Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Lol, for a second there when I read your post Abby, I was like "Wait...we have pics of them talking about kids? Where?!!" :lol: And I almost went looking for the actual pics/caps before I realized what you meant! *Mo rolls her eyes at her silly fevered brain!* :lol: Lol, that's funny that you see her dragging him to buy stuff for the baby...cuz I can totally picture him going out like while Linds is sleeping/recovering from a double shift and then coming back home to her with some cute baby thing he just "happened to pick up" while he was out! :lol:

Yeah squeeing in response to any mention of SD is gotta be one of the trademarks of any D/L shipper now! :lol: Speaking of...*Squeeeeee!* :lol:
dl_shipper34 said:

Since we're on the topic of picking out details in scenes, I was watching 'Risk' yesterday and noticed something...when Danny does the double-take and he rears up, he does a very quick scan of Lindsay in the dress *giggles*

*sends in a shirtless Danny carrying a platter of chicken noodle soup, some coughdrops, and some blankets for her darlin' Mo who is still unfortunately sick*

Yes, I noticed that Danny did that double take when she arrived at the scene. I have a feeling that if Mac was not there, he would said something more "revealing" to her. :)

And if you don't mind sending Danny my way. I'm not sick but I can pretend to be! :devil: ;)
And if you don't mind sending Danny my way. I'm not sick but I can pretend to be!

Well I must say, Danny and Lindsay sure have been busy lately. Montana is helping Liffy (who has not appeared recently and it is depressing), whilst Danny-boy is looking after Mo and JenP before he heads off to visit a "sick" vex ;). I'm still feeling the remnants of last weeks random episode.

Shirtless Danny carrying flu remedies is quite a mental image :devil:
Shirtless Danny in general is a quite a mental image...can I just say...ohhhhhh yeah baby! :devil:

And yeah we're keeping D/L pretty busy lately...but they'll have plenty of time together once the season starts so I don't feel so bad about it! ;)

*Mo stares at shirtless-smex-on-a-stick-Danny and swoons!* :devil:
*Dani happily commes into the thread, after a peaceful night. remebers last evening :D :D*

Ok, so I didn't post yesterday because I was like in a total hyper state (just ask Angel or Abby they know) because I had just watched THE-amazing-episode-where-there-is-a-pool-tabl-involved-and-where-we-see-them-in-adorable-scenes-including-the -one-where-he-leaves-her-a-note-ending-with-"Enjoy your snow day. D." (personal favorite of mine)- which-leaves-her-happy-and-causes-her-to-remember-amazing-last-night. And there's no need for more explanation :rolleyes: Yeah, that's right, I watched Snow Day in my TV, which is way better than watching on the computer. Even tough my TV was so messed up and kept freezing and stopping both image and sound :eek:, I could watch the episode, and curious enough, there was no sign of problems in D/L scenes :lol: But still I love this episode not just because of their scenes, but because of every single scene on it :D All together make this one of the best (if not THE BEST) episode of CSI:NY (imo) So *squeeeeeeeeeeee* :D I'm trying not to write a lot about their scenes themselves, because there's the danger of never stopping while melting, but then when I notice that there is discussion rolling about it. Anyway, I think the questions had been answered, but just to say that everything, everything that happens is so perfect that it's hard to believe. It's like every little movement makes sense :D yay for Carmine and Anna, they were perfectly into the scene *applauds*

Besides, earlier I had been reading D/L fanfictions, so you can only imagine how I was already. Ended watching stuffy's "Remember the Time", read Liffy's DL baby oneshot and read his 29 chapter fiction :eek: Yep, so I was like reading for 5 or 6 hours, but you know what, totally worth it :) You guys, good work ;)

Anyway, moving on on my post...

DL has that effect on you...makes one break into smiles
Oh, stuffy hon, so true, so true!

