Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Hello buddies!
Today I was coming home after a whole exhausting morning looking after my niece and when I was coming into my sister’s car I heard Jenny don’t be hasty at the radio!!! :D That made my day, because I had never heard it before at the radio or at the TV, so I started singing aloud (and quite out of tune, too :eek:) and my sister said: “Are you ok? Or the baby drove you crazy more than the other days?”
So I told her about SD, with a big smile on my face and she rolled her eyes and said “You’re hopeless…” She doesn’t understand why people ship :rolleyes: *sigh*…but I still hope that sooner or later I’ll turn her in a DL shipper! ;)

Aud said:
Danny's probably not used to having a woman with so much football knowledge
Yeah! Them both love football, so I can see them at a football match, wearing t-shirts of their favourite team, eating hot dogs and yelling and rejoicing for the team. :lol: Of course, as Aud said, I can also see them arguing over the game! ;)
Btw…about D/L and football, I have a question for you:
Who do you think, Danny or Lindsay, is more addicted to football and is a bigger supporter of a football team?

Dani said:
For D/L, we need something sweeter and just enjoying the moment (understand this as you wish ) And just having those looks exchanged, both of them nervous (because being CSIs, no matter who proposed, the other one will understand it) and then all smiles and just cuddling for a while, no talking, between some long passionate kisses, ultra excited about the marriage
Awww! That would be sooo sweet!!! *_* And I agree with you, I’m for a proposal only between them!
Btw, welcome back hon! :)

Liff said:
The premiere is so close now - it's practically on our doorstep! Definately cannot wait any longer! The excitement is starting to hurt!
Yeah and I can’t wait too, even if I’m not spoiler free! I suppose that wait is harder without spoilers…because I’m sure that without them I’d go crazy! :rolleyes: I’m still wondering how you’re still alive… :lol: *gives Liff some M&Ms to help him to stand the wait*

SB said:
It'll be fun seeing D/L in new episodes again.
Yep! I’m sooo excited! :D I hope that we’ll see funny scenes like the ‘proposal’ in Superman! This is one of the reasons why I love this ship…because they’re so sweet and funny at the same time. They can make you cry, melt or laugh. I love their funny scenes because it’s so evident how much they can make laugh and amuse each other! :)
Good morning, good morning, good morning! *Mo trots into the thread, high on caffeine and life and the love of our lovely couple...!* Happy Tuesday to y'all...I gotta say I'm a bit sad it's only Tuesday! :lol: I totally had it in my head that it was Wednesday today...which would mean we are exactly two weeks away from our PREMIERE! But alas, it's only Tuesday...but still one less day away! :D

Svart yeah it will definitely be fun to see D/L in new episodes, they are always so cute together I am confident we'll have plenty more great shippy moments and scenes this new season as well! And yeah Abby they are very good at tugging all sorts of emotions out of us! :lol: Then again it could just be cuz we adore them so much! ;) Good luck with your sister by the way...you'll get her...or D/L will, they always do in the end! I got my mom...so it's possible! :D :lol:

Mmmmm, as for who likes football more...I think I'm gonna go with Danny...that he is a bigger supporter of his team and is more addicted to it, but I see Linds continually surprising him with how much she knows and how much she supports her team...I just still see him being more vocal and outwardly enthusiastic about it! :D

Okay and that wraps up this morning's edition of "The Ramblings of Mo!" Tune in next time...there's more giggling and squeeing to come! :lol: (I'm a dork, in case y'all didn't know that already! :lol: )

*Mo rolls her eyes at herself and laughing, shimmers away in her fluffy bubble!* :D
Who do you think, Danny or Lindsay, is more addicted to football and is a bigger supporter of a football team?

I think Danny would be a bit more into football, although I can see Lindsay testing him with trivia (a la 'Supermen' *giggles*) and little tidbits of information.
Hi guys! *JenP waves at everyone in this thread*
It's been way too long since my last visit...although I visit, but I only seem to be spying lately. Just have no inspiration...It's definitely time for the season premiere. How many days now? 15?

