Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Awwwww JenP, you're not feeling well? :( it's all Liffy's fault ;) hope you're better soon hun *huggles*

Funny story. I was just at my mom's work and reading Readers Digest, and there was this little blurb in there under "Life's Like That". It's a section where readers can send in memories that are funny, embarrassing, or anything else really.

Well this one blurb was about a person who worked in shipping, and in the morning the clothes would arrive, and special deliveries in the afternoon. I guess this one impatient customer wanted his pool table in the morning, and the person said to them, "Just as soon as we take off our clothes".

I couldn't stop grinning, and I even chuckled a bit :D of course you all know where my mind went then :devil:

ETA: Ahhh I was close Anffy. I knew they weren't bubbles, but they kinda look like them :lol: gotta love work! My mind tends to wander off as well...sitting at a computer with a DL background and numerous DL sites up doesn't exactly help :p
Jen said:
I'm not feeling so well. Thanks Liff, for sending the flu over this way!
No problem sweetheart :D Anyone else care for a dose of viral infection? I don't discriminate - I'll gladly infect the willing (and now that I think about it - the unwilling aswell).

I like Danny's look, he looks like a man who has a woman near him that tells him what he can wear best...O wait, he HAS a woman near him!
OMG, Jen you plopped such a sweet little scene in my head with that - Danny coming out of the room and Linds telling him to go back in and change (yeah - I don't think Danny has that bad a taste in clothes, we practically wear the same thing (work wise) but Linds just wants to watch him strip) :devil: Of course, he's whining all the way. Total fluffiness! I'm copyrighting that for ALWY! Dutch, Stuffy, Soph and anyone else who's reading ALWY - you'll be happy to know the next chapter is on its merry way. I finally got off my hiney and got cracking - thank the flu. I cant do anything much (and coupled with incredibly slow internet) all i've been capable of doing is sitting here soaking in the numerous amounts of d/l scenes swimming around in my head! Sweet :cool:

Danny's lookin' cool in S4 (Promo pics I dont consider spoilers since you can't tell squat from them). Danny's lookin' pretty in charge there - though that would go down the drain once his girl arrives at the scene. :)

Stuffy said:
My mind tends to wander off as well...sitting at a computer with a DL background and numerous DL sites up doesn't exactly help
Haha - and I play around with my kids. You useless people! At least I'm working :D
Hey! Aww, sorry to hear you're sick too, JenP. Feel better soon, hun! Seems everyone's getting sick. I've been feeling rough the past few days too. And now my stomach hurts, but i think that might be from laughing so much! (I just watched X factor, basically our version of American Idol, in case you didn't know.) Absolutely hilarious! :lol: :lol: :lol: But, I digress...

Liffy said: Dutch, Stuffy, Soph and anyone else who's reading ALWY - you'll be happy to know the next chapter is on its merry way.

Good to hear, bud! Can't wait! :D

I can't remember who said about a DL-child going to visit M&M world, but that just screams ficcy, doesn't it? Unfortunetly, i don't have to time to finish my current fic, let alone start a new one. But, it would be cool if someone else did a fic about that, don't you think?

Later guys! PSG xxx
aww, JenP, hope this new thread makes you feel better! :D

miss dani, i forgot to comment on your pres: close quarters, invasion of personal space :p naughty. (speaking of invasion of personal space, since she tends to reference it, where are you, mer??)

heehee Mo, no worries about missing the pics up there. but for your punishment, you get to tidy up D/L cottage for danny and lindsay so they have a nice place to tear through again ;) .

they DO look like bubbles though. i wish i were that talented! and look at what we're so productively doing every week :rolleyes: :giggles: *high 5 to stuffy for a D/L-themed computer in the workplace*
youre just jealous, cuzzy... :lol: i still love your kiddies!

C.A.N.O.N. !!
Stupid-presents-sender Liff said:
Jen said:
I'm not feeling so well. Thanks Liff, for sending the flu over this way!
No problem sweetheart :D Anyone else care for a dose of viral infection? I don't discriminate - I'll gladly infect the willing (and now that I think about it - the unwilling aswell).
Watch out for him guys, he's dangerous! ;) Oh, and Liff, it's JenP from now on. Otherwise we get a mix up...We have a JenHHH as well!

I like Danny's look, he looks like a man who has a woman near him that tells him what he can wear best...O wait, he HAS a woman near him!
OMG, Jen you plopped such a sweet little scene in my head with that - Danny coming out of the room and Linds telling him to go back in and change (yeah - I don't think Danny has that bad a taste in clothes, we practically wear the same thing (work wise) but Linds just wants to watch him strip) :devil: Of course, he's whining all the way. Total fluffiness! I'm copyrighting that for ALWY! Dutch, Stuffy, Soph and anyone else who's reading ALWY - you'll be happy to know the next chapter is on its merry way.