About Mo's question, about the bringing up of the baby conversation, I like Angel's theory that they were both kind of thinking about it already, adding up with dutch theory. Yep, that would turn out really great ;)

:eek: Shirtless Danny *stares* Oh, you Mo, I bet you're going to be ok again soon (even though you can pretend you're still sick for some misterious reason :rolleyes:

not like we are counting or anything
Yeah, of course we are not Chell...but I believe it's only 35 DAYS UNTIL THE SEASON PREMIERE :lol:

Edited to add break in between the (-s) because it was stretching the screen.
*Liff wandes into the thread after a short break - still feeling the woozy after-effects of the flu* Hey guys! How's it hangin'? I'm still feelin' like crap right now - and so is half my school. We actually had to close the entire art department because of the flu (and all the teachers were sick).

Welcome Leynette to our humble abode. Yeah I know it's rather late and all, but better late than never right? Hope you enjoy it here, we're all psycopathic in many ways :) It's what keeps us interesting.

Stuffy said:
If Liffy sends that nasty flu bug over to you, I'll assit you in your revenge in any way possible. I'll borrow my friend's catapult (you know who I'm talking about Liff) and we can fire cockroaches at him
Stuffy wubs, I hate to say this but the whole cockroach thing is getting boring. Seriously - you need new material hun. :lol:

Dutch hun, those promo pics are love - yeah I looked. I dont consider promo pics spoilers since - like you've all found out already, you can't tell squat from them. Danny's lookin' all rumpled again = probable remnants of his night? :devil: Love!D/L :D

Maybe he's pointing at Montana "Don't you move! I'll be right back!"
With an audience? :devil: Mwaha. Go D/L! Though I'd like to think they prefer a little more privacy when doing their thing. :devil: Besides us that is. :p

Speaking of GutterVille, I really need to update that map don't I? Ahh - yes, but it's going to have to wait until the weekend. I'm too tired to do anything these days. Meh -

Abby said:
Lindsay, as Liff said, would take every chance to send him to change his clothes only to see him strip…or probably would stole that t-shirt and use it to sleep!
Haha - yep. Danny's definately getting a new wardrobe (hopefully). But I doubt Linds would be wearing his green shirt to sleep. Danny would help her out of it the moment she put it on :devil:

Now I have in mind the image of Danny bringing the breakfast in bed to Lindsay and putting a daisy on the tray only to remind her at the famous night of SD and to remember together that moment…[gutter mode] and probably they would decide to refresh their memory
Aww, that's such a sweet scene honey! Danny bringing Linds breakfast in bed, and they can spend the morning (day offs are love) in bed together. They'll do the whole refreshing their memory thing later :) I think it's true when Danny said that he didn't cuddle. What he failed to mention was that he didn't cuddle with anyone but his Montana :)

Mer said:
Everybody come out and play so I can get my D/L fix with my shippy buddies!
I'm seriously low on D/L right now - so far that my muse is refusing to write anything. I think I'm going to have to take a break from fanfiction - I havent written/read anything in a while. Mer sweetie I missed you loads hun!on LJ too! Hope you get your internet fixed soon!

Lynny! What're you talking about pushing me in there. I'm staying put babe ;) I still wubs my D/L! Though...I love angst too...sometimes... :D

I hate you all
*smooshes CatNip in Lynny's face* - Yeah we hate you too babes ;)

okay why in the hell do yall gotta post happy dl scenes that I liked pics?
Lynny is succumbing to the d/l fluff love! Tie her down!!

Mo asked:
Who do you think would bring up the baby discussion first (as in wanting them, having them, etc.) Danny or Linds?
I'd think that Danny would have the thoughts, but keeps them to himself for a while as he figures out what he wants. That leaves Lindsay to bring it up when it's time - and Danny by then, Danny would've realised how much he'd love to have a child (or more) with his Montana. :) He'd be Daddy Danny! Cute.

Mo! Who's being punished for what exactly? I want to help clean :) I'll do the car, I'm pretty sure there's some nice secrets stashed in the backseat :devil:

Cuzzy! Haha - you seriously have been watching SD clips back to back haven't you? Lol, I have to profess my guilt of not watching it enough times of late. Haven't even touched that eppy in a while *sigh* I need new D/L now - don't get me wrong, I love our D/L moments - all of them (who wouldn't?) but my muse is highly picky and she's rather hard to impress. (luckily D/L makes it easy).