About the football-question: Well, I don't know if Danny's that into football. He seems more like a baseball and basketball guy to me. Lindsay at the other hand knows a thing or two about football. Maybe Lindsay gives him tickets and during the game she finds out he doesn't know the rules! :lol:

I just can't get this out of my head, and I certainly hope TPTB will make some scene of it once: How do you think Danny and Lindsay tell their co-workers they're together? Just keep the questions goning, we have to do something in these 15 days... :rolleyes:

See you soon!
*Liff tangoes into the thread, still singing along to Michael's song..."Whatever comes our way, we'll see it through, And you know that's what our love can do." ;) * Happy, happy Tuesday! Which means tonight is Hump Eve. :D I can't help it if it sounds dirty. But this song seriously has the habit of coming on whenever I visit the thread. It's love!

Dutch said:
I just can't wait to see Mac's reaction when he finds out...I would love it if he'd just raise an eyebrow at Danny...Just one simple look that says "Told you so!"
Ooooh! That would definately be awesome. It would be even better if Lindsay was standing right next to him. Maybe they're discussing a case or something and just standing closer to each other than they should be. :) Mac can definately tell something's up with their body language - they'd be alot more comfortable with each other in the lab, and I'm sure he can already see the difference in their relationship pre and post SOoH. I still would like to think they wouldn't outright tell the team "we're dating!". I'd rather have Stella send Hawkes to snoop or something and ask them questions. They could tell them then - when asked. Not as a public spectacle (even if everyone's been waiting forever to see it happen).

I'd like to think Mac would be supportive of their relationship. If we can see Danny's growth, I'm sure he, as Danny's boss and all, should have clearly noticed the differences in Danny, and the dynamic of his team as a whole. D/L just work together so well. And those little stolen glances between the two of them are just to die for.

Gutter-bud Mo said:
I mean I wouldn't ever want to leave all this passion and love and fluff in here anyway...so it's all good! Gutter buds we are!
Indeed we are sweetheart. Indeed we are :D Wouldn't have it any other way. There's just no escaping the passion and love we get between D/L - their chemistry is just so reactive - spontaneous combustion's got nuthing on them ;)

Okay I don't even really know what that means and yet somehow it makes total sense and sounds brilliant!
Well...I don't even know what it meant - though, at the time of writing it, I probably did. Mind you it was about 8 seconds after rewatching the SD clips. D/L just looks so comfortable with each other on that pool table. Can't help but wonder if Danny's "I'm glad this happened" was for their first time....or for their first time on a strange piece of furniture. :devil: *straying away from the dirty thoughts for a moment - I'll reason why* Simply because it just makes me melt that they enjoyed their first time together. Not enjoyed as in it was just good pleasure - but you can hear it in his voice, and in her reply, that it was them as a 'we' and not just getting rid of an itch.

Liff I'm with you...it's getting to the point where it almost hurts to wait anymore...I mean crap I suck at patience anyway...and now that I've waited so long...I want it NOW!! I'm done waiting...I want it now!
Whenever you think about it (and it's more often than not), there's this slight pang when you realised tomorrow is not the 26th - yet. We'll get there - and we've got TPTB behind us to boot! They love us, we love them. We like D/L smoochies!! I want a D/L kiss - a non-needy-but-loving kiss. It would be the sweetest thing ever. A simple 'see you later', 'be safe' or 'catch that bad ass for me will ya?' will do just fine ;)

Abby asked:
Who do you think, Danny or Lindsay, is more addicted to football and is a bigger supporter of a football team?
I'd say that Danny is a more avid supporter and fan, but that doesn't mean Montana knows anything less. I see her as they type that continues to surprise him on the couch when she starts spouting off at an uncalled for foul, or contact or something, leaving Danny beside her to stare at her wonderously. Before they do some of their own body contact :devil:

Yeah and I can’t wait too, even if I’m not spoiler free! I suppose that wait is harder without spoilers…because I’m sure that without them I’d go crazy! I’m still wondering how you’re still alive…
This is the first time I'm going SF, I used to love spoilers, but now that I've experienced it, I'd say it's alot easier being spoiler free than it sounds. I don't have that heartache when you see a box and you wonder if it's going to be good or bad.

