Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Hey Guys! Guess who? Haha, everything is really hectic to me so thats why I was MIA for a few weeks. Gotta run, It's really late and I can't wait to read everything I missed! I'll catch up on everything a little later ;)
I'm pretty sure the kiss is a different scene. From what I saw over at DLC, after they've processed the crime scene, they go to the hospital to talk to Reena, and Lindsay gets upset and Danny comforts her, and kisses her on the forehead. I so hope that it doesn't get cut, because it sounds like such a good scene! SQUEEEE! :D

Also, I saw Run Silent Run Deep last night. The look in Lindsay's eyes when she sees Danny handing over his gun and badge is so sad. It's almost like she blames herself, because she's the one who processed the cigarette butt. I love that scene. To me, that's when, i think, Danny and Lindsay realised they liked each other more than friends. So sweet!

Slightly OT: I'm working on the last chapter of my fic, right now, so it might be up today. If not, it will definitely be up tomorrow. I'll post the link here when i've done. Please read, if you haven't already. Pwease? :)

PSG xxx

EDIT: Welcome back, Sarah! We missed you! :D
Hi guys!

Wow, page 7! I hope we get to thread #20 before the new season starts!

That kiss sounds so good. It's almost as if Danny realises Lindsay and he could have children themselves sometime. Because if Danny has nothing with the children-thing, he wouldn't understand Lindsay is upset, would he? In other words, it sure is serious between them! This gives us so much stuff to look forward to :D

I'm off, need to rush to the gym...
Hey buddies!
I’ve just read the spoilers! :D

I agree with you, guys, I’m sure that the scene of the kiss on the forehead is another one. ;) The scenes in the hospital waiting for the news are often in the end and it sounds that the scene where they go back to the house isn’t in the end of the episode. In any case I think that it will be a great episode, because if TPTB have decided to make Danny and Lindsay work together in an ‘odd’ case like this it’s because they want show that their relationship is going on. I’m sure that we’ll see a lot of cute scenes between them! :D And I agree with Jen, probably the scene of the kiss on the forehead means that they’re considering the possibility to have children. ;) That would be great, even if this season it’s too early for them to have children. But the end of the next season or the following one would be perfect! :D

PSG said:
I'll post the link here when i've done. Please read, if you haven't already. Pwease?
Sure! I love your fic! I’ll try to read the last chapter when you post the link, otherwise I’ll do it as soon as I can, I promise! :)

Jen said:
Wow, page 7! I hope we get to thread #20 before the new season starts!
Yay! Me too! We’re post much, we’ll be soon to thread #20! :)
evry time I see the spoiler boxes and Im about to read whats in them I remember Im trying to be SF. which suprisingly isnt as hard as I thought it would be

BTW atre there any promo pics outthere yet, except from the stills? I still dont understand why there werent any for S3 I really expect of them to do better this year. I want loads and loads of pics. Danny pics, Lindsay pics but mostly DL pics
I received a PM that cleared this up...

Danny and Lindsay find Reena in the house, she goes to the hospital. Back at the house, D/L are going to process the crime scene and Danny takes a call from the hospital with an update about Reena (she's in surgery). It is then that Lindsay gets upset and Danny kisses her on the forehead. They they go back to processing the crime scene and seemingly much later on they go to the hospital to speak with Reena, who is out of surgery. I think somewhere along the line someone misread the original spoilers, as they were never at the hospital for the kiss.

Credit goes to Elsie for this.

Sorry 'bout this guys, I'm the one that misread :eek:

ETA: Woot 700 posts!
These spoilers are greatttt. I love them, and I can not wait till this eppy airs. I can't wait for any eppy to air at this point, I'm dying with out my shows.

I feel horrible I haven't posted in here for days, but I've been rather busy, I hope you guys and Danny and Linds can forgive me. I've been lurking though, reading what you guys have written, just not participating in the on-going conversations. I should have a pie in my fce, I know, I know.

So what's the countdown now folks? Auntie Mo, Dutch, Liff? Do you guys know?
*enters and pushes a big strawberry & chocolate pie in Rad and Sarah's face* :lol: Glad to see you back in here sweeties! :) And it's now only 23 days till the season's opening! :D

Txs Stuffy (and Elsie) for clearing things up...and don't feel bad Stuffy at least the good stuff is still going to be in the ep!

Liffy[/b]]I'm wondering what it is about Reena's situation and the info that Danny gets in that phone call that makes Lindsay so upset...she wasn't before so maybe it is about Reena being a child or perhaps that cs freaks her out? :confused:

Lindsay is upset because Reena is a) young, and b) shot...so the sight of her makes Lindsay a bit shaky. Danny is supposed to comfort her and give her a kiss on the forehead because he knows how it is for her to see young girls who have been shot.
O yes, just 23 days!

It sounds so good! How many men think about their girlfriends when something like that happens? That Danny-guy does exactly the right thing :D He just LOVES Lindsay!
Evening everyone!!!! how are we all today?! I am so excited right now.. look at how preeeettty we look with all these spoiler boxes!!! :D Lol

Liffy[/b] go play nice!!! Montana is calling you! look, over there!!!]omg thanks for updating this spoiler everyone!! its gonna be such a good episode for us!! the kiss... that is gonna be such a good moment too!! wooo!!! and yeah i can understand why lindsay would be abit shaky seeing Reena.. it will just bring back everything from her past, but at least she will have Danny there to comfort her this time :D Also, Stuffy thanks for clearing up the kiss :D (and Elsie ;) )

just not participating in the on-going conversations. I should have a pie in my fce, I know, I know.

hehe did some one say they wanted pis in their face?! **Chell-bell looks around, tappin her foot with a big chocolate and pecan pie... and smooshes it into Rads face** :lol: welcome back huni!!! *hugz*

wow, only 23 days left... !!!**joins Dutch at the table to tap fingers**

PSG am goin off to read ya fici now!!

Also, my fic has been updated if any one wants to read!!! (stella plays cupid) :D

Angffy.. where are u?! :(
*Liff pops in and looks around...* OOH! Spoiler boxes! Ahh, but alas, they don't interest me much :p

I much prefer to wallow in the mental pictures I've been having about D/L - and Lindsay trying to get Danny out of bed. :) It's a part of my upcoming chapter and unfortunately - I get too giddy to write it down. :eek:

Can anyone else picture Lindsay trying to get Danny out of bed for work? And he's just lying there pulling on her tightly so she can't get up. It just screams LOVE! :lol: ...I'm going all giddy again.

Increasing amounts of spoiler boxes means that the premiere is up and coming! Though...did they skip the premiere and go straight to ep 5 or something? :p I'll just chat with Carolina since all you lunkheads are mentally weak ! And some of you are still clean - which can easily be rectified :devil:
Thanks for the clarification!

messermonroe said:
Lindsay trying to get Danny out of bed for work?
Guess what my boyfriend's younger brother said to his wife when she had to go to work early and he not??? He just shut the alarm off and said very cheerful "Time to go!" and got back to sleep again. :devil: Isn't that love so say??? ;)

messermonroe said:
all you lunkheads are mentally weak!
Weak - and proud of it! :D
messermonroe said:

Can anyone else picture Lindsay trying to get Danny out of bed for work? And he's just lying there pulling on her tightly so she can't get up. It just screams LOVE! :lol: ...I'm going all giddy again.

I can see Danny being the one to be the most difficult to get out of bed. I can picturing Lindsay trying to get Danny out of bed and I can see Danny sitting up in bed, he hair askew and all over the place.

But then Lindsay won't be able to resist his charm and she will hop back into bed! :devil:
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