Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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I agree. It's about time some new stuff comes out! Not that it matters...I can't see it until...well...maybe december?? :( How do you watch it, Dutch? You seem to know everything although you're living in the same country as me.
^ Yeah just one month left before we finally know how Danny and Lindsay are after we left them a couple of month ago. We've already seen pictures of Danny in season 4, but I am really curious how Lindsay'll look. And will we actually see a change in behaviour when they are around each other?

Jenp I cannot answer your question here...I'll PM you.
*Liff sneaks into thread bringing along with him a large chocolate hamper* Hey guys! Sorry I've been MIA - yet again. Haven't been feelin' all that hot lately - as you all know, and been spendin' more time with the family. :)

Speaking of families, I have....a train of fics to update - I know, musey's just been on extended leave. Oh well, we'll just have to see what happens won't we? Good news ish is that S3 is going to air where I'm at next week, the only problem with that is LRC could either force musey to go angsty (and eventually fluffy - as did the writer's we all love and cherish) or...go full out fluff and bring back the love. Either way - it's D/L and we all know that D/L = love.

Soph asked:
Where is this map thread? Is it at DLC? If it is, could someone give me the address for that site, coz i kinda lost it... again
The Gutterville Map? It's not posted at any thread simply because if I did, people would want places and I simply do not have the time to keep updating it. I will however 'try' and update the map this weekend. Well, within the next few days anyway. Just got to get up and bother myself to do so. I've been a tad bit lazy over the past few days. I know I keep putting it off :) but I'll get to it - sooner or later.

When is PV day? Anyone remember? - I need a mental note of it, and whomever has yet to be alotted a residence, please do PM me since modie wont be all that happy if we clog out more of our thread with OT. Though...IMO Gutterville is all D/L :D

Neighbour Mo said:
The only way I'll accept that answer of yours is if you mean you want them to have a moment or two of arguement or heated "fighting" followed closely by intense "making up"
Contrary to popular belief (always wanted to say that) - or rather, what you think my darling, I'm not exactly all that fond of ridiculous fluff where you know that it's completely and utterly impossible and improbable. I love realistic fluffy love, like Danny n Linds cuddling on the couch or something like that - simply because I can see them doing it. (I can see them doing 'it' there too but that's a entirely different train of thought :devil: )

So yes - lovely realistic fluff for me please :) I don't want ridiculousness destroying my OTP.

Or I could see him learning and then her thinking "Oh he can't cook" only to come home and find that he cooked an amazing meal for her as a romantic suprise!
That or he could pretend he can't cook and then Lindsay would come over one day to a fully cooked meal by him. Leaving her speechless and weak in the knees. Thankfully the pool table is just a few steps away :) It'll be a tale when she tells his ma (when they meet that is) that she initially thought he couldn't cook. Wonder what else Danny's been hidin' from us all eh? :devil:

*Mo grins and shimmers off in her fluffy bubble, with a trail of pink fog and a "Happy Birthday Carmine!" banner flying behind her!*
Well...that's an interesting mental picture Mo :lol:

Another question? What would Danny and Lindsay do for each other on their first birthdays together?

~I've got too many questions in my head, it's worrying. :eek:

Welcome to our thread Sherry!!

Has today been declared a holiday in Gutterville? We should have a street party on this day every year!!
Well - we've got a list of holidays in Gutterville which I will, one day compile and paste onto the Gutterville map for all to see :) But yes, Carmine's birthday and Anna's Birthday are definately holidays in our town. It's when they (together of course) serenade us in the streets .....in their birthday suits :devil: :devil: Oh yeah - *drool* Oh - I feel much better now. :D

Dutch said:
I know a lot of Italian men the don't even know how to boil an egg
Like Louie. Haha, for some reason I have this mental picture of Louie not caring/paying attention to the lessons his Ma taught him and Danny. Danny on the other hand was right there with that eager, curious grin on his face. :) It's cute don't ya think? Personally I would love to watch men who can't boil an egg (figure of speech I know but it would be real interesting!) :D

Nat said:You can just tell that she is struggling to 'end' her relationship with Danny
It's never easy to push someone you 'LOVE' away now is it? We can see the personal torment (though some inevitable cant in which case I recommend an optometrist).

