Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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*JenP hugs Stuffy and says she totally understands why she's feeling so sad*

Mo asked us a new totally awesome question:
Who do you think, Danny or Lindsay, likes to make a bigger deal of holidays, special days, birthdays?
I think people in their surroundings thinks Lindsay will make the most out of it, but somehow I'm not convinced. 'Cause my guess is that Danny - when he goes in this relationship 100%, if not more - really makes work of it. I think he'd be the one organising birthday parties, makes sure Lindsay will get her dream holiday and he gives her a present on their weddingday. :) Gosh, this makes me wish I had a guy who was a bit more like Danny... :p

Now something totally different. Everyone in here knows that there's a group of people who don't like this ship, or don't like Lindsay, or don't like Danny. That's good, everybody has a different opinion. I'm just curious: are there things about Danny or Lindsay that you don't like? Because some of their downsides we have to see as well, or not?

For instance, I really didn't like how Lindsay would come up with new evidence. She builds up the tension and then acts like a smart*ss. But I do have to say that it doesn't bother me now. Don't know if it's stopped, or that it's less annoying :lol:

And for Danny, I didn't like S1...He was a tough guy with an attitude...He has that under control now, so that doesn't bother me anymore too.

Not that it matters, everyone has downsides. I still like this ship. Like I said, I'm just absolutely curious!
JenP asked...:
So, what do we expect in the first ep?
I'm certainly hoping for a little hint about the two of them being together too. The not so fanatic part of the viewers may need a little reminder that D/L got together in SD. So Sid or any of the other mentioning it will be great, but I'm really keeping my fingers crossed for a touch or perhaps even a little kiss :D...or Lindsay warning Danny, when he goes to check out that landmark crime scene ;), to be careful, because she needs him back in one piece... :devil:

...and then Mo asked...:
Who do you think, Danny or Lindsay, likes to make a bigger deal of holidays, special days, birthdays?
I'd like to think that Danny and especially Danny-in-love will make a big deal of every 'special' day (animal day included :p). Lindsay seems a little more down-to-earth for that.

She will love to plan X-mas, birthdays or some party in general, but he will go completely over the top with gifts, decorations, preparations...and Lindsay will really need to slow him down in his enthusiasm. :lol:

...and then JenP asked again:
are there things about Danny or Lindsay that you don't like? Because some of their downsides we have to see as well, or not?
Sure there are. :eek: I loved Lindsay in season 2 but I didn't like her behaviour during LRC - SOoH...I know she had the whole testimony coming up and she had to face her demons -literally- but I still don't understand why she didn't want people to know, why she stood Danny up without an explanation, why she didn't trust him (or herself) enough to tell him face-to-face that she was leaving and why. :mad:

And I didn't like season 1 Danny that much either, but that's because I didn't like CSI: NY's first season at all; I only started watching the 2nd season because they said it would be lighter...and it was. :)

As for Danny's character after that. I loved him in season 2 and in season 3 I didn't like him that much in LRC - SOoH either. It was a bit strange to see that usually hot-headed guy not doing more to get an explanation from Lindsay :rolleyes:...Only when he decided to "go with his instincts" the old Danny was back... :D

And maybe I didn't like either of them that much in those ep's because they just weren't together... :p ;)

btw aud's suggestion about D/L making love in the rain inpired me to write another fic...It's M-rated stuff :eek: :devil: (and I think it's pretty hot :D) so I cannot put the link here, but the link to my ff-account is in my profile or you can PM me for the link :)...it's called ". . . in the rain"
JenP said:
And for Danny, I didn't like S1...He was a tough guy with an attitude...He has that under control now, so that doesn't bother me anymore too.
I agree with you there. He could be so predictable, but that has changed I think with Linds in his life.

Btw, do anyone know which episode it was when Danny and Mac talked about "it could happen to you, you know, love"??? Thanks! :)

I'm so tired, I have to go to sleep now! This afternoon I have been taking care of twins, a boy and a girl who are 1½ years old, and their older sister who is 6 years old. (The twins are two of my three godchildren.) When one is running in one direction, the other one is running in the other direction. :rolleyes:
*hugs JenP back and says thank you for the much-needed hug* Wubs ya hun.

are there things about Danny or Lindsay that you don't like? Because some of their downsides we have to see as well, or not?

