Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Happy Hump Day! :D Only two more weeks!

Carolina love those pics...Everyone who works with them just has to notice their body language...There's no way to hide it... :D

Mo, just keep filming dear...we need as much material as possible...Movie night anyone? :devil:

Do you think either Danny or Lindsay like to sing? Do they sing to each other? (thinks about D/L serenade)?

LOL love that question Dani I still like to imagine DL a little drunk singing a karaoke duet at some NYPD party... :lol:

But I don't think Danny's one who likes to sing...I think he'd be a little embarrassed...Lindsay on the other hand seems like someone who likes to sing a long to songs while driving or sing in the shower... :)

Jen I'm sorry RTL4 cancelled the ep, but at least 'we' won! :D

Liff said:
Imagining Danny and Linds in their bathing suits Yum!
Well talk about coincidence...I just put up the first chapter of my new fic...and...it's about DL going to the beach :cool: :devil:...it's totally fluffy :rolleyes: and I've used some of the things we've discussed here during this long, long summer. :D

It's called.... On Wings of Love .... and I've dedicated it to all of you (lurkers included ;))
dutch_treat said:
Jen I'm sorry RTL4 cancelled the ep, but at least 'we' won! :D

It certainly wasn't worth it! :mad: And to stay on topic: I think Danny can be totally pissed when a match he's watching on tv gets interrupted by Lindsay, saying she wants to see something else! :lol: I can totally see them doing that! (And ofcourse, end up on the pooltable during those programmes :devil: )

Well, i'm saying goodbye to this Hump Day, I have a wedding tomorrow so I won't be here.......I guess......OK, maybe I'll hop in quickly! :D
*pokes head in*

Do you think either Danny or Lindsay like to sing? Do they sing to each other? (thinks about D/L serenade)?

I can't see Danny as being the singing type, but I think he would at least give it a shot for Lindsay. Maybe write her a little song or something and play it on his guitar. There's something sexy about a guy playing guitar for his lady ;)

Lindsay, on the other hand, does kinda look like a person who enjoys singing. Maybe not a lot, but I think if there was a song on the radio that she liked, she would sing along to it. But neither of them really strike me as the singing type.

dutch I read your ficcie and left a review :) *hugs*

Two more weeks until the premiere :D

*pops back out* Sorry everyone; I just haven't felt like posting here lately.
Well, can you believe the new season hasn't even started yet, and we are now getting info
Not much to tell, the title is "One Wedding and a Funeral". So far, no info on our dynamic duo, only can tell you it involves a wedding in a park, with a huge brawl going on instead of a wedding, and a dead groom. When I know more, so will you.
Hello my shippy buddies! Happy Humping Evening! *Mo stops...realizes what she just said...and starts giggling uncontrollably!* Lol, the things D/L makes come out of my mouth! :lol: In my defense though, I've been so caught up in watching/taping D/L doing "stuff" :devil: in the closet that some kind of guttery thing was bound to pop out of my mouth sooner or later! ;) (And since we all know me and my naughty self, it ended up being sooner! :D )
Anyway! Hi all! Yay for it being almost exactly two weeks away from our premiere...14 days, 2 hours, 15 minutes!! Yay! :D

Shippy bud with the great questions Dani hon asked:
Do you think either Danny or Lindsay like to sing? Do they sing to each other? (thinks about D/L serenade )?
Mmmmm, I kinda agree with all y'all....I don't know that I see Danny or Linds being people who serenade eachother, although I can definitely see it happening if alcohol and lots of peer pressure is involved! :lol: I do see them as people who sing to themselves though...ya know like humming while they work, Linds maybe moreso, singing softly to herself as she works...although I think it'd be hilarious if Danny caught himself singing some country song he'd heard with Linds and it got stuck in his head! :lol:

My naughty buddy planted in Gutterville beside me Liffy winked:
I picture him as being very protective of his Montana, and doesn't like it when other men (aside from me) gawk at her.
Of course aside from you hon! ;) Lol! :lol: And yeah I have to agree with you on that one...for the most part I see Danny as fairly laid back, and if a guy was just checking her out even maybe it he wouldn't be up in arms about it...but if the guy started to try anything, or hit on her, he'd totally be in the guy's face. Linds may have mellowed him, but he's still a guy! (Remind you of another awesome Brad Paisley song at all Liffer? ;) )

Lindsay sending Danny to the store to do some much needed grocery shopping.
Awwwww, that would be too cute! I can see Danny pushing the cart around, leaning on it, with this wide eyed look on his face...like "I can't believe I got stuck doing this!"...it would be SO cute! :lol: And I can see him getting like lots of beer and meat and coming home and Linds going..."Daniel Messer!"

Or just watching them hold hands would be sweet enough for me.
Awwwww! *Mo sighs and melts a little at that lovely picture!* I know I totally want to see that...even that brief scene of them holding hands in the courtroom made me happy for so long, I would love to see them hold hands now...cuz we know they are officially together and that's such a simple, sweet, yet totally "coupley" thing to do! That would be so fun to see! :D

Homeland buddy who's soccer team won (rock on!) Dutch nodded:
Mo, just keep filming dear...we need as much material as possible...Movie night anyone?
*Mo grabs the popcorn, soda, candy and the many, many hours of tapes...* Sounds like a good evening's plan to me! D/L romping all over...in the broom closet, in the lab, in Mac's office....in the rain! :devil: Oh the delicious joy! ;)

Fluffy darlin' Stuffy wuffy honey grinned:
something sexy about a guy playing guitar for his lady
Hi hon! Yeah I so totally agree with you! Any guy wanting to find a quick way into a girl's heart...play guitar and sing for her! It's so dang sexy! :devil: I can't say I see Danny serenading Linds...but if he did, if he played the guitar and sang something to her...I swear I would melt in a huge puddle right there on the floor! Gah, that'd be hot!! :devil:

Sorry everyone; I just haven't felt like posting here lately.
Awww honey, is everything okay? I sure hope so, we love having you in here! *Huggles!*

Pssst...Aud wub, how's it going hon? :D

Catey thanks for the continual spoiler updates...you so totally rock with those! :D

Okay I'm off to go play...maybe with Mr. Messer smex-on-a-stick...we'll have to see how generous Lindsay is feeling! ;) Heehee! :lol:

*Mo winks and after spraying a good dose of pink fog over the thread, shimmers giddily away!*
dutch_treat said:
Do you think either Danny or Lindsay like to sing? Do they sing to each other? (thinks about D/L serenade)?

I think that Lindsay might like to sing but I don't know about Danny. I can see him as a shower singer and I can see Lindsay sneaking in and recording him without him knowing and using the tape for a little payback later!
Vex :lol: :lol: That's hilarious and quite brilliant! ;) I could totally see Linds doing something that and even if she never used it, just at least teasing him about it later! :D I think he'd have a pretty good voice though...at least for the shower and I think it'd be even better if he was singing a country song in the shower! That'd be fabulous! :D
And we all know what happened when they had a murder case at a wedding in season 1 ...

Is it true that Danny have said "i don't cuddle"? I can't remember he ever said that. But you guys must know that! :)

Kanal5 in Sweden is now showing repeats of season 1 after midnight on weekdays. A bit late to tell I know, because they are already on episode 17. ;) Not that I care ... Linds hasn't arrived yet! :D
Hey buddies!
How ya doing today? I’m so excited for the close premiere! Moreover, tomorrow is starting season 3 of ny! :D

Jen asked:
How do you think Danny and Lindsay tell their co-workers they're together?
I agree with Vex, their action will tell, because I think that their won’t hide their relationship with the team. ;) Surely, they won’t start kissing in front of their co-workers, but they won’t deny that they’re together. Btw, I think that some in the team already know that something is going on. :rolleyes:

Dutch said:
it's great that we've checked the cameras...In two weeks we can get those cameras rolling again....
Yay! I can’t wait! :D *Abby runs to check the cameras in the elevator*…but, have someone checked the cameras in the bathroom? :confused:

My crazy portuguese sister Dani asked:
Do you think either Danny or Lindsay like to sing? Do they sing to each other? (thinks about D/L serenade )?
I think that them both like to sing, but I don’t know how much they would sing out of tune… :lol:I can see Danny coming home late and singing for Lindsay under the window of the bedroom. I only hope that the neighbour won’t throw water on his head. :rolleyes: :lol:
About Lindsay, I can’t see her singing when there is someone in the room, because probably she’s too shy to do this, but I can see her singing aloud when she’s alone. :D Would be funny if Danny would come when she’s singing and she would realize that he’s here only when he claps his hands and says “Awesome performance Montana”. :D

SB said:
Kanal5 in Sweden is now showing repeats of season 1 after midnight on weekdays. A bit late to tell I know, because they are already on episode 17. Not that I care ... Linds hasn't arrived yet!
In Italy the reruns of season 1 are just finished. Now it’s time of season 3! :)
*Mo wanders into the thread, so distracted by the delicious fog out her bedroom window that she's a bit spaced at the moment!* Good morning buddies! I think it's official Fall is here! Yay! It's my favorite season! The leaves start to change color, it's foggy in the morning, there's that crispness to air when you walk outside, jackets and scarves start reappearing, and best of all, all the tv shows we love come out to play again! :D I was watching "Comes Around" last night and they kept showing promos for all the new seasons of all my favorite shows and I just started to get so excited! I can't wait for all these new seasons...especially ours! It's gonna rock! *Mo claps her hands and jumps up and down!* Oh and don't forget those of you here in the US...next week (the week before our premiere) they are reshowing "Snow Day"!! Not like we haven't watched it a million times on video already...but still! ;)
Okay now speaking of Fall...here's a fun question for you all...What do you think is Danny and Lindsay's favorite season/time of the year and why? :D

Yeah Danny did actually say that about cuddling Svart, I don't remember where he said it though...mmmm, Aud, Mer-bear you two are good with this stuff...where did our Mr. Messer say this? :D

Lol, Abby hon, no worries we've got all the camera angles covered and all filled with fresh batteries! ;) Anything D/L might "do" :devil: anywhere in or near the lab will be nicely captured and recorded by us! ;)

Alright peeps...ohhhh, we've broken the two week mark...we now have officially...13 days, 15 hours until our premiere, YAY!! :lol: Sweet! Somehow it sounds like so much less than it was even yesterday! :lol: I so can't wait for this season, I'm so excited, it's gonna be good y'all! :D

Okay off to work... :p

*Mo waves, sprays a nice thick layer of pink fog over the thread and shimmers silently away!* ;)
See? I told you I'd come around today! :D

Moriel21 said:
What do you think is Danny and Lindsay's favorite season/time of the year and why? :D
In Lindsay's case, that must be the Fall! I don't know why, it's just a feeling. I absolutely have no idea what Danny's favorite season is...maybe spring?

So, I'm off again. Need to do some work at home and then I'm going to a weddingparty! Bye!
Merry Mo said:
Yeah Danny did actually say that about cuddling Svart, I don't remember where he said it though...mmmm, Aud, Mer-bear you two are good with this stuff...where did our Mr. Messer say this? :D
Didn't I read somewhere that you had picked up a copy of s2 on dvd, Mo?
I know that we all love to skip to 2x03 Zoo York...


...but the first two eps in season two also deserve some love. So, Mo & Svart, Danny's "I don't cuddle." line came from ep 2x02 Grand Murder at Central Station. :D
pages later and im back! boy, did i miss ya shippers and the lovely duo dubbed DL!

*huggles Cuzzy saying "i missed ya"*
*waves at dutch and gives her two thumbs up for the recent fic ;) *

a sort of random SOoH question (im mad they did not repeat it this summer!): are we supposed to assume danny bought a ONE-WAY plane ticket (since he did not know how long he would be there)?