Vex said:
I'm actually glad that the scene never aired. It would raise more suspicion from Mac.
Hmm...I'd think being a trained group of CSIs, the team could more or less guess that Danny has feelings for Lindsay and vice versa. It would be prudent for Flack to have a pool going too :lol: Their Danny is growing up - don't think Mac would mind, even if he pretends to be stern about it. From their blow out during the Minhas shooting, I think TPTB should be able to give Danny some kind of 'reward' so to speak from Mac for his growth up to this point. He's gone thru alot in the past year or so, and fully deserves the woman he loves. :) (Not too sure but is Danny still off the promotion grid? Or was that another case of the continuity fairy being lazy again?)

Cuzzy asked:
this episode had a lot of DL eye connection that said so much more (when lindsay says "no..." and when danny is giving up his badge, gun, etc.) without using words. wonderfully portrayed. think thats possible in RL?
Hmm, great question there hun. Personally I believe that being faced with Danny's situation, anyone would need a kind of contact, that one thought to justify your own instict of being innocent even when others doubt you. Danny was probably reaching out for any line of hope from the people around him, Mac being out of the question. Lindsay gave him that, and I think, that one bit to help him realise his own innocence.

Cuzzy, your food question got me really wanting [season 4 wish] danny to ask lindsay to lunch in season 4. and this time, she'd say YES.
Ditto here babes! Actually, I'd like that as well as maybe a scene of them having dinner together or something before they're both called in. Something like Risk, only this time Linds comes back with a fancy dress and her arms around her man - our one and only Danny Messer. Can't help but point out that our couple makes people stare! :devil: They're way too smokin' hot.

Auda asked:
Was I missed at all????
Of course you were missed sweetheart, but your fluffy twin's been missin' too. Me guilty aswell of course. Wherefore art thou my darling Mo?

Hey, do I still have a residence in Gutterville??
Well correct me if I'm wrong sweetcakes but I believe you're stayin' with your Fluffy twin. Unless of course you'd still like your home - don't think I've let it out yet :p

*Feels naughty and immature*
Oh? :devil: Well...howdy doo - *sprays cream cheese all over Aud, with a topping of gravy to complete the look* :lol:

Vex said:
I can see Danny doing a gourmet meal. I think that he can whip something up for Lindsay. But I also see him as a pizza and beer man so anything will work for him.
I agree - with the crazy hours that they have, I don't think either of them will get the chance to do that much cooking. They'll have their fun ordering in to maximise time in bed....*ducks the meter* WHAT? I was gonna say so they can catch up on their sleep! (RL wise - I believe they're gonna be doing alot of sleeping - snuggled comfortable against each other of course) :)

JenP said:
It's pretty quiet in here right now....What's happened to GutterVille? I feel like I'm the only one longing for a party...I bet you're all trying to sneak into the D/L mansion
*Liffy whistles as he innocently steps away from the Mansion window, letting the hooks and tools drop to the ground* Huh? Who? Us? Naw...we'd never try n sneak in.... (pssst, Im the architect of the mansion, so guess who has spare keys :devil: - okay so technically that's illegal but any of you care? :p Danny won't mind, I look after the house when they're away anyways)

Oh and congratulations on your daughter's birthday sweetheart :) Has she been fully converted yet? :lol:

Rad said:
It's not that I'm never in here, okay? I browse a lot. But I never have time to write novel like posts like some of you cool dudes do.
People do that? yeeesh... *whistles nonchalantly and runs off to find Lindsay since Danny's busy*

I really want the new eppy's to start, then I'll be posting like mad woman.
Yeah, and I'll be (along with musey of course) writing like a mad man with all the brilliant D/L scenes we're going to get. Yes I know we're getting them since you all seem so happy with the spoilers. I gather they're good? Doesn't really pique my interest at all - strangely enough..... maybe I'm not all that well after all? Or may I have gone to that place :) Yay for my SFness! Though, since S3 is airing next week, I'd say musey's going to get a jump start soon enough with the D/L love :) SCORE!

