Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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*Mo spins into the thread...singing sweetly..."When you're lost you can look and you will find me time after time, when you fall I will catch you, I will be waiting, time after time!" :D *
Hello my buddies! *Mo grins and tosses M&M's and flings chocolate fudge frosting at everyone!* Yummy! :devil: Heehee! :D Wow, our little Gutterville community isn't so little anymore...yay, I love it! :D More neighbors, especially down here...is always a good thing! :D

Angsty niece Rad waved:
Aunt Mo don't fear, I'm here.
Awww good, hi hon! I was gonna say you were more than welcome to come and live in the Gutter Tower until you found a place, but as I read further I saw that you now have a lovely house of your own, yay! :D

Darling dork-arrific Dutch laughed:
Mo, great Toby Keith song! And I do love that bar and am now officialy a ...I wanted to work in my garden this afternoon, but it kept raining so I ended up making this floorplan for The 8-Ball:
Awww, I LOVE it babes, you're really a genius the way you design these...oh by the way, you do realize you live next to me in Gutterville here right...so all that "I get to escape the fluff stuff"...yeah not so much with me as your neighbor honey! :D I'm just sayin...heehee! :lol: *Mo grins and wraps Dutch in fluff!* ;)

Gutterville's reigning king...King Liffy grinned:
I see Mo! RL has finally returned her to us.
Real life has indeed returned me to the thread, a bit tired but otherwise none the worse for wear, thus far anyway! :D Miss me did ya King dear? ;) :D

And you call me naughty? *hides telescope and whistles innocently*
Oh my dear, dear boy....Nah I don't "call" you naughty ;) ...I KNOW you's naughty! :devil: Heehee! ;)

Of course "Gutter Tower" is your hotel hun! Angel has to stay there until I manage to revamp the map with more houses and everyone's lots! My town planning skills are crap.
Okay first of all, Angel is more than welcome to come and stay with me at the Tower...of course! All currently homeless gutter shippers are definitely welcome in the lovely hotel! :D And second, Liff bud you're town planning skills are great...definitely not crap...at all! :D

That sounds....wrong. Really really wrong...
Lol, whatever goofball, you know you love it! ;)

Adorably in denial Stuffy bud winked:
Liffy!!! *kisses pal on cheek and throws a pie into his face* No Mo we are not flirting! I can hear you chuckle from way over here
*Mo chuckles giddily...* I love it, I don't even have to say anything anymore! :lol: *Mo huggles her cute bud!* :D

New gutter tenant Soph dear:
In the meantime, i'll stay in Mo's hotel!
Sure thing hon...you can have the "Doll" room...here's your room keys, you're complimentary pack of M&M's...and your binoculars for any D/L sightings! ;) Enjoy your stay here! :D

Stuffy, you are SO flirting with him... how cute! :p
:lol: Thank you! See Stuffy darlin' I'm not the only one...but it's just so cute it's all good! ;) Heehee! :lol:

Oh Liffy bud, love the new map, very nice! By the way so you know, Aud as my Fluffy Twin lives with me...and is co-owner of the "Gutter Tower"...ain't that right Aud wub?! :D

Cutie pie Stuffy asked:
Anyone wanna come up with a name for our lovely park and meeting courtyard?
Ohhhh that's fun.....Hmmmmmm let's see, the park could be....ummmmm...Ohhh, Catey hon I like your ideas...those are good hon! ;) Sorry you're tired...I feel for ya! ;) Get some good rest hon! :D
with Stuffy here about this premiere eppy...from what I read and heard, it sounds like Danny is appreciating her singing and performing and therefore doesn't want her to be the killer...kinda like if I were a CSI and went to a crime scene and saw someone famous how I admired and was like "wow they're good, I hope they're not the killer!" It's not that I want that person or anything...I just know they're a great performer and don't want them to have done a bad thing...ya know. I think Danny's just being sympathetic...and honestly if he is "flirting" I do NOT think it's even a conscious thing for him...some guys are just that way..."friendly" where everyone thinks they're flirting but that's the furthest thing from their minds...I think that's the case here...I do NOT think Danny would flirt or think of cheating on Linds...I think he was being sympathic and friendly and thinking how he can't wait to get home to his girl and tell her about his day!

