Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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Just to clear some things up:

we don't have anything to worry about in regards to this scene. First off, the pianist Nova witnessed a murder and swore to keep the identity of the killer a secret. When Danny and Stella come in, she's playing the piano and singing. Danny mentions that he hope she's not the killer. IMO he's refering to her talent rather than her look, which would make a lot more sense. Nothing in the dialogue suggests that they are flirting. Yes Danny does sit down beside her on the bench, but that doesn't mean he's flirting with her. IMHO he's merely lending a sympathetic ear.

Yeah I know I freaked out a bit before, but that's what fellow buddies are for...to calm your nerves and explain things in greater detail :D

ETA: Yo Cam, how's the party preparations going? Anything else you need, just give me a shout! You know where to find me ;) and if I'm not there, check the DL Mansion :devil:
check the DL Mansion
COTTAGE! They live in a purdy little cottage :)

I've just finished the new map :) Please double check your addresses please.

:D I tweaked them abit. :lol:


Dutch said:
All us talking about our 'town' makes me think of Danny and Lindsay playing with their kids...The kids can built a whole Lego town and make up all kinds of adventures for its inhabitants
Aww, *swoon* that's such a sweet picture ya got there Dutch! :) I can definately see Danny and Linds playing with their kids...so sweet.

daytimedrama said:
I'm a total DL fluff crack addict, I don't think I can afford a house on Pool street
Aww hun, but that doesn't mean you're not welcomed in Gutterville! I've given you a house on Gutter Drive. All free whilst stocks last :lol:

The-one-carrying-the-next-generation-of-D/L-shippers Jen said:
Liff, I'm proud of my supername, especially since I know you had a hell of a time typing it
YAY! hahaha. It's amusing to type everytime!

About the Gutterville thing: I think I'm entitled to a place in the poolstreet, since my last name is pronounced exactly the same way.
I've given you #1 hon! You'll love it!

Chelle, Rad (no more crashing on D/L's partay hon), Aud, Angel you all got houses now too! :devil:
^ Great new map Liff *saves* I keep grinning everytime I see a new townmember 'move in'...And I noticed we now have a Spa, an Exotic Cuisine (Abby can you man that kitchen and keep those lovely Italian meals coming?) and there's a Buffalo Burgers too :D *Yeah*

I can definately see Danny and Linds playing with their kids...so sweet.
I know that just such a nice image...Or him and his little boy playing with his trains...while Lindsay plays with her little girl and her doll house...Okay enough fluff! :p *crosses the street to have a nice drink in The 8-ball* :)

Psst Liff I think we should already give holiday girl Delia a place too...if she doesn't like it, she can always move...
Woops! Missed you Nat, sorry! :eek:

I'll add you in the next update...whenever that might me. You'll definately have a place on Gutter drive! hehehe. :lol:
*swoons in*

Are we all settled in our new quarters? After everyone has finished unpacking, you're all invited over to Cam's place for a party. Try not to get "sidetracked" to the DL Cottage along the way, no matter how tempting it may be *eyes Liffy* :lol: just kidding buddy, you know I love you :)
Sweet, I've got a house. I need to check the map and see if I'm close to my Mommy... I'm a little dissapointed, you've made move for DL's house, but you were just jealous, or well, I'd like to think that anyway. :lol:

Spoiler Boxes. Ahh, it's nice to see them again.
Hey guys. I know I don't talk much, but can I have a house too? I will live on any street as long as I'm there.

Spoiler boxes make my day. I love to read what you guys think.
Read the spoilers..hmmm

Can I be added to the map? I have missed a lot of time but I do want to be added. Please?
^^vex love, of course you can be added! Gutter Drive has #1 and #3 open, and there are 11 empty lots on the other side of that road. Down on the lovely Montana there is #5-10 for sale, and #4 on Cowboy Cresent is vacant. All are within very close range to the local attractions and fellow buddies :D

We will also be adding a DL Zoo, which will have all your favourite animals: walruses, tigers, insects/arachnids, and cows. Each exhibit will come with a plaque indicating the significance of the animal to DL.

Wow...we are really getting into this! Love it :D *dances with fellow buddies at community park* Hmmm...that should have a name.

Anyone wanna come up with a name for our lovely park and meeting courtyard?
HillHarperHot: Of course you can have a house too :) Gutterville is open to all with guttery thoughts.

Does Lynny want a house too? Oh LYNNY!!

Vex hun of course you can have a house too...I just need to...put all you people in :p

Okay, Im currently am an insomniac, annoyed cos I have to wake up early tomorrow -so I'll make it quick. Let's play a game shall we?


And here's the naughty pic!


Post your thoughts! The dirty :devil: and the dirtier :devil: :devil: and if you're really sad. Post something clean.

:devil: My brain is currently splattered over the guttery wall for all to see. It's dirty beyond dirty. I need help :p

EDIT: oh and we're getting a D/L zoo (where you can pet tigers, walruses and cows!) and a smut library :devil: So not helping with my problem...

I hate spoiler boxes. Actually...I secretly love them but for this particular instance I hate them. I'm still SF! :D I'm so proud of myself. *checks off calendar* only....70 something days to go!
*singing to himself* I wanna sex you up.

I need more time for these things! I love naughty pics though, they're my favorite.
Okay, for the picture, I think Danny's thinking "I like the view from here!". I know, not very good, but hey, I never said I was.

As for the park, here's a name: "Dantana Memorial Park" and for the courtyard, "The Shipper's Courtyard". I'm sorry, I'm out of ideas. That actually was the best I could come up with. LOL. I'm tired, can't you tell? Summer vacation, got to love it. 3 kids, none stop fighting for the last two days. I need my quiet time, but I'm too tired to enjoy it. This place is one of my last refuges. I think I'm going to go to bed soon.
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