Yey, I'm so happy now, the spoilers are great, more than I had ever expected (it's my first favourite couple that REALLY got together, can't believe it). I'm so happy now, I could kiss the whole world! Sorry, it's my crazy day, today :lol:! So, big hugs to everyone who wants one and yey about the spoilers. And I'm not afraid because of the 'bump' stuff or how to call it. I'm just happy now!
squeee! um, squee! and Mo hun, youre right. you too, stuffy. i love that you were both right! *giggles* *hugs both girls* can i say squeeeeeee again?!?! ah danny and lindsay love is so addicting and beautiful. "very much an item" --- *happy dancing* . not too keen about the bump in the road but im having some faith that the writers will deal with it accordingly. i was just concerned that we will get what we want now, but at the end, DL might be apart. however, i really hope that danny and lindsay will pull through and be stronger (no matter what bumps). yup, they ARE the couple. cheers to Pam V.
what a way to get through HUMP day! we love you, DL!
thanks for the answers on the domestic question. i find it interesting that everyone agrees that DL would not be coupon cutters. but yes, if they have time to save a little here and there, it would not hurt! i see them both doing laundry and folding it together before they sleep.
"Get over here y'all! We're not having this party without you" Wait, that was stuffy's voice! *Dani joins in the celebrations of D/L love*
Those are good news, I think. I mean, happiness, being together, not hiding it. A 'bump in the road', I think we could predict something was going to happen at one point If TPTB deals well with it, it's not going to be a problem, I think. Anyway, in general, seems like we're so going in the right direction
Let me just say that I think it's totally awesome that Sarah's dad likes Danny and Lindsay! Mine refuses to watch any CSI. (but, I have noticed him looking at the tv screen while it was on...and, yesterday it was some movie with Gary S. on tv and he went like "isn't that the guy from csi?" so, yeah, I think he is taking a look at csi )
I had a new that stuffy plays hockey! That seems so cool I have never seen a hockey game, but it seems so much fun Also hockey players are yummi...shouldn't I go to a hockey game?!
In answer to Angel's D/L domestic question, I think they will divide tasks. I think both of them would take care of the house, organizing themselves according to their work schedules. I also think that they would buy what they want, not checking every price of everything, but I think they wouldn't spend and spend. I think they would do everything in a reasonable way
And Vex said:
I can also see him bringing breakfastin bed
Mo said:
"Uh Danny did you not see Lindsay use her knife that first day on the job? How am I endangering her?" Meanwhile Danny would just keep raving..."I know she can take care of herself Mac...but what if she fell or even got dosed...I mean do you know what those things can do to an unborn child? Not to mention..." At which point Mac would stop listening and look over at Linds who would be blushing while an ecstatic Stella hugged her tightly!
*Mo sprints into the thread, having read the fabulous spoilers and heard Stuffy's call to party!* Okay can I just say...I LOVE Pam Veasey!! The woman is SOOO totally a D/L shipper! *Squeeeee!* And she's a producer/writer...y'all our ship is SOOO golden! :lol: Lol, Liffy you beat me to the Ausseilo report dude...nicely done! I forgot you could read, seriously I read it and my first thought was "Wow sad day Liffy can't read that!" (Okay maybe it was my 3rd thought after reading it...I think my first thought was something like..."SQUEEEEEEEE!" Followed by..."It's about dang time!"[i/] :lol: :lol: )
Okay I have to head off to work...but this totally made my day, probably my week...what a lovely way to celebrate the start of August! I cannot wait for Season 4 y'all and since I don't want to start a whole spoiler box...let me just say, no need to panic...our ship is sailing and will continue to do so! No need to worry! Fluffy Twin Aud wub, where are you by the way...get in here and see what we've got!! It's fabulous!!
Okay gotta go to work! Oh wait...but first, HAPPY HUMP DAY!! Yay for us, yay for our ship, our lovely couple, fabulous news, and all y'all wonderful peeps! I'm seriously a bit giddy right now! :lol:
*Mo grins and dances her way to her bubble and shimmers gleefully away!*
I read over the spoiler again....SQUEEEE! And I had a couple further thoughts...first of all, I LOVE that Pam says they are "very much together" leaves no doubt there and I LOVE that!!! And I LOVE that they are not trying to hide it, that totally rocks as well! And then when she says that they will have little moments but mostly enjoy working together...but then there will be a skip in there...what if the skip isn't in their relationship, but in them being able to keep their relationship out of something happens to one of them that interferes with work and that causes an issue with work but not necessarily a problem between them two ya know?! I'm just saying let's not panic about this "skip" cuz it could not be anything bad!! And can I just say again...SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First of all, I'm loving the spoilers! Can't wait for season 4! I agree, Pam Veasey is amazing!!!
