Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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First of all, welcome aboard dunni :) It's really great to see you around!

but I find being firmly Canon so comforting
Haha, yeah, absolutely, if definitely allows you to enjoy it so much more :) I didn't suffered that much with LRC, I think by the time I had it, I knew of good news already :rolleyes:

Hm, about liff's question. I like to think that Danny can cook, because I think it's great when men cook for their girls ;) And because Danny in the kitchen would be hot (isnt he always anyway :p) And because that way both he and Lindsay(I bet she can cook good as well) could cook together and have some fun aroudn the kitchen counter :devil: (I think the original idea of this was Liff's, no? Sorry if I'm mistaken) Anyway, I think he knows how to cook...But...
Mo said:
Or I could see him learning and then her thinking "Oh he can't cook" only to come home and find that he cooked an amazing meal for her as a romantic suprise! (Everyone together now....Awwwwww! )
Awwww, that would be so cute as well :) Great scenario, I can see her face, all melting...Lovely!

SB, that is very interesting information about the episode review. So does that mean Lindsay was the one supposed to be hostage? Or Danny would do her shift after knowing that? Oh, anyway, it doesn't matter anymore. "Wild Night" ;) :devil: :lol:

stuffy, thank you for the information about the fan project fro Pam Veasey! I should do something, after all, that woman rocks majorly! :D I'll read the information later on LJ.
Hey guys I was thinking... if any of you do a postcard for the DL project it would be cool if you could post them because I would love to see what you guys with photoshop will come up with!! Plus I wouuld love to see where my fellow DL budies come from :)
vexus said:
either that scene got cut or it was made up.
I agree, but it's strange that none at CBS have seen this and changed it.

csi_dani said:
So does that mean Lindsay was the one supposed to be hostage? Or Danny would do her shift after knowing that?
Well, yes, if Danny didn't have taken her shift it would be Linds that was hold hostage and not Danny. But Danny (or anyone else for that matter) didn't know that there was a hostage situation at the crime scene. If they knew I'm sure that both Danny and Linds would go to work in the morning, just to help out.

nattybatty55 said:
if any of you do a postcard for the DL project it would be cool if you could post them because I would love to see what you guys with photoshop will come up with!!

Please do! :)
Hi buddies!
How ya doing today? I’m still studying chemistry, :( so my brain isn’t very awake… :lol:

SB said:
I can't remember that Linds phone ran? Did it?
I don’t remember that a phone rang, too. Or the reviewer saw another show or he saw some cut scenes that we didn’t see. :p Anyway, he found the most appropriate term to describe their night! Wild night…yeah! That rocks. ;)

miss Dani said:
he and Lindsay(I bet she can cook good as well) could cook together and have some fun aroudn the kitchen counter
Yeah, that would be a good idea and Danny and Lindsay would really appreciate it. I think that they can’t wait to carry it out! :devil: But I think that if they cook together, they wouldn’t cook…or they would burn the dinner! :lol: :devil:
fellow team member nat said::Hey guys I was thinking... if any of you do a postcard for the DL project it would be cool if you could post them because I would love to see what you guys with photoshop will come up with!! Plus I wouuld love to see where my fellow DL budies come from
^^^ ditto.

good luck with your studies, abby. and be sure to stop in here during your breaks!

hmm its the weekend and awfully quiet around here...is everyone at D/L beach or something? is the couple puttin' on a show for us? :devil:

calling the big RSRD fans: i just watched the RSRD clip of danny/lindsay when she beeped danny 911. oh, nice scene. so serious, yet so much care. this episode had a lot of DL eye connection that said so much more (when lindsay says "no..." and when danny is giving up his badge, gun, etc.) without using words. wonderfully portrayed. think thats possible in RL?

ETA:: yay, pathologist dutch!! :cool:
good evening to you all my fellow CANON shipper buddies!!!! :D
Chell-bell pops in after a tiring week, offereing some belated birthday cake for carmine, and some M&M cookies


Awwww thanks for posting those LRC piccies... i jus love that scene for the 'awkwardness', and the emotion that it gives... and the 'awkwardness' is just cute, because we all know how hard it was for her to say that she couldnt be in a relationship with him... and we all knew that it wasn't gona b stayin that way between them!!! :devil:

Stuffy-hun-bun says..

Several DL fans have started a project for the lovely Pam Veasey, exec. producer of CSI:NY and clearly a fan of our ship. We have decided to do a postcard scrapbook to show our appreciaton for PV and all that she does for our couple. Each participant will create a postcard with a "front" and seperate "back".

aww thanks for sharin this info babes!!! :D its soooo great that someone has come up with this idea to show how much we just absolutely ADORE pam!!!! :D im sure she is gonnalove it!! i jus had a thought.. can u imagine if she was to sit down on set with her scrapbook, and show it to Carmine, and anyone else who has had a 'scrapbook project' sent to them.. they can all compare :lol: Sooo cute!!! :D

ill feeling Liffy asks...

Can Danny Messer cook gourmet meals for his love or not?

great question!!! :D id say yes, he soo can cook for his Montana... he might try and cook something his 'nonna' used to make him, or he could try and do something special for her and cook her favourite meal! :D aww now that would be real sweet!! :D

PSG aka Soph, says...