^^^ something funny just popped into my head while i typed that above: danny, on the plane fidgeting anxiously, talking to the person next to him: "i cant believe im flying to montana..." "i love her. i LOVE her..." "what the heck am i doing?"

person next to danny: umm...okay? *tries to smile and goes back to own business*

^^^ thoughts?

a little OT: has anyone else heard: bubbly by colbie caillat and immediately think of danny and lindsay? i did, but thats just me. :)

JenP, your toilet story stuck in my head from reading through all these posts. heehee. what a comical and fun RL thing to happen. :D

Catey[/b]'s many spoilers]im not sure where i left off. for BOO, all i can say is: it's gonna be a sweet fun halloween this year. for the other episodes: hope the interactions translate into some DL glances, invasion of personal space, great cases TOGETHER, hardcore Season 2 bantering...cause danny and lindsay can each cross that line now! weee!

i apologize for those questions i did not answer.
What do you think is Danny and Lindsay's favorite season/time of the year and why?

I'm going with winter, 'cause I can see them taking horse carriage rides through the Park. I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff ;) and skating on any outdoor rinks that NY might have. Besides, winter means Christmas ;)

New ficcy! WARNING: CHARACTER DEATH. If you choose to read it, make sure you have a box of tissues handy.

Music of my Heart

Thanks babes *mwah* xx
"Anytime you need me baby I'm on your side, you know..." :D *Mo slides into the room, singing along with the talented Miss Kelly Clarkson at the top of her lungs!* Awww good times! Good evening my dear shippy pals! :D Happy Thursday evening...tomorrow's Friday and it's one day closer to our premiere, SWEET!! :D 13 days, 2 hours, 1 minute until the love begins again! :D

Mer-bear winked and teased:
Didn't I read somewhere that you had picked up a copy of s2 on dvd, Mo?
So, Mo & Svart, Danny's "I don't cuddle." line came from ep 2x02 Grand Murder at Central Station.
Yeah darlin' I did indeed buy Season 2 and I even watched the whole thing...(the first two eppy's included! ;) ) sadly it would seem that I promptly forgot anything that didn't really relate to our couple! Okay maybe not completely, but this one definitely slipped my mind! Now that you reminded me though, I do remember that part! Thanks hon! I LOVE how they're bringing all this stuff back and proving Danny wrong! He said he doesn't cuddle...yet what does he do with Linds...cuddle! :D He said he won't fall in love...yet again what does he do with his Montana....fall in love baby! :D Yay!!

Catey Queen of spoilers said....
Okay so we have D/L going to a Wedding in Ep.4x9 yeah? Lol, anyone think it'll give them any ideas? Heehee, here's hoping right!! :D

Fluffy Sutffy wuffy dearie said:
I'm going with winter, 'cause I can see them taking horse carriage rides through the Park. I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff and skating on any outdoor rinks that NY might have. Besides, winter means Christmas!
Mmmmm, yeah I have to agree with you on that hon! Well for Linds at least, I definitely think her favorite is winter. I see her as a bit of snowbunny, especially growing up in Montana. And I definitely think Christmas is her favorite holiday too...so that makes sense to me! Danny I think his favorite season is Spring or Summer...just cuz the boy hates to be cold, he turns into an adorable whiny baby when he's cold! :lol: Plus summer means heat and heat means Danny gets to see that much more of his lovely Montana's skin! :devil: Hey deep down he's just a lusty guy! ;) Lol! :lol:

Awww Stuffy hon, um....I would read your ficcie hon, but I tend to cry when people die and I dunno if I want to cry right now! So maybe I'll read it later... ;) I'm sure it's great though... :D

Okay my darlings...I'm off to well...do some chilling :lol: It's a Thursday night so not a whole lot is going on...but that's okay cuz the weekend is almost here and that's always good! :D

Have a great night my dears and I'll catch ya later!

*Mo shimmers off in search of a good time...Danny...? :devil: *
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