Can't wait for our season to start...it needs to be now! Now I tell you...Now! :lol:

*Mo grins and stamping her foot good-naturedly...climbs into her bubble and glimmers off!* :D
Mo, regarding the premiere,
said that I thought he might just be sympathisizing. It was never the part where he walks in and sees her that made me think much of it, it was later on. But even then, it most likely is just Danny being friendly and sympathisizing with her. I think that Carmine's interview has everybody on tenterhooks, just waiting to read too much anytime they have Danny talking with any other female. And I know I'm guilty of it. That's why I said that I've read a lot of speculation, there's been nothing really there to report.
Awwwww gotcha Catey hon...I see what you mean now...and yeah I agree with you...we're on edge cuz of Carmine's interview! :p I love the man but he needs to not freak us out...that's the PTB's job! And I still by the way, totally maintain that it is A. Zuiker's favorite pastime to torture us with scary "potential" spoilers and plotlines that would terrify us but never come about! :rolleyes:
Can't wait to see how lovely our D/L emerges in this new season! Cuz let's be honest...we KNOW they will...they are CANON after all...that's right baby, CANON!! :D :D
I have more writing assignments if anyone wants one. ;) The deadline has been put back a week. Shall we write one about "Gutterville?" :devil:

Am positively confuzzled about the "Gutterville" thing but think that it is very cute. ;) Apparently I have a space already?? :confused:

I'm almost tempted to go spoiler free. But then again, I always say I'm not going shopping---but I do. This ship annoys me so---okay not really. Never have I given so much for dang show before in my life! :lol:

Sings old Sinatra and Dean Martin songs with Fluffy Twin in order to make it through. This summer seems so long... :p

Later. :cool:
Fluffy Twin!! *Mo tackle hugs her darling twinny!* Hi honey! :D Writing assignments...mmmmmm, I could maybe do something with that! ;) Wanna fluff my muse? :lol:

Lol, yeah the Gutterville thing totally took off...it's great...rapid and full blown now, but great! And yeah babes you have a space with me (unless you want your own home of course! ;) ) if you don't though, then we share House #6, and co-own the gutterific "Gutter Tower" the resident hotel right next door to Danny and Linds' Love shack! ;)

You go spoiler free hon? Wow, I'm impressed...but then we know I could never do that! :lol: Lol, and yeah honey I'm with ya...I love this ship, but loving it so very much can produce headaches sometimes...cuz it leads to worry...even for us fluffies...

Sinatra and Dean songs huh...here's one for us...
*Mo grins and sings loudly with Aud...:
"I've got the world on a string, sittin' on a rainbow.
Got the string around my finger.
What a world, what a life - I'm in love.

I got a song that I sing, I can make the rain go
Anytime I move my finger.
Lucky me, can't you see I'm in love.
Life is a beautiful thing as long as I hold the string.
I'd be a silly so-and-so if I should ever let it go."
Wow, I really need to reply in here more often. If only my computer wasn't mean to me.

There's a whole community now? Called Gutterville? That's awesome! Definately love the layouts of both the town and The 8-Ball. But it's really cool that a zoo will be added to the town. Any chance I can have a place to live there?

I wish I could go spoiler free about this ship. But I'm just way too curious to do that. I have no control when it comes to the well being of our lovely ship.
happy Hump Day, every one :)

what is danny thinking on that picture?

Green relly suits her, but I definitely suit her better

I love the map of our little town and I cant wait to settle in but firts The Party. Im bringing some chips and music if it is OK

the "8-ball" looks so cozy. they do serve non-alcoholic drinks too, dont they?