I'm now actually thinking of going the entire season spoiler free - we'll see if that happens or not. (I hate typing Spoiler Boxes - they're irritating. Now there's an incentive). The only problem is whether or not I can resist D/L devilishness :devil:

I love their funny scenes because it’s so evident how much they can make laugh and amuse each other!
Danny and Linds have some kind of connection and dynamic chemistry together - it's just so evident when he grins at her, or when they banter, or when she grins at him. They have this 'thing' that just makes them perfect for each other. They know how to push each other's buttons - at the right time, and they can keep each other entertained for hours on end (well I'm sure we all know that by now :devil: )

Mo said:
Then again it could just be cuz we adore them so much!
We adore them so much BECAUSE they have that ability to make us feel all gooey inside...and so much more!

JenP said:
How do you think Danny and Lindsay tell their co-workers they're together?
Like I said before, I wouldn't like it if they were to 'announce' it per se, but rather, just let things take their course. Their team mates are sure to get suspicious, if they don't already know and are bound to ask. Perhaps Stella can corner Danny whilst he has traces of lipstick on him or something. (or one of them can come in with a hickey :D ) If asked - they'll tell. If not - they'll keep it to themselves. After all, their relationship is their own - it's not a sharing thing. :)

Anyways, i think I've said my part for today. *Liff takes out a super piece of chocolate cake (freshly baked of course) and calls Cuzzy to come out of hiding!* Cuzzy! Where are you??

I'm off to bed - and to go back to that deliciously hot scene I left the last time I was DLdreaming. Mmmm.... :devil:
JenP said:
How do you think Danny and Lindsay tell their co-workers they're together?

I don't think that they will "announce" that they are together. Their actions will tell. And of course, you just know that they are together. Maybe a change in voice tone, or the fact that when one leaves the room, the other soon follows and they end up at the broom closet again. ;)
"Hello? Is it me you're looking for? Well I wonder where you are and I wonder what you do, are you somewhere feeling lonely...or is someone loving you! Tell me how to win your heart, for I haven't got a clue, but I'll start by simply saying, I love you!" Hi my shippy dears! *Mo saunters into the thread, humming along with the incurably romantic Lionel Richie as he serenades...* Happy Hump Eve ;) (nice Liffer! :lol: ) and because I'm officially nuts like that...we have 363 hours left until our Season Premiere! :lol: Let the chaos begin..well or continue, cuz let's be honest...we're pretty crazy in here! ;)

Shippy bud continuing the good question routine JenP asked:
How do you think Danny and Lindsay tell their co-workers they're together?
Angsty darlin' Vexxy answered:
I don't think that they will "announce" that they are together. Their actions will tell.
Mmmm, I'm with you on that Vex! I mean they are all CSI's...which means they're paid to notice details! So yeah I don't think D/L will plan on telling the team, I think it'll be an "if they find out good, but we're not gonna parade it around for them!" and then I think they'll get to the lab and everyone will just know! Especially Stella and Flack...I see them being the ones who totally know! Mac may be a bit behind since he was over in London, but still I think he'll catch on fairly quickly!

Gutter bud who oozes delicious naughtiness Liffers pouted:
Whenever you think about it (and it's more often than not), there's this slight pang when you realised tomorrow is not the 26th
Lol, forget having a pang when I realize it's not tomorrow hon...I get a pang when I realize it's 10pm here and I can't turn on CBS and see the premiere right then! :lol: I told you bud, I'm seriously impatient! ;) I'm sure it will be quite worth the wait, but I know I'd appreciate it just as much if I could watch it now...as I will after waiting more!

