Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Geez, Liff, I thought your other posts were novel length, but this one took the cake!

Amen to that :)

Ehm...I'm just here to promote my new ficcy:

Snow Angels

To keep this on-topic...

Thanks for the info catey :) hopefully we'll hear more soon about the actual episode itself. That episode airs the day before my birthday...wonder what I'll be asking for this year...*prods TPTB and asks that they have a DL scene unless they want cake splattered all over their faces* :p

Edited to answer Liffy's question:

I agree with catey; curled up on the couch with a good movie sounds like a relaxing way to spend their Friday night. Nothing too extreme ;)

ETA2: Darling Mo? Any chance I can borrow Danny for a while? My stomach is being evil and won't agree with me...
*Pops in to wish you all a very good midnight...* It's almost 01:00 AM here, saturday :eek:...one of my best friends celebrated her birthday in a casino...and I had so much fun playing Black Jack all night (I actually won some money :))...I may have a bit too much to drink, so I hope I keep making sense.... :cool:

Stuffy asked:
We all know that Danny is much different now than he was in season one and that Lindsay has broken down the barriers she built around herself. Saying that, do you think they have changed as individuals since meeting each other? If so, how? If not, why?
Yes, I believe they both changed a lot since they've met...Danny has become much more mature and has found out that life is not all fun and games and for Lindsay it's just the opposite...she has learnt to start enjoying things more, to not let the past ruin her future and to trust people. :) She can be one tough cookie but she has to know when to ask others for help... :)

LOL carolina bad weather! Is it raining? :devil: *winks at Mo*

Vex, Mo I love the idea of 'just because' gifts...they're just great...I'd love it if we see Lindsay walking into their office and we just get a glimpse of card on her desk or even better a framed picture where Danny has written a sweet message on... :D

Liffy! that was some post...and 'the meter' isn't limiting our creativy ;) it's just challenging it :p...that's why I didn't had to add the 'on each other part' to the chocolate...the mere mention of the chocolate alone was already enough to send you straight to the gutter... :devil:

You said:
*whacks Dutch* Haha - the eps aren't as good when D/L aren't together are they? I think the only thing that could make seperate cases perfect would be for them to share a loook when they pass each other in the hallway, or to call the other to pick up lunch, or for help on reconstruction Any interaction of the positive kind is loved!
*rubs head confused - why the whacking?* Yeah that would be awesome...I really don't mind when they're not working a case together, but I'd love some kind of reminder that they're together every now and then, like the look you mentioned, or a touch, or something like that... :devil:

Whether on call, off-duty, or at work, how do guys think D/L would spend their Friday nights together?
Maybe they have some drinks with their friends/colleagues (do they even have friends besides the people they work with? :confused:) or just a quiet night at home...watching 'Top Gear' (LOL Jen) :lol: or something else on TV...before turning in early... :)

Catey I hope you'll find out more soon...WOW! Spoilers for ep 8 already and the season hasn't even started yet. :)

Mer! It's so great to see you in here again *BIG HUG*

*runs off to read Stuffy's fic before finally going to sleep*
Okay, still don't know much
is a two case episode. Stella, Lindsay and Flack investigate the death of a model, posing in a martini glass billboard in Times Square. Mac, Danny Hawkes and Angell investigate a woman shot at a club she worked at, and the death of a man who tried to stop the hold up. Don't know much else right now, anything involving D/L, so I'll leave it at this.

Mer, it's great you are back, can't wait for your next challenge that you post. I look forward to it.
I think it is a little crazy that the season hasn't even started yet and we already have spoilers for eppy 8. We're not obsessed or anything, are we? And I just realized Dutch basically just posted this, so this is a little redundant.

Someone somewhere up there said something like how they didn't like season 1 Danny, and I'd like to comment on what this person said. I think Season 1 Danny was good for season 1, but he doesn't go along with season 2 and season 3 Danny. Which in our case is good, because if he was still season 1 Danny, he wouldn't have his Montana. There was something very attractive about "bad boy" Danny, but there's certainly something much more attractive about "Montana stricken" Danny. He's more sensitive., he conducts himself in a nice fasion, and so much more... I love him now much more than season 1, and I hope he stays "Montana Stricken".