Good question :) in terms of Danny - I never disliked him at any point, but now that we've seen season two and three and his maturity, I have to say that he was a bit of a child in season one. I know he set his own ethics and boundaries, but now that I've re-watched season one I've noticed that he tended to stretch the rules to almost the very edge. But I agree with dutch - NY season one wasn't as good as two or three.

I wasn't fond of Lindsay's actions in LRC. Of course we're not blaming Anna here ;) but I didn't like how the writers didn't let Lindsay tell anyone, and then Danny continues to chase after her (but of course he did that 'cause he loves her). It didn't make much sense IMO. I think she should have at least told Danny that she had to leave for personal reasons.

dutch love, I will get around to reading your story. I took a peek at it though ;) looks really good. I'm not a reader of smut but I will definitely check yours out.

Most likely I'll come back and add more stuff, but I have to go now.

peace love and bulletproof marshmallows xx
SB said:
Btw, do anyone know which episode it was when Danny and Mac talked about "it could happen to you, you know, love"??? Thanks!
It's from 1x15 "'Til death do we part" and the actual conversation is:

Mac: Could happen to you, you know.
Danny: What, marriage?
Mac: Love.
Danny: Don't even say stuff like that Mac, it's not funny.

Aaah, little did he know then... :lol:

Stuffy said:
I have to say that he was a bit of a child in season one. I know he set his own ethics and boundaries, but now that I've re-watched season one I've noticed that he tended to stretch the rules to almost the very edge.
Yes and although there's nothing wrong with trying to stretch some rules and acting a little childish every now and then :p, when you do that at work it is never a good thing :rolleyes:...When Lindsay came around he matured quite a bit, perhaps because he suddenly realised there was more to life :)...and especially after RSRD we've seen a different Danny imo... :D

LOL Stuffy I'm usually not a writer of smut, but I couldn't help myself :devil:...*blames Liffy's pink smoke* and no worries it's not too explicit... :)
LOL Stuffy I'm usually not a writer of smut, but I couldn't help myself ...*blames Liffy's pink smoke* and no worries it's not too explicit...

;) yes, always blame the pink smoke that trails behind Liffy. I'll read it when I take a break from doing my homework.

I have a question for you all now (more questions!! woo!! :lol:) If this has been asked already in previous threads, I apologize. Just trying to keep the thread moving ;)

We all know that Danny is much different now than he was in season one and that Lindsay has broken down the barriers she built around herself. Saying that, do you think they have changed as individuals since meeting each other? If so, how? If not, why?

Since I'm a dork :p I'll answer my own question. I really believe that both have drastically changed since 'Zoo York'. Danny is no longer a hot-headed kid. Yes he may still "bend" the rules a bit and lose his temper at suspects, but I think he's really cooled down since meeting Lindsay. As dutch said, Lindsay has showed him that there is more to life. To me, she has taught him that hope is the most important thing one can hold, even when it seems the entire world is against you (ie. RSRD), and that courage can be found in even the simplest of souls.

In turn, Danny has taught Lindsay to trust again and open her heart to new possibilities. Through him she has been shown bravery and to heal old wounds. She's not afraid to take that leap anymore. I believe that she was scared of falling for him - even if that wasn't the actual reason why - and that she didn't want to suffer like she did when her friends were murdered. He helped her take that jump of courage, and by doing that she has also learned about the importance of hope.

Phew that was long. *steps off soapbox and holds it up* Anyone else want a go at it?

ETA: dutch I read your story and left a review of FF :)
*Mo twirls into the thread, humming to herself happily...before she looks around and whipping out her every handy cans of whipped cream, sprays the whole thread in yummy cool whipped cream until it looks like winter in here!* Hello my dearies! :lol: Awww Stuffy I understand...*Mo snuggles her fluffy bud and then passes her a bag of M&M's and an extra copy of Snow Day!* Smile darlin' it's all good! :D

Shippy bud who's quite smart...JenP pondered:
'Cause my guess is that Danny - when he goes in this relationship 100%, if not more - really makes work of it.
Yeah I think you're right there, I definitely see Danny throwing himself 110% into a relationship! I see Linds liking her birthday and enjoying it, but not going all out and making herself queen for the day...she's not a big "attention on me" type girl...whereas I can totally see Danny going all out and decorating their office full blown for her birthday and making a huge deal about it! Although I gotta say I do see Linds totally being into Christmas and making a huge deal of that! Being a country girl I can see her loving finding and decorating the tree and making hot cocoa and buying presents...and Danny would love it, but she'd be the one most into it I think!

