Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Do you think Linds would be able to get Danny to go to a county fair with her and what do you think would be her and then his favorite part?

I think she is able to persuade him of pretty much anything :)

I think I have county fair a little mixed up with carnival but I still say their favorite part would be kissing on the ferris wheel. I know its cliché but I simply love that picture
I know what you mean, Carly! I have no idea what a county fair is, we don't have it in Europe, I guess.

But your comment sounds good!
Kissing on the top of the ferris wheel would be so sweet. I could make that even more cliché by suggesting that Danny paid the operator to make them "accidentally" get stuck at the very top for a few minutes. Sure it's a little corny, but we all love those sweet, romantic, impossible to pull off moves we see onscreen :)

It's Danny we're talking about here - I can definately see him paying someone off to make their night a little more special :) He'd be winning stuffed toys for her all night :D

I think I better go now - I'm going all soft and giddy again thinking about it. *mental picture of the hug has invaded* - *swoon* :eek: Do I love that scene or what?
Catey said:
but I really want to see what look Lindsay is going to have this year.
Yeah, I'm curious about that too...I liked the wavy look, but in the end the only thing that really matters is....will Danny like it? :D

Mo said:
If they were perfect they'd be boring and wouldn't need eachother...but because they are not perfect, they have needs and they have found that in eachother those needs are met...they are perfectly imperfect together!
*hugs buddy* That was so perfectly put into words :)...There will certainly be no fun if this was just a relationship between two perfect people without any character flaws or problems in their past :rolleyes:....'perfectly imperfect together'....sounds like a great thread title! ;)

Do you think Linds would be able to get Danny to go to a county fair with her and what do you think would be her and then his favorite part?

Isn't a county fair sort of a mix of fairground attractions (like ferris wheels and merry-go-rounds) and booths where you can win prizes (stuffed toys, ect.), buy stuff and eat a lot of food? :)

I think she will be able to lure him into going there with the promise of some good food and beer :lol: and the fact that he can impress her by winning some stuffed animals at a shooting-gallery. :D

And I think Lindsay would love it if there was a hay-maze :D (those who've watched Gilmore Girls know what I'm talking about)...that would be the perfect place for the 'little nook' :devil: Liffy was talking about....Let's just hope those hay walls are solid...or they might literally end up rollin' in the hay ;) :devil:...*ducks meter too*

Liffy said:
I'm now going to run off and write some corny love story!
Maybe you should include that ferris-wheel... :)

"Deepen" the relationship...Wow! I was so happy when I read that...What an awesome news to start the next season with...
*Mo giggles as she zooms into the thread, feeling the need for speed as she types while watching "Gone in 60 Seconds"... ;) *
Hello my shippy buddies, how are y'all? Enjoying your weekend hopefully, relaxing and having some fun! ;) I know the last time I checked on D/L they were most definitely making the most of their weekend...and quite enjoying it! :devil: Heehee! ;)

Gutter bug who is forever planted in the D/L soil Lifferiffic stepped up on his podium...:
but for someone like Danny, if his interest in her was merely physical, I can't see him sticking around. She's gorgeous, but there are other people too. The fact that he stuck around clearly shows that it's just that much more than physical attraction. Why would you endure that much drama for someone you just want to sleep with? Answer is - you wont. There's more there and their relationship is definately deeper than a mere crush.
Okay now that I totally agree with! Well said...I guess I just didn't quite understand what you meant the first time, but that makes total sense! If this was just physical I don't think it would have lasted for either of them...although if it was just physical I don't think Linds would have had as much of a problem with this whole thing anyway...if it was just physical for her, she would have done it and been done (no opening up or real trust required when it's just physical)...but she knew she was falling hard for Danny which meant letting him and trusting him with her heart and that was harder to do...but that also is awesome because it means she really does LOVE him! ;) Yay! And yeah I totally agree, if this was just physical Danny would have walked a long time ago...him staying, especially through the drama can only mean love folks....L-O-V-E! :D

Shippy bud who's totally cute Carly shrugged:
I think I have county fair a little mixed up with carnival but I still say their favorite part would be kissing on the ferris wheel. I know its cliché but I simply love that picture
Lol, yeah a carnival is kinda like a smaller version of a county fair...well I guess it could be the same as some county fairs (the one I went to yesterday is the 5th largest in the country!)...but yeah they're along the same lines. I like the ferris wheel idea...that would be totally cute! I can definitely picture Linds getting Danny to go on it and he's like "what's the big deal, I don't get it?" and she'd just grin and then they'd get to the top and she'd turn and totally start kissing him...and he'd get it real fast! :lol:

Homeland honey with fine taste in shoes and coffee Dutch grinned:
*hugs buddy* That was so perfectly put into words ...There will certainly be no fun if this was just a relationship between two perfect people without any character flaws or problems in their past ....'perfectly imperfect together'....sounds like a great thread title!
Awww thanks hon, yeah I love that line that Liff said about their imperfections making them perfect for eachother...it's just so true! Nobody is perfect and yet it's that exact thing...those flaws, those issues...those rough edges that make them fit together so perfectly, they sharpen eachother's rough edges until they are smooth and fixed...it's just such a nice picture isn't it! :D Lol...Danny/Lindsay #20: "Perfectly Imperfect Together!" does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it! ;) Nice idea there hon!

Isn't a county fair sort of a mix of fairground attractions (like ferris wheels and merry-go-rounds) and booths where you can win prizes (stuffed toys, ect.), buy stuff and eat a lot of food?
Lol, that is exactly what it is my dear! It is, in my opinion, the most fun thing ever...okay or at least one of the most fun things ever! :lol: I could totally see Danny and Linds having a total blast at a fair like this...heehee! Fair food is some of the yummiest stuff around, hot, usually fried, totally bad for you and SO dang good! :lol: I can definitely see Linds talking Danny into buying her a caramel apple and some cotton candy, maybe an elephant ear...he'd have a corn dog and a huge basket of curly fries for dinner...and they'd walk around hand in hand, looking at al the animals and watching the teenagers ride the crazy rides...and then he'd want to prove how manly he was, so he'd try to win her something at the midway games...maybe show off his throwing arm and knock over some milk bottles and win her a big stuffed animal around that she would tease him about but secretly love! *Mo giggles and sighs happily!* Awww, good times, good times indeed! :D

Alright time for me to go do some cooking...or well at least pretend to cook, one of these days I need Danny to come over and show me how to make a couple yummy Italian dishes...although once I see him cooking in my kitchen I'm pretty sure I wouldn't ever let him leave and knowing how hot he'd look with marinara sauce all over I'm fairly sure not a lot of cooking would actually happen! ;) I'm sure that happens all the time whenever D/L tries to cook together...they start off fine, and then start noticing how hot they look while cooking and pretty soon the food isn't the only thing heating up! :devil: Lol...yeah I'm permanently stuck in the Gutter...what's new! :lol:

*Mo giggles and grabbing her "Italians Make "it" Hotter!" apron, skips off to her bubble, shimmering devilishly away!* :devil:
Hiya Shippers!! Hiya Mo wub!! I have I told you lately how much you rock?! :D

I have to agree about the D/L relationship going beyond just mere attraction. We're in the deep now!! ;)

I was watching football today and thinking about how much these two might argue over a game. Danny's probably not used to having a woman with so much football knowledge---Football Chicks Rock by the way!! So she'd probably challenge him on all levels during the game. But things would work out in the end---they would make up and go back to being 'hot for one another'. That's what makes this relationship so interesting!! She challenges and charms him; he shocks her but impresses her at every turn. It's love. :)

And hell yeah! Italians do make it hotter! *Gutter girl thoughts* :devil: :devil: :devil:

Later. :cool:
Aud Babes! *Mo tackle hugs her Fluffy Twin!* Hi wub! :D Lol, you rock right back hon...most definitely! ;)

Lol, and yeah we are most definitely in deep now! We are, and they most definitely are! I love that our ship has gone beyond flirting and teasing and turned into this deep strong love that we now KNOW is between them. I mean we have seen it for quite awhile now, in their eyes, in their stares, their body language...but to have it officially confirmed several times over by the PTB...now that is the coolest thing ever! :D

Lol, I love that image hon, D/L arguing over football and Linds really knowing what she's talking about, able to hold her own against Danny...and yeah they would make up later, nicely :devil: but that would be an awesome scene to see!

