Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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I was thinking of you when I heard the reports of possible tornadoes....were you in that area? We had a severe t-storm watch that didn't pan out, either. I'm a storm lover, too, so I was disappointed as well.

No that was further north. I was watching the Weather Network and they were saying that if you were in this area, you must take immediate cover in a solid room. We got absolutely nothing *is mad*.

I forgot lol...Happy Hump Day everyone :D hope it goes well. Wherever you may be, I send my best wishes *blows kisses*
Auda (great av!) and PSG (hi hun!): hey neighbors! *brings over some M&M cupcakes in baskets*

The-one-carrying-the-next-generation-of-D/L-shippers Jen
^^^ i LOVE that. squee!

again, great job on the map, Cuz and stuffy!

Mo, time after time is such a sweet-tuned song. i can listen to it 100x over and never get sick of it. *hums along* that was really fun spending time at the coolest hotel ever! i really like what you’ve done with the place considering we’ve only stayed a couple nights. you know how to rock it. alas, its time to pack our things and move into our new DL-ishly-lavish homes! all furnished too.

chelle belle, we wont be roommates after all! im at 13 Gutter Drive now!! i live down the street from ya! ive planted daisies in the park and themed (by that i mean, painted) the swings in the playground to episodes featuring DL (similar to the coming ZOO!!).

I’ll make the M&ms cake and the “Tiramisù”!
^^ youre gonna kill me as i stuff myself with these desserts!! they are my weakness! Cam’s our resident baker of Dlicious!

^^^ do we all have occupations around here or do we roam around Gutterville and enjoy the view and company??

i love what youve done with the place at The 8-Ball, dutch…its the place to hang out! im going there for dinner tonight, care to join? open invite!

vex!, long time no chat/see. is RL treating you okay? *looks at vex wanting to help so she can come back to the thread*
Cuz, how are you doing as king of Gutterville? no complaints, right?
stuffy, lets give our king a very warm welcome. and who sells that shirt?! yup, montana should wear one to sleep as danny snuggles up to and around her.

danny and lindsay playing with their kids is a VERY sweet image. by the way, its been eight weeks since danny and lindsay consummated their relationship.
*tiptoes into thread, looking around* I’m back to stay now! Yay!
My computer caught a virus that ate my virus scanner :confused:, so there was no way I was using my computer to get online till I got a working antivirus program. I popped on my parent’s computer at their house for a few minutes, but it isn’t the same, ya know?

Wow, I love the map of Gutterville! It is coming along great!

Mo said:
…but I live in WA state where it rarely gets above 80
Watch it Moriel, or you’re gonna find yourself with a new roommate! It has been around 98F plus unbelievable humidity for several days now. When I got home from work at midnight, it was 87F in my APARTMENT! I caved and turned on the a/c.

I think the two main reasons a lot of focus has been placed on what Danny MIGHT say is the fact that D/L is now canon, and Carmine’s interview. We’ve already discussed Carmine’s interview, so I’ll move on to the canon thing. Last year, Danny showed concern for people, “checked out” a few females, and was even propositioned by a few. Those were never truly freak out moments because they were not in an established relationship. Now, everyone (meaning fans of any perspective) is looking to see what will happen, because D/L has been proven canon just as we always knew it would be. :D

Ooh, and I will be back with a challenge today if y’all still want them… ;) I have fun with those. :D
*Liff pops in with a goat* I think I'll just pop by with random comments from now on -for no good reason what so ever :D

HAPPY HUMP DAY!! to all shippers and everyone else with naughty thoughts.

Naughty Rad said:
I love naughty pics though, they're my favorite.
:devil: Join the club hun! I lurve dirty pics. Well...D/L dirtyness anyways :lol: Unfortunately I don't have that very many pictures of horny danny and lindsay. ;p They've learned the art of hiding their hots for each

other. Darn it!

Spoiler Queen Catey suggested:
As for the park, here's a name: "Dantana Memorial Park" and for the courtyard, "The Shipper's Courtyard".
Aww that's so cute! Love those names Catey hun! :)

Naughty Mo replied:
Lol, whatever goofball, you know you love it! ;)
No comment.

Oh Liffy bud, love the new map, very nice! By the way so you know, Aud as my Fluffy Twin lives with me...and is co-owner of the "Gutter Tower"...ain't that right Aud wub?! :D
:| Maybe I should demolish Aud's home and make the smut library there :devil: Easily excessible through the park :p

Hardworking Aud said:
I have more writing assignments if anyone wants one. ;)
No thanks. I'll have some chocolate though :)

Apparently I have a space already??
Well since Mo's abducted you into her home, I'm planning on making the smut library there. Or maybe I'll put it smack dab in the centre of the park. :devil: Oh the fun it would be visiting there....I'd move in!