- yet. We'll get there - and we've got TPTB behind us to boot! They love us, we love them. We like D/L smoochies!! I want a D/L kiss - a non-needy-but-loving kiss. It would be the sweetest thing ever. A simple 'see you later', 'be safe' or 'catch that bad ass for me will ya?' will do just fine
Ohhhh, I like that bud! I love the "needy-passionate-attack-eachother" kissing...that's seriously hot! :devil: But a sweet, "see you later" kiss or a sweeter "good morning" kiss, that's love! *Sigh!* I would LOVE to see that! And yeah a "See you later", "See you at home", "Can you pick up milk?" :lol: Any of those would be fabulous! I'm good with just simple D/L like that...although a dash of hot smex thrown in every now and then would be fine too! :devil:

Okay I'm off for some sugar...yeah, yeah I know I'm sweet enough as it is...*gag a little! :lol: :lol: * but I was thinking more along the lines of some "sug-ah"...."Oh Danny boy...!" :devil: :lol:

*Mo giggles and rolling her eyes at how totally cheesy she is acting...shimmers giddily away in her fluffy bubble!* :D
vibrant vex said:
JenP said:
How do you think Danny and Lindsay tell their co-workers they're together?
I don't think that they will "announce" that they are together. Their actions will tell.
Yep, I have to agree with you too, Vex. They'll know they're official!
Anybody got cameras set up in the broom closet since the lab repairs yet? :devil:

On another note, to pass the time to the premiere I have been thinking of doing more ep challenges. Anyone interested?
Mer!! Hiya honey! :D Ohhhh, yeah I'm totally interested in ep challenges, I've missed those! ;)

As for D/L in the broom closet...Ummm....*Mo giggles and shoves more batteries in her video camera...* Um yeah, we're good on the broom closet vid cameras! :devil: No worries! :lol:
Good morning everyone! :)

How do you think Danny and Lindsay tell their co-workers they're together?

Good question Jen. I think perhaps they'll tell Mac, because they feel they have to :rolleyes: (work ethics and all), but the rest will have to find out through their actions...like Vex...one leaving the room and the other following, etc... :devil:

And since we all know they're heading straight for that broom closet when they -all so innocently- leave a room...it's great that we've checked the cameras...In two weeks we can get those cameras rolling again.... :D

Mer! Please put up some more challenges...I love them and we get to see and discuss some more D/L pics and moments. :)

Off to work! :(
How do you think Danny and Lindsay tell their co-workers they're together?

I dont think they would tell, more like the team will find out, maybe by accident. like someone - coughFlackcough - walking on them discussing their date or kissing good-bye.

and the idea with Mac realizing it through their body language is really good. and he would totally give Danny the I told you so look

or the rest of the team observing them working in the lab and saying something like ...
Do you think they are...?
they are what?
are you blind?
no. what are you talking about?

I was re-watching Daze of Wine & Roaches and thought I bring some pics in

Easy there, Mont- ana

We are more then bear and buffalo burgers, Messsser.

gotta love that smile

have a beautiful day
Good morning my dears! Happy Hump Day! And Happy 2 week mark until our premiere! :D *Mo giggles and jumps up and down excitedly!* I swear I'm not gonna make it to premiere day! I mean of course I will...but I'm getting so dang impatient for it...lol, it's gotten to the point where for the last couple days I've woken up totally convinced it was Wednesday and I would finally be able to watch our premiere...not even kidding! Talk about a downer! :lol: I want my D/L and I want them now! ;)

Speaking of...Dutch are you thinking we have to wait to film the broom closet...cuz D/L just got back from their vacation and they've been testing out the broom closet again...so I'm standing guard and making sure everything get recorded for um....yeah our viewing pleasure! :devil: :lol:

Awwww Carly I love those pics hon, that last one of Danny's smile is so freakin' adorable! How Linds didn't just jump him right then I don't know...his smile is so irresistably cute! *Mo swoons a bit!*

Alright I gotta head off to work...well the airport then work...fun times! I'll catch y'all later my dears...have a fabulous Hump Day! Linds and Danny are certainly enjoying it thoroughly! :devil: Heehee! :lol:

*Mo giggles and shimmers off, a cloud of pink fog surrounding her bubble!*
Hey! How are you all doing this fine afternoon (I love how each of us greets according to different times of the day :p) It's Hump Day, and I just sneaked trogh D/L window (needless to say what they were doing :devil:), so I guess everything is just as perfect as always in Gutterville :D

Liffy said:
Not enjoyed as in it was just good pleasure - but you can hear it in his voice, and in her reply, that it was them as a 'we' and not just getting rid of an itch.
Let me tell you that was probably one of the best things ever said about SD love beyond the hot scenes ;) It's really that, and that's why we LOVE it so much!

