Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Good morning all! It's already wednesday here :D...so that means: HUMP day and only 3 weeks aka 21 days remaining until the premiere. :)

I love all these various ideas about Danny and Lindsay enjoying all kinds of storms. It's still summer and I am already thinking about the CSI: NY winter eps :rolleyes:....D/L going to some crime scene and then suddenly getting caught in a snow storm ...what would they do to keep warm :devil: (see Liffy I'm not hiding my gutteryness ;)).

Later :)
Ahhh... thinking of them cuddled together on the couch, with the rain pouring outside... it just gives us all a warm, fuzzy feeling inside!

Although Danny did once say he didn't cuddle... but for his Montana, I'm sure he'll make an exception. :D

Liffy ! Don't scare me. I'm only taking PMR this year! Not SPM! I'm not ready for SPM! I need two more years of education! :lol: And PMR is in 25 days time.
So while you guys are enjoying the premier of Season Four, I'll be cramming last remnants of History into my head.
*Note to self* MUST check in with you guys, just for the spoilers...

I'm really hoping DL love is gonna be good this season, but don't we all.
*arranges M&Ms into the letters 'D-L' on my table*
*Mo breezes in, feeling quite awake somehow this morning...not really sure why, but lovin' it for now...and carrying a giant fork (just for Liffy! ;) )...and realizing that maybe she isn't that awake because suddenly that sounds bad!* :lol: :lol:

Good morning my dears and Happy Hump Day!! And like you said Dutch only 3 more weeks exactly until our premiere! YAY!! *Mo claps her hands and giggles!* I love it, all the promos for the fall fall shows are airing en masse now and it's getting me even more giddy (I know is that possible? :lol: ) for the start of our new season! (Still haven't seen our new promo in which according to my darling Fluffy Twin Aud I heard has Linds debuting a possible new 'do? :D )
what would they do to keep warm (see Liffy I'm not hiding my gutteryness ).
Well done Dutch hon, but I never really had any doubts about your gutteryness anyway! ;) You're good and naughty most times anyway! *High five to you!* ;)

Lol, yeah Fern I do believe Danny makes an exception to that "no cuddling" rule for his Montana...heck we saw him do that already on Snow Day...cuz if that boy wasn't cuddling on that pool table, then I sure as heck don't know what it was! :D

And yeah definitely at least check in with us if things get crazy for ya...it'll be crazy in here too I'm sure...but always fun! Always! :D

Okay I should be heading off to work right now...but as soon as CBS returns my phone calls I'm so going to work for them! :lol: Until that glorious day..."Hi ho, Hi ho, it's off to work I go..."

*Mo flutters off, apparently more hyper than she realized to her fluffy bubble, where gripping her coffee she shimmers gleefully off!* :D
but as soon as CBS returns my phone calls I'm so going to work for them!

All in favour of Mo working for CBS, please raise your hand and say "Aye" *does so*

Rainbows are overrated and boring.


I'm sure Lindsay and Danny would agree with me too.

In your dreams, maybe ;)

Sorry - I don't really have much to say today. Not sure why; it's Hump Day and that means an episode of CSI:NY!!! Or I could just sit here and stare at my banner...
*Liffy pops in, laughing about carrying a giant spoon (just for Mo)* Helloooooooo! It's HUMP DAY!!!!!

Guttery Mo said:
Although I gotta say as much as I love pancakes...I think her brewing some coffee might work to wake him up better (if she's going with the "smell" approach to wake him up!)...or there is the slightly naughtier and way more fun way for both of them...which involves lots of kisses and ends with them probably being way late for work!
Like ironing his shirt and dragging him into shower...oh wait. Oh THAT 'more fun' way of waking him up :devil: I say Linds teases him till he's all hot and bothered and then gets up and wanders into the kitchen looking for some food - leaving our poor Danny blinking at a gazillion times a minute, trying to figure out why half his brain cells are fried and he's still hot and bothered. :p Linds is one tough cookie that tastes good with chocolate.

YOu are such a boy! Lol, using words like conduit and canal!
Whaat? I am/was a physics student :D So words like that are part of my vocab. I actually understand the gibberish they use on the show too - most of it anyways, which is cool.

