Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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Hey people! It is soo hot in here. When I went outside it was 40ºC/104ºF :rolleyes: So I just ran inside again, where it is a little cooler. Then I took a magic ride to Gutterville, and the weather is very nice there actually, as always :p

Stuffy hon said:
*giggles over our LJ conversation yesterday and tickles buddy*
*giggles* ;) Seriously, if there is anyone here that hasn't read "Remember the Time", you should do it now! It's a beautiful story :)

Belknap :eek: After this and all you said about it, I regret the fact that I turned down my sister's invitation to go see it. Oh well...

dutch said:
Well it's Danny...I think he'll faint ....and after the initial shock wears off he'll be totally excited, but so protective of Lindsay that she cannot go anywhere without him following two steps behind , watching her every move to make sure she and the baby are save
I could see that happening too *pictures Danny fainting* :lol: After a few hours...*Lindsay goes to buy groceries, and Danny tells her he is really in a mood to do it, so he follows her* :p Even though it would be annoying at times to Lindsay, it's so cute of Danny to do it, and she knows it! I melt from the thoughts of them doing everything, not to mention when it involves babies :)

Oh, and I have something else. I was a little bored today, so while working in our zoo, I thought it could be fun to take some pictures: (sorry for the bad quality, and sorry but I didn't have more stuffed animals of our zoo)
Gino and Humpy
koala bear and Larry
Group picture

Edited because stupidly I confused something with the animals. I mean, I tought we had a koala bear, I really do. But as I went back to know its name I must have seen vex's panda and...er, I have no idea what happened, sorry, it's weird :confused: Either way, and as hard as it is to tell, I know the difference between the animals :lol: :p Just confused everything. But I could swear we had a koala :rolleyes: maybe I dreamt with it! Thanks dutch for pointing it out!
Wicked pics, Dani! It's given me an idea. Does anyone have a list of all the animals in the zoo? Coz i've lost track! :lol:

PSG xxx
*giggles* Seriously, if there is anyone here that hasn't read "Remember the Time", you should do it now! It's a beautiful story

Awwwwwwww Dani! You're the sweetest *hugs*

You have got to see that movie hun. It is so hilarious. "His name's not spider pig, it's Harry Plopper" hahahaha

And may I just say that those pictures are absolutely adorable? I think they're insanely cute. Hee. I might just have to steal Larry, cause my mom loves giraffes (and she's a DL shipper, she just won't admit it :p)
Dani I agree...Danny following Lindsay everywhere she goes will be totally annoying, but I think she finds it so adorable the she indulges his overprotective behaviour...

Those animal pictures are sooo cute, but *ahem* your panda looks a lot like a koala bear to me....but that's just another animal we should totally add to our zoo...they're so cute...

Does anyone have a list of all the animals in the zoo?
Well I think this is the complete list so far:

Wheatfield Zoo
Animals with names:
Pavarotti the goat
Larry the giraffe
Moo the cow
Wally the walrus
Tiggy the tiger
Harry the (seatbelted) horse
Danny Jr. the dog
Humpy the hippo (it’s a girl)
Gino l'Orsettino the bear
unnamed animals:
A pair of seals
Some meerkats
Purty birds
Lovable otters
A panda
A monkey
A cheetah
Some lions
A complete petting zoo
A koala bear

*invites Stuffy and her mum for another D/L marathon in The 8-ball* - Stuffy's mum has to watch untill she confesses she a shipper like all of us
Miss dutch...three things:

1) Your review of RTT is very touching. Thanks babe :D

2) You should be the manager of the Wheatfield Zoo, not me. I remembered most of the animals but not all of them :lol:

3) My mom and I always watch CSI:NY together. When Danny walked into the courtroom in SOOH, she said "Awwwwww". Also, I have asked her what she thinks about them and she says that they're cute *is happy*

I have successfully turned two people at work into CSI:NY watchers. They are addicted to the show.

Anyone who feels I should say to them "If you like this season, just wait until season two and three!" please raise your hand and say "aye" :p
Shipper Abby asked: Now that we’re talking about D/L babies, I have a question: In which way do ya thin that Danny would react if Lindsay would say him that they’re expecting a baby?
^^ like dutch said, danny would definitely be protective. seeing how much in love danny is with lindsay right now and vice versa, their baby was conceived of pure passionate love. and so, i think danny would be thoroughly happy to find out he and lindsay would be expecting a little bundle of joy. he might be shocked or he may not be, depending on their smex life (quantity-wise). ironically, i can see lindsay being a little more shocked and worried about that it might be too early/theyre not ready. but in the end, we both know that they would want their little precious one, no matter the circumstances cause they made him/her.

