Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Me: Guess what's gonna happen during the finale?
Mum: Danny/Lindsay, right?
Me: YESSSS!!!!!!!!
Mum: *rolls eyes*

I love that^^^

I agree when I saw LRC when she walked away and Danny looked so lonely I just stared at the screen and totaly missed what ever came after it now. BUt now when I watch SD I can watch it without worry because we are CANON!! :)
*swoons into room holding a giant birthday cake, plates, forks and the like*

Guess what today is everyone??

CARMINE'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *joins in the cheers and whistles*

Alright everyone, I have an important announcement for you all, so please stop what you're doing and listen (sorry, line from 'Anchorman'...love that movie :lol:):

Several DL fans have started a project for the lovely Pam Veasey, exec. producer of CSI:NY and clearly a fan of our ship. We have decided to do a postcard scrapbook to show our appreciaton for PV and all that she does for our couple. Each participant will create a postcard with a "front" and seperate "back".

For all the details, please visit this link: PV fan project page

It is LJ, but the specific post is not Friends Only, so you do not have to have an account to leave a comment.

The deadline is before midnight on Sunday, September 16th, so if you plan to participate, you have plenty of time.

Your fellow shippers have graciously offered to assist anyone who is unable to do this because of computer restrictions, etc.

Any questions or concerns, please visit the link and leave a comment.

Thanks! :D
*Liff pops in again humming along to the D/L tune of the day*

Stuffy asked:
Do you think Danny and Lindsay will move in together sometime during this season? If so, how do you think it will be approached (ie. who will bring it up, reactions etc.)? If not, why?
Hmm - I think I'll accept them moving in together if it's towards the end of the season. If, hypothetically it's a year passed, it's possible that Danny and Linds would decide to move in together - where I think there'll be a collective 'thud' from all the D/L shippers around the world passing out for a moment before the squeeing breaks out :D But it's before that...well, personally I think it would be too soon and spells nothing but disaster. So yeah - no moving in until the end :) Let's keep it realistic shall we? Im not a fan of it all being lovey dovey the whole way through. :)

Oh- and another new shipper! Yay! Welcome dunni! Welcome to the dark side - we have cookies :devil: ...amongst other things. :D

DTD darlin', your mom sounded panicky that Linds turned Danny down in LRC there ;) I wonder if my mom realises D/L exists...she likes NY though, just doesn't watch it all that often.

oh yes - Happy Bithday Carmine! May you have many more as Danny Messer :D hehehe.

A PV project? Cool - I havent gone on to LJ in a while...in fact, I havent logged into anything for a while since I've been sick. Oh well... we'll see what happens later. Instead, I've been cooking - alot. And baking. For some odd reason I'm feeling the need to perfect all my asian recipes before I go off on my own :p

Good thing I can cook. Anywho - keeping this on topic, there seems to be a split between the views of whether Danny can or cannot cook. Being Italian doesn't really have anything to do with it - when you think about it...just a stereotype.

So, what do you guys think? Can Danny Messer cook gourmet meals for his love or not?

(Doesn't really matter - she loves him either way. Though...i'd like to think he CAN cook. Dunno why :p )
great passing of the info, stuffy. D-Licious cake too! yup, a very happy 34th birthday to carmine d. (best wishes for a wonderful day) who plays one half of our sweet lovin' couple, danny/lindsay. yep, cuzzy, here's to many more as danny messer too! :D

welcome aboard, dunni! just in time for some cake and goodies!

Cuz, i think danny has a couple of specialty Italian dishes in that brainy hot mind of his. bet he can whip up something that makes lindsay swoon and then some! oh and maybe give some to us to try! ;)

great viewing jobs on NWILL and LRC, fellow shippers! it was great to re-visit the scenes. SOoH has not been repeated here, im disappointed. revenge huh, dl_shipper? :p . i couldnt make out what he said even with the volume up high. guess i should just wait for the dvd and subtitles...! unless theres a transcript of the episode out there somewhere.

*brings in balloons for everyone*

C.A.N.O.N. :)

First, Happy Birthday, Carmine! Hope he has a wonderful day!

As for what Danny says at the end of NWILL. I have the DVD, since it came out here early for some reason, not that i'm complaining, so i'll check it out later, with subtitles, see if I can figure out what he said. But I think it's something like "Thank God" or "You're alright".

Thanks for the info on the PV project, Stuffy. I'll see what I can do. Where is this map thread? Is it at DLC? If it is, could someone give me the address for that site, coz i kinda lost it... again :lol:

Later guys, PSG xxx
*Mo pops in, giddy it's Friday and singing a song from one of her favorite Gene Kelly musicals that randomly popped into her head and refuses to leave..."Howdy neighbor! Happy Harvest! May your forty acres soon be fields of clover!" :lol: * Yay for Friday, Yay for Friday, Yay for Friday! I love Fridays and since I was sick for like half the week this one came even faster...which is pretty sweet! :lol: So how are all of you dears this fine morning?