How they would tell the team that they're together? Hm, I think that the team is going to suspect that pretty soon, some of them maybe know already (as of season 4 first episodes) *coughsSidcoughs* And I think they're just gonna see it. As dutch said, I think they'll have to talk with Mac, because he is the boss. I think he's gonna be happy for them! :) And then I guess the others will just understand, because D/L is too obvious at times :lol: If not all the time :p

Oh, and the question about football... I think Danny is more of a fan, but as brilliantly said by stuffy,
I can see Lindsay testing him with trivia (a la 'Supermen' *giggles*) and little tidbits of information.
Gotta love that scene, how she surprised him and how he answered back :)

You put me in the mood for "Everything" (like I wasnt always in the mood for it *looks at history of songs today...there it is :p) And I love it as a D/L song, especially the "And I get to kiss you baby just because I can." ;) :lol: "

"And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, You make me sing
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything."

So, question:
Do you think either Danny or Lindsay like to sing? Do they sing to each other? (thinks about D/L serenade :p)?
Hi guys!

To answer my own question, just like Dutch said, I think they feel they have to tell Mac they're together. But I don't think they officially tell the others. They find out sooner or later. And I think Sid will be the one spotting it first.

CSI_Dani said:
Do you think either Danny or Lindsay like to sing? Do they sing to each other? (thinks about D/L serenade :p)?
love the question, Dani! But somehow I don't see them singing serenades to each other....although maybe Danny is the kind of guy who'd do that when he and Lindsay had a fight or something. :eek: Can you see Flack on a guitar, telling Danny what to sing? :lol:

I even think Lindsay is the one better singing...country girl, right? ;)

What do you think happened here? They cancelled CSI:NY tonight because of a soccer game! I like it when the Netherlands have to play, but not on CSI:NY time! :mad: I won't watch now.... *JenP turns her back to RTL 4 and vows never to watch a soccer game there again!*
*Liff climbs into the thread, for some reason, still singing to Michael's song..."You're every minute of my every day" :D * Happy HUMP DAY! to us all! (I'm having trouble typing and singing my lungs out at the same time! :lol: )

It's been an incredibly hot day here, probably not as hot that some of you are used to, but still - formidable. Anyways, he can only mean one thing right? Imagining Danny and Linds in their bathing suits :devil: Yum! I'm sure Danny can't wait to take Linds swimming, but for some odd reason I picture him as being very protective of his Montana, and doesn't like it when other men (aside from me) gawk at her. She'll think it's completely adorable that he gets all flustered and jealous and irritated when other men start paying attention to her. Of course, she'll make him feel all better when she tells him he's the one she's going home with, snuggling up to, and oh so much more when they're alone :)

Mo pictured:
"Can you pick up milk?"
I had to stop for a moment and blink when I read that. And of course I had to picture it too - Lindsay sending Danny to the store to do some much needed grocery shopping. And Danny's all by his lonesome wandering down the isles of the supermarket, choosing which brand of maple syrup tastes best on his girl :D

Mer hunni, we all love your episode challenges, so keep 'em coming babe!

Carly hon, I like the idea of someone walking in on them kissing each other goodbye :) Or maybe one of the guys can walk in on them having a dinner date, but keeps quiet, watching them snuggling against each other in the back of a restaurant or something :) Or just watching them hold hands would be sweet enough for me.

Dani asked:
Do you think either Danny or Lindsay like to sing? Do they sing to each other? (thinks about D/L serenade )?
I can't see them singing to each other, I dunno why. Carmine may sing, but I can't see Danny doing the same - sitting down with a guitar. I think it's a bit much. I can see them enjoying listening to music together though :) Or him watching Lindsay as she sways along whilst doing the laundry or something. And she watches him as he bounces along as he cooks :)

Right-o, that's all from me today folks. We're one day closer to the premiere! We're holding on (Mo ;) ) and keep the D/L love flowing! *Liff tangoes out of the thread still humming along to the D/L love song*
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