Anywho - I'm off to grab a bite and a mug of hot chocolate, before perching myself infront of the ever playing SD on the big screen. :cool: Oh yeah - sweet.
messermonroe said:
The Gutterville Map? It's not posted at any thread simply because if I did, people would want places and I simply do not have the time to keep updating it. I will however 'try' and update the map this weekend. Well, within the next few days anyway. Just got to get up and bother myself to do so. I've been a tad bit lazy over the past few days. I know I keep putting it off :) but I'll get to it - sooner or later.

Wow, is it so many that wants to move to Gutterville??? :eek: Then I better hurry and sign up for a spot! Please ... :p
Call me crazy, but I think Danny probably can cook a gourmet meal and surprise our Montana. Just like she's more than buffalo wings and beer, I think he'd be more too.

As for each other's first birthdays now that they are a couple, I think Danny surprise Lindsay with a daytrip or an overnight trip to a B&B and give her a locket with an inscription. As for Lindsay, I think she'd give him tickets to his favorite sporting event(front row) and give him a very nice watch. You know, it's entirely possible I'm taking this way too seriously, discussing what my favorite fictional pair would be giving each other for their birthdays. Yay that it is only 31 days until the premiere(I think!).
"Well hello shippers, well hello shippers, it's so nice to be back home where I belong! You're lookin' swell Liffy, I can tell Stuffy you're still crowin', you're still glowin', you're all goin' strong! I feel the thread swayin' as the bands playin' one of our old favorite songs from way back when...soooooo, here's my hat Aud wub, I'm stayin' where I'm at buddies...Mo'll never go away again!" :lol: (Yeah apparently I had "Hello Dolly" on the brain...anyone who doesn't know that movie...go check it out! Lovely song...adapted of course by me for you all! :lol: )

Hello my lovelies! How are you all this fine evening? Well I hope! Me, I'm a bit tired after a very loooooong weekend. It was a good kind of long, but busy and now I have a bit of a headache and am missing you all, or was since I'm back now and can say Hi again! :D Oh by the way I don't know if anyone saw it, but did y'all notice the article on our lovely Pam Veasey posted here on Talk? It's fairly inspiring actually...she went from being a secretary basically to running CSI:NY! There is hope for all of us fic writers after all!! (And by the way, it does say she is "running" NY...which means of course that at the helm of our show...leading the way, running the whole shebang is our very own shippy writer/fearless leader! We are so gonna rule forever!! :D :D )

Buddy from the land where if your spoon doesn't stand straight up in the middle it ain't coffee Dutch shrugged:
That could very well be and it's not even that hard to imagine that...but it's just too bad that TPTB never showed or mentioned it...
Yeah I wish they would have showed us a little of that too! And maybe it is just that I really do love Linds and am willing to forgive her pretty much anything after going through all she has...but I would have definitely liked it better if the PTB had shown us her explaining even a little of her reasons for standing him up and leaving to Danny...even if it was later, because we KNOW she did...but it would have been that much better to have actually seen it, I agree! :D

Perhaps at the end of this season Danny could pop the moving-in-question (offering her his key as a symbol ) and by the end of season 5 their could be a proposal.
*Mo pauses and ponders that lovely thought for a moment and then realized the only response to that is......"SQUEEEEE!!!"* I think that would be very fitting and quite realistic and *Mo sighs dreamily...* it would make me so very happy! :D