D/L baby: i would love to see them have a little girl (after watching CoD where lindsay holds the little dolly and shakes it lightly to show danny). knowing television, they would do the opposite and give them a little boy (lol, OWEN!). either way though, as long as he/she is healthy, thats all that matters. danny and lindsay love anything that is of the other person!

miss photographer dani, omg i love the animal pictures! theyre so cute…i love how you have paired pictures then a group one!! and yes, i see danny still being ever-so-attracted to lindsay when shes pregnant. ps thats so hot where you are! it sounds like vegas!

stuffy’s mom is a D/L shipper? *high 5* my mom doesnt understand the concept of shipping, except when it comes to her favorite soap, general hospital; but she knows “danny and lindsay” are common daily words i mention.

*licks the strawberries off my face*
xxAnGeLheArtZ said:
stuffy’s mom is a D/L shipper? *high 5* my mom doesnt understand the concept of shipping, except when it comes to her favorite soap, general hospital; but she knows “danny and lindsay” are common daily words i mention.

*licks the strawberries off my face*

My mom doesn't get it either. I often have to deadpan...."but I don't care about any other shows other than CSI NY". I also have a brief run down to remind her who Danny and Lindsay are. She now knows about the Montana trip, Pool Table Secks, teh hug. She is starting to understand the addiction especially after my mental breakdown when she cancelled the recording of Snow Day. :eek:
DTD!! *waves to shipper buddy over at DLC*

My mom had to explain my...*ahem*...addiction to her friend earlier. We were in Chapters looking at travel books, and I said that I've always wanted to visit New York and Montana. We were talking about it in the car and when my mom's friend said that I wanted to go to those two specific places, my mom just rolled her eyes and said "She watches CSI:NY, and one of the girls is from Montana. It's also the nickname that her boyfriend (squee!!!!) calls her." I replied "Admit it Mom, you like them. You think they're cute." She didn't say anything but I know she likes them ;)

Oooo a D/L marathon dutch? Great idea! :D

*throws a coconut cream pie at Anffy, which remnants seem to land on Liffy's head*
*Liff pops into the thread with a sleepy grin* Hi y'all, good to see everyone's back. :)

Rad said:
Liff glad to hear that SF life is treating you well. Thus far anyway... :lol: Hang in there. I have faith in you. And I wont take any whining personally.
Well that's a good thing. I whine...alot...especially when I'm hungry. :lol: Y'know I think Danny would be pret-ty whiny too when he's hungry. He'll sprawled on the couch moaning and groaning cos he's hungry and there's no food in the fridge. :lol: We'll that's an interesting fluffy scene, which I can turn naughty with the fact that he hasn't specified what exactly he's hungry for :devil: Cannolis anyone? :lol:

Yay! people here have faith in my SF-ness! :D which is more than I can say for certain people I know :p

Wow, Fluffy or what. Auntie Mo must be getting to me.
Mo and I are secretly slipping in "Fluffily ever after" tablets in her drinks ;) Shhh....it's a secret. Tablets? What tablets? They're vitamin C!

Mo said:
breaking protocol=LOVE!
Damn straight it does! Pool table = future site of conception. :lol: :devil:

Random: Thread #20 is mine right? :) Just checking... :)

Dani said:
Liff will go through this hiatus spoiler free! :lol: :p
Yes.he.will. :p

think they would like everything you guys said, so I guess they'll just try them all
Amongst other things...you never know what those two can come up with ya know ;) :devil:

Silly Stuffy said:
Silly Aud, that's not my goat. Turn your attention to innocent Liffy; it's his animal
FYI, it's Dutch's goat and his name is Pavarotti :p ...I think. Yes - it is. I own Tiggy the Tiger who's eyeing a ball of yarn on my floor. :lol: Ahh...cats are awesome. Especially the big ones ;)

I guess FF.net is messed up again cause it said that you reviewed yesterday and I didn't get any notifications.
OT: Fanfiction.net alerts are apparently down again. That also means no more fanfic updates from me till it's sorted, I hate going through all the mails 3 weeks later, it confuses me as to who I've replied to and whom I havent :eek:

Cuzzy said:
lindsay in a baseball cap, haired pulled back in a ponytail, sitting on the bleachers, eating nachos with Danny…ya know, this is probably a Danny fantasy.
And they can sneak into the locker rooms for some fun too :devil: Amongst all the other places on their "to-do" list :devil: Oh my...dirty naughty alert! :eek:

whats with the HSM-looking-theme?
As in high school musical? :eek: That was a sad movie....the 50th time through. Curse my brothers for holding the remote. *tear*

are you going to smack me yet for not getting onto the ff.net bandwagon?
Thank you for reminding me. *whack*

Mo said:
*Mo bounces into the thread...Brad Paisley stuck in her head again this morning! (Liffy were you playing that song last night, cuz I can't get it outta my head! ;) )*
:p Guilty! I can't get that song outta my head either :p Oh it's LOVE!