My secretly totally fluffy homeland buddy Dutch said:
or Lindsay warning Danny, when he goes to check out that landmark crime scene , to be careful, because she needs him back in one piece...
Ohhhh yeah I would love to see that too! That'd make for a totally cute scene, her kind of teasing him about all the "stunts" he pulls when going after a suspect and how she needs him in one piece now! Awww, yeah that'd be adorable! I want it! :D

inpired me to write another fic...It's M-rated stuff
Sweet!!! :devil: I'm so gonna go read that right now! Oh yeah...the idea had me practically drooling, actually reading about it can only be better...and I swear if we ever got even a glimpse of this in an eppy I'm pretty sure I would melt in one big puddle of SQUEE!!! :devil: :lol:

Shippy bud with the great questions...JenP asked:
are there things about Danny or Lindsay that you don't like? Because some of their downsides we have to see as well, or not?
Okay I have to admit that when I first read this question, I didn't want to answer it...cuz I just love D/L so much I don't want to admit to there being anything about them that I don't enjoy! That said I realize that we can totally love a character and still have things about them that aren't perfect...they are human after all...well supposed to be, as human as they can be on tv after all! :lol: :lol: So let's see...I think anything I say would basically parallel what y'all have already said...Danny in Season 1 was a bit too much of a play boy for me...but then again I think that was necessary to see, so that we could compare that with how he matured and grew up when Linds showed up! And as for Linds...I think she was a bit too touchy when she first came to the lab, but again I think that was her trying to prove herself which is understandable! (Lol, I suck at this! I hate finding fault with people, especially my ships! :lol: )

Fluffy darling with a huge question Stuffy-wuffy asked:
We all know that Danny is much different now than he was in season one and that Lindsay has broken down the barriers she built around herself. Saying that, do you think they have changed as individuals since meeting each other? If so, how? If not, why?
Wow, I think I could write a book on this...*Mo looks at her watch...* if only I had the time! :lol: Let's see if I can do this short and sweet...yes I most definitely think they both have changed since meeting eachother. I liked your answer a lot hon...that was a really good breakdown of it. I think Linds helped Danny grow up in a big way...she grounded him (in a good way). I think in a way they are both now eachother's anchor. Linds keeps Danny grounded and from flying off the handle, he's calmer and more mature because of her. And for her he is her strength, what keeps her safe and feeling secure...how's that? That's what I've got for now...I'll ponder the question more and see if I've got more when I come back! ;) Great question though! :D

Okay I'm off to play some soccer...yay me! Have a great night y'all! Catch ya later! :D

*Mo skips off to stretch and warm up in her fluffy bubble...* :D
Fluffy buddy Mo said (August 30th):
Mer how's that internet coming??!
Well, since you asked… I finally have internet as of this evening! Not only do I have internet, but I have upgraded from dial-up to highspeed! The first thing I did when I got it up and running was zoom over to CBS.com and check the season premiere promo on innertube! :lol: I have managed to be out of the room every single time they have played it during any of the CSI commercial breaks!

And I am soaking up all the D/L spoilers I can. I love the info that has come out about Boo!

In the premiere I would love to see a meaningful look or smile across the room or through one of the lab walls. Perhaps Danny and Mac walk down the hallway discussing a case detail. They finish talking and they part ways, Mac going into his office. Danny looks up and catches Lindsay’s eye through the glass walls and they share a secret smile before he resumes walking towards his next task with a little more life in his step. Nothing that would detract from the story line or the case, just a little something to inspire the muses. :D
Since I am once again connected, y’all will “see” me regularly like ya used to!
I’ve missed you guys! *MWAH*
Hello my fellow zoo buddies!

I am going to answer both questions here. I would have to say even though birthdays are speacial and holidays are special, I would have to say that the little days in between to me, are the most precious. The day in the week when Danny lets Lindsay sleep in or the one day when she's having a bad day and he just gives her a card because he wants to. Those are the best days for me.

