggled:
First look, first touch, first hug, first (almost) kiss...we have so many lovely moments. And whenever I see one of my fave's I'm like "yeah that's the one" and then I watch another one and I'm thinking the exact same thing
Lol, yeah I have so many of their moments that I love...bigger moments like their rooftop walk, their bug dinner, their HUG, their hallway talk in LRC, the whole courtroom scene, the whole "Snow Day" episode! :lol: But then there are the smaller moments...his double take in Risk, the first time he called her "Montana", her coming to him first in RSRD with the cig butt...him practically proposing, his "I'm goin' crazy" or "Go wit' your instincts"! Our couple has a plethora of beautiful moments that will go down in history, and continue far into the future! :D

And Mo, hunny, if you're really not feeling well then perhaps I should help you out with your 'punishment' ...I'll go upstairs (you're just too weak to climb the stairs ) and you can clean the kitchen...
You're so kind honey! ;) Lol! Alright you can check out upstairs...Master bedroom may be up there, but the den is down here and that's where all the good secrets are! :lol: (what I don't know yet, but my fever-riddled brain says it'll be good! :lol: )

Fluffer nutter buddy Stuffy hon asked:
is my poor Mo wubs sick??
Yeah, not so fun! :p I was around the cutest kid in the world this weekend, who happened to have a big cold! :p Note to self...when kids wipes snotty nose on you, wash immediately and still expect to get sick! :lol:

Speaking of kids, makes me think of D/L's kids and that always makes me giddy at the thought! :D So because I love talking about D/L babies...here's a question...Who do you think would bring up the baby discussion first (as in wanting them, having them, etc.) Danny or Linds?

Okay back to my comfy couch bed and Danny's snugglyness! :D
Mo asked:
Who do you think would bring up the baby discussion first (as in wanting them, having them, etc.) Danny or Linds?
I think Danny would be the one to bring it up because Lindsay would be hinting at it, but not come out and say it.

Hope you feel better soon, Mo. Everybody is getting sick, ya'll have to stay away from me because I need to make sure the kids go to school everyday. I had enough of them being here all day over the summer ;).

JenHHH :)
Hello buddies!
I still don’t know how I’m entire! I looked after my niece and my nephew all the day, and in the afternoon I looked after the child of my sister’s co-worker. :D

miss Dani said:
the other day I was thinking what is my favorite D/L moment ever, and I couldn't come up with a conclusion. I love them all for different special reasons
I agree! Every moment is special and perfect, because they’re perfect together. Every single glance and interaction is perfect, because our ship is perfect [/poetry mode]

Mo asked:
Who do you think would bring up the baby discussion first (as in wanting them, having them, etc.) Danny or Linds?
I agree with JenHHH. I think that Danny would bring it up first. I don’t know why, but I think that Danny would like to have a lot of children and raise a football team… :lol:
Would be totally cute to see him play in the garden with is children and a dog *_*

Btw…hi Mer :), I hope that ya’ll be able to came here soon! We miss ya!
Yeah in answer to my own question...I think Danny would be the one to bring it up too. But in a more round about kind of way. Like Linds is starting to get emotional, or moody, or pissy with him and he can't figure out for the life of him why...and finally he'd just bust out and ask her, "Montana...you, you pregnant?" And then at this point...either A)She says "yes" and they both hug eachother enthusiastically! Or B) She says "I don't think so...but if I was...would you like that?" And then they would talk about how much they both want kids! Either way it'd be cute! And a GREAT shippy scene! :D
I think that if it happened the way Aunt Mo said, Lindsay would do like an angry thing like:

"Yea, and you know, I didn't realize what I was getting into, and I dunno if I can do it and.." Cut short by Danny embracing her and kissing her.

What a scene.. what a scene...
*Mo snuggles her Niece-y honey...* You Angsties!:lol: Lol, I guess as long as it ended with them kissing happily then I'm okay with it...(see Fluffy as I am I can appreciate that angst has it's uses too! ;) ) I would most definitely prefera lovely fluffy scene though! ;)

Either way though...as long as we get more D/L kissing I'm ALL good! :devil: That's one of my hopes for this season is more D/L kissing scenes! :D
Hi Guys!! I've been MIA for a few days, sorry- school :rolleyes:

Lovin' the new thread title, I just about danced when I saw it :lol:

Either way though...as long as we get more D/L kissing I'm ALL good! That's one of my hopes for this season is more D/L kissing scenes!

Uh huh :D

Sorry guys, it's late. Just thought I would stop by and check in on you all. Good night! ;)
welcome back, sarah, natty, and other shippers! hi newbie that_girl!