If D/L do get children, I sense angst coming on as Lindsay's pregnant. As in Danny starts to question his own abilities to be a father - what with his dark past and all, and whether he'll be able to raise a child properly. It'll probably end up with a screaming match between Danny and Linds, with Danny leaving for a night or something before he realises how much he can't live without her. (that and I'll send Mac to kick his ass and knock some sense into him). :) Wow - my muse is loving the flungst right now. Keep me away from Lynny! I think I'm prone to being swayed to the angsty side right now. Fluff is good - but the repetitiveness is really getting to me.

JenP said:
Well, no new spoilers? Liff is not being tested at all! I'm off, have to do some stuff for my korfball-club.
I think I've lost interest in spoilers. Seriously - I see the boxes and I have no urge to highlight what so ever. I've gone to that better place :) Crossed the hardship and into the easy plane. No more testing for me! You can post all the boxes you want and I wouldn't give a thought :D YaY me!

Mo said:
I can totally picture him going out like while Linds is sleeping/recovering from a double shift and then coming back home to her with some cute baby thing he just "happened to pick up" while he was out!
:lol: I can just see Danny pretending he doesn't like going out to buy baby stuff, but secretly loves it. :) It's so cute, and one day Linds would catch him in a baby store. "Danny? What're you doing here?" Lindsay askes confusedly. Danny blushes and looks around before scratching his head and grinning sheepishly, "Err, on a case?" :lol: Yeah - that's Danny alright - always the smooth one. :lol:

Stuffy wubs said:
Montana is helping Liffy (who has not appeared recently and it is depressing)
I'm here! I'm here! Hopefully you're not depressed anymore - yes? Though I don't know how frequent I'll be visiting. My internet is acting up too.

Mo said:
Shirtless Danny in general is a quite a mental image...can I just say...ohhhhhh yeah baby!
How come I'm not allowed caps of shirtless Lindsay? It's no fair....

Dani said:
-adorable-scenes-including-the-one-where-he-leaves-her-a-note-ending-with-"Enjoy your snow day. D."
WOMAN BREATHE! :lol: I love that moment - it's so....lurrrvely!

Besides, earlier I had been reading D/L fanfictions, so you can only imagine how I was already. Ended watching stuffy's "Remember the Time", read Liffy's DL baby oneshot and read his 29 chapter fiction
Haha - thanks babe. Got your reviews - so thanks again :)

Oh, you Mo, I bet you're going to be ok again soon (even though you can pretend you're still sick for some misterious reason
And we all know what that mysterious reason is don't we? :lol: I'm just glad I only have to share Linds with Danny :D :devil: hehehe.

Anyways, I've written another novel haven't I? Well - that's what happens when I'm gone for very long. I have the inability to shut up. :lol: Only 35 days left? WOO HOO! :D :D :D Can't wait till the premier! And - yep, I am STILL SF! Oh yeah :D Go ME!

I need food and my bed - yet again. Cy'all on the bright side! :cool:

Edited to put a space in between (-) that was stretching the screen
How come I'm not allowed caps of shirtless Lindsay? It's no fair....

Just for you Liffy :) hope this makes you feel better.

OT: I was starting to get a little worried about you Liff, but I'm glad you're back :) [/ot]

Anffy!! Your keen observations made me watch SD again! Thanks babe :D *stars singing the official DL song, "Jenny Don't Be Hasty"*

ETA: Just a head's up to everyone that Friday is Carmine's birthday :D
Hello buddies!
How ya doing today? I’m fine but wet…here it’s raining cats and dogs! :D But I like rain, that in this season is rare, so I’m happy… :)

miss Dani said:
Ok, so I didn't post yesterday because I was like in a total hyper state
Yeah! Yesterday you were going to jump out of my computer! :lol: Remembering the moments of SD I became hyper too… :D*remembers the conversation with Dani on msn that finished at midnight *

Yeah…it’s almost a month! I can’t wait! I can’t wait!!! :D

Liff said:
I think it's true when Danny said that he didn't cuddle. What he failed to mention was that he didn't cuddle with anyone but his Montana
That’s true! When he said that he didn’t cuddle, probably he was secretly smiling because in that moment his wish was cuddling with her. I also think that when he said that anyone believed him, because his feelings for Lindsay are written on his forehead. ;)
Btw…welcome back Liff, I hope that you’re feeling better. :)