Question 2:

I would have to say that both of them have changed since they have known each other. They have matured and they will continue to grow as they learn more about each other.
hope the sun is shining where you are, fellow shippers (it sure isnt here)

the birthday/holidays question:

I think Lindsay is more open about liking them. like she would be the one to decorate the office or hers and his flat for Christmas or any other holiday. she would be the one thinking about a perfect gift for their friends (or him). he is more into the little things - like leaving her a sweet note or a flower in her kitt or catching her under misltoe (that is something I would love to see) or giving her something she wanted for long

as for them changing:

I think they bring the best out of each other without even trying. she is not affraid to let loose a little and he is not letting loose that much

I didnt like S1 Danny that much either. as for Lindsay, there isnt really anything specific about her I dont like but the way they wrote her character in S3 was not exactly the best
Hello buddies! *Hugs Mer and congratulates her on her internet connection*

We sure know how to keep this thread going!

dl_shipper34 said:
We all know that Danny is much different now than he was in season one and that Lindsay has broken down the barriers she built around herself. Saying that, do you think they have changed as individuals since meeting each other? If so, how? If not, why?
Great question, Stuffy! Well, it's been said before, but I also think Danny in S1 was a bit like a big child. He and Aiden (no offense) we're trying to let others see who was the toughest. And I've been around lots of people who tried to do that and I didn't like it. I even was like 'eugh, another big tough guy!' I'd seen so many of them that it didn't do anything for me. And then there were two people in this show who acted like such (Danny and Aiden). That was one too many. They didn't had to let Aiden die, though... :rolleyes:

The change Danny made during S2, especially after RSRD, did do it for me...I liked seeing the young tough guy turn into someone who realises there's more to life then just playing around. I don't think however it had lots to do with Lindsay. She may have contributed to it later, when they realised their feelings for each other, but not immediately. I think it was what Louie did for Danny that made him realise he had a future ahead of him, and a goal in life. His brother practically sacrificed his own life in order to get Danny his back.

As for Lindsay, I think she hadn't had much trust in other people. She didn't even wanted to let Stella know what was wrong with her. I think it was the fact that Danny showed up in court, just for her, showed her that other people wanted to help her get through the hard times. You know, that she's not alone.

That was a BIG question to answer...hope I did good :D

Mo admitted:
Okay I have to admit that when I first read this question, I didn't want to answer it...
I'm glad you did! :lol: You have to know I thought about it for a long time before posting the question...I was afraid you guys would think it wasn't a good one... I'm glad I got some reactions, 'cause I almost thought I was the only one not liking every bit of D/L! :)

Mo then said:
And as for Linds...I think she was a bit too touchy when she first came to the lab, but again I think that was her trying to prove herself which is understandable!
She was touchy when she came in...Remember what she said in Zoo York? About people being busy? (I'm sorry, don't remember the whole phrase) :( And to Danny about: you've helped enough already? She definitely didn't have to say that...although by that time, it was already pretty clear how they'd end up together! :lol:

Well, I think I've written enough now...I'm feeling like Liff...Speaking of which...where is he?
*Mo grins and runs into the thread, way too tired to be awake let alone alert, and yet still quite happy this morning...maybe it has to do with the daydream of Danny popping out a giant cake for Linds' birthday that refuses to leave my brain! :lol: :lol: *
Good morning my shippy buddies and Happy Friday! My favorite day of the week, at least for the next couple weeks and then come September 26th...that will quickly change to Wednesdays again! :D Speaking of that...we have...*Mo checks her watch...* two weeks, 5 days & 15 hours until our premiere! (one with at least some good D/L in it...a scene at least, please oh writing-wonder-of-the-world-Pam Veasey! ;) )

Fluffy dear who is back among the land of the shippers Mer-bear announced:
Well, since you asked… I finally have internet as of this evening! Not only do I have internet, but I have upgraded from dial-up to highspeed!
Mer!! You're back! *Mo tackles her long gone buddy and giggles!* Hi! :D We missed you in here terribly, I'm so glad you're back! And in plenty of time for the premiere and with high-speed to boot, rock on! :D Now you can see all the lovely D/L info any time you want! Yay!

Angsty bud Vexxy said:
I would have to say that the little days in between to me, are the most precious. The day in the week when Danny lets Lindsay sleep in or the one day when she's having a bad day and he just gives her a card because he wants to. Those are the best days for me.
Awww see now that sounds suspiciously fluffy there honey! ;) Lol! I agree with you by the way, those normal days where they do little special things for eachother not for a birthday or holiday but "just because"...those are very special and so sweet and yeah those really prove just how important they are to eachother! I LOVE those random "just because" gifts they are the ones that really make your day and make you feel special! :D I would LOVE to see Danny give Linds a card, I don't know why but that would just be so sweet to me!