I'm getting together a list of all the animals in Wheatfield Zoo, complete with names. I've used a lot of the names that people have suggested, or at least tried to, but I'm struggling with names for ferrets, goats (i know we've got Pavarotti but he needs friends too!), and birds of prey. So, if you have any, i'll gladly use them.
im psyched for S4 now. the summer is almost over, and school starts again…but that means D/L-city here we come! can i please say it again? squee! cautious optimism. oh yes oh yes, danny and lindsay are a couple. working together, happy, not a secret, ahhh! no need to insert my typical rant of "dont wants" to happen right now. im twirling in this fuzzy warm feeling!
wheres delia, Rad, and chelle belle to join us in the fun? and Jen, we'll magically send you some to your holiday spot.
cmon, Cuzzy, you need to CAVE. just think about all the naughty thoughts that can intrude your mind after you read all the spoilers! :devil:
*passes out M&Ms personalized with “Pam V rocks,” “Team DL,” “D & Montana,” and “Squee!” joins stuffy and company at gathering*
*rushes in because she heard Stuffy's news flash over the speaker*
And when spoiler free Liff starts posting spoilers there has to be some exciting news...
I'm glad Pam admitted that it is a RELATIONSHIP which means that pool table was indeed more than a one night stand ...that 'bump in the road' sounds interesting...especially the fact that later on she calls it 'a little skip' makes it pretty clear that they will overcome whatever TPTB are planning ...
I think Pam Veasey deserves a statue somewhere in GutterVille
*runs with Angel to the gathering telling everyone it's already August so our super D/L season starts next month* :lol: It's fun to be fluffy every now and then
Noramlly I keep away from the NY spoiler thread, but I went in when I saw you had the last post. Your comment on how PV made it clear that this is not a one-night stand and an actual relationship is spot-on. A lot of people seem to think that it was just a one-night stand, and this confirms that DL are definitely in a relationship. Keep in mind everyone that TPTB are not going to invest two years into the relationship just to throw it out the window. Besides, a "little skip" can mean anything. The General of the DL Army, Sugah, mentioned that it could also mean a jump AHEAD in the relationship. Also remember that all couples fight, so I firmly believe that that is what happens: Danny and Lindsay get into an argument of some sort. It's realistic. Remember the whole "destiny dashed" fiasco? That didn't even happen. I'm glad that everyone is thinking positively here. Also keep in mind, as Mo has stated before, that people can and will stir the pot, thus releasing nasty rumours. Remember that TPTB clearly support this ship. Have faith!
Thus ends the longest spoiler box in history
Stay in the bubble and enjoy the celebrations with our lovely buddies from DLC
dutch[/b]]relationship. ah yes. you make a VERY good point there. i did not notice that! oh, points for the home team!
little miss muffin[/b]]okay, dont know your like/dislike of lawyers but you keep banging out the hardcore evidence. good stuff. i wanna believe in it too. im 85% there and going upppp. destiny-dashed seems so far away (that gave me a crazy time to rant)...stay away. but like Sugah through you said, the skip could be taking the relationship (i said, relationship, dutch! ), up another notch! squee!
dutch, yup, Pam V. needs a statue in Gutterville. who is good with metals? i like slightly fluffy-for-a-moment (as you write my chapter in your ficcie) dutchy! *giggles*
i think i asked this before, but im doing it again: was there a Pam V. project sent out?
^^The evidence never lies wasn't that Grissom? I don't know :lol:
In order to have a sufficient argument, you need sufficient evidence. We have plenty of it. Plus, it doesn't hurt to have PV on board with us
Where is everyone?! We've got major news here and y'all are just nowhere to be seen! Come on up to the Lido deck! All the girls from DLC are here. Join the cabana boys and fruity drinks it's one hell of a party. I saw Danny and Lindsay around here somewhere...*scratches head* Hmm. Where could they have gotten to? Wait a tic...I hear moans coming from the lower deck :devil:
Just make sure you stay out of my rose bush, those thorns are nasty
Well maybe it's just because I'm still working out Anffy's idea of D/L and a sand castle ...It's just totally fluffy and once that's out of my system there will be room for my angst again...
And this is what I call, D.E.N.I.A.L (I believe there's a spice girls song titled this, you'd do good to listen to it) :lol:
You know what? I'd think that Linds would do the laundry mostly but she'd force him to do it once in a while or he wont be gettin' any :devil: For some reason, I think Danny cooks, and likes his kitchen spotlessly clean ....or maybe that's just me. I'm a bit OCD when it comes to cleaning. :lol:
Mo said:[/b]
Now the real question is...what does your other snuggle/kissy buddy say about this? Liffy??
