Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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*wanders in pretending to be kinda sick too* :D Come on! Who has Danny? I feel so terrible.. ;) :)

the one who's defenitaly feeling better since she's talking about coffee again, Mo, said:
See now that is the kind of angst I can handle, the kind quickly followed by sweetness and love (aka: fluf!)
*grins* :D well actually at first it was a whole lot of angst :eek: and the sweetness was at the very, very end, but it was almost a novel :rolleyes: so I deleted the middle part...

Whoa! :eek: Some totally unexpected smex-on-a-stick - Txs Mo :)

Dani I couldn't quite tell...did you like SD? ;) ;) Awesome recap sweetie! :)

The one whose nose I hope stays blocked a little longer to keep out the pink fog, Liffy, said:
I sense angst coming on as Lindsay's pregnant. As in Danny starts to question his own abilities to be a father - what with his dark past and all, and whether he'll be able to raise a child properly. It'll probably end up with a screaming match between Danny and Linds, with Danny leaving for a night or something before he realises how much he can't live without her.
*hugs her buddy* I don't even need to offer you cookies anymore :p....Welcome to the dark side! :) Too bad that your muse has apparently taking mine on a holiday...I lost my inspiration too...something flungsty maybe?! :)

The one that keeps coming up with those great questions, Angel, said:
what is everyone’s view/opinion on danny and lindsay’s relationship status between Sleight Out of Hand and Snow Day?
Although the idea of them joining The Mile High Club :devil: on their way back to NYC is still too funny, I think they went on a few dinner dates, catched some movies ("kissing in the backseat of a movie on a saturday night with you" - aargh, where did that come from?), been to a few games and had some more intimate kissing moments on his/her couch... :)

Liffy (again) said:
How spotless do you think Danny likes his apartment?
He's not a total slob, but I don't think it's spotless either :)...it's just something that has to be done...

The one who hasn't had a pie in her face for way too long now, Stuffy, said:
Do you think Danny and Lindsay will move in together sometime during this season? If so, how do you think it will be approached
It's probably too soon, but perhaps if things keep going ok in the season #4 finale one of them can say something like: "See you at home"... :D

*throws a strawberry pie at Stuffy and start SD DVD again to check if there are chocolate stains on Danny*
Honestly, to answer Stuffy's question, I don't see them moving in with each other this season. Not that I don't see it eventually, but I think it would be too rushed for our pair, no matter how much we think they should, to move in together. I think we will have an up and down season with our dynamic duo, but if they do move in together, it would totally surprise me.

Sorry Liff, no spoiler boxes for you today. I am glad that you've gone to that other place, one that allows you to skip over and not be bothered by those boxes anymore. You are a very strong person.
"See you at home"...

Good Lord, if that was said I would seriously die from all teh squee-ness.

*throws a strawberry pie at Stuffy and start SD DVD again to check if there are chocolate stains on Danny*

And what, pray, did I ever do to you dutch? *eats a few crumbs before grabbing a piece of crust and tossing it back at lovely buddy whom she adores so very much*

Oi! I called shotgun first :p
Finally saw a new epi - well, new for me that is... But it was a great one: Daze of Wine and Roaches! The look on Danny's face when he saw the cockroach coming out of the victim's mouth! Worth a picture! Who has one?
stuffy, i’d love to see them move in, but i think we’d only get a one liner or reference: lindsay saying something like, “…it’s at our place…” i can also see the “see you at home” line too! OR how about a going-to-work driving scene or arrival scene! but to answer your question throughly: i see danny assuming they'd move in. he would bring it up at dinner or something: "...i was thinking, montana..." then him showing up at her doorstep with all his belongings like a sad little lost puppy: lindsay aw-ing at the sight as they help to move his stuff into her apartment. a few weeks later, they decide to buy a new apartment TOGETHER.

Cousin Liffy, i love to make you work that [sick] little brain. BREATHE the pink cloud. love the pink cloud. muhahaha. wait, am i helping the fluffies? i like your cleaniness question: i agree, i think he’s rarely home. when he is home, it’s to sleep. he seems like a pretty neat guy with maybe a pile of laundry at the end of the week on the floor or something. he probably even makes his bed!

thnx for all the answers girls and guy! chelle belle, where’d ya go? and Delia, where are you?

okay, all you flu-sick people and pseudo sick people are to report to the D/L Hospital pronto. nurse danny and dr. lindsay will care for ya (decided to switch up the typical sex-biased roles).

ETA: for spelling!