As for what Danny says at the end of NWILL. I have the DVD, since it came out here early for some reason, not that i'm complaining, so i'll check it out later, with subtitles, see if I can figure out what he said. But I think it's something like "Thank God" or "You're alright".

lol have u checked it yet? everytime i go to check, i keep gettin caught up in the scene and forget! :lol: but we didnt have it released early over here hun, it was actually late cause it was meant to be july 2nd, but was released july 16th.. 2 days after snow day was aired!!! wooo!! cant wait for part 2 to come out!! only about 1 month and 22 days left!!! :p

Whoever asked...

will they be moving in together this season?

i think they will, but it wont be an atual 'will you move in with me' scenario.. i think it might just end up being a case of Lindsay taking stuff to Danny's when she stays over everynight, and not realising it. lol ( i know someone else mentioned that too!!! ) :D hehe that would be quite cute!! :D

and last but not least....


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! lol im here huni!!! dont worry!!! hehe im Back :p
What DL project? Why am I missing all these conversations! Oh yea, school started so I'm never on anymore. Cool stuff, not. Anyway, I think that they're going to move in with each other, why wouldn't they? And I think she should move to his place, they can pool table all night every night. And they would too, don't deny it.
^^^ aw, Rad! school is going to take some of ya away! :(

Returning to the scene Chelle-Belle said:lol have u checked it yet? everytime i go to check, i keep gettin caught up in the scene and forget! but we didnt have it released early over here hun, it was actually late cause it was meant to be july 2nd, but was released july 16th.. 2 days after snow day was aired!!! wooo!! cant wait for part 2 to come out!! only about 1 month and 22 days left!!! :p
^^^ i get lost in all the D/L scenes and i forget to find what im looking for too! heehee.

Cuzzy, your food question got me really wanting [season 4 wish] danny to ask lindsay to lunch in season 4. and this time, she'd say YES. :D
nattybatty55 said:
Hey guys I was thinking... if any of you do a postcard for the DL project it would be cool if you could post them because I would love to see what you guys with photoshop will come up with!! Plus I wouuld love to see where my fellow DL budies come from :)

Sorry guys, you'll need to post them somewhere else or maybe they'll be posted wherever the project originated. Shipper Central isn't the place for fan projects.

thanks. :)
Hiya Shippers. :D Was I missed at all???? :confused:

Answering the question about D/L moving in together this season: Oh, no. No moving in. Even though they've been smitten with one another for a while, they have just started dating. When people get too close too soon, things fall apart. Just ask me. I know things. ;)

Anyway, in glorious world---working together, going out, and living with one another would be the perfect life. But because we're dealing with a crime drama show, it wouldn't quite work out like that. They need some quality time away from each other. If they didn't work together then I'd say move in after a while. But I feel right now it would just be too much.

Hey Rad, if you want to know about the project just 'pm' me. :)

Hey, do I still have a residence in Gutterville?? :devil:

*Feels naughty and immature* Throws pie with whip cream at everyone here!! :p
Hey guys!

I can see Danny doing a gourmet meal. I think that he can whip something up for Lindsay. But I also see him as a pizza and beer man so anything will work for him. :)

You know you're a fan of Danny and Lindsay when you watch COPS and one of the women that was arrested was named "Montana." :(
Hi buddies!
I have such a busy weekend behind me...My daughter celebrated her 9th birthday and my house was absolutely packed with people. I tried to sneak out every once in a while to catch up on my fellow buddies, but I was caught in the act every time I tried :(

Aud asked us:
Hiya Shippers. Was I missed at all????
Ofcourse you were! :D I've been away myself for so long I didn't even know you were missing!

True fan Dana said:
You know you're a fan of Danny and Lindsay when you watch COPS and one of the women that was arrested was named "Montana." :(

I know what you mean, Dana! I was away on holiday a few weeks ago and I had six books with me...and all of them were set in Montana! :lol:

It's pretty quiet in here right now....What's happened to GutterVille? I feel like I'm the only one longing for a party...I bet you're all trying to sneak into the D/L mansion :devil:

*JenP sprays some chocolatemilk around with the watergun she just bought*

I'm off, see you later!
^ *waves at JenP and ducks just in time to avoid being hit by a wave of chocolate milk* :p We had such a nice and sunny weekend that I haven't been at home and on here for two days...

And I think the fact that today is the 26th of August; meaning we only have one month :) left for the season 4 opening is reason enough to have a party... :D

very observant Angel said:
the part that sticks out for me is: "They had wild night." <-- ahem.
Well that's strange indeed. ;) I have to go and watch that ep again :D...see if I can figure out what they mean by that... ;) :p

And about the phone call...If it was indeed a cut scene I'm so hoping for a season 3 DVD set with that includes deleted scenes... :D

yay, pathologist dutch!!
I didn't have a clue what you meant at first *points at hair - blonde* :rolleyes:...I hadn't even noticed that I got a promotion...yeah! Go me! :lol:

Dear Rad who should stop by here more often said:
And I think she should move to his place, they can pool table all night every night. And they would too, don't deny it.
Yeah, that pool table is probably THE reason that Lindsay's not even considering them moving into her place...Just imagine pool tabling (LOL hun :lol: great verb) with Danny Messer every night..*sigh*

The one who was missed said:
Hey, do I still have a residence in Gutterville??
Of course you do :)...and I believe Liffy was talking about updating the map...

JenPcongrats on your daughter's birthday! :)

Yeah food fight! *takes a large bowl of chocolate frosting and starts 'decorating' her buddies*
It's not that I'm never in here, okay? I browse a lot. But I never have time to write novel like posts like some of you cool dudes do. Not to mention I don't have anything fab to say anyway about wonderful DL. I really want the new eppy's to start, then I'll be posting like mad woman. You guys are great at keeping the convo's going when there isn't any new DL about, I'm rather lousy at it... :p
^ Sure that's okay :)...And you're right...The 'old' D/L eps are great and I love discussing them, but we could all defenitaly use some new material. :D
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