Lynny who so kindly popped in said:
I sadly am gonna have to agree with you. crap.
See Mo? It's the pink fog. It's working. It's turning Lynny fluffy. We will rule the world. :devil:

Dutch said:
see Liffy I'm not hiding my gutteryness
Step 1 completed our young one. :p Now you must learn to flaunt it! Rawr. :devil:

Fern said:
Liffy ! Don't scare me. I'm only taking PMR this year! Not SPM! I'm not ready for SPM! I need two more years of education!
Woops, sorry Fernie :p My bad, I like to mix up my peperiksaans. Good luck in 25 days time sweetie!

Mo said:
(Still haven't seen our new promo in which according to my darling Fluffy Twin Aud I heard has Linds debuting a possible new 'do?
It has? Err, the one that I watched, which I think is the CBS one and not the CTV one, has no Linds in it what so ever. :eek: The one that's scripted on CSIFiles also has no Lindsay. Stalk AUD! she has seen something we havent!

I do believe Danny makes an exception to that "no cuddling" rule for his Montana...heck we saw him do that already on Snow Day...cuz if that boy wasn't cuddling on that pool table, then I sure as heck don't know what it was!
It was an act of personal space invasion :devil: Danny loves to cuddle, like I said before - just not with the rest of the human population. :p

Stuffy said:
Nope - no denial there. I don't like rainbows. They ARE overrated but make nice advertisements (long story). :p But otherwise, it's all a little too commercialised blah di blah di blah. You get my drift. Just like Valentines Day, I'd think Danny and Linds would go out together, not because of the day, but just because they wanted to and all the chocolates and roses were on sale. :lol: Yum!

In your dreams, maybe
Our couple is not superficial. Repeat after me: Pool-Table-Smex-Equals-Love :D
There is a new, longer(by about 10 seconds) promo up on YouTube. I'd post the link, but I have to go find it. And Lindsay is in this one, for about 1 second. Different hair, more like what she had when she started the show. But yes, there is a new promo out there somewhere.

Okay, I've gone and found the link to the promo. Since it is a CBS promo, and not a fan video, I'm hoping I can post the link here. If not, someone please let me know, and I'll remove the link.

Guys, please!!!!!

Enough with the off-topic quoting. The other threads have stopped it and it needs to stop in here too.

Okay, I bet Danny is afraid of thunder, so he'd use that as an excuse to get some nookie, milking it for all it's worth. :devil: But I think Danny is the one loves the rain...I could see him wanting to make love in the rain (I mean totally in the rain)...not caring if his hair gets wet. :lol: Lindsay was raised in the Rockies, so she'd love to get 'lost' with Danny in the snow. Can you imagine D/L by the fire, snow all around the place, livin', laughin' and lovin'!!?? ;)

"Let the stormy clouds chase, everyone from the place, come on with the rain, I've a smile on my face, I walk down the lane, with a happy refrain, just singin', singin' in the rain..."

Something tells me, Mo, that Danny and Lindsay would make a good Don Lockwood and Kathy Selden. ;)
*Mo spins into the thread, much like the iconic Gene Kelly...singing happily..."All I do is dream of you...The whole night through...With the dawn, I still go on...And dream of you...You're every thought...You're everything...You're every song I ever sing...Summer, winter, autumn and spring." :D *
Hello again my shippy buddies, and again for the fun of it, Happy Hump Day!! :D :D I don't know about you...but I think we can start counting down weeks, days and hours to our premiere if we wanted to! (yeah I'm obsessed like that...but you all knew that already! :lol: ) That said...there are...3 weeks and 1 hour remaining until we get our season premiere! Yay!! :D

Our fluffy cheerleader Stuffy grinned:
All in favour of Mo working for CBS, please raise your hand and say "Aye" *does so*
*Mo raises both her hands and waves them wildly!* Oh me, me, pick me! :lol: Seriously CBS PTB if you are reading this (like we know you are!) I would love to come and write for you...I ADORE Danny and Linds and would love to have a chance to write lots of lovely sweet scenes for them (and other drama stuff too of course...but lots of D/L for sure! ;) )!!