[/end ranting]
"I love the way you wear those worn-out blue jeans...walkin' all around in the big sunshine...baby let me believe that you're perfect, at least for a little while...baby we got such a good thing going!"

Ahoy there me hearties! Any guesses as to which song that is? It's shaping up to be a fine Saturday, which means we are one day closer to our premiere! I start this wondrous morning with excellent news:

"And we'll also deepen the relationship between Danny [Carmine Giovinazzo] and Lindsay [Anna Belknap]."
dl_shipper34[/b] ^]I don't know what to say ... I'm quite exhausted after doing my little squee-dance ... so I'll only say one thing ... don't mess this up TPTB!!!

Welcome back mer!
Hey buddies!
Unfortunately school is starting and I’ve a lot of study, so I’ve been MIA again. :(
But now I’m back!!! :D

Jen said:
So, what do we expect in the first ep?
I expect some allusions to their relationship, too. I don’t expect a whole episode about them, but some little cute moments that make us sure that their relationship’s going on. ;) I’d also love to see some funny comments of the team about them! :D

Mo said:
Who do you think, Danny or Lindsay, likes to make a bigger deal of holidays, special days, birthdays?
Good question, Mo! I don’t know why, but I think that Lindsay would make a bigger deal of those things. I think that she’d like to do something to make those days very special, even if they’d do something simple like a romantic dinner or, about the holiday, something romantic, but not expensive. They only need to hold each other to be happy. :) I also think that Lindsay, for Christmas or New Year, would organize something with their families and finally would influence Danny with her enthusiasm, so he’d be excited too! :lol:

Stuffy asked:
We all know that Danny is much different now than he was in season one and that Lindsay has broken down the barriers she built around herself. Saying that, do you think they have changed as individuals since meeting each other? If so, how? If not, why?
I agree with you. Danny is more mature than season one, because he finally found the woman he really loves, so he changed some things of his behaviour and prepared himself to start a lasting relationship with her.
About Lindsay I think that she broke the walls that she put around her, because she realized that she can trust him and that she loves him.

Liff said:
Whether on call, off-duty, or at work, how do guys think D/L would spend their Friday nights together?
I think that they would stay at home and spend some time together watching a movie or having dinner together…or simply cuddling each other on the couch. Or probably they would have fun playing pool! :devil: :lol:

SQUEEEEEEEEEE!!! I’m so happy, even if TPTB’s intention were clear even in the other spoilers. But in this spoiler is so explicit!!! :D Thanks for posting it! :)

Btw…Welcome back Mer! *hugs* :)
Broadway rhythm's got me, ev'rybody dance, Broadway rhythm's got me, ev'rybody dance. *Does Happy Dance because Mer is back! :)

Okay to answer a few shipper questions:

1. What should we expect from D/L during episode one?

Just guessing here-- Pool Table Smex Part Deux?! :devil:

2. Who's more into the holidays? Danny or Lindsay?

I think Danny would pretend to be all 'humbug' about the holidays yet actually end being quite the Christmas lover. Country girls love holidays. It's in our blood, even if we try to deny it. ;) So I think Lindsay would love the holidays as well. I see both of them getting excited like two little kids waiting for Santa!!

3. Changes in both Danny and Lindsay:

They have changed since meeting one another---some of it has to do with meeting each other, some has to do with things they've experienced over the past two years. I think the most important change is that they trust one another. There is a sense that they can trust the other. :)

A deeper relationship!! Yes! We have always known that their relationship goes beyond just mere attraction!! It's good to see the PTB pulling for that!