^ LOL Angel :D nurse Danny :eek: - I suddenly have the most vivid images of D/L and some naughty role-playing... :devil:

And if he ever did show up on her doorstep like that, that would be the best scene for a season ending ever! *keeps dreaming*

Here you go JenP!: :D

And just for fun and to stay on topic ;) here's Lindsay's reaction too:

*both from CSI-caps*

our spoiler Queen Catey said:
I think we will have an up and down season with our dynamic duo, but if they do move in together, it would totally surprise me.
Well surprises are the best!
I think you're right though, might be too soon...but the ups and downs should provide us with enough squee-worthy moments...

strawberry covered sweet Stuffy said:
And what, pray, did I ever do to you dutch?
Nothing dear, but you're just the best to have a pie/M&M's/chocolate sauce fight with...wubses you too!

*thinks she's in need of a sponge bath ;) - Oh, nurse Danny...*
I dont think they move in together yet but if they do I think they will only mention it briefly after it is already done - like someone asking how the living as a couple is going or something like that.

but the See you at home idea is beautiful and IMHO would actually go well with the way they only show tid bits and insinuate rather then show and tell :)
Ooooo!!! Pictures! :D *is loving all these squee-worthy (and drool-worthy) shots*

Y'all want pictures? BOOM!

Likkle back touch :)

"I'm here."


ETA: *gives Anffy a giant kiss on the cheek* You, m'dear, are brilliant! I think a DL Hospital is in order for Gutterville. When our couple are not...ahem..."occupied", they can be our remedy for colds and flus. Nothin' like a visit from Nurse Danny or Dr. Lindsay to make one feel better ;)
To answer Stuffy's question I think that it could be a possiblity. The pool table in "Snow Day" was a suprise so anything can happen.

I love "Days of Wine and Roses". The roach broach seen was hilarious and both of them played it off very well. :)
I'm going to answer the moving in question. I think that they won't tell us blatenly like "so living together is great." Obviously that's a little extreme, but I think that if they were to move in together, they'll show us something to signal it, like a very subtle (not to us maybe...) "I'll see you at home" Then life goes on, blah blah blah. I dunno if I'd want the team to know that they were living together though. Dating or whatever yea, sure, but living together, not really the team's business. Or maybe it would be unspoken with the team. Yea, that sounds right.
Hello my dearies! *Mo grins and waves to all her lovely darling buddies as she steps into the thread this fine Hump Day evening...finally feeling better after several long sponge baths and some good spoon fed soup...thank you Danny boy! ;) * Heehee! :lol: Ohhh, we've got good discussion in here this evening, and we're already on page 3 wow! The rate we're going it's quite possible that we'll be on to thread #20 by the time we get to our fabulous season premiere and what promises to be an amazing D/L season! :D

Shippy buddy with the fab questions Angel asked:
Mo. did you finish up tidying D/L cottage?? or did you fall asleep not feeling well on the king bed in the master bedroom or maybe even the pool table...
*Mo looks around innocently...yes innocently!* I did not take a nap on their very comfy, very cushy kind size bed! And I did not snoop through their closets smelling many of Danny's amazingly manly and smexy shirts! And I most definitely did not look through their bed side night tables, nor did I find anything that would make me think someone was looking at rings for someone else! *Mo looks around innocently...* Yup, didn't do any of that! ;) Heehee! :lol:

Gutter bud who's finally feeling a bit better and is back to fluff Liffy dear nodded:
They probably went on dates, ordered in, watched late-night movies snuggled up to each other. Just BEING with each other. I dont think the first though on either of their minds was jumping into bed, as hot as that would've been - it wouldn't have been our D/L. They love each other (and it still makes me giddy everytime I say that)
I know doesn't saying they "love" eachother just make you grin?! Seriously I'm sitting her typing it and I can't stop smiling and giggling! :lol: *Sigh!* I love that not only do we love this ship, but this ship really do love eachother too! I mean there are those ships where you KNOW they love eachother, but the PTB just decide to ignore that and never make it come even close to happening (Grrrrrr!) and then there are the ships where you KNOW they love eachother and the PTB agree! And I am SOOOOO glad that this is one of those ships! SOOOO glad! :D And I have to agree too, I think for that month or so between Montana and Snow Day they just spent time with eachother...getting used to eachother, spending time with eachother! Yay! :D

Musey needed it. She's gone back to being a fluffy D/L lover again - all for you Mo!babes
*Mo nods, satisfied!* Thank you very much! ;) I can understand a bit of angst every now and then (heck two of my fav eppy's are angsty...RSRD and LRC) but even then, I am totally and entirely fluffy! :lol: Glad to have your Muse back on board the fluffy side hon! ;)

Fluffy darling who asked the brilliant question Stuffy posed this beauty:
Do you think Danny and Lindsay will move in together sometime during this season? If so, how do you think it will be approached (ie. who will bring it up, reactions etc.)? If not, why?
Ohhhhhh, great question hon! Wow! To be honest I am torn on this one...There is a part of me that does agree with most of the rest of y'all who think it would be too soon to have them move in together this season, that that might be rushing things a bit for them. But then there is another part of me that thinks that with everything these two have already been through together and how long they spent getting to know eachother, that them moving in together at some point this next year (aka: season) would not be unreasonable or unrealistic at all. I would not be shocked if they did move in together at some point this season, unless it was like in the first episode!

