Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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Lindsay is probably good with handeling swords, especially Danny's. :devil:

Okay, keeping this thread PG-13. I couldn't resist though. I had to capatalize on the moment.

I'd like to see Linds take a shot at someone though. That would be flippin' sweet. She'd be my hero forever...
I'm more of a fan of swords than guns. I'm thinking Stuffy that you should write a fic about Danny and Lindsay getting some hand to hand sword training.

Hmmm...I think I could do that. At the moment I am working on a ficcy that involves some research, but I'll keep that in mind. Thanks vex :D
Good mornin' (at least for me it is)! How are you doin'?

I missed "Cold Reveal", which sucks. I don't know if it has D/L or not...Does it? Anyway, I wanted to watch it because I heard that it involves Stella past :rolleyes: I am also going to miss "Comes Around" this week, because I am going on vacation for a couple of days again. There's one positive point tough. Unlike I was thinking, I probably am going to be here for "Snow Day" which is great :D Yeah, Abby, I miscalculated the days the episodes would be in when I told you yesterday *giggles over our 5 hours long msn chat yesterday, also with Cammie and Liffy*

Lovely dutch said:
Danny/Lindsay #19: So much more than a one-night-stand
Yup, it is! Good thread title ;)

kissmesweet, good to see you around again! Thank you for the pictures...And stuffy, those stupid reporters really couldn't have interrupted that. Oh well. Anyway, what episode is your second picture from?

DLPOTD from "Sleigh Out of Hand" Look how happy she is just for having him by her side :D Oh yeah, it is also because that guy went to jail right? :p
Good morning!! *swoons into room pushing a cart of coffee, juice, muffins, and toast* C'mon Mo, get up. Rise an' shine darlin' ;)

what episode is your second picture from?

Dani, that picture is from SOOH where she is on the stand recounting her friends' murder. It's at the part where the younger Lindsay is peering through the door at the killer, and the screen fades to the present day. I really like how the light is right in her eye and how she appears to be actually looking through the door.
"Monday, Monday, so good to me!" *Mo pops in...finally...singing softly to herself!*
Hello my lovelies, I'm alive! :lol: Although 2 whole days without popping in here and I was feeling a bit dead...especially when y'all post like crazy! :lol: It's fun though, I likes it!! ;) Yay for peoples coming back! Hi all y'all!! :D *Mo waves happily at her vacationing buddies who came back...and then dumps a pie on Chell!*
Are we doing thread suggestions already?? Wow!
"Holy Pool Tables, Batman"
Fluffy Twin!!! I love that as a title!! :lol: :lol: That's perfect! ;) And you're dumping the boy?? I say as long as he doesn't mind you dreaming about D/L...then no worries! ;)
And I'll check your Lj as soon as I get home tonight! :D

As for thread title ideas...hmmmmm...this is not my "creative" title, but I'd love to just have like:
Danny & Lindsay #19: It's OFFICIAL! :lol: :lol:
Hmmmm, I'll think about it at work today (yes that's very productive of me I know! :lol: ) and post some when I get home!

Alright my dears on that note...I must be off! :p Even though all I want to do is curl up on my couch and be a lazy bum! :D All well...dreams... :lol: Have a fabulous Monday my buddies and I'll see y'all tonight I'm sure! ;)

*Mo grins and grasping her coffee firmly, shimmers softly away in a cloud of fluffy fog!* ;)
Hey! Where is everyone?

Well, i was on ff.net and was reading a fic by 5t4c3y called Crashed the Wedding. It's hilarious, you should read it. It reminded me of a conversation you guys were having a while ago about Danny being clumsy or something like that. Just read it, it's so funny.

PSG xxx
Hi PSG! I'm still here, just have no inspiration to write anything... So, I'll read the story you said I should.

How many days now until season starts?
*Liff tiredly drags himself into the thread, mumbling incoherently as his eyelids continue to droop to a close* Hey guys, sorry - it's been a long and tiring day. But I'm here and boy can the D/L love make someone feel better :)

Del said:
Liff kicked some sense into me and I realized how much I missed you guys, so I'm back.
I think Cordy's due for another kick right about now :lol: Where've you run off to sweetheart?

*Hugs everyone and offers cake for peace offering*
*grabs a piece and continues to glare* Any more peace offerings? :lol: Ahh - have I told you how much I adore your avvie sweetheart? *chuckles* Sorry Mo darlin'!

Dutch said:
They only glanced at the screen once before they (like Liffy already predicted) curled up in next to the fire place...Aaaaw!
Aww - *swoon* It's little scenes like that which makes D/L so lovable. They're so inlove it's intoxicating! I need to go brush my teeth now - even if they're beyond help since I've been in contact with Fluff for goodness knows how long. :lol: Hee! I so can't wait for the next season - I really just want a scene of them at dinner or something - something domestically normal - even if they get called in the middle of whatever it is. :)

Danny/Lindsay #19: So much more than a one-night-stand!
Oh I love that dutch sweetheart :)

I'll put in my 1.50 cents worth:

Danny/Lindsay #19: In love and lovin'

Danny/Lindsay #19: Love through it all

Danny/Lindsay #19: Not sold seperately

:devil: The last one is my personal favourite :p

Rad said:
Apparently I can never go to a concert again without missing loads of stuff...
Well, my so-called "novel-length" posts are usually overnight disappearances by moi so....who knows how much you have to go through when you're gone a day! (or more) :lol: We are a prolific bunch :p

Soph said:
Liff, Tiggy is so cute!
Why thank you sweetheart - he has good genes :p and is adorable 24-7 and enjoys lounging in my pool. (Tigers are the only cats that like to bathe - how cool is that?)

