Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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My brother just left for NYC *is jealous*. I asked him if he could look for a CSI:NY shirt for me, and he said yes :D

Loving all the thread names. All very creative. I'm not strong in that department, so I'll just vote :p

vex love, that's awesome that a Ted's Montana Grill is being built near your house. There is a Montana's near my work, and everytime we pass it I always squee.

I need sleep. My body is not liking me at the moment; I feel sick. Maybe a snuggle with Danny will help...I kid Mo! Bryan can be my snuggle muffin tonight.
*Mo saunters into the thread lyrics to both "Hey There Delilah" by the Plain White Tee's and "Wait for You" by Elliot Yamin running through her head....making for quite a confusing mess in her brain!* :lol: Hello all! Welcome to Monday evening, my favorite part of this day because it means Monday day is done! :D Plus it means my work and errands are done and I can come and play in here, which is always always fun! :lol:

Gutter King...Liffy-wiffy winked:
Sorry Mo darlin'!
For?? Did I miss something? ;)

Danny/Lindsay #19: Not sold seperately
That is BRILLIANT! :lol: I dunno why but that one totally makes me grin...I love it, it totally fits them...good job Liffy! ;)

You bet your cute ass it is!!
*Mo smirks and grins to herself!* Yeah it is pretty cute...Danny tells me that all the time! :devil: *Mo sees Linds looking jealous...* I mean um....he said Linds has a cute ass...yeah that was it! :lol:

Fluffy buddy Stuffy bunny giggled:
I'm too cute to be not loved [/self-promotion] Isn't that right darlin' Mo?
Yup that's most definitely right hon! Self promotion or not, it's all good...you're just too cute! :D And Liffy totally agrees...he's just jealous of your Bryan snuggle buddy! ;)

Spoiler Queen and info extraordinaire Catey hon said:
I'd go with Aud's "Holy Pool Tables, Batman!"
Yeah Catey babes I agree, that one is pretty brilliant! ;) Aud my darling Fluffy Twin...I love that title idea...I'd vote for it! :D

Stuffy who's lucky she has a cute snuggle muffin:
Maybe a snuggle with Danny will help...I kid Mo! Bryan can be my snuggle muffin tonight.
Yeah you snuggle with Bryan...cuz Linds said since I was gone all weekend she'd let me borrow Danny for the evening! *Mo rubs her hands together gleefully!* And I fully intend to "snuggle" for the whole evening! :devil: :lol: Heehee! And I hope you feel better honey bunny...get some good sleep and eats lots of chicken soup and tell Bryan that Mo said he needs to take good care of you! ;)

Okay so Del you're still on for doing thread #19 is that the plan, yeah? And so do you want to gather all these lovely title options into a poll...or do you want me to put one together? Just let me know! ;) Love all the options and ideas by the way my buddies...you all are mad talented!! :D

I was trying to come up with some brilliant titles...but I like the options y'all have suggested better than my own...I do like this one of mine...:

Danny/Lindsay #19: Canon from Zoo to I do! :lol:
And I do like my "Official" one...but I think it'd be awesome if we just did...Danny/Lindsay #19: "Told ya they were CANON!" (but that might be mean! ;) )

Alright I'll try to be more brilliant...we'll see if I'm successful! ;) In the meantime, have a fabulous evening my dears and I'll be back in a bit! ;)

*Mo grins and shimmers softly away!* :D
Thanks for all of the welcome-backs!

Mo: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and YES, I still want the thread... but can you please do the poll since I don't know when you guys started to put together titles? Love ya for it, honey! You know I do! Love your total by the way, "Canon from Zoo to I do!". :D That makes me so happy, dollie.

*throws pie at Liff*
Hi Del babes! *Huggles!* Glad you're back! ;) And cool beans, the thread is yours like you asked! :D I'll try to gather the thread titles in a poll in a bit...I think it'll be a pretty big poll to start with! :lol: We rock at the creative titles! :D

So yeah if y'all have anymore brilliant title options...give 'em to me in the next little bit so we can start the voting fun! :D :D

ETA: I did it, I did it!! I was racking my brain all day to try and find a cute "meaning" or catchy' title that I could make using the letters of CANON....and here it is:
Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed! (C.A.N.O.N.) :lol:
Awwww I like it Kate hon! ;) I'll add it to my list! :D Oh and as far as the Seas. 3 clips thing goes babe...what I'd do to get those is buy the eppy's off of Itunes, burn them onto DVD's and then get them that way! :D So I have to do that and then I can make my D/L love vids like I want to! :D :D
Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed! (C.A.N.O.N.)
:eek: Doi! MO!! :D (I'm still grinning....) :p I love that!

