Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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Yay Stuffy it'd be great! Can ya imagine Danny and Lindsay at our party? ;)

*Cammie grins, then hugs Stuffy and Abby for their help* :D :D :D
Good morning shippy dears! *Mo grins and pops her head in...* Happy Tuesday to all y'all! How are things in Gutterville this morning? Quiet for the time being since it's still a bit early and people were up late last night? :devil: Heehee! :lol:

Chell-belle honey grinned:
but Mo you seriously did a great job!! i love the picture of a benjamin with DL on .. hehe soo cute!!! and the 18th list... well that is just wicked!!!Chell Belle runs off after splatting a big chocolate fudge pie in MO face
Awwww "Wicked"...lol, you totally made me think of the musical with that...love that play and Linds does too...good times right there! :D Glad you liked the thread opening, I totally had fun with it! *Mo laughs and licks chocolate pie off her face...before winking at Chell and heaving a huge coconut creme pie in her face and running off!* :lol:

Adorable fluffy buddy Stuffy announced:
In the meantime, him and I have some extra rooms in our places, so y'all are welcome to come in and put your feet up. So far the slots that have been taken are:
Nice job with all the arranging hon, lol....the neighborhood is looking lovely and filling up quite nicely! :D And remember too y'all, anyone can stay in the Gutter Tower directly next to D/L's house too...it's hotel, but I'm a very nice manager and won't charge you anything! I just ask that y'all keep the place stocked with plenty of fluff and fun! ;) Heehee! :lol:

Dani yay that you finally got see "Snow Day"! It rocks doesn't it...I swear I didn't come down off the high of that eppy for...*Mo pauses and thinks about it...* Mmmmm, maybe I haven't come down from that yet even now! :lol: It was an amazing episode and it confirmed everything for us so very well! I squeed for so long and still find myself grinning when I think about it...lovely, just lovely! :D Totally glad you got to see it hon! :D

ETA: Dearest Mo, I was *not* flirting! *stomps foot down* Can't I give my friend a kiss on the cheek? Sheesh, what has this world come to?
Awwww, you're too cute! *Mo snuggles her cute buddy and can't stop giggling...* Sure you can Stuffy hon! I's just teasin'! ;) You can kiss him all you want... ;) ! :D :lol: It's all in good fun right! :D

Alright my dears...off to work for me! Have a wonderful Tuesday and I'll see y'all later...here's hoping we'll get us some actual GOOD spoilers soon too...although I'm doing okay without them thus far, so it's all good! :D

Fluffy Twin, Mer, Catey, Rad, Lynny even where are y'all?! :D

*Mo grins and climbing into her Fluffy bubble shimmers off, singing as she goes!*
Okay, I feel a little put out. I don't have a house in Gutterville. So I wen't to talk to Danny and Lindsay, I'm using their guestroom. So put me on that list - Rad: Danny and Lindsay's house. :devil:

Aunt Mo don't fear, I'm here. I didn't get on last night because I was playing my CSI PC game. I finished the first case, too bad it's LV not NY... moving on then. Don't want Modie to whack me.

I didn't now come off of the Snow Day high until my dad made me erase it off of the DVR list. I was so mad! I still get a DL high when I look at all the pretty SD pics though. *sigh*
Cam, I'd like to bring a dessert to your party, if that's okay with you. It's called 'Sex in a Pan'.

Let me know if there's anything you want me to bring!
Radical618 said:
Okay, I feel a little put out. I don't have a house in Gutterville.
Me too! Who knows a place that's available? Rad and I can share one, and then we'll have the most amazing parties! I can make M&M cakes! Well, my daughter can....:D

Danny sees a girl and then he says he hopes she isn't the killer....he must have had a bad night with Lindsay to say that!
*Dutch happily dances into the thread singing along with "Jenny don't be hasty"* btw Liff Paolo Nutini's middle name is Giovanni :p (nothing evil there ;))

Linds would be incredibly turned on or roll off the bed laughing...leaving our Mr Messer on the bed pouting
Liff I think it's the latter...perhaps when he's all dressed up in a tox to go to some fancy party it'll turn her on, but when he's secretly trying out different poses in the bathroom she will be ROFL. :lol:

As for spoilers, nothing much to report yet. Just lots of speculation on the new season, so nothing to really say about it
Catey txs for keeping an eye out for new spoilers for us...there's some info here, but unfortunately it's not much. :(

finding Danny asleep in bed with the book still opened on his chest and the other four books on the bedside table. That would be sooo cute!
That would be adorable Abby...Danny falling asleep with the book still open, because he didn't want to put it down (been there). :D

