Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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SB said:
Weak - and proud of it!
Amen to that! :D

Stuffy[/b] - And Liffy since you're sooo mentally strong I'm not gonna warn you anymore *sticks out tongue*]Txs, I kinda guessed it would've had something to do with the girl's age and injury...And like Chelle said, good thing Danny's there for her

Chelle! You're right...we look sooo pretty! *pets boxes*

Liffy said:
did they skip the premiere and go straight to ep 5 or something?
Nope! But for some reason :p -unknown to you yet- we wish they did... :D

Can anyone else picture Lindsay trying to get Danny out of bed for work? And he's just lying there pulling on her tightly so she can't get up. It just screams LOVE! ...I'm going all giddy again.
Yeah! I can totally picture that...The mischievous grin on his face and Lindsay who can't help but laugh too, :) despite the fact that's she's going to be late and has to explain that to Mac...
Suddenly everyone is using the word "bump" ... Pam Veasey "there will be a bump in the road" - CSI Files article "Things That Go Bump In The Night".
I don't think the two are related. The title is in regards to Halloween and scary creatures such as ghosts and goblins that scare children/people at night time. It's probably just a coincidence.
*Mo skips in, singing softly to herself..."I told ya I was trouble, yeah ya know that I'm no good!" * Hello my dearies and Happy Labor Day...what's left of it! I was on a lake enjoying the sun for the whole day...gotta love relatives who have a house on the water and boats and yeah...fun times! :lol:
So how are y'all today? I was thinking back to last year at this time and how'd I spent Labor Day last year and I remember I spent the ride home writing a D/L fic! Awww good times! :lol:

Often responsible for Guttery-ness Liff:
I can see Lindsay as a woman who prefers the little things that Danny does for her for no reason
Yeah I definitely agree with you on that one bud! Little things that people do for you, for no reason other than to see you smile or make you happy, those are the best things EVER!! And I definitely see Danny doing little random things like that for Linds just to see her smile...a flower on her desk at work, a note in her locker, a chocolate kiss in her kit...cute little things that would make her smile! And you know she'd smile! :D

we're not letting any of the others get their share We make the majority that's for sure
Ehhhhh I guess that's true...as guttery as we are, we're definitely not the only guttery ones in here...that's for dang sure! :devil: It's just one of the many reasons I love it in here...it's D/L, it's fluffy, and it's hot and guttery! :devil: Love it! :D

Carrie Bradshaw of the Netherlands Dutch grinned:
Now that is something I can absolutely see him doing...every detail planned out until Lindsay steps in the room and he just blurts out the question afraid that he will lose his nerve if he waits any longer...that would be sooo sweet...
:lol: Awwww, I can totally see him doing that too! Here he's planned all these details and got everything all worked out and set up and then you can see him starting to "think" and wonder if it will work right and what will she say (yes, of course!!) and will she like all this (again, yes, duh!) and by the time she walks in the door, he's got himself all worked up and psyched out and so he just askes and of course she notices all the "fixin's" and has to grin cuz knowing her man like she does she'll totally know what he did and what he's thinking and she'll laugh and say "Yes!" and he'll grab her and kiss her and say "Oh thank goodness!" :lol:

Liffy[/b] so you get to spend lots of time with Linds here! ;)]Yay, I can't wait for this eppy for so many reasons! Them driving up to the scene together (cute scene potential!) them processing the scene and getting "spooked" together (cute scene potential for sure!) and then the forehead kiss, yeah can't wait for that!! (Huge cute scene potential!!) This is gonna be a great D/L eppy, I cannot wait to see it! Oh and on another note...are we sure we don't get a D/L scene in the premiere? Cuz our hero Pam Veasey wrote the eppy...so it would not surprise me at all if we got some kind of D/L scene!! :D
Shippy bud Soph nodded:
(RSRD) I love that scene. To me, that's when, i think, Danny and Lindsay realised they liked each other more than friends. So sweet!
Soph hon I totally agree with you on that one! That is why that scene will forever be one of my favorite D/L scenes! It isn't particularly fluffy or sweet but those looks of theirs are so strong and so full of emotion that I cannot help but love it! And yeah I definitely think that that is when Linds for sure realized that this was somthing more than a just friends or just "like" for her! :D