Shippy hon JenP pointed out:
She definitely didn't have to say that...although by that time, it was already pretty clear how they'd end up together!
Yeah I think some of what she said could have been seen as "mean" maybe, but I just took it as her being the total new girl and that she was really set on proving herself and defensive and a bit scared of making mistakes, so she was extra jumpy and touchy and probably irritated more easily because she was in unfamiliar territory trying to prove herself! She settled in and loosened up quite well though! :D And yeah I think from the moment they met in "Zoo York" I knew they were gonna end up together...and if not from that, then the first time he called her "Montana" confirmed it! *Sigh!* Awww love! :D

Okay peeps, it is finally Friday but that still means work... :p but then it's the weekend...yay! :D So have a fabulous day in here and I will catch y'all later!

*Mo skips off to her fluffy bubble, humming to herself as she goes..."It's finally Friday, I'm free again, got my motor runnin' for a wild weekend..." :D *
*Liff pops in singing, "I still believe in destiny, that you and I were meant to be"* Salutations to my fellow addicts and lunkheads, it's friday, friday, FRIDAY!

I just watched Cinderella 3, the strange part of my life that never parted from the corny disney movies that I used to, and still occasionally love :) Not as classic as the original, but good enough to have the same mellow effect. Plus, I couldn't help but picture Danny and Lindsay on horseback, trotting across the countryside, or rather, through wheatfields. :) I can't help but wonder if the Monroe ranch is gonna be seeing alot of action now that Danny's in the picture :devil: ;)

Aud said:
But I think Danny is the one loves the rain...I could see him wanting to make love in the rain (I mean totally in the rain)...not caring if his hair gets wet.
Does Danny care for his hair that much in the first place? I think season 1 saw him more 'groomed'. I still say that by the end of season 3, he prefers the "I-just-got-laid" look - which I must say, doesn't need that much preparation for :devil:

I wonder if Danny prefers Lindsay with straight or curly hair. My personal preference is the waves, since Danny can get his fingers all tangled up in 'em....amongst other things. :lol:

Mo continued:
And so she leaves him in the bedroom like you said...At which point he'd wander after her and have some "breakfast" of his own...right there in the kitchen...on the table or even the counter perhaps!
Perhaps, or she can hold out on him and serve him some chocolate pancakes and watches as he growls in irritation. Walks back into the bedroom with a little more sachay in her and takes a shower, just imagining that chocolate dripping down from his slack jaw and wide eyes. ;) Danny's not the only tease around here, 2 can play at that game :devil:

A little shorter, little darker, and straight...I gotta say I'm still a huge fan of her curly/wavy longer hair...but this new look looks like it definitely could be cute!
I hope it's cute. I wasn't that much of a fan of her straight hair, in comparison to her wavy locks. :) She's hot with 'em. But I don't think Danny would care, besides if he was going for looks - there's no reason for him to stay with Lindsay is there? Plenty of supermodel look-a-likes in New York. He wants something more, and Lindsay has exactly what he wants.

I can definitely see Danny wanting to make love in the rain...wet hair and all, he wouldn't care!
Lindsay, nekkid, wet...in rain. *drool* Need I say more? :devil: I'm sure Danny agrees with me on that note.

Modie said to keep the off-topic quoting minimal right? So here and there is fine I guess. So girls, let's keep our posts on topic shall we? :devil: *stares at the meter* That thing is soooo limiting our creativity - right Mo, Dutch? :p

Dutch said:
Perhaps D/L will not even go out, but buy each other a sweet little (not too expensive) gift and stay at home to truly enjoy all that lovely chocolate
You forgot the most essential part! "On each other" :devil:

btw that suggestion had me face down in the gutter...
Well hello there! Didn't see you fall in, how do you do? Danny and Lindsay are officially the un-official doorway to Gutterville. Say smut and 'woosh'! You're flat, face down in the gutter. It's like candy but better! :p

D/L will look sooo pretty together
Don't they always? It is impossible for those two to not look great together. Truly impossible, it's like trying to make me taller - utterly impossible (in this case, I will accept that it is a good thing too :p )