Dutch honey! Your (diminishing) angsty thoughts go into "TehAngst Pub"! Specially for you!
Txs Liff! You and Stuffy are doing an awesome job with that map...And I've noticed that I can easily cross the street to the pub without being hit by fluff :p...So it's sweet of you to give me my own pub, but I'm pretty happy in The 8-Ball :)...If you need the space you can tear Teh Angst down and built some more houses there... :D

*Mo sneaks the karaoke mike and starts singing..."I love this bar...It's my kind of place...Just walkin' through the front door...Puts a big smile on my face...It ain't too far, come as you are...Hmm, hmm, hmm I love this bar!"
Mo, great Toby Keith song! And I do love that bar and am now officialy a
...I wanted to work in my garden this afternoon, but it kept raining so I ended up making this floorplan for The 8-Ball:

And as it's manager and bartender :cool: I hereby declare that all food and beverages are free...just keep the place clean... :)

I'm not sure whether to dub you gals (and guy!) crazy or utterly enjoying the fun of tv fantasy
A little of both I guess Angel :eek:...at least it's a fun way to get through those D/L-less summermonths. :D

Chell welcome back! And Cam I'll definitely come to your party and I will bring some nice tropical cocktails. :)

Rad I'm sorry 'bout your DVR...this one's especially for you:

dutch that floorplan is awesome!! Well done m'dear; The 8-Ball is looking very stylish :D

About that...I was reading some people's posts in the spoiler threat and they seem to think that Danny likes her or something :lol: I didn't pay much attention to it cause they're anti-DL
^ Ah txs sweetie...I used that program before and new there was a pool table available, but I was pleasantly surprised when I found a pinball machine too and a fireplace and your flatscreen with surround set!

I read those reactions those too; well the guy's in love he's not blind...any man in a relationship still can tell if another girl is pretty or not and when she seems really sweet I can imagine he hopes she's not a killer...To conclude he's looking for a new girlfriend seems terrible far-fetched to me...
*Liff pops into the thread carrying more goods from the DLicious bakery*

I see Mo! :D RL has finally returned her to us. :lol:

Queen of Gutterville Mo said:
We should make a decree that every day is Hump Day...well it already is with D/L anyway! :devil: :D
rofl. So true hun! We should definately decree everyday (in Gutterville) as Hump Day. In RL however I think it should stay as Wednesday, which makes tomorrow HUMP DAY! :lol: Don't want peolpe to crash our party now do we?

I've been holed up in my house, hunkered down by the front window with my binoculars staring across at D/L in their house for so long that I had forgotten what number I was...thanks for the reminder!
And you call me naughty? *hides telescope and whistles innocently*

I must say I noticed the "Gutter Tower" and I thought I'd let you all know, that is actually a hotel I own, and I rent rooms out to nice "innocent" shippers who want to visit Gutterville, basically they can stay there until they take up residence down here!
Of course "Gutter Tower" is your hotel hun! :lol: Angel has to stay there until I manage to revamp the map with more houses and everyone's lots! My town planning skills are crap.

I love the fact that I'm the only King here :lol: Well aside from Danny that is...but he's got his hands full with our Montana native ;)

Cuzzie wub said:
you two are hilariously insanely cute and creative. the bakery! the bar! the park! DL currency (see the $100 bill at the beginning of this thread) exists here, right?
Of course that all exists in Gutterville! :lol: Stuffy and I are cute now? That deserves a pie in the face. *splat* Stuffy honey! Your turn!

*anffy has no home, she's gonna live in the community park*
You'll stay in Gutter Tower until there are more lots! :lol:

Chelle Belle! You're finally back. Naughty RL. I'll give you a house near Dutch so you can help me pelt her with cake on her back from the pub. :lol: Welcome back hun!

The-one-carrying-the-next-generation-of-D/L-shippers Jen said:
how long did it take for you to come up with that supername for me? :p
Not that long...I just kept pressing spacebar instead of a dash. That was annoying. :lol:

There's a party? I'll just cross the street with Mo and invite (or drag) Danny and Linds with us shall we? I'll provide the cake since the bakery's mine :devil: Do we need rope?

Naughty Mo said:
You can kiss him all you want... :p
That sounds....wrong. Really really wrong...

