Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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Lol, yeah there's a lot of things that make perfect sense...if you're a D/L shipper! :lol: We've got our own town, zoo...language even! It's great! :lol:

Lol, yeah even your mom can't resist the D/L love Rad! That's too cute! :D And yeah Danny really is stunning! :devil: Mmmmmmhmmmm! :devil:
Hold on there, little miss Mo wubs. How can Danny be in your bed when he's here with me? *pets Danny* Silly girl, you must be seeing things.

vex love you have to show your mom what she's missing! :D

*swoons out to finish fic before Mo can get any more ideas about dumping ice cream on her head*
No, No, No silly Stuffy-wuffy honey...that's just the Fake Danny in your bed! He's a cleverly engineered robot I made to fool everyone else so I could keep the reat Mr. Messer all to myself a bit longer! ;) Trust me I've got the real one! :D *Mo giggles and snuggles up with her Danny...then sees a jealous Linds searching for her man and promptly amends that...that would be Lindsay's Danny who she so kindly let me borrow!* :D

Marathon time Vex...we'll pull out all the stops and show your mom all the lovely D/L moments we've had...she won't be able to resist hon! ;)

*Mo giggles and manages to dump a big bucket of melty ice cream over Stuffy's head just before she escapes!* ;)
...Then sees a jealous Linds searching for her man and promptly amends that...that would be Lindsay's Danny who she so kindly let me borrow!
I was hoping the happy couple would return to the broom closet!! *Brings two hot guys in for Mo and me!* :D

Okay, so now I see! The gutter goat is Italian. :lol: Okay, well I'll just name the seals then: Pancho and Fluffy. The birds should be called D & G. Mo and Del should know where that comes from. ;)

All this animals and fluffy stuff has got my head spinning, so I'd better call it a night. I wonder is it possible for any of us (myself included) to carry on a normal conversation about D/L? :lol: :lol: :lol:

All my love,

Aud Hi my wub!! *Snuggles!* :D :D
Lol, yeah I guess we could let the happy couple go back to the broom closet...Danny was telling me earlier that he had some new tricks he wanted to try with Linds...so the broom closet might be a good idea! ;) *Mo grins and hands Danny back to Lindsay!* Now Fluffy Twin...about those hot guys?! ;)
The birds should be called D & G.
Dolce and Gabbana...right? of course right! You're my shopping guru fluffy bud, couldn't be anything else! ;) Heehee! Love it by the way!! :D

A normal conversation you say...minus all the animals, and the neighborhoods in Gutterville and all that? :lol: Hmmmmm...heehee! :lol:

Speaking of D/L...I've got only two eppy's left of Seas. 2 and suddenly I don't want to finish them! Not at all cuz I don't want to see the eppy's (cuz I totally do want to!) but cuz it means that Seas. would be done and that means that I have to wait for Seas. 3 DVD's and that's not fun! :p :lol:
Hiya guys ;) Im so worn out and its only 7:15 right now :lol: I think I'll be going to bed earlier, lately I have been going to bed at 2 in the morning! Enough about me :lol:

A koala bear - Koala the Bear
How in the world did you come up with that name? Its so clever and unique, great creativity!


You guys move so fast on this thread, I come back everyday and there is another page and 3 more animals everytime :lol: I swear, If I see on more seal eating my garden...someone is going to get hurt... :lol: Just kiddin' I could never hurt you guys, or those seals. (They are huge! I bet they would recover then come eat me) :eek:

Im off to another message board because I'm running something there :rollseyes: 'Night all! Or Good morning or whatever it is for all my world wide buddies. :D
How in the world did you come up with that name? Its so clever and unique, great creativity!

:lol: It took a lot of thinking to come up with that name.

You know Mo wubs, this "robot" Danny seems an awful lot like the real one. But, you can have him. I found someone else to snuggle up to (and no it's not Liffy; I know you were thinking that) so I'll let you have Danny. Danny-boy may be a great cuddler, but there's someone else with whom I want to snuggle with. So, you can have Danny...for now, at least ;)
Good morning buddies!!

Dani said:
I was a little bored today, so while working in our zoo, I thought it could be fun to take some pictures: (sorry for the bad quality, and sorry but I didn't have more stuffed animals of our zoo)
Awwww! Hon, that pic was soooo cute! :D

Angel said:
my mom doesnt understand the concept of shipping
Neither do my mom and every member of my family! She doesn’t watch CSI, she sais that there are too many corpses. :rolleyes: She once said: “I’m wondering where do you see all this relationship in this show…I see only corps in very bad conditions!”

DTD said:
She is starting to understand the addiction especially after my mental breakdown when she cancelled the recording of Snow Day.
OMG! That’s terrible!!! I’d kill if something like this happens to my recordings of CSY NY! In fact, on them there is always a big inscription that says: “If you cancel it, you could die. Touch it at your own risk.” ;) :p

Btw… Stuffy , Dani was right, I’ve just read your fic, ‘Remember the Time’, and I love it!!! It’s soooo awesome!!! :)
Btw… Stuffy , Dani was right, I’ve just read your fic, ‘Remember the Time’, and I love it!!! It’s soooo awesome!!!