I'm seriously low on D/L right now - so far that my muse is refusing to write anything. I think I'm going to have to take a break from fanfiction - I havent written/read anything in a while.
I know what it means. My plot hymalayan bunny, Jean Claude, has been frozen for a year… :rolleyes:probably his hair now is dark :D (Dani knows what phrase means ;))…okay don’t pay too much attention, biology damaged seriously my brain! :p

Talking about D/L babies, I agree with Liff, I can see Danny pretending that he doesn’t like to buy stuff for the baby when instead he does. :) I can see him buying it secretly and then, the day of the birth, he’d bring all the stuff he bought in Lindsay’s room at the hospital when she’s sleeping. When she wake up, she’d find a pile of stuff for the baby on the bedside table and Danny near her that asks her if she like the clothes he bought. :lol: That would be hilarious! :D
Happy Hump Day!! *Mo pops in, feeling a good enough to head off to work this morning...dang it! :p :lol: * I checked to see if there were any juicy spoilers I could bring as a present since Wed.'s are spoiler days...and there were none for us for today...you lucked out Liffers! ;) And can I just say bud...first of all, wowza you really did write a whole novel! :lol: That is the longest post I've ever seen I think...rock on! :lol: And second, you may think you've lost interest in spoilers bud...but I think you're just in a lull... ;) give yourself a few days to feel better and then wait until the really juicy sweeps and finales spoilers start hitting the fan and I'm pretty sure you'll be singing a different tune! ;) (They're irresistable, that's all I can say! :D ) And as for the flungsty-ness bud...I'll let it slide, but you best remember you're one of my fluffies...or my Fluffy Twin and I will be forced to come and spray you with fluffy gas to remind you! ;) I'm just saying... :D

And Dani you're too cute with your mile-a-minute-squueeee-fest over Snow Day! You made me grin right away! And I agree...that was an awesome eppy and I can't even think about it without giggling! :lol: I sure hope we get lots more loveliness like that for our couple in this upcoming season! They deserve it! :D

Okay time for work...bleh! :p Have a fab day y'all and I'll be back later! ;) Feel better Liffy and JenP and none of the rest of you better catch this flu! It's not so fun! :lol:

*Mo waves and clutching her coffee, shimmers off in her fluffy bubble!* :D
glad youre back, Cuzzy. im sure you can find a muse somewhere…

dutchy, your little scenario has a big of zing to it, huh? me likes it cause it’s different! heehee. slightly angsty too. :laughing in a playful competitive manner: leading team angst and slightly taking cuzzy with you…you already have miss dani. :p

-adorable-scenes-including-the-one-where-he-leaves-her-a-note-ending-with-"Enjoy your snow day. D."
^^^ wow, that’s a long chain of words. :lol: loved the excitement!

got it, stuffy, marked on the calendar. OT: it’s a friday night, he’s probably going to have a long night. it worked! my plotting ways worked and i got everyone to watch SD again or at least tap into their SD knowledge! ;)

redundant question alert: what is everyone’s view/opinion on danny and lindsay’s relationship status between Sleight Out of Hand and Snow Day? ie dating with just kissing, dating exclusively, friends with benefits, etc. :)

page 3, people! feel better, Mo. did you finish up tidying D/L cottage?? :D or did you fall asleep not feeling well on the king bed in the master bedroom or maybe even the pool table...

LRC today for some of us!

Edited to add a space in between a (-) because it is causing the page to stretch.
redundant question alert: what is everyone’s view/opinion on danny and lindsay’s relationship status between Sleight Out of Hand and Snow Day? ie dating with just kissing, dating exclusively, friends with benefits, etc.

Oooo more questions!! Woo! :D methinks they were seeing each other outside of work (TPTB decided to be evil and not show us this), and I believe they had kissed before SD. I mean, that was one hawt make-out session. No way was it their first kiss; not buying that for a second.

*gets SD tape ready* My remedy for the angst that is LRC ;)

And Mo darlin', you're right. A shirtless Danny, no matter the occasion, is always a great image :devil: yummy!
I think they were going out and stuff just not officially, although I agree with Stuffy that could not have been the first time they kissed. She was too sure of what was going to happen.