Angsty niece who should ditch school to hang out with us( ;) ) Rad said:
I should have a pie in my fce, I know, I know.
Well darlin' you did ask for it...*Mo grins and along with several others it looks like, smooshes a nice creamy banana creme pie in her niece's face!* Now lick all that lovely yumminess off and come hang out with us some more! :lol: I understand being busy though hon, so however often you can pop in here, it's cool with us! :D

So what's the countdown now folks? Auntie Mo, Dutch, Liff? Do you guys know?
Mmmmm, Dutch you got this one already yeah? It's 23 days...maybe 22 since today is almost over! :D Either way, it's soon, yay! I'm so excited for this new season and the new eppy's and lots of D/L scenes and shippy CANON love! Yay! It's so gonna rock! :D

Gutter king who's just jealous Liffy rolled his eyes:
all you lunkheads are mentally weak!
*Mo laughs, tackles her buddy and rolls her eyes right back...* Sure dude, say what you want...whatever helps you sleep at night! ;) You know you want to read them...you know it! ;)

Okay...time for me to go get ready for bed, cuz my Monday night summer guilty pleasure is coming on MTV and I don't want to miss it! :D Have a great night my dears! Oh hey Aud my wub, where is you Fluffy Twin? I miss you wub!! :D

*Mo waves and grabbing a blanket snuggles up in her fluffy bubble and shimmers away!*
Hi ya'll! Miss me? :lol: Hope you're all good and healthy here, pumped up completely with M&Ms.

Snow Day is finally coming to my part of the globe! In 6 days. How I can last that long... I dunno... Although, I have already seen the best of the best parts (ya know what I mean) about 50 times already... Yes, Liffy! I am weak! And I love it!! :lol: (How are you doing on your stories? Haven't had new stuff from you for ages!)

So, here's wishing you all a happy Season Four premier *pouts*... in case I don't check in here before it comes. ;)
*Mo tiptoes into the thread, trying not to wake everyone else who is apparently still sleeping...then she giggles and pulls out her trumpet... :lol: * Good morning!! :D

How is everyone this fine Tuesday morning? I'm good...tired though! We had a HUGE thunder and lightning storm by me last night and while it was SO cool! The lightening was so bright it kept waking me up! :lol: Anyway, speaking of thunder and lightening...I have a question...(cuz we know everything can be related back to D/L, right?! ;) ) So...
Who likes storms (thunder/lightening, snow, wind storms...) more, Danny or Lindsay? Or are they both the type to go out and play in them like kids?! :D

Fern! Hi hon, been awhile! ;) Yay for you finally getting Snow Day! :lol: It's about time...you'll LOVE it! :D

Alright I have to head to work...oh the joy! :rolleyes: Heehee! :lol: But hey it's a short week so it's all good! Have a great day y'all! :D

*Mo waves and tucking her trumpet back into her sleeve, shimmers gleefully off in her fluffy bubble!* ;)
Who likes storms (thunder/lightening, snow, wind storms...) more, Danny or Lindsay? Or are they both the type to go out and play in them like kids?!

Hmm...I think they both would equally like them, only because storms - especially thunderstorms - are really neat to watch. I can see both of them being the type that enjoy storms.

In terms of snow, they would stay in during the storm ('cause...well yeah :lol: makes sense to), but afterwards they would go out and make snow angels (that image is too cute for words) and maybe have a snowball fight. I would like to think that Lindsay would win *is proud*, 'cause she may be small but she's one tough cookie.

Thunderstorm - they would maybe sit by a window (okay it's not the safest thing but still) and watch the lightning flash and the rain drip down the window, giving it that kinda wavy illusion. Thunderstorms are, IMO, amazing to watch and they're somewhat eerie as well and always keep you on the edge 'cause you never go how loud the thunder will clap or how bright the lightning bolt will be (or where it will strike for that matter ;)) I like to think they would rather enjoy watching a storm. Besides, isn't there usually a rainbow afterwards?
Mo[/b]'s question about 4x01]The premiere is a one case ep so everyone is working together...I think there really should be a nice D/L scene to remind us (or rather the not so fanatic audience :p) that the last season ended with them taking their relationship to a 'next level'...just little hint that they're still together... :D

Who likes storms (thunder/lightening, snow, wind storms...) more, Danny or Lindsay? Or are they both the type to go out and play in them like kids?!