*I have found from opening this thread that I can't spell well on the internet! :eek: Dude! My opening didn't do D/L justice!* :mad:

Hiya Fluffy Twin!! :D
Radical618 said:
Someone somewhere up there said something like how they didn't like season 1 Danny, and I'd like to comment on what this person said. I think Season 1 Danny was good for season 1, but he doesn't go along with season 2 and season 3 Danny. Which in our case is good, because if he was still season 1 Danny, he wouldn't have his Montana. There was something very attractive about "bad boy" Danny, but there's certainly something much more attractive about "Montana stricken" Danny. He's more sensitive., he conducts himself in a nice fasion, and so much more... I love him now much more than season 1, and I hope he stays "Montana Stricken".
Hey Rad! Good to see you! :)
I think Danny may still be the same person he was in S1, but he also knows now what it means to have someone by your side all the time. He shows us his bad-boy side every now and then, so we know it's still him, but there are just more important things in his life right now than only being the tough guy.

Liff is probably thinking there'll be an eppi called 'deep' :lol: Anyway, it sounds great they want to continue our ship. It means it's not just a flirt, but it'll be there always! Yay!

I'm off, I'm gonna watch the soccer game Netherlands-Bulgary. We're 1-0 ahead! :)
*dances into the room happily*

AZ, it seems like you are attempting to redeem yourself this season. Rock on! I loved reading this! His comment about Danny and Lindsay’s relationship going deeper is exactly the sort of news to start off the season with.
Catey, thanks for the 408 info!

And thanks to y’all for the warm welcome back! I love this thread and this ship!

PS. Stuffy, Sara Evans – ‘As If’ :D
Well, Modern Day Gallery has new promo pics up, but they are mostly of Stella and Mac. It's frustrating, because I'd love to see our beloved couple, not necessarily together, but at least to see something new of them. I know we had one of Danny for the first episode of the season, but I really want to see what look Lindsay is going to have this year. Anyway, enough of my rant, but if anyone wants to check the pictures out, here's the link:

but I really want to see what look Lindsay is going to have this year.

Well the promo that was just released has a shot of her. Granted it's only one or two seconds, but at least we see her. I agree with you; it would be nice to see at least some pictures of them. A shot of Hawkes or Adam would be nice as well.

Mer, that is indeed the song ;) well done. You may now choose your prize. Anything you want, it's yours.

Psst...welcome back :D *tackles buddy and gives her a big hug and daisy*
glad that AZ said that the relationship will "deepen". I personally think that they will be established as a couple by revealing that they are together.

Only 18 more days till the premiere! I can't believe that the summer has flown by.
*Mo sneaks into the thread, singing softly to herself..."What you got if you ain't got love, The kind that you just want to give away.
It's ok to open up, go ahead and let the light shine through...I know it's hard on a rainy day, you wanna shut the world out and just be left alone.
But don't run out on your faith..." :D *

Hello my shippy darlings! It's so nice to see all y'all in here...I just love this thread and our couple and all y'all fabulous peeps! I know I say that a lot, but seriously it's hard to not be happy in here...y'all just rock! :D

Gutter bud with the meter target on his back Liffy asked:
besides if he was going for looks - there's no reason for him to stay with Lindsay is there?
Okay Liffer ya know you're my bud and my gutter bug...but I can't say I agree with you on this! And I don't think you believe this either...Linds is HOT...I mean I am sure that Danny is not only with her for her looks, she is sweet and spunky and kind and smart and caring, but let's be honest...the woman is amazingly gorgeous as well! I mean clearly it isn't the only reason he's with her, but he is not complaining about her looks or suffering them at all! ;) I am fairly certain the man is completely satisfied with how attractive his Montana is! :devil: :D

But it's those imperfections that make them perfect for each other.
Now this, bud, this I totally agree with! ;) And as a saying in general I LOVE this! It reminds me of the movie "Emma"...where Mr. Knightley (the man I want to marry!) says that..."Maybe it's our imperfections that make us so perfect for eachother!" And I totally think that's the truth for D/L! If they were perfect they'd be boring and wouldn't need eachother...but because they are not perfect, they have needs and they have found that in eachother those needs are met...they are perfectly imperfect together! :D