Anyways - It's....goodness I'm late for work. I'll pop by when you're all actually awake! Cheers guys!

*liff bounces off humming....*
Mo darling? Any chance I can borrow Danny for just a little while? My body hates me; I feel sick. It's almost 7:50am here and I've been up since 5:20. Bleh.

Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed! (C.A.N.O.N.)

:D love it! Great work hun; very imaginative.
Good morning!! :D (Don't worry Catey I won't sing it! ;) ) How are y'all this fine Tuesday morning?! Awwww Stuffy hon, you sick? :( *Mo makes some soothing tea and then some soup and crackers and 7-up and has a very-good-at-making-one-feel-better-Danny deliver them all to her poor sick buddy!* Here ya go hon, I hope you feel better very soon!! Lol, can I just say again by the way...how much I totally love your banner...I know I say that every time, but I can't help staring at it! It's SO hot!! :D

I so can't wait for our season to start y'all! It's just gonna so totally rock for us! *Mo giggles giddily!* I just can't wait....yay! :lol:

Okay so thread titles...I've got a pretty good list going here...anyone else have any ideas they like then post them now, cuz I think I'll post the poll when I get back from work tonight! :D So get your last minute suggestions in! ;)

And on that note...I'm off to work...oh yay! :p Yeahhhh :lol: Anyway, have a fabulous day my dears...and remember (since I can never say it enough!) we're CANON baby! :D :D

*Mo cheers and shimmers gleefully off in her fluffy bubble!*
Awwww Stuffy hon, you sick? *Mo makes some soothing tea and then some soup and crackers and 7-up and has a very-good-at-making-one-feel-better-Danny deliver them all to her poor sick buddy!* Here ya go hon, I hope you feel better very soon!!

Why do I feel better all of a sudden? *giggles* thanks babe. Danny certainly is good at giving one more energy ;)

Lol, can I just say again by the way...how much I totally love your banner...I know I say that every time, but I can't help staring at it! It's SO hot!!

*swoons* It's like the Energizer Bunny...it just keeps going and going and going...
*drags her tired body in* - phew! work's done for today* :D

Mo said:
I so can't wait for our season to start y'all! It's just gonna so totally rock for us!
I know! I'm so looking forward to this season...it's going to be so awesome...I'm so excited...next month (sounds so much better than 43 days :))we'll know how they'll look this season, how they will act around each other and the others, what live will bring...*jumps up and down just thinking about it* :lol:

All those thread title suggestions sound awesome! You better put up that list soon Mo! :)

Stuffy I'm sorry you're not feeling well...here's something to cheer you up!

Love that pic Dutch! They are just... perfect!

Sorry to hear you're not well, Stuffy! Hope you're feeling better soon. :D

I can't wait for the new season either! Of course, i will be waiting a bit longer, coz it don't show here til next year! :eek: But, I expect full details! :lol:

Later guys! PSG xxx
Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed! (C.A.N.O.N.)

Awesome. Love it. You get my flippin' vote.

That picture is absolute love right there. That is why this ship is so amazing. Simple, pure, Pool Table useage, love.
Hi guys!

Poor Stuffy, I hope you will feel better soon!

I've had a busy day. Had to go to all sorts of places and on top of that has my little boy decided all he wants from now on is his mommy. Although I'm flattered (who wouldn't be?), it's pretty hard when you're cooking dinner to have someone who wants to be in your arms ALL THE TIME... And it's pretty damn nasty when he wakes up every time I'm watching CSI:NY !!! :mad:

Just had to share ;)
I just love that pic....so much love there,,, such a sweet thing for him to kiss her forehead like that..holding her to him secure in his arms... ahhh just perfect....
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