*Mo saunters into the thread...and grins gleefully!* Ohhhh looks like we've got some fun topics of convo going on in here! Snuggle buddies, Hockey players and D/L? Sounds like another lovely day in our random and totally fabulous shippy thread! :lol:
Shippy buddy who now has a snuggle buddy Stuffy winked:
You know Mo wubs, this "robot" Danny seems an awful lot like the real one. But, you can have him. I found someone else to snuggle up to (and no it's not Liffy; I know you were thinking that) so I'll let you have Danny. Danny-boy may be a great cuddler, but there's someone else with whom I want to snuggle with. So, you can have Danny...for now, at least
Okay you KNOW you cannot just say that and then think I won't jump on that!

So who's your snuggle buddy?

*Mo sees Stuffy's hocky player's pic!* I just saw who your snuggle buddy hon...well done! He's attractive!

Now the real question is...what does your other snuggle/kissy buddy say about this?
Liffy?? :lol:
Totally on top of this day's left thing Dani announced:
57 days until the season 4 premiere
Sweet!! Thanks for keeping that countdown current
Dani hon! For some reason this feels right around the corner...I don't know why cuz it's still almost 2 months away, but it feels close! Either way...can't wait!!
Shippy bud who has shown lovely fluffy tendencies Dutch trilled:
WAIT! Did I get to drink some of that too? I keep getting those fluffy ideas and I don't know where they come from....
*Mo looks at Liffy and shrugs...* Eh, I dunno
Dutch hon...I think like my naughty Gutter bud said, I think you're turnin' fluffy all on your own hon!

Which may I add...is FABULOUS!!! Heehee!!
I can just imagine his face when Danny starts yelling at him for endangering Lindsay ...LOL
That'd be awesome!! Mac would probably think Danny was insane...
"Uh Danny did you not see Lindsay use her knife that first day on the job? How am I endangering her?" Meanwhile Danny would just keep raving...
"I know she can take care of herself Mac...but what if she fell or even got dosed...I mean do you know what those things can do to an unborn child? Not to mention..." At which point Mac would stop listening and look over at Linds who would be blushing while an ecstatic Stella hugged her tightly! :lol:
*borrows Stuffy's 'robot' since that lucky girl has found someone to snuggle with*
*Mo shrugs and grins...* Sure why not...Since I have the real thing, that's fine by me!
*Mo grins and snuggles up to her Danny boy!*
I think Danny likes to go to a hockey game...Lindsay at first may think it's a bit rough, but when she sees how excited he is about having some quality seats she will join him to go watch a game...and his enthusiasm will be contagious, I'm sure
Not to mention how yummy Danny would look on the ice...I mean the guy looks yummy doing anything...really anything! :devil: But there's something about hockey boys...(
Stuffy I get it hon!

Other angsty niece Vexxy dear grinned:
I can see Danny cooking some great food for Lindsay. I can also see him bringing her breakfast in bed too.
Awwww I can totally see that too hon! For some reason I see Danny totally loving to cook for Linds and the breakfast in bed thing, yeah I can totally see him being romantic and sweet like that!

Okay my dears...my brother just got a new motorcyle, which is awesome! (Guys on bikes are hot! Relax he's my brother...I know!

Mr. Carmine...take note though...guys on bikes, I like 'em!

*Mo grins and shimmers off in her fluffy bubble!*