I just had a mental picture of Lindsay getting a card that said nothing but "MOO" in it.
:lol: :lol: Awww my dear Liff that would be SO hilarious! I would LOVE to see that! :lol: PTB that would be an awesome thread of continuity to follow and it would make for a fabulous D/L moment! Seriously though, I don't know why I just really want to see Linds get a card from Danny...birthday card, V-day card..."just because" card...I just want to see her get a card, for some reason! :D

Fluffy cutie pie Stuffy-wuffy asked softly:
ETA2: Darling Mo? Any chance I can borrow Danny for a while? My stomach is being evil and won't agree with me...
Awwww honey! *Mo sends her punkin a soft pillow, some chicken soup and crackers....all hand delivered by the very handsome and very able to comfort, Mr. Danny Messer!* ;) You can keep him for a bit darlin, he's fabulous at making one feel better! ;)

Buddy who forever changed the way I see the weather ;) Dutch grinned:
Is it raining? *winks at Mo*
Ohhhhh, I sure hope so! ;) I used to not like the rain so much, it made me melt...(yeah I know TOTAL girl! :rolleyes: :lol: ) But now, after your ficcie Dutch dear, I have a whole new appreciation for the rain...and I find myself hoping for rain more often...cuz it conjures some very lovely thoughts now! :devil: I know everytime it rains on the show now, I'll be pondering on just what D/L is doing and how much fun they're having with it! ;) Heehee! :devil:

Angsty niece Rad hon nodded:
there's certainly something much more attractive about "Montana stricken" Danny. He's more sensitive., he conducts himself in a nice fasion, and so much more... I love him now much more than season 1, and I hope he stays "Montana Stricken".
Lol, you're cute honey! And I am most definitely on that, "Montana stricken" Danny is definitely more attractive...he's softer and more attentive and kinder and yet on a purely physical note (I know superficial but hey I'm allowed sometimes!) the man is SOOOO much more attractive now than in season 1...I mean he has always been hot...but now, the man is HOT! :devil: And I think it's safe to say that is due in part to Linds too...the man is in love and in all honesty there is nothing more attractive than a man in love! Seriously the boy is FINE!! :devil:
Stuffy & EW Fall Preview - AZ[/b]]"And we'll also deepen the relationship between Danny [Carmine Giovinazzo] and Lindsay [Anna Belknap]." SQUEEEEE!!! I so have to go buy that magazine to have for myself! :lol: Awww I am so glad about this...I mean I know we're canon and I know Pam already told us D/L's "official" but the fact that AZ said this, this has me SO jazzed!!!! Score...the top dog has our back y'all...we're golden...we're solid...and I am LOVIN' it! :lol:

My brilliant and adorable Fluffykins Aud grinned:
Country girls love holidays. It's in our blood, even if we try to deny it.
Lol, yeah that's so true babes! Us country girls love special days and making a big deal about them! You're so right, lol, we can't even deny that! ;) That's why I think Linds loves Christmas and loves making a big deal about it! I don't know that she'd make a huge deal of any of the other holidays, as much anyway...but somehow I think she loves making a big deal about Christmas...wanting to go pick out the perfect tree, decorating the apartment, making Christmas cookies...etc. And I see Danny teasing her about it, but secretly loving that she gets so into it! :D

Hiya Fluffy Twin!!
Hi wub! *Mo giggles and snuggles her Fluffy Twin!* You are so adorable! :D

Mer-bear darlin', I am SOOO glad you're back! It makes me so happy to see you in here again, I likes it! :D

