Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Hey guys, just a couple things.

I've been reading through the posts (nothing new, I always do) and noticing they are getting more and more off-topic every day. Not all of the posts but a lot of them. Everybody needs to get back on the topic of Danny/Lindsay and keep the personal/off topic posts to a minimum. If you're gonna stray off-topic, you must include more on-topic discussion than off-topic discussion. A lot of the posts are nothing more than chatting and not even about Danny/Lindsay. Real life needs to take a backseat in this thread. This also includes making a post only to congratulate a new thread. If that's all you have to say, you need to wait until you have something about Danny/Lindsay to discuss.

Due to complaints about this thread (and other threads as well - which I have posted in too) the off-topic quoting needs to be kept to a bare minimum. It takes up a lot of space and, like I said, off-topic. This applies to off-topic quoting only. On-topic is not a problem.

Thanks guys. :)
I knew I d miss the new thread opening *sniff* wonderfull job bBTW aud

and the S4 pic of Danny is just WOW, I hope there are regular promo pics this season, I missed them so much last year. and is it too much to hope for some proper DL pic? no it is not :)


cant celebrate without some flowers :)

enjoy the rest of the weekend
Good afternoon shippers!!!! :D how are we today?

Chell skips in throwing M&Ms to everyone

Angffy says...
chelle belle, sweet SD ending pic. lindsay is being so strong for her guy. he leans on her as she did on him on NWILL. love the parallelism.

that is soo true hun.. i just love the way Danny looks back at the trailer where he was, as if he was imagining him goin to get Lindsay, instead of the other way around. (make sense?! :lol: ) :D

Newbie Leynette squeals..
My name is Leynette and basically I ship D/L and Dani convinced me to join over at MSN and told me about all the crazy things you guys do so I said what the heck! I'll join

aww welcome huni!! you will be sure to stay here and not wanna leave!! why not share your thoughts on that gorgeous Danny pic from S4?! :D Big thanks to Dani for gettin u over here too!! :D

laughing hard Dutchie giggles...
The more pressing question, however, is: Where did he just came from, with that shirt hanging out like that? Maybe he's pointing at Montana "Don't you move! I'll be right back!"

hah that is funni hun! and it always seems that when he has worn that white shirt, its always hanging out... just like in SD lol so yeah... there is probable cause to safely say they have commenced in hijacking the pool table once again!! :devil: :lol:

Where is mer these days?! :(
Hey buddies!
First of all, welcome in this thread Leynette, I’m glad to see ya here! I’m sure that ya’ll have fun here in Gutterville. :)
Dutch said:
we even have a zoo, since D/L always seem to be...*ahem*...around animals
That’s true! The animals are growing, because in almost every episode an animal is involved in D/L story and because the animals of us joined the zoo! Btw, Leynette, if ya have animals within reach, you can take them at our zoo! :D

I’ve just seen the promo pics and I couldn’t stop staring at Danny :drool:. I agree with JenP, it’s so evident that he has a woman near him… :DProbably we won’t see him with his famous green t-shirt every day. Lindsay, as Liff said, would take every chance to send him to change his clothes only to see him strip…or probably would stole that t-shirt and use it to sleep! :lol:

Carolina, the daisies are awesome! *Abby remembers the sweet SD moments and squees*
Now I have in mind the image of Danny bringing the breakfast in bed to Lindsay and putting a daisy on the tray only to remind her at the famous night of SD and to remember together that moment…[gutter mode] and probably they would decide to refresh their memory :lol: :devil: [/gutter mode]

Btw…welcome back Natty! :)
Chell! Here I am! I can't believe I missed the thread opening! :eek:

I am still without internet access at my apartment and I am slowly going insane without it, and without you guys! I love you guys; it was great to read all these posts I missed and get caught up on D/L and y'all!

There are some great spoilers that I am just now getting caught up on!
The season hasn't even opened yet, but I am very excited for this episode. It sounds like we are getting a lot of great little D/L moments. I think it is great how TPTB aren't hiding this relationship, but they aren't throwing it in everyone's faces either. It sounds like they are doing a great job balancing the case, the ship, and even giving us more development of Lindsay individually, but without detracting from our ship. Bonus! :D
Can any of our spoiler-savvy-shippers give us a little spoiler list for the upcoming eps? *bats eyelashes sweetly* Please?

I'll be around the site for a couple of more hours today, but I still don't now when I will have internet restored. :( Everybody come out and play so I can get my D/L fix with my shippy buddies!

ETA: Okay, I've been here for four hours and no one has shown up yet! Where is everyone before I have to go?
Hey guys! Been very busy with school so I can't visit as often as I would like too.