Mo said:
For the season premiere I'm hoping we get at least a scene, a look, something that says these two are together (like we know they are!)...something that will remind non-obsessed fans that D/L is a couple and that will encourage us more obsessed fans that they are indeed going strong!
A slight sign to all of us, to officially prove that they are indeed a couple would be great. They could walk into the lab holding hands and let go before going in, to not arouse the suspicion or fuel the gossip wheel. Danny and Lindsay are delusional and oblivious when it comes to that :lol: I mean really - I can't help but wonder what the gossip is about them two in the lab. It's gotta be juicy :devil:

Who do you think, Danny or Lindsay, likes to make a bigger deal of holidays, special days, birthdays?
I guess a little contrary to what some of you have said, I don't think either of them would go over the top with speical days like that. Sure, the care of them; holidays, christmas etc, but I can't see them being so overly dedicated to making everything perfect. I'd like to think that Danny cooking Lindsay a homemade dinner doesn't call for a special occasion and he does it often enough because they love spending time with each other. With the other in their arms, every day is a special day :)

JenP said:
'Cause my guess is that Danny - when he goes in this relationship 100%, if not more - really makes work of it. I think he'd be the one organising birthday parties, makes sure Lindsay will get her dream holiday and he gives her a present on their weddingday.
I have no doubts that Danny wants to make this relationship work. He's definately going to be putting in as much as he can, otherwise he would've given up a long time ago. Keeping it realistic, I think they'd both put in as much as they can into the relationship - as for the organising, I'd say they share it. Lindsay's dreams come true every morning when she wakes up in his arms, as does his in hers :)

I'm just curious: are there things about Danny or Lindsay that you don't like? Because some of their downsides we have to see as well, or not?
There are a few things I dont like about them, like JenP said, Lindsay's smart*ss attitude sometimes irritates me, but that was more apparent in the beginning of S3. I think by the end of the season, it's become less and less - I guess that's just part of her growth as a character. She doesn't exactly come up with new evidence, just interprets it in a different way, and sometimes jumping to conclusion, which should be done. Danny does the same thing once in a while, everyone does it. Danny was a little cold in season 1, but he's grown alot too.

Each of them have their own imperfections. But it's those imperfections that make them perfect for each other.

Now something totally different. Everyone in here knows that there's a group of people who don't like this ship
We can't expect everyone to agree with what we say, but that's the reality of life. As long as we keep our thoughts to ourselves, and the others to themselves, we'll be able to function peacefully. Unfortunately, some people deem it reasonable to impose their thoughts upon others, which prompts retaliation and the whole thing gets out of control. As long as we stay with our ship, and keep the D/L love flowing, nothing else matters :D

Dutch said:
I'm certainly hoping for a little hint about the two of them being together too. The not so fanatic part of the viewers may need a little reminder that D/L got together in SD.
Too bad we can't rub it in their faces :p Which would be mean - but fun (difference is?) :lol: But yes, a little secret smile would suffice :) The less the better, but not too little. Keep us on our toesies ;)

I didn't like her behaviour during LRC - SOoH...I know she had the whole testimony coming up and she had to face her demons -literally- but I still don't understand why she didn't want people to know, why she stood Danny up without an explanation, why she didn't trust him (or herself) enough to tell him face-to-face that she was leaving and why.
Now that I think about it, as a whole, that entire scene made her more 'real' in some aspects. Lindsay isn't perfect and it's not a storybook fantasy where people run for help when there's trouble. Some people are too proud, and some are afraid of the consequences.

I think Lindsay is a little proud, which gives her that drive to be better, and from what I gather from the scene in Silent Night, a dose of Survivor's syndrome. It eats at your ability to trust others, mostly leaving you cold and detached from people around you. Lindsay needed to come to terms with it herself, without others first before letting others in, I think she thought Danny didn't need the baggage and was trying to save him the trouble, lets face it - we're not all that needy, and Lindsay's independence plays a large role in that.

It was a bit strange to see that usually hot-headed guy not doing more to get an explanation from Lindsay
I think Danny was just as confused as we were at that point. Wondering to himself what on earth just happened and why he wasn't demanding her to explain things to him - like he usually does. Took a while for him to sort through his feelings and then BOOM he knows he wants her, more than anything, and flies off to get her back.