I guess my scenario would fit the dating with just kissing category.

OT - Can Hawkes come visit Danny/Lindsay at the cottage, so I can have some eye candy too :(.
redundant question alert: what is everyone’s view/opinion on danny and lindsay’s relationship status between Sleight Out of Hand and Snow Day? ie dating with just kissing, dating exclusively, friends with benefits, etc.
Oh - I love that question babes! Now I get to dig into my brain to 'way back then' when all that actually happened! :) Haha. SOoH is of course one of the most loved eppys ever cos of our 'almost kiss' (also why its most annoying). I'd like to think that they took it slow after that, just taking time being with each other. Lindsay, having just overcame the whole trial ordeal would have wanted to just pick up her life and just go back to living. Danny, being the sensible man that he is - knows that. They probably went on dates, ordered in, watched late-night movies snuggled up to each other. Just BEING with each other. I dont think the first though on either of their minds was jumping into bed, as hot as that would've been - it wouldn't have been our D/L. They love each other :D (and it still makes me giddy everytime I say that) :p

Between SOoH & SD, I'd like to think that it was built up behind the scenes, since we dont exactly know how much time elapsed between those episodes right? CSI:NY isn't exactly a daily thing. The most would be is weekly, which still put almost a month between Montana and pooltable smex - which iss frankly, rather realistic considering they've known each other for almost 2 years or so (probably less).

So - that leaves Danny with enought time to spend with his Montana - so much for winin' and dinin'. Maybe it was an all for one on the pool table in the end :devil: You'd have to examine their bodies closely (I vote for doing Montana!) to find any residual trace of chocolate :devil:

Anywho - I think I've been to hyped up with this question, time to shut up now :) Thanks for the brain whack Cuzzy! Musey needed it. She's gone back to being a fluffy D/L lover again - all for you Mo!babes :lol: And by all means, fog me with the pinkness at any time, it'll be welcomed with deep breathing and opened nostrils (as soon as I get rid of this flu).

:eek: That's it!

Liff's hypothesis:
Blocked nose leads to inability to inhale pink fog, resulting in vulnerability to angst and the 'other' side. Symtoms can be cured by dlophyll commonly found in 'd/l' branded m&ms.

Alrighty then - I'm off for some more...cleaning. Any idea WHY my main urge (even when sick) is to clean? I think it's wrong.

My redundant question that popped by for a quick hello: How spotless do you think Danny likes his apartment? Or does he fit into the 'bachelor pad' category like (imo) Flack. :p

---My own answer? Me thinks he's pretty good at cleaning, being a CSI n all. But who knows, maybe that's just me being the clean/neat freak that I am :lol:

Cordy! Wherefore art thou my sweetie pumpkin pie that's about to get smooshed with chocolate? :D
You'd have to examine their bodies closely (I vote for doing Montana!) to find any residual trace of chocolate

Shotgun Danny :D

I'd say our Liffy was feeling better - he wrote another novel, though not nearly as long as his previous one ;) wubs you babe; glad that you're back.

How spotless do you think Danny likes his apartment? Or does he fit into the 'bachelor pad' category like (imo) Flack

Good question hun...I think that Danny would want his place fairly clean (but not totally clean) for Montana to come over. I can imagine him zipping back and forth between rooms trying to get everything spot-on clean before Linds arrives.

Alrighty, since we're on the topic of redundant questions, I have one for y'all:

Do you think Danny and Lindsay will move in together sometime during this season? If so, how do you think it will be approached (ie. who will bring it up, reactions etc.)? If not, why?
How spotless do you think Danny likes his apartment? Or does he fit into the 'bachelor pad' category like (imo) Flack

I think Danny's apartment would be clean because he is never there.

Do you think Danny and Lindsay will move in together sometime during this season? If so, how do you think it will be approached (ie. who will bring it up, reactions etc.)? If not, why?

I don't think they will move in together this season because they want to make the shippers happy, plus everyone else, so that may be moving a bit to fast.

I do think that they will spend most of their time in the same apartment though, doesn't matter which one, but they will be sleeping together most of the time (and I mean as in going to sleep when they get in the bed) ;).
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