I cant wait for the DL Zoo to open and I so need a card for that Library of ours

and Im still SF. Go Me!!
*Dani enters running to make sure she hasn't missed the party at Cammie's house*
Glad that I am right next door ;) Ok, so if you still want me to, I can help with anything for the party ;)

Ok, so I have a new adress now, great work on the map Liff ;) *applauds and throws chocolate cake at fellow shipper, then runs away* :p
I'm glad that more people are joining! And that we now have space for everybody :)

I love the name "Dantana Memorial Park" ;)

dutch, "The 8-ball" floorplan is amazing, that bar is everything we could want it to be, don't you think? Oh, I feel so comfortable there!
And, your kids vision was too cute :D I really can imagine the lovely parents playing around in the garden. For some reason I always skip to the tought of Lindsay playing cowboys with the boy and Danny joining princess stories with the girl :p :lol:

OMG, we have spoilers again! Er, I have to agree with you, I don't think that is a threat to D/L, I mean, Danny is still the same man and an human being, and he still has feelings for other people, not necessarily love...It may have to do with her talent or simply because of the looks/age, too. She might look such a good girl, that's impossible to think that she murdered someone. Because I am not imagining, in this situation, them putting a woman playing the piano with a creepy look. I think she is going to look good and far from a criminal look, which might put our Danny in that situation. Plus, and even if they really did want to put D/L apart (yeah, I'm kind of pessimistic :rolleyes:), I don't think it would be smart to do it right in the first episode, because it would be too fast :rolleyes:

*Dani leaves her computer and goes to take a walk in Gutterville, passing by D/L holding hand and kissing* :)
Oh for the love of pool tables...Liffy what is it with you and that picture, eh? First you have that on MSN, now you post it here? Oy vey :p alright I'll take a stab at the caption.

DANNY: Nice to see you're in on the cleavage game, Montana.

*shrug* I don't know.

As for the park, here's a name: "Dantana Memorial Park" and for the courtyard, "The Shipper's Courtyard".

Thanks catey :) I like those names, especially "Dantana Memorial Park" (I love that nickname). Thanks hun *hugs buddy*

*Mo chuckles giddily...* I love it, I don't even have to say anything anymore! *Mo huggles her cute bud!*

:lol: Mo you're a funny one. Adorable and funny. *dumps bucket of gooey sauce all over her, giggles, and then runs behind Auda*

So I was watching 'Big Brother' last night and one of the girls was wearing a shirt that said "Cowboys make better lovers" Needless to say, that got me squeeing like mad and I immediately thought of DL :D

Anyone else feel that this hiatus is much longer than last year?
Hey guys!

Yeah, that hiatus is soo long! But in Gutterville stand it is easier! :)
Gutterville is growing fast (thank you for the map, Liff) and I’m happy to see that we have a world of M&M’s. :D

Catey, the names you chose are perfect for the park and the courtyard! :)

(Abby can you man that kitchen and keep those lovely Italian meals coming?)
Sure, Dutch! I can cook some simple italian recipes like pasta or I can take here some dishes cooked by my grandma. :D :D

Yay! Finally we have spoilers! :)
We don’t have to worry. I agree with Stuffy, probably Danny hopes that the girl isn’t the killer because she have talent and plays the piano very well. In any case I don’t think that he’ll really flirt with her. In any case, Snow Day can’t be ignored, that wouldn’t make any sense ;).
Hello my buddies! :D :D :D
I’m sorry but, in these days I’m very busy! :(

Awwww Catey, lovely names! You’re great! ;)

By the way... thank you guys for your help :)! I’ll make the M&ms cake and the “Tiramisù”! It’s Dlicious . I think that we can have our fantastic party tomorrow. :D :D :D

But, we have a little problem :(... the time zone! In this moment it’s 03:05 PM in Italy. So we have to decide the time for our cute party!

Dutch hun said:
Cam I’ll definitely come to your party and I will bring some nice tropical coctails

It’s a great idea!

Phyx said:
Cam , I’d like to bring a dessert to your party, it that’s okay with you. It’s called ‘Sex in a Pan’.

Sure buddy. You and your fantastic dessert are welcome! ;) :devil:

Awww Liffy , the map is so cute! In my opinion Gutterville is perfect!

See ya tomorrow! :D
Cam, you live in Italy? *is jealous* I've always wanted to visit there; I've heard it's beautiful.

I'll bring some of my homemade cookies for the party :D they're pretty addictive, so be warned :lol:

So Liffy, what picture will you have for us next? I rather like this name and reading the captions that everyone comes up with.