Shippy buddy with a cute halo...Angel asked:
had a lot of DL eye connection that said so much more (when lindsay says "no..." and when danny is giving up his badge, gun, etc.) without using words. wonderfully portrayed. think thats possible in RL?
That is why RSRD is one of my favorite D/L eppy's, even though it is way more angst than fluff...there is just so much love and feeling streaming between them that you cannot help but be drawn into it and realize how much they really do feel for eachother already there! And yeah, I do think that is possible in real life hon! Most of my friends are married and I have seen them do that same thing where they and their spouse basically have a conversation with eachother without saying a word...it's amazing to watch! :D

*Mo giggles and sneaks up stealthfully on her food fight buddy Chell-bell and laughs just as she dumps a huge chocolate cream pie over her buddy's head and then sprints off to hide behind her Fluffy Twin!* :lol:

Darlin' angsty niece having to suffer school instead of hang with us Rad
Oh yea, school started so I'm never on anymore.
Awww that sucks! :p Sorry honey! At least come on when ya can, you know we always likes havin' ya around in here! And there'll soon be plenty to chat about when we get our new season! (Yay!! :D )

My lovely Fluffy Twin Aud wub who's always missed when she's away asked:
Hiya Shippers. Was I missed at all????
Aud!! *Mo tackles her Fluffykins and giggles!* Of course you were missed darlin', you're always missed when you're not around...the only reason I didn't say so was cuz like Liffer's said (thanks buddy! ;) ) I wasn't here either! We just wubs ya around here...and you'll always have a home in Gutterville, never a worry there! I'm pretty sure you've got your own house somewhere...but then you KNOW you will always have half of mine as well! ;)

**My glorious avvie was made for me personally by the lovely and talented Moriel21!! Thank ya, Fluffy T!!**
*Mo blushes and grins!* YAY for the avie!!! :D I got so excited when I saw it! ;) And anything for you hon, you know that! :D Now you just gotta let me read that ficcie...I'm definitely excited for it! :D

Brilliant buddy from across the sea Dutch pointed out:
And I think the fact that today is the 26th of August; meaning we only have one month left for the season 4 opening is reason enough to have a party...
*Mo busts out the streamers and party hats again!* Sounds like a great reason to party to me! Only a month left....SWEET!!!! I'm so excited for this new season y'all...it's gonna be awesome! I just know it and can't wait! :D The only day better to celebrate will be when the actual day of the premiere comes...at which point I'm pretty sure this thread will fairly explode with happy shippers! :lol:

Gutter buddy who wrote a "WAr & Peace" sized novel of a post Liffy said:
the only problem with that is LRC could either force musey to go angsty (and eventually fluffy - as did the writer's we all love and cherish) or...go full out fluff and bring back the love. Either way - it's D/L and we all know that D/L = love.
Lol, D/L does indeed equal LOVE...that has been and always will be true! :D As for LRC turning you angsty...*Mo shakes her head and laughs...* I don't see that happening! Or even if it does...it'll be for a second, maybe...sorry my dear Liffer but you're a fluffy...and your Musey is a fluffy and if she decides to try and change well she'll be subjected to lots of Mo and Mo holding a fluffy fog hose! ;) :lol:

I'm not exactly all that fond of ridiculous fluff where you know that it's completely and utterly impossible and improbable. I love realistic fluffy love, like Danny n Linds cuddling on the couch or something like that - simply because I can see them doing it.
Okay I actually agree with you on that bud...there is ridiculous fluff (of which I don't even think I have an example actually :rolleyes: ) and then there is realistic fluff yup...and I am definitely a fan of the realistic fluff as well! Because knowing it is something that could and would most likely actually happen with them is so very much better and sweeter and more fun to enjoy! :D Because then we you picture and/or think about it happening...it is actually plausible and possible in your head! :D