And maybe I didn't like either of them that much in those ep's because they just weren't together...
*whacks Dutch* Haha - the eps aren't as good when D/L aren't together are they? I think the only thing that could make seperate cases perfect would be for them to share a loook when they pass each other in the hallway, or to call the other to pick up lunch, or for help on reconstruction :) Any interaction of the positive kind is loved!

*blames Liffy's pink smoke*
:devil: hehe - yay!

and no worries it's not too explicit...
dang it.

Stuffy wubs asked:
do you think they have changed as individuals since meeting each other? If so, how? If not, why?
Danny has matured over the seasons, becoming a little less rash and more concentrated and professional. We dont see as much suddenness as in season 1, which some people loved, but as a character, in his life of work, I have no doubts that if he were not to have changed, he would have been fired. Lindsay's arrival mellowed him out, gave him something he couldn't have - back then that is :devil:

Lindsay's exposure to Danny has made her more outspoken and alive. She's not so reserved and can crack jokes now all on her lonesome! :D Like I said, they fit each other like pieces of a puzzle. Each void is filled by the strengths are the other.

Phew that was long. *steps off soapbox and holds it up* Anyone else want a go at it?
I wonder how long my post is now...

Mo said:
I see Linds liking her birthday and enjoying it, but not going all out and making herself queen for the day...she's not a big "attention on me" type girl...whereas I can totally see Danny going all out and decorating their office full blown for her birthday and making a huge deal about it!
Exactly! I can definately see Lindsay rolling her eyes with what Danny's trying to do for her, getting a little irritated. And he gets irritated when she's doing it to him too :p They're soo love! I miss their bantering all of a sudden :eek: Here comes season 4!

That'd make for a totally cute scene, her kind of teasing him about all the "stunts" he pulls when going after a suspect and how she needs him in one piece now! Awww, yeah that'd be adorable! I want it!
Or her telling him to come back in one piece cos he hasn't signed over his life insurance yet :p Yep - that sounds like D/L - bantering to the very end. Danny would roll his eyes and ask if that's all she's there for, and she'd shake her head and reply, "Your cooking too." :lol:

Mer sweetie! It's great to see you connected again sweetheart! May the D/L love keep flowing!! Oh and hell yes to your spoiler box :D

JenP said:
I'm glad I got some reactions, 'cause I almost thought I was the only one not liking every bit of D/L!
There is no such thing as a perfect couple. Perfect couples are boring. D/L is anything but boring. Boring is not assosciated with them. They are hot, smexy, rawr, drool-worthy, :devil: hehe...and much much much more!

Speaking of which...where is he?
Busy tending to the kids whilst trying to keep up my sleeping hours :p

Mo said:
I LOVE those random "just because" gifts they are the ones that really make your day and make you feel special! I would LOVE to see Danny give Linds a card, I don't know why but that would just be so sweet to me!
I just had a mental picture of Lindsay getting a card that said nothing but "MOO" in it. She'd roll her eyes and laugh, before finding Danny and whacking him on the head. :D I'm melting! I'm melting! Squee!

Anyways, I think I've written enough for a day :lol: I wonder if a post has a maximum length...oh well! It's FRIDAY!

Just for fun, another lovely question!

Whether on call, off-duty, or at work, how do guys think D/L would spend their Friday nights together?

I'm to bed and M-rated land! *Liff skips off into the sunset in another timezone since the sun already set in his a few hours ago*
Well Liff, you're post was so long, that when I tried to quote it, it took my pc a whole minute! :eek:

messermonroe said:
Whether on call, off-duty, or at work, how do guys think D/L would spend their Friday nights together?
Well, just like me and my husband do... :devil: We watch Top Gear and we go to bed :lol: I think if Danny's watching Top Gear, Lindsay's leaving the house for an hour! ;)

Me off to bed...to my own M-rated land! :devil: ;)
Geez, Liff, I thought your other posts were novel length, but this one took the cake!

Anyway, you asked

Whether on call, off-duty, or at work, how do guys think D/L would spend their Friday nights together?

I think I'm going to go with either going out for pizza and a drink, or curling up together and watching the new release of the week on dvd. Something to shake off the work week, anyway.

Anyway I,
episode 408. which is called Buzzkill. No real details as of yet, only a list of supposed characters for the episode. When I know more, so will you!
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