More power to you Liff dude, I know I sure as heck could not make that! I can barely refrain from jumping in here at work when I know spoilers are being shared...so to stay totally SF...yeah, you're braver than I my friend!
So far it's not so bad, since you're all awesome ;) and there really isn't that much pull...yet. I'm so working up my self control right now ;) Though I have to be careful come Wednesday, what Ausiello will be the make or break moment!


^Reading those words backwords and adding a "?" at the end so does not help.



*Mo grins, giggles and winks at her flirting buddy...not even having to say a word!*
hehehehe :lol:

Hi wub!! Yup it totally is addictive...and once you get a taste, you're hooked, done, signed-sealed-delivered! :lol: Awwww, I love fluff! It makes me happy! :D
Can we bag fluff and sell it as an anti-depressent. Between me and you Mo, We'll me RICH! :p ;)

Dutch said:
You go right ahead and write that story Liffy :D
Well now that I have your permission... :) We'll see!

Well it's Danny...I think he'll faint :rolleyes: ....and after the initial shock wears off he'll be totally excited, but so protective of Lindsay that she cannot go anywhere without him following two steps behind :p , watching her every move to make sure she and the baby are save :) ...
Definately right there! Hee, I can definately see that happening. Danny'll wake up to Lindsay smirking at him for fainting and they'll have some fun shutting each other up for a bit. He'll definately be on the defensive, probably leading up to a screaming match between him and Mac for sending her out onto the field. Oh that would be fun to watch, and we'll just see Linds and Stella smirking (and/or shocked) standing at the end of the hallway. :)

Ain't nothing gonna get close to baby Messer ;) Not when Danny's around.

Oh and Mo sweetie ;) , if you think wooden shoes are awesome, I'm sorry, but I will never go shoe shopping with you... :)
hehehe...that's hilarious for some reason.

Overheated Dani said:
Hey people! It is soo hot in here. :rolleyes: When I went outside it was 40ºC/104ºF
It's about....12ºC where I am :p hehehehe. :devil:

Seriously, if there is anyone here that hasn't read "Remember the Time", you should do it now! It's a beautiful story
I haven't...seriously :eek: I haven't read ANY fanfics of late, they all kinda mess up my current state of mind when writing my complicated chapters :rolleyes: I need to up my multitasking skills once again, they've become dormant :eek:

Stuffy said:
I might just have to steal Larry, cause my mom loves giraffes (and she's a DL shipper, she just won't admit it )
I just had a rather amusing mental picture of Stuffy running off with a giraffe. :lol: hehehehe. On a slightly more cooler thought, my mother has admitted she likes NY best out of the 3. :D yay! Daddy likes Vegas and my 2 bros like Miami. We truly are a CSI family who's got nothin better to do :p

DTD said:
She is starting to understand the addiction especially after my mental breakdown when she cancelled the recording of Snow Day.
Oh no she didn't..... :eek: That's horrible! But at least she's starting to see the error of her ways! :lol:

Stuffy said:
*throws a coconut cream pie at Anffy, which remnants seem to land on Liffy's head*
Oooh, there's pie on my head? yay!

Anywho my sweeties, I must be off for a spot of tea and then the comforting warmth of my bed :) hee!


(Sorry, I'm channeling my inner Brit) :p
^^Wow Liffy, did ya write a novel there? :lol: just kidding wubs *gives him another kiss on cheek because Mo enjoys me doing that for some odd reason* ;)

Alright fine, it's dutch's goat. I have my animals to take care off at the zoo anyways. We need names for them:

(snagged from dutch wubs)
A pair of seals - Duck and Goose. Don't ask lol, I just randomly thought that one up.
Some meerkats - well one of them has to be named Timon, just because ;)
Purty birds - Brantalis, Pandion, Skarlath, Boldred...depends on how many we have.
Lovable otters - Finnbarr and Raura
A panda - Cuddles! Why? I have no idea.
A monkey - Squirrel the monkey, cause it's a squirrel monkey and they're cute little things.
A cheetah - if it's female, then Tsarmina. Male, Riggu.
Some lions - ok ummm Pitru, Jeefra, Kaltag, Trunn, Gingervere, Scaut, Hinso...again depends on the number
A complete petting zoo
A koala bear - Koala the Bear :lol:

If you're wondering where I got all these names, they're from Redwall :) By all means, if you guys don't care for these names, change them ;)
very long post there, Cuzzy.

whoa watch it, stuffy! :p between you and my dutchy, ive had to shower twice by licking myself.

stuffy's mom said: "She watches CSI:NY, and one of the girls is from Montana. It's also the nickname that her boyfriend (squee!!!!) calls her."
^^^ *squeeing at the way it's worded* thats gotta be the quote of the day.

stuffy's mom said (more detailed): "...It's also the nickname that her boyfriend (squee!!!!) calls her."
^^^ heehee [insert sweet innocent middle school girl giggle] lindsay's boyfriend is danny. that means that danny's girlfriend is lindsay. ;)
^^*giggles* The way she said it was priceless. I kept thinking "You are so a shipper". I've even said that to her before and she asks "What's a shipper?" "It's when you ship a certain couple. DL is a ship, and you ship them. Hence the term shipper." :lol: Was that confusing for y'all? :p
Oh, I'm loving the zoo!