Aud said:
We probably love too much.
:eek: Naaaww....you can never get too much love sweetie!! :D We're a lovin' thread here babes ;) No runnin' away from it.

It's like a huggy convention here.
...and more (no dirty thoughts intended - if there are any; blame yourselves. I had no part in their creation. Pssst...nekkid D/L - see what mental images YOU guys come up with :devil: )

I think I'll dump the boyfriend---basically because I have more dreams about D/L than I do of him.
Heh - D/L is love. Takes over everything unfortunately. :p

I can't judge Lindsay because I've done worse things to guys before.
As long as you didn't castrate anybody - I'm cool. :cool: Otherwise....*backs away*

Del, you should check out my lj page. Something you'd probably like. You too, Mo.
Does that include my "horny" comment? :p

Abby said:
I agree! And they prefer to dedicate themselves to other activities…
Oh boy... *watches mental replay*

Stuffy said:
Ask Liffy; he knows all about them. I constantly have to prod him cause of his antics
You're just asking for me to break out MY weapon collection. I don't do guns - I hate them with a passion. I do however have a strong love of Ancient chinese weapons and my extended blade and spear pwns your swords dearest Stuffy! You're just lucky I wubs you! :p

Rad said:
Lindsay is probably good with handeling swords, especially Danny's.
*blink* :eek: *whack* That was dirrty! :devil: hehehehe.

Dani said:
*giggles over our 5 hours long msn chat yesterday, also with Cammie and Liffy*
Shall I rename all my plants then? rofl :lol: Sorry Abby! I couldn't resist. :D

Mo suggested:
Danny & Lindsay #19: It's OFFICIAL!
You bet your cute ass it is!! :devil: They're pro's in the bedroom by now :lol:

Danny & Lindsay #19: Pros in the bedroom

Danny & Lindsay #19: Pros 'on' the pooltable

:p I couldn't resist - yet again :lol:

Even though all I want to do is curl up on my couch and be a lazy bum!
With Danny and Linds going at it like bunnies infront of us and a cup of hot choc and m&ms? Hell yeah! :devil:

Okay - so it looks like I've posted another novel-length post. Gives you all with nothing to do something to read right? :lol: - just kidding.

Ahh, well - I haven't really been reading anymore fanfics nor am I writing. I think my muse needs a break and I don't have the time or want to read/write for now. :p Heh.

Anywho - I shall pop back laterr. Cheers all :cool:
You all are like name bearing fiends! Every post I see is a new name! And they're all so good. I'll have to keep thinking. None of mine compare to the greatness of everyone else's.

Danny and Linds #19 - A new flavor of M&M

Best one I could think of as of right now... bleh.
Holy pool tables (this saying is copyright of Aud. Please don't sue me.) we've got a lot of thread names here. All of them sound amazing :D

Oy vey Liffy, what you wrote another novel there or something? And I'm not lucky that you wubs me - you can't help but wubs me. I'm too cute to be not loved [/self-promotion] Isn't that right darlin' Mo? :lol: ;)

*swoons off to continue ficcy*
you can't help but wubs me. I'm too cute to be not loved
Yeah you keep telling yourself that babe - seriously delusional :rolleyes:

Well I'm off to bed. May the love be with you (seriously need to stop watching StarWars and SD back to back). :p

Danny looks abit tired over there - good thing they've both got great stamina :devil:

I'm going to run away now! :lol:
You know what I saw this morning? My daughter and I were visiting somebody and she had the one and only M&M-game!

I had to laugh soooooooo hard, I didn't know something like this existed!
Hello buddies!
How ya doing today? I intended to study biology this afternoon, because our teacher left us a present of several chapters of chemistry and biology to study (stupid Mr. M.! :mad:), but I didn’t get the inspiration…and the will. :D Moreover, the only thing that I remember of that lesson is a pool table, because the week we’ve done that lesson I’ve saw SD… :lol:

Yay! Other pics! Thanks Stuffy and Dani :)

Dani said:
Yeah, Abby, I miscalculated the days the episodes would be in when I told you yesterday *giggles over our 5 hours long msn chat yesterday, also with Cammie and Liffy*
Oh yeah, that was awesome! Really we talked for 5 hours?! OMG…I didn’t notice… :lol:

Liff said:
Shall I rename all my plants then? rofl Sorry Abby! I couldn't resist.
Yeah, the plants, the computer and the dictionary, too! ;) :D :D

Jen said:
You know what I saw this morning? My daughter and I were visiting somebody and she had the one and only M&M-game!
Wow! Sounds cool! What is it exactly? :D

Ok guys, I love all the thread titles…again, for me will be soo hard to chose one! :D
Oh, Lif, I was only kidding about your novel length posts. Who else do I have to kid! You take it so well, I just love to bug you for some reason. Same as I'm only 50% E.V.I.L. If I was truly E.V.I.L. I would be posting spoiler boxes all the time!

As for thread names, I'd go with Aud's "Holy Pool Tables, Batman!" I liked it for the thread I opened (#17), but, alas, we were outvoted. I think it deserves another chance. I, myself, have no inspiration for this thread name, but I'd vote for Aud's.
I'm loving the "Holy Pool Tables, Batman". It's a very good thread title! :)

**You know you love this ship when you get excited when a Ted's Montana Grill is being built in the area**
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