What would Danny and Lindsay do for each other on their first birthdays together?
Not to toot my own horn in any way (Awwww who am I kidding..."Toot, toot!" :lol: :lol: ) but the first two D/L ficcies I ever wrote were actually about this very question! And I have to say I'm still pretty partial to those ideas of what they'd do! (If anyone wanted to read them...there the first two I wrote...under Moriel21 at ff.net! ;) Okay I'm done tooting my horn! :rolleyes: :lol: )

Queen of the undiscovered tidbits of info and Emporess of spoilers Catey laughed:
You know, it's entirely possible I'm taking this way too seriously, discussing what my favorite fictional pair would be giving each other for their birthdays.
Lol, yeah I here ya hon...and well hey, join the club my dear! I realized a long time ago that I was probably taking this way too seriously and then I pondered that for a bit...shrugged and decided, "Oh well, it's fun, so what does it matter?"! :lol:

Alright this is plenty long for the evening and my eyes are starting to get a bit tired of staring at my computer screen now...so I'm off to grab some coffee and find me my Danny boy to snuggle with for a bit! :D Have a wonderful evening my dear buddies and I will be back soon...

*Mo grins waves and shimmers sleepily off in her fluffy bubble of fabulous love....a trail of pink fog flowing behind her!* :D
*comes in sporting the cute halo Mo speaks of with a BIG smile*

^^^ i like. now, conversations without words…*sighs dreamily*. thats very good to hear, Mo. ;) squee! i have to go and read these fics of yours! where may i find them?

Danny and Lindsay First Birthdays Together: im gonna go with the morning of the birthday -- bed. flowers and balloons. danny. lindsay. muffins and toast with orange juice or coffee/tea. cake. whipped cream. :)
*Dani takes a walk around Gutterville and finds everyone celebrating in the streets, though strangely the celebrations seem to be happening really around and close D/L mansion :rolleyes: Quickly joins :p

And why celebrating, some lurkers/non-shippers could ask. We pleasantly answer that it's officially less than one month until the season premiere of CSI:NY with hopefully new and adorably magnificent D/L moments to bring joy to all our lives :D

So, and has someone mentioned party, you're all invited to my place this end of afternoon/evening , for a good "watch D/L while you eat" dinner ;) Come by, Humpy will make company to your lovely pets as well!

Buddie which daughter just turned 9 JenP said:
I agree. It's about time some new stuff comes out! Not that it matters...I can't see it until...well...maybe december??
Yeah, well, December it's not that bad actually. I think I'll have to wait even more than that, and I know some people here even wait more :( Maybe AXN could surprise me though and show it asap :rolleyes: Anyway, it still matters considering there will be new pictures, and maybe new clips online, and a whole bunch of D/L shippers coming into this thread, filling our beautiful thread pages with adorable reviews of everything. Yeah, better than nothing. Though as Rad, I will be busy with school once the season premiere starts. Oh, it's gonne be hard, the number of posts will increase and I will have less time. Great :eek: oh well, Im sure you'll do sime nice summaries in some posts, won't you? :p

^^Oh yeah Angel hon, breakfast in bed sounds really sweet and something I could see them doing (if TPTB showed us :p)! I can still imagine it though :) Besides that, I'm sure they have great ways of er, pleasing each other :devil: :lol: But I think a romantic dinner would be a good idea too.

Well, I better go take a shower now, as I'm pretty miserable with all the covering on top of my head and body: Aud's pie with whip cream, JenP's chocolate milk and dutch's chocolate frosting :rolleyes: Well, at least I'm sweet :lol: *runs before someone decides to come after her to throw something else*
Good aftenoon my favorite shippers... like, EVER!!!!! :D


Danny and Lindsay First Birthdays Together: im gonna go with the morning of the birthday -- bed. flowers and balloons. danny. lindsay. muffins and toast with orange juice or coffee/tea. cake. whipped cream.

haha i love the way u just added whipped cream on the end of that sentence as if danny and Lindsay are plannin to do something naughty with it :lol: :devil: naughty ;)


Was I missed at all????

of course u were missed huni!!! everyone is missed around here!! **hugz** also, where is your new fic posted at?! :D

Yeah, well, December it's not that bad actually.