Espcially Cuddles the panda and Finnbarr and Raura the otters. Very creative names!

I wish my mom was a D/L shipper. She watches the CSI's but she's more interested in CSI LV.
*Mo maneuvers into the thread...sidestepping the sudden stampede of our zoo animals who are all suddenly starving...much like our smexy Mr. Messer whenever his lady Linds is around! :devil: * Hi y'all! Happy Monday evening to you all! How are you this fine evening? I am doing good! Had a pretty good day today, for a Monday! And I got to watch two more good D/L eppy's in my marathon last night..."All Access" where Danny gets to calm her down after her outburst over Stella, and then the fabulous "view" comment...and Sid's infamously awesome "crush" comment in "Stealing Home"! *Sighs!* Awww D/L how I love thee! :D

Darlin' flirty shippy bud Stuffy winked:
Oh Mo dear, I think your dreams are starting to get to you there
Hang on a sec...*Mo walks back into her room and lifts the covers off her bed for a sec...* Nope not dreaming he's still there! ;) Poor boy got SO worn out last night he slept all day! :devil: Heehee! :D

My bud who secretly loves her wooden cloggers Dutch said:
so protective of Lindsay that she cannot go anywhere without him following two steps behind
Awwww, Dutch I could TOTALLY see that! He'd be all cute and like "Montana, wait..." "Montana, don't..." this and that...until finally she whips around says flat out "Danny Messer...I love you but you keep this up and you'll drive me crazy!"

Oh and Mo sweetie , if you think wooden shoes are awesome, I'm sorry, but I will never go shoe shopping with you...
:lol: :lol: :lol: Oh honey, believe me...as cute as wooden shoes can look in a painting or picture...having worn them in a parade as a kid, I am under NO illusions as to their comfort or cuteness! :lol: It's safe to go shoe shopping with me...promise! ;) Although if we go, Aud has to come too...she's my shoe guru! :D

Fabulous shippy promoter Stuffy asked:
Anyone who feels I should say to them "If you like this season, just wait until season two and three!" please raise your hand and say "aye"
Most definitely "Aye"!! *Mo raises her hand and waves it enthusiastically!* Oh and congrats on gaining us viewers Stuffy hon! I turned my mom into a shipper...I read her one of my D/L ficcies and she's hooked! It's fun! :D

Fellow naughty bud and Gutter king Liffy grinned:
We'll that's an interesting fluffy scene, which I can turn naughty with the fact that he hasn't specified what exactly he's hungry for
You turn something naughty? Never!:lol: I mean...um, always! Yeah that's it! ;) And yeah, that man is ALWAYS hungry for his lady...ohhhhh yeah...always! :devil:

Mo and I are secretly slipping in "Fluffily ever after" tablets in her drinks Shhh....it's a secret. Tablets? What tablets? They're vitamin C!
*Mo nods excitedly and winks at her gutter bud!* Yup Rad it's Vitamin C...good stuff, good for your um....brain...yup! Now eat up hon! ;)

Random: Thread #20 is mine right?
Sure?! Del's got #19, so you can have #20...why not! ;)

Guilty! I can't get that song outta my head either Oh it's LOVE!
:lol: I knew it!! It got into my head, couldn't get it out and I thought...Liffy!! :lol: Lol, by the way Liffy that was the longest post, like ever! :lol:

Shippy bud who is a total flirt and knows it Stuffy hon giggled:
*gives him another kiss on cheek because Mo enjoys me doing that for some odd reason*
It just gives me a fun tickle for some reason...and makes me giggle! *giggles!* What can I say, y'all are just cute! :lol:

Okay...and now it's time for dessert...yeah I know, dessert is good! Almost as good as our shippy fluffy wub! I cannot wait for our Season 4...it's gonna rock! Totally! D/L is CANON and they are in love and they are gonna be so cute this coming season...can't wait! :D

*Mo grins and skips to her bubble, and shimmers gleefully away!*

Pssstt...Aud wub, how is you? :D
I love the zoo. And I love how it's not a random Zoo either, it makes perfctly good sense... to DL shippers..

My mom watches NY with me. She thinks I'm nuts over DL though. Not because it's DL, but when they have a scene, I flip out, melt on the floor blah blah blah. You guys know the drill. My mom watched for Mac though. But, she agrees with me, Danny is stunning, and I saw her smiling when we were watching the 'Pool Table' scene. She can't hide DL shipping from me... :D
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