Italians totally make it hotter...*Mo swoons just a bit...* Mmmmmhmmmm... :devil:
audacity said:

I was watching football today and thinking about how much these two might argue over a game. Danny's probably not used to having a woman with so much football knowledge---Football Chicks Rock by the way!! So she'd probably challenge him on all levels during the game. But things would work out in the end---they would make up and go back to being 'hot for one another'. That's what makes this relationship so interesting!! She challenges and charms him; he shocks her but impresses her at every turn. It's love. :)

Later. :cool:

You're right about that! Now when Danny says "I might have to marry you," he'll mean it. They are beautiful together and I can't say that for many off the couples I see on tv.

Now can you see Danny proposing on the Giants football field. ;) :eek:
Now can you see Danny proposing on the Giants football field.
It would certainly be fitting and good bit of continuity...seeing as how he first mentioned marriage to her when she talked about football! ;) I think it'd be cute...but then again to be fair, as long as it involves D/L getting engaged, however it happens, I'm a happy camper! :lol:
Ok, so here I am, back from holidays, and just finished catching up reading everything you my dear ship buddies have been writing. Love ya! :) And now I know that some of this topics are 'old' (old here means like 6 days ago :p) but still...

Still about D/L marriage proposal, I agree that it should be personal and only between those two. I mean, "Friends" M/C proposal was adorable and great but for a comedy series and for those guys. For D/L, we need something sweeter and just enjoying the moment (understand this as you wish :p) And just having those looks exchanged, both of them nervous (because being CSIs, no matter who proposed, the other one will understand it) and then all smiles and just cuddling for a while, no talking, between some long passionate kisses, ultra excited about the marriage :rolleyes: Yeah, for D/L marriage proposals I turn completely fluff...Must be this pink thing in the air :rolleyes: Also proposal in the football field, I have seen that in Miami Ink :lol: It would be cute and funny, but I don't think it's their thing.

IKEA? :lol: I know how hard it was for my family to put the couch in the car's trunk. I am loving to imagine Lindsay and Danny trying to put the pieces of furniture together. Every moment between those two is LOVE!

About Lindsay getting Danny out of bed (or somewhere else :devil:), that's probably one of the cutest D/L scenarios. I just love to imagine them after waking up, cuddling for a while and all that :) Lovely! But yeah, Danny would be the playfull one staying longer, only after that thinking about how to explain Mac the delay. And there it goes the 'I-woke-up-late-after-a-pool-table-smex-night' look :devil:

Mac: Could happen to you, you know.
Danny: What, marriage?
Mac: Love.
Danny: Don't even say stuff like that Mac, it's not funny.
I just love this scene, and I just love to think on how the situation has changed. Oh, innocent Danny, how wrong were you? More, how glad are you that you were wrong? We all know you haven't been as happy for being wrong as in this case.

About if or how they have changed since they have met each other, I think they did. *looks right above in the post* Danny's changing is obvious. He now believes in true love and more than just playing around :devil: Now it's caring by someone and doing everything for his Montana girl. She has learned to trust someone really, and that people are there for her, and just being more open.

Oh holidays! I agree that Lindsay loves them, slightly more than Danny, but with her, he's gonna enter the spirit. I especially love to think about their Christmas, most likely because I lvoe Christmas. And I don't even have snow, which makes the Christmas picture perfect! Stuffy's "Snow Angels" is so adorable, btw, I 'melted' reading it ;)

Ok, so I am off to catch up on other threads. See ya later!
Buddy with the cool apron Mo said:
It is, in my opinion, the most fun thing ever...okay or at least one of the most fun things ever! I could totally see Danny and Linds having a total blast at a fair
I can totally see that too :D...the walking around, the eating of all that 'forbidden' food :eek:...playing the games...riding the rides :devil:....they would have so much fun... :D

And I think it would be great if Lindsay talked Danny into seeing a fortune-teller....He would throw that woman all kinds of scornful looks and make fun of Lindsay's enthusiasm :rolleyes:; all to mask his discomfort, because he secretly wants to believe the happily-ever-after that she is foretelling... :lol:

Dani said:
Oh, innocent Danny, how wrong were you? More, how glad are you that you were wrong? We all know you haven't been as happy for being wrong as in this case.
Yeah! LOL he couldn't have been more wrong...but this one time I think he didn't mind at all :D...I just can't wait to see Mac's reaction when he finds out...I would love it if he'd just raise an eyebrow at Danny...Just one simple look that says "Told you so!" :lol: ;)


p.s. has anybody seen or heard from Angel lately?
*Liff enters the thread, humming along to Michael Buble's 'Everything'...."Ah, When you smile at me you know exactly what you do. Baby don't pretend, that you don't know it's true. Cause you can see it when I look at you."...*

Hey guys! Hope y'all are having a fabulous Monday. It's one day closer to the premiere - so bring on the love!