Yeah for another D/L-related question! ;) :D

I agree with Stuffy I think they both get really fascinated by all kinds of storms.

I think they'd love to go have a walk in the park in a Autums storm....the multi colored leaves swirling around them and when it starts to rain they'll just keep walking and jumping over puddles like little kids :)...if the it turns into a thunderstorm they will go 'home' and watch the lightning until their own 'stormy' feelings take over... :devil:

And who doesn't like snowball fights...and snow days! ;)
Hey buddies!
How ya doing today? Studying is still driving me crazy and I’ve the instinct to throw my book out of the window, :( but when I pop here I always feel better! :)

Liff said:
Can anyone else picture Lindsay trying to get Danny out of bed for work?
Yep! I know how much it’s hard to wake up early in the morning…and if Danny sleeps like a log like me, his Montana would have to do a big effort. :lol: I think that try to pull his sheets away from him would be useless :p, so Lindsay has two possibilities: or to spray him with freezing water or, more kindly, go in the kitchen and cook some pancakes, so its smell would wake him up! :lol:

Fern said:
Hi ya'll! Miss me? Hope you're all good and healthy here, pumped up completely with M&Ms.
Sure we miss ya! I hope that we’ll see ya here more often! :) *Abby holds out some M&Ms to Fern*
Btw, I’m glad that there SD is going to be aired! Here season 3 will start the next week. :D

Mo asked:
Who likes storms (thunder/lightening, snow, wind storms...) more, Danny or Lindsay? Or are they both the type to go out and play in them like kids?!
I think that them both like storms. I can see them at home, near the fireplace, holding each other on the couch and watching the storm out of the window and listening to the sound of the pouring rain. :)
Hi guys!

Well I'm pretty lazy today, so I'm not even goning to try to quote someone....

But about the bad-wheather question: I'd say they both like snow....A LOT! :D

And I can totally see Lindsay pulling Danny out of bed. I know what it's like. When you have to go out early, you don't want to wake up. When you can stay in bed while your partner has to go out early, you're awakening on time... :( And I think that's the case with our super-couple. ;)

How many days now? 22? Tomorrow I'm gonna see What Schemes May Come...So just a few more eps before I finally see SD!
*Liff pops into thread sporting very aching feet* It's a long story...one I'm not exactly keen on sharing at the moment. Anyways, how are we all on this (warm where I am) Tuesday? Tuesday (of course) means that tomorrow is Hump Day! :D

Vex said:
I can picturing Lindsay trying to get Danny out of bed and I can see Danny sitting up in bed, he hair askew and all over the place.
Definately, I don't think Danny's the kind of guy that wakes up with perfect hair. That and coupled with his rugged, lil rough round the edges, scruffy look, gives him the 'not enough time to shave like a normal man' kind of look :p He's perpetually getting out of bed :p

Though I think Lindsay's favourite look on him must be the 'I-just-had-the-best-night-of-my-life' look which he pulls off so well :devil:

Mo said:
I definitely see Danny doing little random things like that for Linds just to see her smile...a flower on her desk at work, a note in her locker, a chocolate kiss in her kit...cute little things that would make her smile!
Haha, I'm sure Lindsay would appreciate a chocolate kiss in her kit when the times get tough. As if the actual chocolate comes second to her thoughts of him when she sees it lying there all innocent in her kit, just waiting to be eaten. :devil: She'd end up calling him or something and he'll just shrug it off like it was nothing - secretly sporting a smile he knows that would take nothing short of an atomic bomb to wipe off, and even that's questionable :) (3, 2, 1....awww)

we're definitely not the only guttery ones in here...that's for dang sure!
Oh we're definately not the only ones - but we're the out in the open ones :devil: Some of them have yet to come to terms with their inner naughtiness. You know that little conduit that taps into some unknown dirty place? Well it's a fullblown canal now :devil:

Here he's planned all these details and got everything all worked out and set up and then you can see him starting to "think" and wonder if it will work right and what will she say (yes, of course!!) and will she like all this (again, yes, duh!) and by the time she walks in the door, he's got himself all worked up and psyched out and so he just askes and of course she notices all the "fixin's" and has to grin cuz knowing her man like she does she'll totally know what he did and what he's thinking and she'll laugh and say "Yes!" and he'll grab her and kiss her and say "Oh thank goodness!"
Squee! :lol: Though I can see Lindsay grabbing him and initiating the kiss instead cos the smooth Messer just flew out the window and died happy.