Gutterville Queen Mo said:
the gutterific "Gutter Tower" the resident hotel right next door to Danny and Linds' Love shack! ;)
How hard would it be to convince D/L to get a see-through roof? :devil: Dibs on the top floor, east side, Gutter Tower!! :devil:

Fellow SF-er Carly said:
and Im still SF. Go Me!!
Yay for you! I'm still SF too! Go us!! *splats a cake in Carly's face* :lol:

Dani said:
*Dani leaves her computer and goes to take a walk in Gutterville, passing by D/L holding hand and kissing* :)
Oh is that all they're doing? Hmm....must be saving their energy for later then. :devil:

Stuffy whom I pwned at VP said:
Oh for the love of pool tables...Liffy what is it with you and that picture, eh? First you have that on MSN, now you post it here?
FYI, I love that cap. It's just... :devil: dirtay. You can just hear him..."Wish you'd wear me like that green top Montana" :devil: :lol:

"Cowboys make better lovers"
Well I have a hat, now I need a horse. Who has a horse?? Kat! I need to borrow your horse! :lol: Where is that woman....

So Liffy, what picture will you have for us next? I rather like this name and reading the captions that everyone comes up with.
By the end of this post I will have a pic. I promise :p

Mo complained:
Alright buddies...it's going to be 96 degrees here today...which I realize is norm for alot of the world in July, but I live in WA state where it rarely gets above 80 and where people die when it's this hot...so it

should be a fun day! :p
Well...it's around 50 degrees where I am :p I'm frozen. Now isn't that just dandy? :lol:

Stuffy said:
It just lazily passed by, which annoyed me a bit cause I love storms :D
I love storms too! I just love them. We get one in Malaysia about.....4 days a week :p Unfortunately, I'm not in Malaysia right now. Grr!

Cuzzie said:
Cam’s our resident baker of Dlicious!
I'd be glad to share my kitchen with ya Cam! :lol: As owner of the DLicious bakery, I now have a new baker! yay!

by the way, its been eight weeks since danny and lindsay consummated their relationship.
...and it's been about 2 seconds since they did it again on the pool table. :lol:

Mer complained:
It has been around 98F plus unbelievable humidity for several days now.
Youch! I'm suddenly happy that I'm freezing cold...

and I will be back with a challenge today if y’all still want them… ;)
Of course we want them!! We love them! :D

Shall I post my naught pic then? :devil:


Oh look! Pool tables... :devil: The man's obviously excited about something on the roof...
STELLA: Is that Lindsay's bra hanging from the ceiling fan?
DANNY: No...

BTW Liffy, I so pwned you at pool! Linds and I won :D

*watches mind flop around in gutter* Eh.
Hehe :devil:!

You made a great map of Gutterville, Liff! I saw I'm on No. 1 Pool Street, like that! I have a corner house with free views over the Danny/Lindsay mansion.

There were so many posts to read in my little free time a have left these days (little boy doesn't sleep that long anymore during the day)...I just couldn't read all. Are there any parties planned in Gutterville? Like to join! I'll bring some M&M-cakes :lol:

BTW: there must be a ZOO over there in Gutterville???

Stuffy-dear, I love the comment you made by Liff's naughty pic!

Well, I'm off. My husband needs a little attention. Did you guys know I dreamed about walking a giraf??? We even went to the mall! :eek:
^^hahaha, Jen hun, I just had a flashback of "The Ride-In". :lol: We get a shot of someone walking a giraffe at the end when it starts to rain. hehehehe.

Stuffy's is in denial about her VP scored. You dont go for the 8-ball whilst the other balls are on the table! :p hehehe. Next time we'll just sit back and watch D/L dance atop the pool tables! :lol:
*enters completely relaxed after a nice day in the Fluff Spa* :D

"Montana you better hurry or you won't have a piece of clothing left on your body by the time we reach the broom closet"

Danny: "Looking fine there Montana, although you did break some glass ornaments"
Stella: "What on earth made that poor girl want to swing from that chandelier?"

oh by the way, you do realize you live next to me in Gutterville here right...so all that "I get to escape the fluff stuff"...yeah not so much with me as your neighbor honey! I'm just sayin...heehee! *Mo grins and wraps Dutch in fluff!*
*Aims her garden hose to spray over the fence and soaks Mo* I can handle the fluff in this town so far :rolleyes:....but can you handle the angst that's coming? :p ;)

abby you should definitely some of your nonnas dishes too...I love the traditional Italian kitchen! :D

So we have to decide the time for our cute party!
Cam we're in the same time zone and some others are too (or just an hour ahead or behind us), but we're 6 hours ahead of the US east coast, so I think we have to make it a 24h party... :lol:

Stuffy (and Mo) that shirt you were discussing was it this one:

If so, you can get them here !