Darling bud who shares my love of the amber nectar of the gods Dutch shrugged:
It's probably too soon, but perhaps if things keep going ok in the season #4 finale one of them can say something like: "See you at home"...
Awwww, okay I totally agree that would be the perfect way to let it slip! If they did move in together I don't think I'd want like a whole eppy dedicated to that...(although it'd be fun to see one of them packing, or one of them showing up outside the others' door with a big box of stuff!) but yeah I have to say something subtle like what you said Dutch...like an "looks like I'll be home a bit late Montana..." or something like that, not big...but still clear that things have progressed! ;) And yeah, I would be squeeing my ears off for like the rest of the year! :lol: You think I'm kidding about that...but ask Aud...she knows...ain't that right Fluffy Twin...when we squee, it's long and loud! :lol: :lol:

Angsty niece darling Rad said:
I dunno if I'd want the team to know that they were living together though. Dating or whatever yea, sure, but living together, not really the team's business. Or maybe it would be unspoken with the team. Yea, that sounds right.
I gotta say babes, I'm pretty sure that the team would figure it out! ;) I mean they are CSI's...and Mac knows everything and Stella is like the info-gossip chain queen...so I don't really see it staying hidden long, if at all! Just like now, I would be willing to bet money (Lynny?! :lol: ) that the whole team knows already that D/L are together! :D

Okay peeps...now that this is nice and long, I'm off to grab some dessert and to prep for LRC-the-eppy-of-lovely-"angst"- that-I-love-because-it's-basically-fluff- in-that-they-are-basically-saying-"I love you"-with-their -eyes- in-the-end-scene! :lol:

*Mo giggles and waving gleefully, steps aboard her titanium bubble of fluffy love and shimmers away!* :D
*Dani pops in, still sleepy, and is glad to find Liff around here with his novel lenght posts, that are a sign to me that he's better*

Dear Mo said:
I love that not only do we love this ship, but this ship really do love eachother too!
For some reason, that made me giggle more than usual. So true :)

Nice pictures everyone. Thank you so much :)

Hm, so we have some questions and discussion going on:

1) What kind of interaction they had between SHoH and SD: I definitely think they were together (obviously) but I think they didn't want to rush it...So, as you pretty much said, dating, late night movies, cuddling and kissing...And then SD started as any other night and...you know where it ended :devil:

2)Wheter Danny's appartement is spotless or not: Well, I think he is not a clean freak (probably he doesn't even have time to be), but I suppose he keeps thing tidy. Just the usual, cleaning the essencial, keep things in order. After all, he doesn't want his Montana to think he doesn't take care of his stuff :p

3)If they are moving together anytime this season: Wow, we really can't predict this one, TPTB can always surprise us, and do what they want to. Still, I don't think they clearly will. Maybe one day they just arrive together at a scene (tough they don't even need to be living together to do so :devil:), and let slip out some words that hint at that. Maybe we will never know since when they are together once they let the hint (or the clear information) about it. I don't know...Anyway, if they were together in the season premiere, that would totally surprise me :eek: Don't think it will happen anyway.

Mo said:
Okay peeps...now that this is nice and long, I'm off to grab some dessert and to prep for LRC-the-eppy-of-lovely-"angst"- that-I-love-because-it's-basically-fluff- in-that-they-are-basically-saying-"I love you"-with-their -eyes- in-the-end-scene!
Do I recognize that from somewhere?! :lol: But you're right, we can definitely see the love between them in that episode. Aww, adorable angst ;)
Oh, and glad you found my hyper state funny :rolleyes:
vex, those cookies look yummy.

oh dr. lindsay and nurse danny! ;) glad you like their alternate occupations.

nurse danny healed Mo! good, im glad you didnt touch anything. :p i heard that D/L has a security cam in their little cottage. not that it's picked up any strange/odd behavior yet...maybe some other behavior...! im sure danny and lindsay has all our fingerprints on their version of AFIS, so watch out!

heehee, dutchy, who could resist a ready-to-move-in danny?!

yup, cuzzy, ive watched the SD clips just about every day since the original airing. no lie. it's been 14 weeks yesterday. still love it.

more angel overanalysis observations (sick of them yet? this probably the last one for a bit):
i re-watched NWILL with the volume turned really high for the hug. i never realized the strength, worry, and concern in danny's voice when he calls out for lindsay those 2 times! she answers him with a lighter "danny," and well, the embrace leads to the hug. did lindsay dive right for danny's body for the hug (cause she almost knocks him back as she dives; he moves back/jerks back slightly) or does danny pull her into the hug?