Dutch said:
Yeah, I'm curious about that too...I liked the wavy look, but in the end the only thing that really matters is....will Danny like it?
I think we're all rather interesting in knowing exactly what look Lindsay is going to be sporting this season. I for one and hoping she hasn't gone back to completely short and straigh - it wasn't as flattering as her long, wavy hair. But whatever she's going to look like, Danny's going to love it - no questions asked! Or maybe she'll revert back to the curves mid-season - cos Danny likes tangling his fingers in them curls :D

Let's just hope those hay walls are solid...or they might literally end up rollin' in the hay
Roll in the hay! Roll in the hay! :lol: hahaha - I can definately see Danny trying to pull a move like that, and end up complaining cos he just got poked in the behind. The proverbial roll in the hay is alot more convenient (and comfortable) in words that in real life....not that I have any experience. ;)

Maybe you should include that ferris-wheel...
You have successfully permanently tied the image of a ferris wheel to D/L making out. There goes one more innocent thing in life that D/L has consumed. - along with the Zoo, and pool table and so much more, pretty soon - we're all going to be going giddy after every frekin' blink!

Mo said:
Yay! And yeah I totally agree, if this was just physical Danny would have walked a long time ago...him staying, especially through the drama can only mean love folks....L-O-V-E!
Honey, I nominate Brad and Carrie's song - you know which one - "Oh Love" to be D/L's love song. I mean seriously, everytime D/L and "love" come into one sentence, the song plays - it's their song (and ours too). It's pure sweet love.

Mo said:
I like the ferris wheel idea...that would be totally cute! I can definitely picture Linds getting Danny to go on it and he's like "what's the big deal, I don't get it?" and she'd just grin and then they'd get to the top and she'd turn and totally start kissing him...and he'd get it real fast!
Danny has lead a sheltered life compared to his Montana :devil: Haha - I can definately see Danny going all confused as to why Lindsay's all excited about sitting in a cab that goes round a big wheel. :lol: He's definately going to be getting why real soon as soon as they reach up top.

Lol...yeah I'm permanently stuck in the Gutter...what's new!
And that is why we are gutter buds my dear. We're permanently rooted into Gutterville - the freedom of leaving forcibly taken away by the powers that be (not like we ever want it back...I'm just saying). :p

Mo's Fluffy Twin Aud said:
That's what makes this relationship so interesting!! She challenges and charms him; he shocks her but impresses her at every turn. It's love.
Definately agree on that. She gives it to him good, whatever he shells out at her, she returns it tenfold. They keep each other on their toes, continuously challenging, teasing, bantering - and generally keeping their lives interesting for each other. They are, in essence, each other's pool table :devil:

Mo said:
We are, and they most definitely are! I love that our ship has gone beyond flirting and teasing and turned into this deep strong love that we now KNOW is between them.
They're definately in the deep love now, but I hope that it doesn't mean their teasing and flirting have disappeared! It's the reason the fell in love with each other in the first place, knowing that they've met their match in each other.

Vex said:
Now can you see Danny proposing on the Giants football field.
That's something I can see happening on a sitcom. Meh - I guess I'm not a fan of public proposals. I still prefer something more private. Like the zoo in the middle of the night, next to the tiger cage :)

Dani said:
Still about D/L marriage proposal, I agree that it should be personal and only between those two. I mean, "Friends" M/C proposal was adorable and great but for a comedy series and for those guys. For D/L, we need something sweeter and just enjoying the moment (understand this as you wish ) And just having those looks exchanged, both of them nervous (because being CSIs, no matter who proposed, the other one will understand it)
You reminded me of something else I wanted to see in Season 4! Them finishing off each other's sentences. I think that's just such a cute scene and knowing D/L, they already know each other so well, finishing each other's sentences off and reading unsaid thoughts would be squee worthy :p They're in Lurrrve!

- Oh and welcome back sweetie!! Hope you had a fabulous vacation.