I'm reading too, Liff, just don't do reviews and stuff. No time, you know... :rolleyes: But you're very nice...and giving me the flu and stealing my perfect story-idea... Great shipping-buddy you are now....;)

Welcome back Natty, We missed ya!
Haha - and I play around with my kids. You useless people! At least I'm working

I'll have you know, cheek, that I started working long before you. And I'm still doing stuff at the office when you're home :p

they DO look like bubbles though. i wish i were that talented! and look at what we're so productively doing every week :giggles: *high 5 to stuffy for a D/L-themed computer in the workplace*

*high-fives Anffy* Woot woot! My boss asked me about my background, and I explained it to her, saying that it was from CSI:NY and it's two characters I love. She didn't seem to mind :D

youre just jealous, cuzzy... i still love your kiddies!

*giggles* Y'know, that vision of Liffy playing ring-around-the-rosie with the likkle kiddies just won't leave my head :lol:

Wubs you babe ;) *mwah*

Natty!! *tackles buddy and tickles her* Glad you're back :D
My boss asked me about my background, and I explained it to her, saying that it was from CSI:NY and it's two characters I love. She didn't seem to mind

I can just imagine you sitting there explaining probely in a lot of detail!!! :lol:
I can just imagine you sitting there explaining probely in a lot of detail!!!

:lol: I didn't go into much detail actually. I just explained that they were two characters that I adored. She probably figured that something was going on between them from the background...it says "Keep It On The DL", with a big picture of Lindsay and three DL ones at the bottom.

ETA: Darling Rad, your avvie and banner freakin' rock :D
Hi! My name is Leynette and basically I ship D/L and Dani convinced me to join over at MSN and told me about all the crazy things you guys do so I said what the heck! I'll join! :D

Ahoy there that_girl1!! Welcome aboard the very lovely Dantana. Please enjoy this complimentary packet of M&Ms, the symbol of our couple, and indulge yourself in the lurve that is Danny and Lindsay! We're a great bunch here; we all wubs each other very much and we live in the gutter. We also have parties all the time at random houses in Gutterville (where us DL fans reside) and often head down to the 8-Ball and play billiards, the signature game, and watch DL clips on the big screen television.

Cheers to Dani! *throws celebration confetti in the air for our new member*
^^Yeah, ain't I doing something useful for once?
Welcome Leynette hon :D I'm so glad you posted! I bet you won't regret it, as stuffy said we wubs each other tons and we are a nice bunch. Join the fun!

JenP, I'm sorry about the flu thing hon *gives a hot chocolate cup* Hope you feel better soon.

Liff said:
I don't discriminate - I'll gladly infect the willing (and now that I think about it - the unwilling aswell).
No, don't even think of coming near me! I won't get your flu, like in no way! If you try to infect me with it, I'll throw a ton of spoiler boxes just to keep you away :p Hah, no I won't do that, poor Liff is sick and doin' a damn good job as SF. But still, don't infect me!

Natty, welcome back. Right in time for the thread opening ;)

miss Angel said:
see what goes trough my mind while I work?
Aww, your avvie rocks dear :D They do look bubbles and it's lovely! stuffy, glad you enjoy them at work too, glad you have a nice boss and all ;) Yay for D/L at work! :p
Yeah, ain't I doing something useful for once?

Dani wubs you are contributing every single time you post. So don't you dare say that, cause you rock and you should never forget that :D *huggles*

Oh, and darlin'? If Liffy sends that nasty flu bug over to you, I'll assit you in your revenge in any way possible. I'll borrow my friend's catapult (you know who I'm talking about Liff) and we can fire cockroaches at him :lol:
Good evening! This is just crazy...we're already on page 2 :eek: We rock! :)

squeeing Chelle said:
OMG hun!!! that is a fantastic drop dead gorgeous pic right there!!! woo!!! he is sooo hot.. i wonder who he is pointin at... lol maybe he is tellin everyone to leave the pool table alone...
LOL :lol: for some reason that just made me laugh so hard :lol:...I can just see him totally freaking out at some random people who came to close to a pool table... :D

The more pressing question, however, is: Where did he just came from, with that shirt hanging out like that? :eek: Maybe he's pointing at Montana "Don't you move! I'll be right back!" :devil:

very creative avvie maker Angel said:
i think thats a D/L child must-visit store on a saturday afternoon
Good thing we already have one in GutterVille too ;)...maybe the kids of some of our buddies here running in and out of that store gives them some inspiration... :)

I'm pretty sure we never get to see D/L near that place ever, but perhaps TPTB have a wicked sense of humor...Pam dear, you've got a statue... ;)

JenP I'm sorry you're not feeling well *eyes Liffy (who made the wonderful promise of a new chap to ALWY) suspiciously* I went to the "Sneekermeer" today and I'm pretty tired, :( but did get a nice tan... :D

I'm envious of those who can watch D/L at work...I can not even access this site when I'm there and we have to have the company's boring WP... :mad:

Welcome Leynette! You'll enjoy GutterVille...we even have a zoo, since D/L always seem to be...*ahem*...around animals
Didn't even realise it, but there's a dog again - a nasty one this time, but it is an animal...And Aud "Hungry like the wolf" would've been fun...when I first read about the music I totally imagined them singing along with "Ghostbusters!" :lol:
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