December?! lol you should try waiting until february!!! us in the UK have to :( lol


Well, I better go take a shower now, as I'm pretty miserable with all the covering on top of my head and body: Aud's pie with whip cream, JenP's chocolate milk and dutch's chocolate frosting ,Well, at least I'm sweet

hehe awww you can always ask Mo if she wouldn't mind parting with Danny for a few hours... ya know .. to help ya out hehe ;) hehe :lol:

right ppl, ill catch up with you later!! its abit quiet here!!
(also my fic 'stella plays cupid' has been updated ;) ) x
Hello my dearies!! How are we this fine Monday morning?

Aud babe of course you were missed! Don't you dare say that you weren't, cause you know it's not true. *hugs and kisses*

Del?? Where be ye? :(

Mo darlin'? Was that you who posted that novel this morning? Or did Liffy take over your brain? :p

Alright the b-day question:

Lindsay - I agree with the B&B idea. I think Danny would take her to a really nice one, where all they do is snuggle in bed. Maybe give her a nice necklace or something as a symbol of his love and devotion to her.

Danny - Linds would probably buy him tickets to a baseball game (I think someone already mentioned that - good idea!) and then maybe for a night on the town. Of course then they can go back to his place and snuggle some more. A good cuddle and some lovin' never hurt anyone ;)

*watches mind fall into gutter and shrugs carelessly* Eh, no matter :D

Realistic fluff is good Mo and Liffy. Fake fluff is just...well, fake. It doesn't make for a good watch.


:D cheers shipmates xx

ETA: *snatches a piece of Carmine's b-day cake and throws it at dutch, then giggles and ducks behind the b-day boy* Wubs you hun ;)
Hi guys!

Did I hear anything 'bout a party? Where?? I'm in! :D

The birthday-question:
I think Danny would take Lindsay to the Zoo and then take her out for dinner. Wouldn't that be sweet?

I'm stopping now, my fingers don't do what they have to do. I'm constantly re-writing everything I'm trying to write, 'cause my fingers are hitting the wrong buttons over and over again. :mad:

See you!
1CSIMfan said:
Hey guys, just a couple things.

I've been reading through the posts (nothing new, I always do) and noticing they are getting more and more off-topic every day. Not all of the posts but a lot of them. Everybody needs to get back on the topic of Danny/Lindsay and keep the personal/off topic posts to a minimum. If you're gonna stray off-topic, you must include more on-topic discussion than off-topic discussion. A lot of the posts are nothing more than chatting and not even about Danny/Lindsay. Real life needs to take a backseat in this thread. This also includes making a post only to congratulate a new thread. If that's all you have to say, you need to wait until you have something about Danny/Lindsay to discuss.

Due to complaints about this thread (and other threads as well - which I have posted in too) the off-topic quoting (it's irrelevant to DL) needs to be kept to a bare minimum. It takes up a lot of space and, like I said, off-topic. This applies to off-topic quoting only. On-topic is not a problem.

Thanks guys. :)

Hey guys. I made the above post nine days ago. You guys really need to follow all of it, most importantly the part about off-topic quoting. I know it's hard to find things to talk about during the summer but the off-topic quoting has been getting out of hand and since I had to stop it in other threads, it has to stop in this thread too. Thanks!
I really like the idea of a PV fan project.I love it because it lets Pam and other writers know how much the fans appreciate the show. :)

And we have a little over a month till the premiere. I'm hoping for some changes in the credits in regards to Carmine and Anna's pictures. They should change the scene of Danny to that tight green shirt that he loves to wear and Lindsay should be wearing anything after "risk".
Okay Liff, stay away please!

is entitled "Commuted Sentences". It is a single case episode once again. Danny and Lindsay have at least two scenes together, so at least we will get some D/L in this episode. Angell is in this episode also, and Flack apparently is flirting with her. The case involves men who were acquitted of crimes being killed.