*cocks head* What's that now? I hear someone giggling cutely...Mo!! *tackles buddy to floor and tickles her* You're never going to let the "flirting" thing down, are ya? :D I don't mind it one bit; it's fun hehe.
"And when two lovers woo...They still say: "i love you"...On that you can rely...No matter what the future brings...As time goes by! Moonlight and love songs - never out of date...Hearts full of passion - jealousy and hate
Woman needs man - and man must have his mate...That no one can deny! It’s still the same old story...A fight for love and glory...A case of do or die
The world will always welcome lovers...As time goes by!"

Good morning my dearies, nothing like a little Sinatra to get you up and going in the morning! I love that song and figured y'all could use a nice dose of fluffy love songs this morning! (Aud darling this was especially for you! ;) ) So like my dear Carly said already...it's HUMP DAY!! Happy day to all of you...think of D/L often today as they will of course be celebrating this day is style, as they always do! :devil:

Full of self-control now Carly bud grinned:
Im still SF. Go Me!!
Go you indeed! I'm impressed, although I'll be even more impressed if you really manage to stay that way through until the premiere! ;)

Cute as a button fun bud Stuffy laughed:
Mo you're a funny one. Adorable and funny. *dumps bucket of gooey sauce all over her, giggles, and then runs behind Auda*
Lol, I try honey...I try! :lol: Ohhhh, you think Fluffy Twin will hide you? *Mo grins and chases Stuffy with a huge bucket of strawberry syrup!* :lol:

a shirt that said "Cowboys make better lovers"
I SOOO need to get that shirt! :lol: I love that! That is awesome, and I'm totally with you...we should get one and send it to D/L! :lol:

Anyone else feel that this hiatus is much longer than last year?
*Mo raises her hand!* Uh yeah, definitely! But then again...anything longer than like a day is going to feel long to me! ;) Have I mentioned I have no real patience for waiting? :lol:

*cocks head* What's that now? I hear someone giggling cutely...Mo!! *tackles buddy to floor and tickles her* You're never going to let the "flirting" thing down, are ya? I don't mind it one bit; it's fun hehe.
*Mo giggles again, she can't help it!* Lol, yeah pretty much not gonna let up with it...but only cuz I know you get a kick out of it! ;) Once it bugs ya I'll stop...it's just so cute thought! :D

Alright buddies...it's going to be 96 degrees here today...which I realize is norm for alot of the world in July, but I live in WA state where it rarely gets above 80 and where people die when it's this hot...so it should be a fun day! :p Ahhhh joy! Anyway...enjoy Hump Day y'all and I'll be back later on this lovely evening!

*Mo grins and cranking the AC on in her bubble, shimmers away!* :lol:
Mo!! :D

*Mo giggles again, she can't help it!* Lol, yeah pretty much not gonna let up with it...but only cuz I know you get a kick out of it! Once it bugs ya I'll stop...it's just so cute thought!

I certainly do get a kick out of it. And no, it won't ever bug me. I'm easy-going like that :)

*Mo grins and chases Stuffy with a huge bucket of strawberry syrup!*

Oh, so that's how it is eh? I see. *steals bucket from Mo, dumps it all over her head, adds a cherry on top for good measure, giggles, and runs behind Montana*

I SOOO need to get that shirt! I love that! That is awesome, and I'm totally with you...we should get one and send it to D/L!

I know! I was like "I so want that shirt!" :D hehe now that would be awesome. They get a package in the mail and it's a shirt that says "Cowboys make better lovers". I bet Linds would wear that every day.

...it's going to be 96 degrees here today

Awww well that just sucks. *waves all the way across Canada and a bit ways south to fellow buddy* I'm near Toronto and we were supposed to get a freak storm....yeah that definitely didn't happen. Up north did, but not us. It just lazily passed by, which annoyed me a bit cause I love storms :D ah well.
we were supposed to get a freak storm....yeah that definitely didn't happen. Up north did, but not us. It just lazily passed by, which annoyed me a bit cause I love storms

I was thinking of you when I heard the reports of possible tornadoes....were you in that area? We had a severe t-storm watch that didn't pan out, either. I'm a storm lover, too, so I was disappointed as well.

Take care in that heat, [/b]Mo[/b]!

Staying on topic: D/L are DLectable! :D

Happy Hump Day!!
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