Angsty dear Vexy grinned:
Only 18 more days till the premiere! I can't believe that the summer has flown by.
Lol, yeah isn't that funny! I swear each day seemed to go by normal or even slow...but somehow the weeks have flown by all the same! I mean on the one hand it feels like it's been forever since we had new D/L and like the new season is going to take SO long to get here...but on the other hand it's like you said...Where has the summer gone? And I can't believe it's only 18 days...wait now 17 days away!! YAY!! I so cannot wait for this new season...it's gonna be fabulous...I am getting so excited! Lol, seriously I'm pretty much already on cloud 9 about D/L in this new season and it hasn't even started yet! :lol: Y'll may need to anchor me somewhere or I'll just float off high, high into the sky! :lol:

Okay this is plenty long for me this fine evening...I've spent most of the day walking around our county fair (which is totally fun!) so I'm a bit worn out at the moment and quite ready for some nice sleep! Quick question before I do though, spending the day at the fair made me wonder...Do you think Linds would be able to get Danny to go to a county fair with her and what do you think would be her and then his favorite part?

Okay now it really is time for me to go to sleep! Night all!

*Mo waves and crawls sleepily into her fluffy bubble, ready to snuggle up and dream fluffy dreams for the night!*
*Liff pops into the thread grinning and giddy since he just watched "The Hug" again...and again!* Hey guys! Hope y'all are having a fantastic weekend!

Mo said:
Okay Liffer ya know you're my bud and my gutter bug...but I can't say I agree with you on this! And I don't think you believe this either...Linds is HOT...
Okay, maybe I didn't explain myself that clearly. I know that Linds is HOT, but for someone like Danny, if his interest in her was merely physical, I can't seem him sticking around. She's gorgeous, but there are other people too. The fact that he stuck around clearly shows that it's just that much more than physical attraction. Why would you endure that much drama for someone you just want to sleep with? Answer is - you wont. There's more there and their relationship is definately deeper than a mere crush. - Duh!

I shall always be your gutter bug :devil: I ain't movin' nowhere!

Maybe it's our imperfections that make us so perfect for eachother!" And I totally think that's the truth for D/L! If they were perfect they'd be boring and wouldn't need eachother...but because they are not perfect, they have needs and they have found that in eachother those needs are met...they are perfectly imperfect together!
Way to go Mo! Haha - exactly! If their relationship was perfect, and they were perfect, it would become boring and repetitive. They wouldn't need each other much would they and inevitable they would lose interest. But we know, and they know themselves that they aren't perfect, hence the chemistry that's so evidently strong between them. Their imperfections allow them to face the trials and tribulations of life together. Together they grow, closer (and closer) and that pretty much cements them :D They each have needs and in each other, they've found that little bit that completes them. I'm now going to run off and write some corny love story! :lol:

I don't know why I just really want to see Linds get a card from Danny...birthday card, V-day card..."just because" card...I just want to see her get a card, for some reason!
It's because you want to see the 'MOO'!! It would be an awesome continuity factor, but...who knows how energetic that fairy is going to be this season. Hopefully very - or else she's getting her wings clipped.

And I think it's safe to say that is due in part to Linds too...the man is in love and in all honesty there is nothing more attractive than a man in love! Seriously the boy is FINE!!
I don't think Danny's the only one love-stricken anymore :lol:

I'm reading this!! Simply because it's not much of a spoiler. I can't tell squat exept the fact that I'm going to be a pool of gutter fluff the entire frekin' season. Including w/e angst they may have in store for us - it would only add to the reality that is D/L! We're canon baby!

Do you think Linds would be able to get Danny to go to a county fair with her and what do you think would be her and then his favorite part?
I think Danny would love to go to the county fair with her, although him being him, he'd probably make her drag him along - complaining all the way just because he likes ruffling her feathers up a bit. She knows he loves it, and during the course of the night would inevitable throw something squishy into his face. Cream pie anyone? I'd take a go :devil: haha. I would say their favourite part is Danny looking for a little "alone" time with his girl. A little nook somewhere and lets just say she's got him pressed up pretty flat against that wall... :devil: *ducks below the meter before being chased away*

Where is Lynny. She must be subjected to more pink fluff before Mo and I can set her free! :lol:
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