Danny would be the playfull one staying longer, only after that thinking about how to explain Mac the delay. And there it goes the 'I-woke-up-late-after-a-pool-table-smex-night' look
Pretty soon that look is going to be his signature look, what with all the delays he's going to single handedly be responsible for. Okay, maybe not all on his own. It takes two to tango - and Danny and Linds do one mean Argentine Tango :devil: It's so hot, it should be illegal (we are exempted of course).

The premiere is so close now - it's practically on our doorstep! Definately cannot wait any longer! The excitement is starting to hurt! It's been too long for us to go without any new D/L, our ship is going to fly this season! WOOO!
p.s. has anybody seen or heard from Angel lately?

She's been here; she just hasn't posted. Kinda like me :lol: yes I have been lurking for a while.

DL at a country fair? That's a fantastic image :D them walking around, holding hands, Lindsay excited to show Danny around and challenge him to a game. I like the Ferris Wheel idea ;) and I don't think it's too cliche. Quite simple actually.

ETA: Technically I wanted this up tomorrow, but I really want to have it posted come morning. We all know what tomorrow is, and so I wrote this little oneshot in dedication to those who lost their lives that horrific day. It's mainly Mac with traces of DL. Reviews are love :)

Six Years Later
*Mo waltzes into the thread, singing along with Liffy to her favorite line of Michael's song..."And I get to kiss you baby just because I can!" :D *
Happy Monday y'all! Or Monday night really...which is even better, cuz that means Monday's done, which is always good! :D And speaking of Monday being done...that means we're one day closer to Premiere Day!! Which is officially...*Mo checks her watch...* 2 weeks, 1 day, and 30 minutes away! YAY!! :D

Cute shippy bud Dani giggled:
Yeah, for D/L marriage proposals I turn completely fluff...Must be this pink thing in the air
*Mo giggles and looking around innocently, sprays more pink fog into the air!* :lol: Yeah Dani hon, I agree...then again I'm a fluffy so of course I turn fluffy...but yeah it's hard not to be really fluffy when it comes to D/L getting engaged! *Sigh...giggle...swoon!* Yay!

My brilliant homeland shippy buddy Dutch grinned:
I just can't wait to see Mac's reaction when he finds out...I would love it if he'd just raise an eyebrow at Danny...Just one simple look that says "Told you so!"
Ohhhh, that would be SO awesome! Dutch that would make such an awesome scene, I would love to see that, Danny would laugh and shake his head and Mac would just smile that "I knew it" smile of his! :lol:

Lifferooni dearie who wrote a freakin' novel again :lol: laughed:
And that is why we are gutter buds my dear. We're permanently rooted into Gutterville - the freedom of leaving forcibly taken away by the powers that be (not like we ever want it back...I'm just saying).
Lol, yup, I'm actually quite proud to be planted in the Gutter! It's just so fun! ;) Heehee! In fact if I'm honest I actually waived my right to leave voluntarily *shrugs!* I mean I wouldn't ever want to leave all this passion and love and fluff in here anyway...so it's all good! Gutter buds we are! *Mo grins and shakes her head at her sillyness and then high fives her Gutter bud!* Gutter rocks! :devil:

They are, in essence, each other's pool table
:lol: Okay I don't even really know what that means and yet somehow it makes total sense and sounds brilliant! :lol: Lol, well done bud! ;)

I so cannot wait for our premiere y'all! Liff I'm with you...it's getting to the point where it almost hurts to wait anymore...I mean crap I suck at patience anyway...and now that I've waited so long...I want it NOW!! I'm done waiting...I want it now! :lol: Especially with how great we know this new season is going to be...with the PTB so solidly behind us...I swear my hopes are so high I think I may need to be deflated abit before I float away! *Mo looks around suspiciously...* Okay I didn't really mean that...please no one attempt to deflate my fluffy bubble...*Mo looks around alertly...guarding the sanctity of her fluff!* As high as my hopes are, I'd rather keep them high than have them deflated by a bad spoiler! Not that we're getting any...just...lol, okay I don't think I'm even making sense anymore! :rolleyes: Time for bed I think! :lol:

Have a fab night y'all, I'll be back when I'm more coherent and probably even more fluffy! :D

*Mo grins and shimmers off giddily!* :lol:
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