*snuggles Stuffy* I still snuggles her sporadically When I'm not too busy playin' with Linds and Stella n Peyton :devil:
I know I'm a bit late but...
I think Del's gone off to Pattaya already, I'm not sure. Come out come out wherever you are!
Naughty Cuzzie said:
cmon, Cuzzy, you need to CAVE. just think about all the naughty thoughts that can intrude your mind after you read all the spoilers! :devil:
I WILL NOT CAVE! YOU!!! You're supposed to be supporting me you bum. Bad sadly yes...the lack spoilers is so limiting my space to be naughty, but then again, I can always make my own naughtiness up right? lol!
Dutch said:
I think Pam Veasey deserves a statue somewhere in GutterVille
Hmm... as much as I would love to agree with Sugah and that the skip is a skip ahead, I highly doubt it. No this is not me being angsty, this is me being realistic. Pam first refers to it as a 'bum' which clearly suggests that there will be some tension in their relation, whether it's between them or some other aspect still remains to be seen. Then she refers it to a skip, and unless she's lost her touch on her vocab, I'm pretty sure that there's a before and after. Whatever it is, D/L will definately make it through. Hey, if TPTB supports our ship who's to complaining? (Ignore that, there are those that complain but then that's just because they refuse to see the BLATANTLY OBVIOUS SIGNS!) As fluffy as I am, I'd hate if TPTB makes their relation ship become dull and just...fake. So I'm glad it's going to be "fun" and that the skip will definately give them something to work through 'together' rather than seperately. Pam alsy says that they start of with an established relation ship for most of the season up to the 'skip' so I hope TPTB takes the light away from D/L for a while to concentrate on other characters like Stella or Flack, or the most desperate one of them all: Hawkes. The man's pretty much...empty. I'd rather have them go back to the slight glances of D/L happiness than have our ship under constant spotlight. Eventually that's going to go wrong. So, I officially love Pam V. and that she realises we need this "break" from the spotlight. YAY!
I think Ausiello needs a small statue somewhere too. Can't forget him! Otherwise we'd have no knowledge of this.
Oh and thanks for labelling your spoiler boxes accordingly guys! I really don't want to be spoiled
ETA: My darling Phyxius says hi to you all! She's a tad tangled up. COME BACK SOON SWEETIE!
Ah txs for the warning Liff, but I know that 'every rose has its thorne'...just like my fluff always has something angsty and every relationship needs some 'bumps' ...and I'm not in denial...I will admit that at the moment I'm totally fluffy (so no worries about the story Anffy), but I know that can change in a heart beat...And psst imo listening to the Spice Girls is never a good idea...
Stuffy[/b] & Anffy (Liff can read it too)]The fact that PV called it a relationship was the first thing I noticed...So many times I've seen people refering to the pool table smex as a one night stand or drunk mistake, and there was never any proof that it wasn't...untill now...txs Pam!
*hands Liffy some tools and material to build the statues*
Hahaha, well I take it you're not a Spice Girls gal sweetheart In truth I have no idea if there is a song by that name, it's kind of a glimmer of a memory, or something. It's what happens when you spend 6 hours in the car with your Cousin, who happens to be a gazillion years older than you, and you're 8, and said Cousin just happened to be obsessed with the Spice Girls. Ack. Horrible years of life.
It's true that they never gave us anything solid about them being in a relationship together. I never even realised that Shows ya how optimistic I can be. :lol: But yeah, now that Pam's put it out there, we've got ourselves a "relationship" people! It's love and nothing but! I like the bump, it keeps giving me pictures of a pregnant Lindsay and I dont know why But it's such a happy image, I smile everytime.
As for my fluffy one-shot, it's kind of evolved into a trip through the ages. The piece is done and waiting on my beta Will post it up soon! I cried while writing it, whether it's because Ma was cutting onions on the other side of the counter or because it's sad remains to be seen
Now I'm so happy that I feel sick! (Strange, yeah, I know! ) But I don't like “at some point, which we haven't decided yet, there will be a bump in the road” and "we'll find a little skip in there somewhere". I'm all fluffy and I hate angsty. But I must say that it still sounds optimistic. The use of words like “bump in the road” and “little skip in there somewhere” indicates that there will be an afterward. A happy one I hope! Thanks TPTB!!!
I still am spoiler-free. I just don't consider "official releases" as spoilers. When leaks of scripts and stuff come out, then I'll turn away. Right now, I'm full on with S4!!