"Good morning, good morning, good morning...it's time to..." (Sorry
Catey dear I couldn't help myself it got stuck in my head! :lol: Hey where are you by the way? We got spoilers yesterday and I didn't see you!

Come out, come out wherever you are!
Zookeeping genius Soph grinned:
Mo, since i'll be away on your birthday. Happy birthday and I hope you have a wonderful day.
Awwwww, thanks hon! That is SO sweet of you! I totally turn into a 6 year old when my birthday comes around, I love it!

And I love the animal names and pics by the way...way too cute!
Angsty pal who is about to bombarded by fluff Dani shrugged:
I like angst, a lot, so I don't feel unhappy with it. *runs away of the Fluffy Twins and Liff plus every fluffy shipper in this thread, that are now trying to give me the same pills they gave Rad to turn me fluffy*
Aud you block off that corner and I'll get this one and then
Liffy you feed her the fluffy pills! :lol: I mean...umm....angsty's and fluffies we're all welcome and get along great in here!

Heehee! :lol: Lol, to be honest and this can't take away from my fluffy power because I'm a DIE HARD fluffy...but I will admit to liking a balance of fluff and angst...only, ONLY because then the fluff seems that much sweeter after the angst, ya know!
Abby hon I couldn't help but notice your banner...are you an E/C shipper? Did I know that?

Sweet deal either way...I'm a fan of them too!
Cutie pie fluffer nutter
Stuffy hon quoted Mo then agreed:
All you doubter and nay-sayers...it's a RELATIONSHIP...get over it!
THANK YOU!! You tell them Mo
Lol, yeah I don't want to turn this into an "Us-sticking-our-tongues-out-at-all-non-D/L-shippers-and-going-Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah!" (But at the same time maybe just a little?! :lol: ) But seriously though, Pam said it...it's official...so let us have our fun!
Gutter buddy Liffy nodded enthusiastically:
I never thought it could have been a one-night stand. They spend all that time to get drunk and end with a one-night stand? I dont think so. Aren't one night stands usually supposed to end with awkwardness of some sort? You dont snuggle and kiss and exchange "I'm glad this happened" Err...duh. Once again, Pam Veasey ROCKS!
Pam SO rocks! And yeah I'm sorry but those (not in here!) who thought this was one night stand clearly didn't actually watch the eppy where it happened, cuz there was nothing one-night-standish about it!
*Squeeeeee!* It's a relationship...YAY!!

I knew it all along, it's just SO nice to have it officially confirmed! Yay, yay, yay, yay!
Oh, btw....Mo and I have developed a fluffy gas, which we "rightfully" pump throughout the thread Y'all feel the fluffiness. Embrace it, enjoy it, make sure brush your teeth to prevent gingivitis and plaque.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Okay can I just say when I read that I think I read it wrong but I swear I sat there laughing for like 10 minutes! :lol: And um yeah...if y'all see pink fog rolling through the streets of Gutterville every night...don't give it another thought, it won't hurt you!

Just close your eyes, fall asleep and breathe...deeply!
Okay I gotta peace out! Work is calling and it's my "Friday"! No work tomorrow...sweet!! Have a fabulous shipper wub filled day y'all! See ya later!
*Mo grins and shimmers away in her fluffy bubble, trailed by a long cloud of pink fog!
Aud wub how are ya babes?