Shipply bud Dtd nodded:
but I find being firmly Canon so comforting.
I so totally agree with you hon! It makes standing up to any rumors or hard to take spoilers or people who are not on board our ship so much easier! I mean before it was still not that hard to defend D/L because we KNEW they were in love and so clearly destined for eachother...but to have the official PTB backing on that and to have them clearly and officially CANON :D it is amazingly comforting and allows one to take a deep breath and grin! ;)

Shippy bud who I still think Liffy dubbed "Fern!" grinned:
Who else is hoping Danny proposes by the end of Season Four? *innocent grin*
Ohhhh, I have to say...(beware of total fluff approaching! ;) ) that I too would pretty much love that! I've got a million ideas of how he could, and even ways that they could actually do it on the show and not have it look cheesy or too over the top for CSI but still be totally romantic and sweet...*Mo sighs dramatically!* I would love that though! :D

Gutter bud who knows he wants fluff forever Liffers denied:
Let's keep it realistic shall we? Im not a fan of it all being lovey dovey the whole way through.
Since when goofball?! :lol: I think your muse is playing tricks on you again! ;) The only way I'll accept that answer of yours is if you mean you want them to have a moment or two of arguement or heated "fighting" followed closely by intense "making up" :devil: Then I might believe you... :D

Can Danny Messer cook gourmet meals for his love or not?
Ohhhh, great question bud! ;) Mmmmmmm, I'd like to say yes, I could see it being something his mom taught him a long time ago and he just remembers how and blows Linds away with it! :D Or I could see him learning and then her thinking "Oh he can't cook" only to come home and find that he cooked an amazing meal for her as a romantic suprise! (Everyone together now....Awwwwww! :lol: )

Oh I was almost about to leave and I haven't wished our FABULOUS Smex on a stick hunka hunka burnin' love Carmine G. aka Daniel Messer a wonderful Happy Birthday!! Have a fabulous day Carmine and thank you for playing such an amazing character we can all fall in love with so very easily! :D

And Stuffy thanks for the Postcard reminder hon! Speaking of that...Aud my wub where are ya? :D

Okay now I really do have to go! :p Have a fantabulous Friday y'all and I'll be back later! ;)

*Mo grins and shimmers off in her fluffy bubble, with a trail of pink fog and a "Happy Birthday Carmine!" banner flying behind her!* :D
I'd just like to wish Carmine a very Happy Birthday, with lots of love and good wishes. Has today been declared a holiday in Gutterville? We should have a street party on this day every year!!
Hello buddies!

will they be moving in together this season?
It’s not so easy to answer this question…Probably they won’t move together officially in this season, but, I agree with JenP, they will spend a lot of time together in his/her apartment, so finally they will find themselves living together. They will move together gradually. If she suddenly moves in his apartment in this season…would be too early. If it’s gradual it would be better. ;)

DUNNIIIIIIIII!!! hon! Welcome in this thread! :) I’m glad that you joined us! I’m sure that you’ll have a lot of fun and…you need a home in Gutterville! :D

Vex said:
As far as coffee goes, I can see Danny drinking a cup of plain, black cup of coffee. I can actually see Lindsay not drinking cofee but a cup of tea. Teas not bad!
Yeah, I think that Danny drinks coffeè adn Lindsay tea, too (I love tea too, hot and ice tea), but I’m sure that them both like hot chocolate and chocolate in general…in every way! :lol: :devil:

Fern said:
Me: Guess what's gonna happen during the finale?
Mum: Danny/Lindsay, right?
Me: YESSSS!!!!!!!!
Mum: *rolls eyes*
Oh, that happens always in my family, too. When we’re watching CSI NY I always squee at D/L moments and I often quote SD, so all in my family roll their eyes synchronized! :lol:

Liff said:
there seems to be a split between the views of whether Danny can or cannot cook. Being Italian doesn't really have anything to do with it - when you think about it...just a stereotype.
I think that that’s a stereotype...For example, I’m Italian, but I can’t cook even a bean! :eek: The only thing I can cook is spaghetti with tomato sauce, because I’ve seen doing that almost every day practically for ever. :lol:
About Danny, he probably knows some traditional italian recipes because he learnt them in his family, but I think that he cook them only for special occasions, like a romantic dinner with Lindsay ;), but I can see him eating usually junk food, especially when he eats alone… :D
**Nat takes a piece of cake from Stuffy!**


Thanks for that info Stuffy i'm definatly doing it!!