*is blushing* Awwww, you girls rock. Did you read the latest chapter? You might want to have a box of kleenex nearby. Don't worry; Danny and Lindsay are safe :)
Hey!! Good afternoon :) How are all my dear shippy buddies doing today? With DL, everything's great, I suppose :D 'Cause we are Canon! (yeah, I know you knew that already :p) Besides, we have *countsdown* 57 days until the season 4 premiere(I hope I didn't make a mistake counting)...that will come with news for D/L :D

I am really glad you liked the animals, they loved the photo shooting too :p Thanks for the updates list and names girls ;)

I am glad that some of you are turning some of your friends/family into CSI:Ny and D/L. Unfortunately, my mom (or any other member of my family + my friends--->they don't know what is really good!) doesn't get the concept of shipping either. I explained her the other day and she was a little like Abby's mom, what's with the pairs, this is about the deaths. (She watches it sometimes tough, so who knows if someday she is going to turn D/L shipper :lol: ) Enough said, I won't even mention it to my dad :rolleyes: There's only a friend of mine that knows why I giggle over a packet of M&M's :p

About the problems with the recordings, it sucks! But see it by the positive side: at least you can record the episodes, I cannot!!

Well, I'm off to watch some "Friends" clips, and probably I'll be back later. See you!

Edited because I just saw stuffy's post meanwhile, and before "Friends" there's a new chapter to read! You rock hun :)
Zoo keeper Stuffy said:
You should be the manager of the Wheatfield Zoo, not me. I remembered most of the animals but not all of them
I didn't remember them :eek: (at least not all), but I went back a couple of pages and quickly copied/pasted everything. :lol:

I love all the names you came up with, but what is Redwall? :confused:

Besides, I'm already taking care of The 8-ball, and when the lot of us are in there that's quite a Zoo too. :p

Supper post writer Liffy said:
Mo and I are secretly slipping in "Fluffily ever after" tablets in her drinks Shhh....it's a secret. Tablets? What tablets? They're vitamin C!
WAIT! :mad: Did I get to drink some of that too? :eek: I keep getting those fluffy ideas :rolleyes: and I don't know where they come from.... :eek:
...and he continued about pregnant Lindsay:
He'll definately be on the defensive, probably leading up to a screaming match between him and Mac for sending her out onto the field. Oh that would be fun to watch, and we'll just see Linds and Stella smirking (and/or shocked) standing at the end of the hallway.
Oh, that would indeed be fun. :lol: Especially when Mac doesn't even know Lindsay's pregnant yet. I can just imagine his face when Danny starts yelling at him for endangering Lindsay :lol:...LOL

shoe freak Mo said:
as cute as wooden shoes can look in a painting or picture...having worn them in a parade as a kid, I am under NO illusions as to their comfort or cuteness! It's safe to go shoe shopping with me...promise! Although if we go, Aud has to come too...she's my shoe guru!
:lol: LOL, well that's too funny. I'm from the land that for some reason :rolleyes: is famous for it's wooden shoes :eek: and I've never worn them ever! And you had to wear them in a parade :D *giggles* What does shoe guru Auda has to say about that... :p
Hot Guy Supplier Aud said:
I wonder is it possible for any of us (myself included) to carry on a normal conversation about D/L?
Why? ;) You think talking about an Italian Goat and his animal friends, robot copies of Danny and an imaginary town isn't normal? ;) :p I guess we're all anxious for the season to start again :cool:...countdown anyone?

I've got some friends interested in watching CSI: NY, but none of them get the shipping thing...and the only family member that watches regularly is my Mom...like me, she only watches Vegas and NY, but only because she likes Grissom and Mac... :)

*borrows Stuffy's 'robot' :devil: since that lucky girl has found someone to snuggle with* :)
I love all the names you came up with, but what is Redwall?

Redwall is a book series I read.

Thanks for your lovely review hun :) greatly appreciated. I took a peek at your profile and left a review for one of your stories.

*borrows Stuffy's 'robot' since that lucky girl has found someone to snuggle with*

What?! First Mo and now you? Oy vey. :lol: It's true; I found someone else to snuggle with. *pets him* hehe. Anffy wubs you know how I'm talking about, cause you couldn't keep your curious little nose out of it ;)

*giggles and cuddles with new cuddle buddy* Hockey players are love :D
Howdy guys ;)

Since we are talking about family and D/L... My dad really likes Danny and Lindsay. He thinks that they are a really good pair. Which is uh Hello! True of course. Anyways, he doesn't know about 'Ships. He's happy just watching the show, I don't think he wants anything extra but he really does love them!

Besides, I'm already taking care of The 8-ball, and when the lot of us are in there that's quite a Zoo too.
Can I take care of something? Pwetty Pwease :D
I've had lots of spare time lately, for some reason! :confused:

Anyways, I just saw the funniest commercial about 30 seconds ago but I don't think It's appropriate enough for the thread :lol: It strangely reminded me of Danny... And if you knew what I was talking about, you'd think it was strange too.

Yes, I am confusing :lol:
^^Yes you are! ;) Well if that commercial reminded you of Danny, then it perhaps reminds Lindsay of Danny too and that makes it propriate for this thread :lol:...*Is just really curious what it was about* :p

And I can always use some help behind the bar...gives me more time to play with Stuffy's 'robot'. :devil:

And I think it's so funny that your dad thinks D/L is a good pair...that's something I'm sure my dad will never say... :)

snuggling Stuffy said:
Hockey players are love
Well can your guy's team miss another member for me to snuggle with when I've short circuited the robot? :devil:
dutch I'm seriously about to ball my eyes out there from reading your story. But I left a review :)

ETA: Which I see you already received ;)

Well can your guy's team miss another member for me to snuggle with when I've short circuited the robot?

I play on a girls' team hun. The one I'm refering to plays in the National Hockey League. His name is Bryan Berard. I have an insane crush on him. Here's a purty pic of him back in 2001 (slightly OT):

*wipes away drool* He's wearing shades in a room because he was struck in the eye in March 2000.

Okay back on topic...yay it's so glad to see all the rents getting in on this. My dad knows nothing about CSI, so I don't even try to get him into DL. I managed to get my best friend and her sister liking them though *dances*, and now I am focusing on the two people at my work. In the words of the all-mighty Liffy...

DL is love. There is no escaping it.
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