*giggles happily at Mo's baby question*

my answer: i think danny already has little messers and monroes in mind. theres no other woman he'd want to mother his children. so when it does happen, it happens...he will be pleasantly surprised. i think lindsay on the other hand would be more worried about the timing and whether they are ready or not (but she'll step up cause she's strong like that). but ultimately and deep inside, lindsay would be very happy (and content) to know that she's carrying the love of her life's child:

scene: lindsay looking at a calendar realizing she's late (after she's had light bouts of morning sickness) as she audibly counts out the days. danny sees her and knows whats to come.
danny: is this what i think it means (smiling and coming up to wrap his arms around lindsay)?
lindsay: i think so... (thoughts flying through her head as a tiny smile creeps up on her face at the thought of her and danny being a mommy and a daddy)
danny: we're gonna have a baby! (kisses lindsay while laying one hand lightly on her still flat stomach)
lindsay: (puts hand on top of danny's lovingly as she deepens the kiss) we are... (under her breath)
danny: (feels lindsay smiling at his lips)

i was re-watching the SD clips (again! look at the details!) and i have questions on three things:

1. during the cuddling, danny moves his body slightly and lindsay's left arm pulls him closer to her: which movement comes first (it happens so fast!). does she pull him closer and he reacts by coming closer OR does he move to shift his weight and she pulls at him to hang on?

2. bye bye clothes: was there an inconsistency with lindsay's arm placement or was it meant to be two shots? in the first shot, lindsay is about to put her arms under danny's arms/shoulders. in the second, she's got her arms over and around his neck as he dives in for her neck.

3. did you see lindsay gripping danny as he kisses her on the forehead?

^^^^ oh beautiful danny and lindsay. :)
I agree^^^ I think that Danny would bring t up first because he is the one who has got to prove that he wants a family- if you know what I mean. Because before lindsay came along Danny was the NYPDs biggest player remember!

SD- I love that ep (I'm not biased!)-

1. I think that Danny moves closer and than Lindsay sort of strokes his arm to keep him there or just moves her arm to get comfy. I think danny definatly moves first!

2. I think it's two shots because on the first Danny is closer to the pool table and the second is the lifting on to pool table part!! I then I think he drives at her neck when she's sitting!

3. Yep... I think at the same time she snuggles closer!

I love SD!!:)
Good morning my dearies! *Mo drags into the thread, feeling a bit better today but still...well, dragging a bit! :p * Unless someone else caught this flu that my dear Liffy spread around, then I'm gonna keep Danny around to make me feel better again today! ;)

My dearie Angel hon said:
i think danny already has little messers and monroes in mind. theres no other woman he'd want to mother his children. so when it does happen, it happens...he will be pleasantly surprised. i think lindsay on the other hand would be more worried about the timing and whether they are ready or not (but she'll step up cause she's strong like that). but ultimately and deep inside, lindsay would be very happy (and content) to know that she's carrying the love of her life's child:
Yeah I think you're right on that Ang! I could see both of them already thinking about it, and Danny's pretty big on family so that doesn't surprise me at all! And I agree about Linds being the one to worry about it more...not so much worrying about getting pregnant but like you said, worrying about timing and...I could even see her worrying a bit about being a good mother...a worry that I could see Danny erasing with several loving words of encouragement and promises that no one else would be a better mother to his children! *Sigh...swoon!*

Ang your questions are gonna make me go back and watch SD again...bummer! ;) Lol! :lol: *Mo sighs happily!* Awwwww I love that eppy! :D

Okay I think I'm off to get some rest...fevers aren't so fun! :p

*Mo climbs sleepily into her bubble and shimmers fluffily away!*
My buddy whose fever has convinced her that I'm a total fluffy Mo said:
-a recap of so many lovely D/L scenes- and...Our couple has a plethora of beautiful moments that will go down in history, and continue far into the future!
...That's so true! :D We already have so many great moments in just two seasons and I have no doubt that next season will add a lot more memorable ones...and the season after that...and after that... ;)

the den is down here and that's where all the good secrets are! (what I don't know yet, but my fever-riddled brain says it'll be good!)
Okay dear, but be careful :p and do share with all of us if you happen to find something interesting... :devil:

I love all the 'bringing up the baby discussion' ideas (Angel sweetie you'd really get an ff account and try writing something...you come up with such great scenarios :))...