My goofy but cute Gutter king Liffer-differ winked:
Oh THAT 'more fun' way of waking him up I say Linds teases him till he's all hot and bothered and then gets up and wanders into the kitchen looking for some food - leaving our poor Danny blinking at a gazillion times a minute, trying to figure out why half his brain cells are fried and he's still hot and bothered.
Yeah THAT kind of fun! :devil: And so she leaves him in the bedroom like you said...At which point he'd wander after her and have some "breakfast" :devil: of his own...right there in the kitchen...on the table or even the counter perhaps! :devil: Heehee, Montana for breakfast...Danny tells me it's his favorite! ;)

Stalk AUD! she has seen something we havent!
No need, she's basically the other half of my brain, lol! Plus I think...*Mo checks below...* yup Catey found the longer promo already! So my Fluffy Twin was quite right, there is indeed a longer promo out there! Sweet! Good job Fluffy Twin babes! :D

Spoiler and tidbits of info queen Catey babe pointed:
There is a new, longer(by about 10 seconds) promo up on YouTube. I'd post the link, but I have to go find it. And Lindsay is in this one, for about 1 second. Different hair, more like what she had when she started the show. But yes, there is a new promo out there somewhere.
Sweet! Thanks for the link Catey hon! And yeah I checked it out...and Linds' hair is indeed a bit different...A little shorter, little darker, and straight...I gotta say I'm still a huge fan of her curly/wavy longer hair...but this new look looks like it definitely could be cute! And heck she's gorgeous pretty much no matter what...ya know what I mean! :D

My darling and brilliant Fluffykins Aud grinned:
But I think Danny is the one loves the rain...I could see him wanting to make love in the rain (I mean totally in the rain)...not caring if his hair gets wet.
Aud!! There you are wub! *Mo tackle hugs her Twinny!* Hi hon! Heehee, I totally agree with you by the way...I can definitely see Danny wanting to make love in the rain...wet hair and all, he wouldn't care! And may I say...that idea...WAY hot! :devil: *Mo swoons a bit at that thought!* Ohhhh yeah, nice! ;)

Something tells me, Mo, that Danny and Lindsay would make a good Don Lockwood and Kathy Selden.
*Mo giggles, picturing Danny dressed up in high waist pants dancing in an empty warehouse while Linds stands dressed in a swirly blue dress on a step ladder bathed in a spotlight...* Brilliant! I definitely agree! Lol, now there's an Out of character ficcie idea for you...Danny and Lindsay as characters in a musical! :lol: I would totally love to read that! ;) (I got your email by the way...totally gonna read it and review! ;) )

Alright I'm off to pay some bills...yeah how fun is adulthood :p But hey I've got D/L so it's all good! :D Can't wait for our season premiere...and our whole season...it's gonna freakin rock! :lol:

*Mo skips off to her bubble and shimmers away, spraying lots and lots of fluffy fog as she goes!*

Psssttt...Modie darlin' I didn't quote too many not topic things did I? (I tried to keep it on topic! :D )
*Steps in, high-fives Mo back for our shared gutteryness and keeps her hand raised -AYE!-* :D

Fern said:
Although Danny did once say he didn't cuddle... but for his Montana, I'm sure he'll make an exception.
I'm sure he will...and by now he knows that cuddling with his Montana can lead to sooo much more... :devil:

Liffy said:
like Valentines Day, I'd think Danny and Linds would go out together, not because of the day, but just because they wanted to and all the chocolates and roses were on sale. Yum!
I think that Valentine's day is over-comercialised too, but I do like the idea behind it; just doing something special (or rather even more special :p) for the one you love...Perhaps D/L will not even go out, but buy each other a sweet little (not too expensive) gift and stay at home to truly enjoy all that lovely chocolate... :devil:

Aud But I think Danny is the one loves the rain...I could see him wanting to make love in the rain (I mean totally in the rain)...not caring if his hair gets wet.
LOL Aud :lol:...when Danny stops caring whether his hair gets wet or not, he must really be in love :cool:...btw that suggestion had me face down in the gutter... :eek:

Mo said:
Linds' hair is indeed a bit different...A little shorter, little darker, and straight...
I noticed that too (txs for the link to that longer promo catey! :)) It looked great...I'm already looking forward to making lots and lots of screen shots next season...D/L will look sooo pretty together..*sigh* :D

Oh and a little off topic, but since Lindsay is a fan op opera I'm sure she'll mourn too :(....I've just heard that one of the greatest voices of all time is now singing with the Angels...Luciano Pavarotti (the one I named the GutterVille goat after) has died this morning at age 71... :(
Time to come in here again... :eek:

Everyone ready to walk to the GutterVille Zoo? I'm sure our goat can use a little attention... I'll bring Larry to him (you know, my supergiraffe!).