Dutch said:
If you need the space you can tear Teh Angst down and built some more houses there...
It was meant to stand for a few days anyways, we were already planning its demolishment (is that a word?) Hopefully, your angstyness will go down with the building!

*GASP* Empty boxes!!!! :eek: Darn. I forgot I was SF. I guess no empty highlighting boxes for me then!

Oh and I MUST share Dutch's guess for the murderer in my ficcy -hope you don't mind honey! :lol:

it's Mac dressed up as Maggie wearing a tiny black dress AND a blonde wig
Isn't that just HOT? :p rofl....I'm having trouble breathing :D
Mo, I'm here. Mer seems to have disappeared again, though! I just got home from work, and trying not to listen to the kids fight. Got to love summer vacation, lol.

I knew about Danny saying that about the girl, it's later on in the script, when he's sitting side by side with her at the piano that Carmine's interview came back to haunt me. I don't think he'd cheat, and so soon after SD, but he does kind of flirt. But he could just be being sympathetic to her. I just hope I'm reading too much in to it, that's why I never mentioned it here. Plus, most of what I've read is speculation, because there just isn't that much D/L to report on the spoiler scene.
^^ I don't mind Liff...you did say it was the one we least expected...and who'll expect that? :lol:

Chelle Belle! You're finally back. Naughty RL. I'll give you a house near Dutch so you can help me pelt her with cake on her back from the pub. Welcome back hun!
Hey! That's not fair! :mad: Well I like what I've done with The 8-Ball so much I don't mind staying there overnight :)...especially not when D/L are 'using' the pool table and/or the pinball machine again... :devil:

And you can demolish all you want, you can never get rid off my angsty side *hides behind the bar and starts spraying soda at everyone within reach*

All us talking about our 'town' makes me think of Danny and Lindsay playing with their kids...The kids can built a whole Lego town and make up all kinds of adventures for its inhabitants :) and D/L can join them (like my parents did when my sis and I were little :D)...I think Lindsay has a great imagination and can come up with lots of stories.... :)

Well perhaps that's what Carmine meant with his "boys" comment :)...Danny still is Danny and when there's a cute girl he will still look and flirt...in the end he will go home to his Montana though...don't most guys (and girls) flirt every now and then to check wether they've still got 'it' or not? ;)

Oh boy...that doesn't sound all that good *peers around nervously* Harmless flirting, perhaps? You're probably right; he's just trying to sympathize with her. Bleh. I hate the hiatus.

Liffy!!! *kisses pal on cheek and throws a pie into his face* No Mo we are not flirting! I can hear you chuckle from way over here :p

ETA: dutch, after reading your spoiler box, I suddenly feel better *hugs* Curses, I hate this waiting. Last hiatus didn't feel this long.
I'm a total DL fluff crack addict, I don't think I can afford a house on Pool street, I'm either facedown in the gutter or in an alley trying to score some spoilers or fanfic fluff. Especially during the hiatus or stressful anti DL things are metnioned. You guys will have to take pity on me, give me a kick in the side if good DL spoilers come along, I'm going to go try and overdose on DL fluff, watch Snow Day until my eyes glaze over, watch some cute fluffy videos on youtube.
Liff, I'm proud of my supername, especially since I know you had a hell of a time typing it :tongue

Dutch, your drawing looks great! About the Gutterville thing: I think I'm entitled to a place in the poolstreet, since my last name is pronounced exactly the same way. :lol:

I think it's just a way of TPTB to make people angsty again, like they did last season. And last season ended well, didn't it? Damn, it's time for some real D/L spoilers!
Hey guys!

First of all, can I have a house in Gutterville! Don't mind where. It all looks cool! (Thanks for the map, Liff and Stuffy!) In the meantime, i'll stay in Mo's hotel!

Stuffy, you are SO flirting with him... how cute! :D :p

Ooh, doesn't sound too good. Hopefully it's just Danny being Danny. All guys flirt, even when they're taken. It's human nature. It's in not his nature to cheat tho, so i'm feeling optimistic! I hate the hiatus too, and it's even longer for me! :mad: We have to wait til next year! Man i hate living in the UK! :mad:

Hope you're coping with being SF, Liff! Sorry about all the empty boxes! I'm rooting for ya!

About my fic: I'm sorry, but i'm not gonna be able to update for a while, because school is torture atm, and then once that's finished i have a very busy summer. But, i promise it will be up ASAP! Man I hate school! I'm even gonna get tons of holiday hwk! Do they think we have no life?... wait, I don't! :lol:

Later guys! xxx
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