CarolinaI love that you posted our favorite d/l daisies! That was the perfect flower for Danny to leave for Lindsay. Sometimes roses are cliche'.

And before I forget...Welcome all the newbies! :)
okay why in the hell do yall gotta post happy dl scenes that I liked pics? Instead of the ones that annoy the hell outta me? (although I did see a few of them, *gives out cookies to those*). I hate you all.

Yall know, if any of you mention fluffy and me in the same sentence, your ass is going in catnip, so becareful when you do that, got it amigos?

Poor Liffy not allowed near spoilers. heres one just for you.

*pushes you in the angst thread*
Mercy :D Glad to see you again! *hands you some of Vexus' lovely cookies*...albeit only for a few hours :(...You better get that internet fixed...we miss your little challenges... :)

Mercy[/b]:]I agree. I think it's great that TPTB show us little things that prove their still in a relationship without over-doing it. That little kiss on the forehead it great and handling it this way does indeed leave more room to develop Lindsay's character... :)

Lynny love to hate you too! No worries here...I won't post those pics...no my favorite scenes either...but those cookies sound tempting... ;)

Poor Liffy....Can he resist?! :lol:

Carolina, lovely daisies! That was such a sweet gesture from Danny...Lindsay must've felt pretty special when she saw that... :)

Off to work! Later!
You just can't be away for some days ... when you come back, a new thread is here! :eek: And I who thought that there would be a very long summer with not so much posting in here. :eek: What I was wrong! :)

I was smiling from ear to ear when I read about the forehead kiss. So sweet. And go Linds! You rock!

Btw, nice thread title!
Merci, so glad you were back for a while, but you have to get your internet fixed. Your challenges were (and still are) an important part of the life of this thread.

Carolina, those daises are LOVE! How many memories of an happy pool night for those two :devil: Speaking of which, do you know who's gonna watch subtitled in portuguese SD tomorrow night? You got it. That's gonna be me :D I wish I could record it tough :rolleyes: Oh well, it's gonna be awesome to watch those scenes again :D I'm so excited. Lol. Seriously, I love it, love it, love it :D Who doesn't?! Every single moment of them together in this episode is pure squee! Lovely!

Speaking of lovely moments, the other day I was thinking what is my favorite D/L moment ever, and I couldn't come up with a conclusion. I love them all for different special reasons, that I can't chooose :rolleyes: All of them have special places in my heart (and I am sure their hearts agree with me ;))

But you know what? I think my family is starting to get that I am so happily obsessed with all this stuff. All thanks to the fact that I decide to watch D/L videos, that put that stupid smile in my face :p My mom went like "You should see your face of happiness looking at that screen" :rolleyes: Shows what I feel :p
mer!!!!! *hugs buddy cause she was missed so dearly* Please come back soon hun :(. dutch is right; your challenges rock!

carolina, love the daisy picture. SQUEE!!!! The flower of our couple...*sighs happily*

*giggles* Dani wubs, I can only imagine the grin on your face and your mom's voice when she said that. That is too cute! DL has that effect on you...makes one break out into smiles :D

Oh and mer darlin'? Loving the banner ;)
afternoon my lovlies!!!! how are we today?! **looks at calendar...** woo!!! only 37/38 days left til premiere!!!
not like we are counting or anything... *ahem* :D

The wonderful massively missed Mer yelled...

Chell! Here I am! I can't believe I missed the thread opening!

awww yay huni u back!!! you have missed alot!! its a shame none of us were here at the time u were :( **big Hugz** but i hope you had the chance to ctch up with everything! and yes, like Dutch & stuffy said.. bring on those challenges!! tell ur internet people to get a move on! :lol: we miss u!!!!! **Hands over a batch of M&M cookies and M&M muffins to keep Mer going for a while** ;)

And I who thought that there would be a very long summer with not so much posting in here.

same here.. but it has actually gone soo quick!! :D and wat with us posting in here all the time.. its gone even quicker! :D


Speaking of lovely moments, the other day I was thinking what is my favorite D/L moment ever, and I couldn't come up with a conclusion. I love them all for different special reasons, that I can't chooose

that is so tru!! i could say that 'fare game' was my fave moment, because of the bet, and that they actually got to sit down and sharea meal.. but then there is also 'NWILL', jus because of the hug!! i would hate to have to round them all up just to 1 particular moment... it would be virtually impossible! :lol:


Now I have in mind the image of Danny bringing the breakfast in bed to Lindsay and putting a daisy on the tray only to remind her at the famous night of SD and to remember together that moment…[gutter mode] and probably they would decide to refresh their memory [/gutter mode]

hehe that is such a squeeeeeefull scene!! you know just how to make us Shippers go right to the bottom of the Gutter! :lol: :devil: that would be soo cute for them to reminisce [sp] on their first anniversary... great idea for a one shot fic!!! :D
Good morning my dearies! *Mo drags herself into the thread, clutching her box of tissues and her cup of hot tea :p * I had a looooong weekend, good but long! And I think between my sister-in-law's adorable nephew who had a huge cold and my Gutter bud Liffy I was double dosed with flu symptoms! :p Stuffy I'd say you can help me get Liffy for sharing the flu, but I can't really blame him! :rolleyes: *Mo looks around the new thread and grins tiredly...* This thread sure is purty, good job Aud wub...I like it! And our thread title is fun! :lol:

Chell how's ya doin' honey? *Mo looks around innocently...and then flings homemade "new thread" fudge brownies at her buddies cute face!* :D

Love all the pics y'all! Dutch, Chell, Dani thanks for the fun thread opening presents! *Mo sighs happily!* Our couple is just so fabulous together...they fit so well and are so sweet and romantic and....yay! :D Just yay! :D

Fluffy buddy who popped back in Del:
Oh sheesh, I missed the opening. It was like at midnight my time...
There you are hon! Thought something might have happened to ya! ;) We'll make sure you get a chance to start the next thread if you want to! :D

Shippy buddy Angel winked:
heehee Mo, no worries about missing the pics up there. but for your punishment, you get to tidy up D/L cottage for danny and lindsay so they have a nice place to tear through again
Score Angel! I get to snoop around they're house, with permission! :lol: I mean...*Mo attempts to look "punished" instead of giddy...* oh, uh...bummer...okay! ;) :lol:

Fluffy Buddy Mer-bear darling who finally popped in!
I am still without internet access at my apartment and I am slowly going insane without it, and without you guys! I love you guys; it was great to read all these posts I missed and get caught up on D/L and y'all!
Mer-bear!! Hi honey! I was just about to answer Chell's question about where you were and tell everyone a long overdue "Hello" from you like you'd asked me to...and then I saw you were on...HI!! *Mo tackles her buddy!* Yay for you being able to make it on for even a little bit! I sure hope you can get your internet back up and working, we miss you around here! Aud and I always can use more help boosting the fluffy power and love around here! :lol: Not like we're lacking in fluffies, but then again, more fluff is ALWAYS good! *Mo giggles!*

Yay for only having 37 days left until our Season premiere! I so cannot wait for this season! I LOVED both of our previous seasons with D/L and this season looks like it's going to be even better! Can't wait! :D :D

Alright y'all...my head is feeling fuzzy and my eyes are hurting...so I think I'm gonna go take a nap...maybe Linds will let Danny come over and take care of me... ;) I'll be back when I feel a bit better!

*Mo waves sleepily and wanders aimlessly off to sleep in her fluffy bubble!*
Evening all! (Or good morning ;))

Happy faced Dani said:
the other day I was thinking what is my favorite D/L moment ever, and I couldn't come up with a conclusion. I love them all for different special reasons, that I can't chooose All of them have special places in my heart (and I am sure their hearts agree with me )
That is beautifully said! :) First look, first touch, first hug, first (almost) kiss...we have so many lovely moments. And whenever I see one of my fave's I'm like "yeah that's the one" and then I watch another one and I'm thinking the exact same thing :rolleyes:...

Abby I agree with Chelle...Danny walking in with a tray filled with lovely breakfast goodies (strawberries and chocolate sauce anyone? :devil:) is already squee-worthy :D, but when he adds a daisy I think Lindsay'll melt into a mushy puddle of goo...and so will we... :lol:

And Mo, hunny, if you're really not feeling well then perhaps I should help you out with your 'punishment' :p...I'll go upstairs (you're just too weak to climb the stairs ;)) and you can clean the kitchen...:lol:

Liffy[/b]]I know that the song they're suppose to listen to while driving to the CS is 'Monster Mash', but when I was listening to the radio this afternoon I couldn't help but giggle when I heard Rihanna's "Shut up and drive" :devil:...I could totally picture Lindsay singing along with that (looking totally innocent...of course ;)), while Danny gets more and more uncomfortable :lol:...My colleagues still don't understand why I was giggling...

*hands all those who are not feeling that well a big pack of M&M's* :)
:( is my poor Mo wubs sick?? Well that's no fun. You get plenty of rest now darlin' (I'm sure that won't be a problem with a cuddling Danny :lol:) and we'll watch the fort for you until you're all better.


I love that song! I can so see them driving to that...Lindsay knowing all the words and Danny groaning in frustration. I downloaded "Monster Mash" and listened to it...ummm...interesting song, no doubt.
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