You know you want to read them...you know it!
Ahh - that's what you think :devil:

Fernie said:
(How are you doing on your stories? Haven't had new stuff from you for ages!)
Fernie! Good to see ya round these parts again! Are your SPMs over? I haven't posted anything in a while. Musey's on her (incredibly early) vacation. She's 23 days early!! Writer's block is what some call it. Others (like me) call it 'A-moment-in-time-where-you-consider-firing-your-muse-and-to-have-her-replaced'. Harsh times, harsh times. :p

Hope you're all good and healthy here, pumped up completely with M&Ms.
I seem to be overflowing. Isn't it lovely?

Mo asked:
Who likes storms (thunder/lightening, snow, wind storms...) more, Danny or Lindsay? Or are they both the type to go out and play in them like kids?!
I'd say Linday since Danny's from the city, and heavy storms in large cities like New York = rank smells and dirty overflowing gutters. Not a pretty sight. Lindsay would've been able to dance in the rain when she was younger and probably loves the rain, and storms just like some of us here on the thread (like moi :D ). Danny doesn't exactly hate it, he just doesn't like it as much as some people do, which would eventually change when he realises how it makes Lindsay happy. And lets face it, Danny loves everything that makes his girl happy.

Snow on the other hand, Danny would love too, and they'd be throwing snowballs each other, and laughing and having fun before eventually collapsing in the snow - their arms wrapped around each other like lifelines and their lips stuck together :D

Stuffy said:
Besides, isn't there usually a rainbow afterwards?
Rainbows are overrated and boring. I'm sure Lindsay and Danny would agree with me too. They'd prefer making love whilst the rain falls outside their bedroom window, in the dark with nothing but the moonlight. Well now...I feel all warm now *mental picture needs to be made into movie - pronto*

Abby said:
Yep! I know how much it’s hard to wake up early in the morning…and if Danny sleeps like a log like me, his Montana would have to do a big effort. I think that try to pull his sheets away from him would be useless , so Lindsay has two possibilities: or to spray him with freezing water or, more kindly, go in the kitchen and cook some pancakes, so its smell would wake him up!
Due to the nature of his job, I don't think Danny sleeps like a log. What with all the phone ringing at odd hours of the night when he's on call, it's impossible to be in that job when you're a deep sleeper. I can however see Danny pretending to be asleep and just being impossible to infuriate Linds a bit, you know he loves that spark she gets in her eyes when she's annoyed or angry. :D Then he kisses her and promises to cook her dinner if she forgives him. hee! :D

Here season 3 will start the next week.
NWILL is playing here on Thursday. Which means I'm going to have to sit in a large bucket or something if per chance I start melting when they try out the prospect of personal space invasion. :D

Alrighty then, time for me to say hello to my pillow. Cuzzy! Wherefore art thou beingst? Come back! Alas, till tomorrow! May the winds of seasons bring forth hot steamy sexy D/L moments for us who are in full addiction with hot steamy sexy D/L moments. *Liff yawns, showers Dutch, Stuffy and Mo with whipped cream, tops off with chocolate sauce and a lovely cherry on top along with a few banana pieces. Proud of his sundaes, Liffy dances off in the general direction of his bed before floating off to the land where the graphic scenes are M-rated*
Regarding the storms question, I think Lindsay might enjoy a thunderstorm more, but Danny would love a snow storm. My reasoning, much like everyone elses, is because of where they were raised. I think Montana would see some nasty snowstorms, being snowed in, and might not be too fond of them, while she would love a thunderstorm because she could dance around outside if she chose to. I think Danny would like a snowstorm, because he'd be snowed in and could snuggle with Lindsay.
I have to say that Lindsay might love a snowstorm more. It may bring some home comforts with the storm. Danny I think would love the thunderstorm more. Gives him an excuse to cuddle with Lindsay. :)
catey1234 said:
Regarding the storms question, I think Lindsay might enjoy a thunderstorm more, but Danny would love a snow storm. My reasoning, much like everyone elses, is because of where they were raised. I think Montana would see some nasty snowstorms, being snowed in, and might not be too fond of them, while she would love a thunderstorm because she could dance around outside if she chose to. I think Danny would like a snowstorm, because he'd be snowed in and could snuggle with Lindsay.