LRC was on last night for some of us. i just caught it watching last night: danny's right side of his lips gives a teeny smile more after he says "...some laughs." thought that was a cute ditch effort to give a semi-i-really-like-you-lindsay-monroe smirk.

also, i think dutchy said (it was you, no? sorry if im mistaken) she really enjoyed the DL last scene: i finally saw more of that intensity in both their eyes that everyone has been raving about. lindsay's eyes look so lost in her past issues yet so hungry to be with danny while danny looks like he's about to cry at the end. i think danny knew that lindsay was being honest/open and he saw the emotions in her eyes (both that she does truly like/care/even love him AND that her standing him up was with reason, a real reason that is obviously emotionally draining and is something that lindsay needs to tend to first). it's in her eyes that really made me see why danny hung unconditionally onto lindsay knowing that she did care about him.
more angel overanalysis observations (sick of them yet? this probably the last one for a bit):
i re-watched NWILL with the volume turned really high for the hug. i never realized the strength, worry, and concern in danny's voice when he calls out for lindsay those 2 times! she answers him with a lighter "danny," and well, the embrace leads to the hug. did lindsay dive right for danny's body for the hug (cause she almost knocks him back as she dives; he moves back/jerks back slightly) or does danny pull her into the hug?

I don't think we can ever get sick of your analysis Anffy wubs :)

Speaking of 'teh hug'...is it just me, or does Danny mutter "I love you" right after he pulls her in? He definitely says something, because his lips move and I hear his voice, and it almost sounds like "ove". Can't wait until the DVD comes out...that's what the subtitle option is for! :D

For some reason I didn't get all teary-eyed last night. Wonder why that could be....oh wait!! I know! It's because we are:


Hee. Anffy I totally agree; Lindsay's eyes were so full of emotion. I don't get why people say that she had none in that scene (or any scene for that matter). It was so clear tha she was hurt, that she didn't want to tell Danny those things. Danny, meanwhile, stumbled after she said "I can't be in a relationship with you". I love how he does that...we all know he does want to be with her, yet he fumbled for words.

I had to explain to my mom last night why she turned him away at dinner. Of course TPTB were evil and never told us the real reason, so I said this: "We (as in us DL fans) believe that she received a call from the Bozeman prosecutor about the trial." And she said "Awwww" when that scene came up....I just shrugged it off *coughsnowdaycough*
Good morning everyone, happy Thursday! *Mo floats in, happily camped out in her fluffy bubble of love, that is immpenetrable to any poking or angst!* :D

Lol, Dani yup I did find your hyper state funny and adorable and I completely understand it! Ask Aud I get that way myself after any big fluffy moment between these two...heck after SD first aired I don't think I took a breath between my words for a good...week if not longer! :lol:

Angel I think it was me you meant, who said I really liked the last D/L scene in LRC (although I'm sure my angsty Dutch dear does as well!). I do love the end scene of them too though...I know it's angsty, but fluffy as I am, it is probably one of my favorite scenes between them! Right from that first moment where Danny calls her as she's walking away..."Lindsay Monroe..." (I LOVE his voice when he says her name it gets me every time!! :D ) And her smile, which you barely see, as she turns around to look at him is SOO adorable! I think I like that whole scene because it's real. I mean like it's something that would really happen in a relationship...as much as I love my fluffy perfection, life isn't fluffy and perfect and this scene shows that perfectly! But yeah what I love the most is that even though, she is saying I can't be with you...her eyes and her mouth and her very stance as she stands there is practically screaming at him that of course she wants him, needs him, loves him! And to please not give up on her just because she has issues to work out! You really can see the love they both feel for eachother...and how absolutely hard it was for Lindsay to walk away from him right then, it was killing her you could see that!

*Mo sighs!* Love it!!

Okay I could wax poetical about D/L all day ;) but sadly I must away to work :p So have a lovely Thursday everyone and I will catch you all later... :D

34 days!!

*Mo grins, grabs her coffee, and shimmers away...leaving behind a trail of the pink fluffiness!* :D
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