They have lots of other fun shirts...how bout these two for Danny:

And these two for Lindsay (or us? :D :cool:):

I love how Gutterville is becoming a mix of Sim City and Zoo tycoon...we definitely need that Zoo and may I suggest Wheatfield Zoo as a name?

*turns the corner to pick up angel to have dinner in The 8-Ball, briefly stopping at Mer's place to tell her to put up a new challenge and at Cammie's to drop some of the party stuff off* :)
Admit it Liffy, Linds and I won far and square. Although your idea of watching them dance atop the pool table is quite tempting...*lays back with buddy and enjoys the show*

dutch I love those shirts!! The one that girl was wearing on BB was pink and had a heart on it or something. But these are gorgeous. I especially love the 'Cowboy Tamer' hehe.

may I suggest Wheatfield Zoo as a name?

Consider it done :D nice name.
Awesome shirts, dutch!

(Liff's pic captions)

Stella: I can't believe Lindsay let you put mirrors on the ceiling.
Danny: Ah-yep!
S: You're corrupting that girl.
D: Ah-yep!
^ :lol: :lol: :lol: dirty indeed Phyx!

I especially love the 'Cowboy Tamer' hehe
Yeah Stuffy that was my favorite too...And wouldn't it be fun if the writers saw that here and actually let Lindsay wear that in one of the upcoming ep's *hands writers some M&M's* I think I will not stop laughing when that happens....

:lol: Mirrors above the pool table *still giggling*
Hello buddies! :D

I’m so busy at the moment, but I’ve found the time to come back to Gutterville! :)
I’m glad to announce that the party could be start at 04:00 PM (Italian time zone) tomorrow! :D :D :D
This is a no-stop party so we can have fun for 24 hours!
I’ve finished the M&Ms cake and the “Tiramisù”. Okay, we have the cocktails (thanks Dutch ), the music (thanks Stuffy ), the M&Ms ice cream (thanks Abby ) and the ‘Sex in a Pan’ dessert (thanks Phyx ) but… where’s the champagne :(? We need champagne!
Who can bring the champagne? :confused:
During the party, obviously, we can use the pool table to have fun! Eheheh! Great! :devil: :devil: :devil: ;)
I'm kidding guys... Maybe Danny and Lindsay... ;)

Liffy said:
I’d be glad to share my kitchen with ya Cam! As owner of the DLicious bakery, I now have a new baker!

I’m the new baker? Awwww Liffy , I’m so happy :D! Thanks hon :)! We can do spectacular cakes and desserts for all Gutterville! You’ll help me, you won’t? I’m glad to be your new baker :)! I love cook! :D

About the pics… Wow Dutch , these shirts are awesome! :) :) :)

And now… The naughty pic!

Danny: This pool table’s very comfortable…
Stella: What?!
Danny: It’s true, you can ask Lindsay 'bout it… :devil:
I think that last scenerio would go as thus:

Stella: I can't believe Lindsay let you put mirrors on the ceiling.
Danny: Ah-yep!
S: You're corrupting that girl.
D: Da!

lol. funny though, I like it.
Yay! Tomorrow we’ll have our fantastic party, I can’t wait!!! :D :D

abby you should definitely some of your nonnas dishes too...I love the traditional Italian kitchen!
I hope that the other inhabitants of Gutterville love it too, because when my grandma cooks something we have a supply of it for almost a week… :rolleyes:

I love storms too! I just love them.
Hey! I’m not the only who likes storms… I also like snow, but unfortunately in my town storms are very rare and sometimes in winter it snows, but only in the hills. :(

Naughty pic! :D

Stella: “Why is the pool table full of broken glasses?”
Danny: “Accidentally I broke the chandelier…”
Stella: “Oh…now I understand why your pants are still hanged on the ceiling!”
:D :devil:
Can I pick anywhere on the gutter map?

If I can, can I be on gutter drive? ;) ;)

Stella: You guys had some action on the rooftop? I see all the glass!

Danny: Yea, we kinda did. But we landed on the pool table and it's pretty comfortable? (thinks naughty thoughts)
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