So, what do we expect in the first ep? I have to say, I'm expecting a little hint to let the viewers know Danny and Lindsay are still together. Maybe Lindsay says something to Danny about his injured hand, although I haven't seen anything wrong with that hand (it has cured in what, 10 days?).

But I think it'll be funny when they walk to the crime scene separately and someone makes a comment about them being together (Sid or so). We'll just have to wait and see...

What do you think?
Sid saying something about them being together would be awesome. after all he was the first one to say IT out loud

and I hope they give us at least a little hint on what it looks like between the 2 lovebirds in the 3.01 epi. whats it called, BTW?
carolina said:
Sid saying something about them being together would be awesome. after all he was the first one to say IT out loud

and I hope they give us at least a little hint on what it looks like between the 2 lovebirds in the 3.01 epi. whats it called, BTW?

Carolina, it's called 'Can you hear me now?' Can't wait!
*Mo dances into the thread..."Good Morning Baltimore!"...* I swear, me and musicals...apparently I've got them on my brain! (Not like any of you are surprised right! :lol: )
Anyway to any of you not in Baltimore...good morning to you all as well! ;) How are y'all shippy buddies? It's Thursday, which means we're a day away from Friday :D and we've officially broken the 3 week mark and can now say 2 weeks, 6 days, 15 hours until our premiere! (Yeah I know hours already? But hey...*Mo points to herself...* obsessed remember! :lol: )

Yeah Dutch lots of screencaps from our new season will be fabulous...I'm quite certain we should be getting many great moments and looks and cute stuff from them again this season! And I think Linds' new 'do will be cute, I think I'll have to see it for longer than the split second of the promo to really decide, but I love her anyway...so it's all good! :D

JenP I have such high hopes for this whole season...lol, this is our CANON season and the more I think about it the more I realize that I may need to bring my expectations down just a bit back to more realistic hopes...(I have to remind myself that there will still be cases, etc...that now that D/L is canon it still won't turn into the Danny & Lindsay hour...although how fun would that be! ;) ) For the season premiere I'm hoping we get at least a scene, a look, something that says these two are together (like we know they are!)...something that will remind non-obsessed fans that D/L is a couple and that will encourage us more obsessed fans that they are indeed going strong! :D Contrary to my above hopes...it doesn't have to be huge...just a look, a smile, a brushing of hands, or a hand on the back...something small but sweet and "coupley" still would be Swell! :lol: (Please Pam Veasey! :D )

Carly the premiere is called "Can You Hear Me Now?" :D

Okay I should head off to work...but it's Thursday and since that means the weekend is again so close (I love 4 days weeks!) I can survive! ;) Have a swell day all...and I will be back later, of course!

In the meantime here's a question...someone mentioned something about holidays and that got me thinking about D/L and how they celebrate special days, so...Who do you think, Danny or Lindsay, likes to make a bigger deal of holidays, special days, birthdays?

Later my dears!

*Mo sprints to her bubble and shimmers away in a cloud of pink fog!* :D
Loving the questions!!!

Who do you think, Danny or Lindsay, likes to make a bigger deal of holidays, special days, birthdays?

I think they both equally like to make it a special thing. I can see each of them planning something big for the other in regards to their birthdays, and Danny cooking a homemade meal for Christmas. Even maybe taking Lindsay back to Montana to visit her family :) 'cause we all know what a gentleman he is. For special days - like their anniversary - I can see Danny taking her out for a nice evening. Maybe some dinner, a little dancing...in the winter they would find a pond to skate on. That would be incredibly adorable :) I like to think that Lindsay would know how to skate and Danny would be stumbling all over the place. He would constantly fall and Linds would chuckle and help him up. Being the sly devil that he is, Danny would be skating with her, holding her hand, and "fall", bringing her with him :devil:

I just watched 'Silent Night' and my eyes were tearing up :( I think I need a hug...
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