I'd like that discussion to come up in a little angsty :p :cool: -at first- scene:

having children?:

...They have a heated argument about something (minor :D). Lindsay gets more and more pissed at Danny and he really starts to get on her nerves by acting like a immature brat :rolleyes:...When he starts to pout, she gets really annoyed and yells at him: "you're such a boy, I can't believe I even considered having children with you" :eek:...He's suddenly quiet and looks at her in awe..."you have Lindsay...wow...that's just...wow...do you know how happy you make me by saying that?"...he flashes her his trademark grin, hugs her, kisses her...she starts to smile too :rolleyes:...argument forgotten (what was it about anyway ;) :D)...

Angel's SD scenes question:

1) I think Danny moves first too and Lindsay can't help but react almost immediately... :devil:

2) Two different shots...in fact that whole scene is a compilation of short shots... :)

3) YES! :D

But I have to re-watch those scenes to be certain... ;)

*hands Mo some chicken soup and since Liffy hasn't been around here for a while and is probably still suffering from that nasty flu he gets a bowl too*
Anffy, I am blaming you for making me re-watch that scene when I get home :p

Since we're on the topic of picking out details in scenes, I was watching 'Risk' yesterday and noticed something...when Danny does the double-take and he rears up, he does a very quick scan of Lindsay in the dress *giggles*

When you watch shows/movies in slo-mo, you catch these things ;) I'm addicted to that button. It's my bestest friend.

*sends in a shirtless Danny carrying a platter of chicken noodle soup, some coughdrops, and some blankets for her darlin' Mo who is still unfortunately sick*

ETA my answers to Anffy's SD questions:

1) Danny (or perhaps Carmine moving - laying on a pool table isn' exactly the best thing for one's back) shifts a bit first, and then Lindsay grips his shoulder and does seem to tug a little bit. It could also be just Anna reacting to Carmine's movement.

2) I would say it was several shots. I think that's what they usually do. I've noticed it with the show as well. Sometimes characters are doing one movement, and the next shot they're doing something totally different.

3) *giggles more* Most definitely saw that! She was also smiling as well. Even though the camera scanned up to show the kiss, it was obvious that Lindsay was smiling. And yeah, she does hold onto him :D

**Edited to add that she absolutely loves dutch's baby scenario**
Hi guys! Just pop in to say hello, 'cause I've been very busy the last few days.

The-one-keeping-Danny-away-from-us Mo said:
Unless someone else caught this flu that my dear Liffy spread around, then I'm gonna keep Danny around to make me feel better again today! ;)
I got it, I got it! Send him over here! :p

The baby-question was great! I think Lindsay thinks about it first, but Danny notices immediately. He just teases her a little by not going further on her hints. And finally, when Lindsay's fed up with it, he says he wants them to have children! :lol: I can so see that happen!

Well, no new spoilers? Liff is not being tested at all! I'm off, have to do some stuff for my korfball-club. Bye!
Homeland buddy who is trying to trick my fever riddled brain Dutch said:
When he starts to pout, she gets really annoyed and yells at him: "you're such a boy, I can't believe I even considered having children with you" ...He's suddenly quiet and looks at her in awe..."you have Lindsay...wow...that's just...wow...do you know how happy you make me by saying that?"...he flashes her his trademark grin, hugs her, kisses her...she starts to smile too ...argument forgotten (what was it about anyway)
Awwwww! I like that, a lot! :lol: See now that is the kind of angst I can handle, the kind quickly followed by sweetness and love (aka: fluf! ;) ) Brilliantly written Dutch hon...I'd love to see a scene like that, it would make me happy! :D

*hands Mo some chicken soup and since Liffy hasn't been around here for a while and is probably still suffering from that nasty flu he gets a bowl too*
Thanks hon...and yeah I guess I can't get mad at you Liffers since you are sick too! ;) Hope you feel better soon too bud! ;)

Fluffer buddy Stuffy hon giggled:
When you watch shows/movies in slo-mo, you catch these things I'm addicted to that button. It's my bestest friend.
:lol: I'm so with you on that one honey...I love the rewind and slow-mo buttons...they rock! They allow us to feed our addiction of catching every little detail! ;)

*sends in a shirtless Danny carrying a platter of chicken noodle soup, some coughdrops, and some blankets for her darlin' Mo who is still unfortunately sick*
Ohhhhh, with service like that I just might have to get sick more often! ;)

Buddy who's also sadly sick JenP waved:
I got it, I got it! Send him over here!
Okay hon...we can share his "healing" powers! :devil:
Hello buddies!
Those pictures of Danny and Lindsay talking about children are all awesome! :D
Also, I can see her, in their free time, dragging him to buy clothes and stuff for the baby. When they come home, after the shopping, Danny would fall exhausted on the couch! :lol:

Today we all are remembering our sweets moments of SD! Aww! I squee every time I remember them…I think that it’s a physiological reaction for every DL shipper! :)
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