I sadly am gonna have to agree with you. crap. But I see Linds liking thunderstorms more, and Danny being the snow boy.

You do know both storms could include cuddling. and smex..yup..*whistles as she disappears*
"I'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain! What a glorious feeling I'm happy again! I walk down the lane, with a happy refrain, I'm singing, just singing in the rain!" :D *Mo grins and giggles as she snuggles up on her couch while the rain pounds away on her roof!*
Hello my lovelies! :D

My cutie pie wittle fluffy bud Stuffy nodded:
'cause she may be small but she's one tough cookie.
She so is isn't she Stuffy! Isn't that what they say though...good things sometimes come in small packages! ;) And hey firecrackers and TNT, they're not huge but they're explosive! :D That's Linds to me...this adorable beautiful woman who is a total firecracker underneath! ;) (in more ways than one from what Danny says! :devil: :lol: )

Dutch[/b] babe...]Yeah I agree...they should totally give us at least one small (and of course cute! ;) ) D/L scene to remind those viewers who aren't quite as beautifully obsessed as we are that these two lovely people are in love and CANON! Plus it would be SO very nice for us obsessed folks too...and since Pam's writing it my fingers and toes are crossed that we get something!
Shippy sweetie Abby grinned:
go in the kitchen and cook some pancakes, so its smell would wake him up!
Mmmmm, yeah that's a pretty good way for her to wake him up! ;) Heehee! Although I gotta say as much as I love pancakes...I think her brewing some coffee might work to wake him up better (if she's going with the "smell" approach to wake him up!)...or there is the slightly naughtier and way more fun way for both of them...which involves lots of kisses and ends with them probably being way late for work! :devil: Heehee!

Openly guttery and quite proud of it Liffy winked:
Some of them have yet to come to terms with their inner naughtiness. You know that little conduit that taps into some unknown dirty place? Well it's a fullblown canal now
:lol: YOu are such a boy! Lol, using words like conduit and canal! :lol: I love it by the way! *Mo giggles and high fives her fluffy gutter bud!* I agree by the way, while others still may need to come to terms with their gutter naughtyness...we have openly embraced and even flaunt our guttery-ness, it's lovely! ;)

They'd prefer making love whilst the rain falls outside their bedroom window, in the dark with nothing but the moonlight. Well now...I feel all warm now *mental picture needs to be made into movie - pronto*
*Mo checks that "Gutter" conduit/canal mentioned earlier...yup working quite nicely!* :lol: Wow, I don't even know if I can comment on that comment without getting whacked by our ever present and lurking meter...so let's just say I um agree with that and...*Mo runs off to grab her camera equipment and extra batteries!* :devil:

Okay so Catey babe you think Danny would like snow more and Linds would like thunderstorms more and Vex hon you think the opposite? Hmmmmmm...let's see I'm gonna go with Linds just liking storms more than Danny in general. Snow storms would remind her of nights spent by the fire and days off of school and thunderstorms would make her think of afternoons spent under a blanket by her sliding glass door watching the lightening crack outside (something I've also done by the way! :D )! I don't see Danny liking storms that much...but since meeting Linds I see him liking them more...especially since they involve lots of snuggling! ;)

CatNip queen and Naughty one Lynny babes popped in:
You do know both storms could include cuddling. and smex..yup..*whistles as she disappears*
*Mo grabs Lynny's ankles and keeps her from escaping!*
Aww Lynny my darling it's so nice to have you back! ;) D/L smex will get ya every single time! :devil: Heehee! :lol:

Okay time for me to go run amok around the rest of Talk for a bit! ;) Heehee! Have a wonderful evening my dears and I will see y'all later! :D

*Mo giggles and waves and runs to her bubble to shimmer gleefully away!*
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