Here's a question for you all. Do you think that TPTB, when introducing Lindsay, had in mind the whole D/L romance? Or, was it a fluke that our favorite pair have come together? And, now that they are a couple, do you think it is a passionate pairing? Any ideas on this? I know there are plenty of fanfics out there regarding them being passionate, but is it passionate or just that these two belong together?
Happy Monday all my dearies! *Mo pops into our thread of love singing softly to herself..."Monday, Monday, so good to me!"* :D

Cute as button Angel with her halo asked:
i have to go and read these fics of yours! where may i find them?
I can help ya with that honey....
Perfect (Linds' b'day...)
That's the Idea (Danny's b'day)
Shippy buddy Dani darlin' asked:
oh well, Im sure you'll do sime nice summaries in some posts, won't you?
Oh no worries Dani hon...if there is one thing we are particularly good at in here...it's waxing long and poetical about our D/L and that most definitely includes plenty of detail-rich summaries of everything D/L! ;) Once the eppy's start we will probably be giving y'all so many details you'll get sick of them! (Okay probably not sick of them...but you get the idea! ;) )

Fluffy dearie Stuffy winked:
Mo darlin'? Was that you who posted that novel this morning? Or did Liffy take over your brain?
Lol, I would say Liffer took over my brain...but that wouldn't really be true...it was all me...I couldn't help it, between not being here for like 3 days and loving our D/L ship so very very much...my post just turned into a book! :lol:

Our lovely Rhonda Modie said nicely:
the part about off-topic quoting.
Okay so that means like...what...as long as we relate it to D/L is that okay? ;) Or not so much? :D

Angsty buddy Vexxy honey said:
I'm hoping for some changes in the credits in regards to Carmine and Anna's pictures. They should change the scene of Danny to that tight green shirt that he loves to wear and Lindsay should be wearing anything after "risk".
Ohhhh, yeah me too! I really really want some new credits and credit pictures anyway, we haven't had any new ones since Linds came on the show, so it's way overdue for new credit pics! I would LOVE to see a pic of Danny in that tight green shirt you mentioned Vex! And I think a pic of Linds from either NWILL or LRC would be fabulous as a credit pic, she looked gorgeous in both those eppys! :D
Catey[/b] shared:]Ohhhh sweet deal! Thanks for the info Catey hon! Two D/L scenes, sweet! Here's hoping we get some really cute interaction between them (like always! ;) )...and Flack flirting with Angell...nice, that'd be a cute pairing! :D
Here's a question for you all. Do you think that TPTB, when introducing Lindsay, had in mind the whole D/L romance? Or, was it a fluke that our favorite pair have come together? And, now that they are a couple, do you think it is a passionate pairing? Any ideas on this?
Ohhhhh, great questions Catey hon! Mmmmm, let's see...I like to think that they brought Anna/Linds in to be a character who would fall in love with Danny. I do know that I read that the first time Anna and Carmine worked together they had this "spark" together and the writers went with it and D/L was established! :D As for a passionate pairing...give me a minute...*Mo pauses and thinks back...well there was them in "Risk", "RSRD", "All Access", "NWILL", "LRC" and I know I'm forgetting one...mmmm, oh yeah "Snow Day"!* Sorry hon, that was a bit sarcastic huh! I didn't mean to be mean...I just meant in a funny teasing way to say...HECK YEAH I think they are a passionate pairing! Not only are they passionate people on their own, but together I think they are practically combustible! :devil: :D Definitely! :D And we all know I think they belong together! :lol: So yeah it could be a combo of both...but I would most definitely say both are true! :D

Okay time for me to get ready for bed...I'm tired! :p
Have a fabulous night all my darlin' buddies and I'll catch ya later! :D

*Mo yawns and climbing into her fluffy bubble, shimmers sleepily away!*
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