*takes some of Stuffy's cake too* Happy Birthday Carmine! :)

Dani said about LRC:
And what's beautiful about the episode is that even tough Danny kind of had some motive to give up on her, given the hallway talk and everything else, he didn't because he really loves her, and he knows she loves him as well, therefore he knew she must have had a reason. I think it was not easy for Danny to do what he did, which just proves that he is a great guy and that he loves her so much
I think you've got an excellent point there. Although that ep was suppose to be about Lindsay and her change in behaviour :eek: it also revealed a lot of Danny's feelings. Any guy less interested in her would've left it right then and there and would not have bothered to look back. The fact that he was still not willing to give up on her and them :D was imo the best part of that ep. :)

Forgiving Mo said:
I do think that there is a good possibility she had a good cry-fest with him after court!
That could very well be and it's not even that hard to imagine that...but :p it's just too bad that TPTB never showed or mentioned it... :)

recovering Liffy asked:
Can Danny Messer cook gourmet meals for his love or not?
Well for some reason I think he's a great cook. Not because he's Italian (I know a lot of Italian men the don't even know how to boil an egg :rolleyes:), but I think he really likes to cook to relax after work. We've seen his kitchen :D and it looked great. And especially when he has guests he will impress them by making some nice meals. Besides the idea of Danny Messer cooking is HAWT! :devil:

Re: the moving in and proposal:
I like what JenP and Abby said. Lindsay could be spending so much time at Danny's place that by the end of the season she practically lives there. :D And I don't think that's too soon; A season is suppose the be about a year out of their lives...and moving in after a year is quite possible. A proposal feels wrong though. Perhaps at the end of this season Danny could pop the moving-in-question (offering her his key as a symbol :)) and by the end of season 5 their could be a proposal. :D

Welcome Dunni!

And Stuffy that PV project sounds interesting.

*dumps a whole bucket of B&J's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream on Anffy and Stuffy*
I think you've got an excellent point there. Although that ep was suppose to be about Lindsay and her change in behaviour it also revealed a lot of Danny's feelings. Any guy less interested in her would've left it right then and there and would not have bothered to look back. The fact that he was still not willing to give up on her and them was imo the best part of that ep.

Exactly... I thought i'd post a few pics from that sad DL scene...




You can just tell that she is struggling to 'end' her relationship with Danny!

Food fights... we still have them, can I join again pretty please?!?!? Give me team and target i'm armed!! :)
Hi guys! Just popping in to answer Liff's question!

Can Danny Messer cook gourmet meals for his love or not?
I think he pretends he can, but fails miserably when he has to cook something that isn't Italian. :lol:

Good night to you all!
Have you guys seen this?
In the review of "Snow Day" at cbs.com/primetime/csi_ny, it says: "Meanwhile, at Danny's apartment, Danny awakens on the pool table, a slumbering Lindsay in his arms. They had a wild night. He tenderly soothes Lindsay back to sleep when she wakes up, but his comfortable position comes to an end when Lindsay's cell begins to ring. It's Mac. Time to go to work."

I can't remember that Linds phone ran? Did it? :confused:
^^^ yeah ive seen that, but thanks for posting it for all to view, SB! :) and no, there was no phone ringing. maybe the scene got cut...?

the part that sticks out for me is: "They had wild night." <-- ahem. :devil: hmm did you all see this supposed "wild" night? i havent a clue as to what the site is speaking of. ;) :lol:

random tvguide blurb: i was reading a recent tvguide, PM me for the date cause im just too lazy right now to run to get it, but it seems to indirectly imply (imo ONLY and i could be wrong in my comprehension) that danny and lindsay are interesting.

hey sherry, long time no see! ask our gutter king and queen about the holidays. im waiting for that new updated map. :p (just kidding, Cuzzy, take your time).

*licks ice cream off arms*, i think stuffy and i found that VERY tasty! now what was that for, dutchy?? :p . cmon, nat (great danny eye-emotion images! and lindsay's facial depth too!), *grabs a bucket of sweet honey, dumps it on dutch hun, giggles, and calls for miss dani to join*

psst, auda, i cant stop staring at the pic you have in the first post of this thread. that was ONE wild night. :lol: whoooo.

HOT / C.A.N.O.N.
SvartaBaskern said:
Have you guys seen this?
In the review of "Snow Day" at cbs.com/primetime/csi_ny, it says: "Meanwhile, at Danny's apartment, Danny awakens on the pool table, a slumbering Lindsay in his arms. They had a wild night. He tenderly soothes Lindsay back to sleep when she wakes up, but his comfortable position comes to an end when Lindsay's cell begins to ring. It's Mac. Time to go to work."

I can't remember that Linds phone ran? Did it? :confused:

Like Angel said, either that scene got cut or it was made up. I'm actually glad that the scene never aired. It would raise more suspicion from Mac.
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