Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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Rad asked
How's Spoiler Free life goin for you Liff? You're not missing much if it makes you feel better. Although I haven't read that much myself. So far though, it seems there isn't that much.
Being SF isn't really as hard as I thought it would be, at least not right now. Maybe that's because we're not getting that many spoilers yet. *shrugs* But it's all good so far :) Any whining from me is probably because I'm just plain ol' bored :lol:

Abby asked:
Now that we’re talking about D/L babies, I have a question: In which way do ya thin that Danny would react if Lindsay would say him that they’re expecting a baby?
How bout a re-enactment of the initial conception? :devil: Hahaha, but whatever it is, he'll be happy about it. I can see Danny as a dad, and he'd be a dang cool one too ;) Teachin' his children the city ropes and you'll have their Ma in the background rolling her eyes. *snickers* My mental picture is wayy too cute for words. lol.

Mer honey! It's good to cya around again sweetie! Hope ya get your darn internet up and runnin' soon.

Dani asked:
Question of the day : What do Danny and Lindsay prefer: a dinner out in a good restaurant, a simple walk in Central Park or going to a baseball game? Or something else?
Hmmm, maybe they'd go to a Yankees game and then finish the day off with a walk in the park :) Somehow I think both Danny and Linds appreciate the time they're spending together more than what they're actually doing. :)

Cammie sweetie, hope ya have fun on ur hols! I so want to go to Sardinia!

Chelle sweetie! Where art thou? :lol: You've disappeared again.

Right-o I need to get back to writing. This chapter ain't gonna finish itself!

It's love! It's love! It's love!

"And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times, It's you, It's you, you make me sing, you're every line, you're every word, you're everything"
A huge welcome back to Del and mer!! We've missed ya both :D

mer wubs...

Flack is getting a girlfriend and Angell will be back (for how long I'm not sure) but no, they are not being pairied. It's so awesome that DL will be together (note that when this information came out, the word "will" was italized) but it won't be front-and-centre (at least at first, which makes one wonder what TPTB have up their clever sleeves...) I nearly died from laughter after reading about how the college kid dies :lol: what a way to die, I must say. Eek.
Thank you guys about the comments about my avie! I love my avie!

wish Danny and Lindsay would get the "orgasmed to death" case. It sure would bring both of them even closer.
Dani asked:
Question of the day : What do Danny and Lindsay prefer: a dinner out in a good restaurant, a simple walk in Central Park or going to a baseball game? Or something else?
Twister! :devil:
Just Kiddin' I think maybe a quiet dinner then a walk. I think they want to spend some quiet time together where they can just talk and stare into eachothers eyes :)

I hope they get that case too, I can just imagine Danny trying to hold back his urge to laugh!
Im off guys, be back later ;)
DEL! You're back! Hope that your trip was amazing, and I'm sad HP is over as well. I suppose we still hvaethe movies right?

Liff glad to hear that SF life is treating you well. Thus far anyway... :lol: Hang in there. I have faith in you. And I wont take any whining personally.

As for the DLQOTD I think that they would just stay at home and watch a good movie or something. Some kind of Romantic comedy that Danny secretly enjoys. They'd cuddle up in a nice warm blanket next to eachother with a fireplace burning in the background. [/fluffyness]

Wow, Fluffy or what. Auntie Mo must be getting to me.
About episode 404
The orgasmed to death case is being worked by Danny/Stella/Angell, so no Danny/Lindsay working together on it. Doesn't mean we might not get a great moment between the two of them because of it though. Think to the one where they were watching the "walrus" documentary. They don't always have to work together to get a great moment.
*Mo sprints into the thread...* Hi people! How much do y'all love lazy Sunday afternoons? I love them...they are good for chillin' on the couch catching up on videos, fanfics, and D/L love! :D Fun times indeed! :lol:

Buddy from the land of the awesome wooden shoe Dutch grinned:
Lynny! You better hold on tight to her Mo!
No worries babe...I totally pwn her and I've got a massive grip on her ankles! :lol: She's squirrly though...so I may need some help! ;) Come on Lynny come play with us! :D

Mo you're watching my favorite season 2 D/L ep! *throws M&M's back at everyone and joins Mo*
Despite the massive angst in it...I have to say I totally love it too! And I LOVE Danny in this eppy! If I wasn't already in love with him, that eppy would have sealed it for me! He is so amazing...and I love how Linds came to him first with the cigarette butt info...breaking protocol=LOVE! :D And then that look between them...hello Major LOVE!!

Shippy bud with a good question Dani asked:
Question of the day : What do Danny and Lindsay prefer: a dinner out in a good restaurant, a simple walk in Central Park or going to a baseball game? Or something else?
Ohhhhh, good question there hon...hmmmmmm, how about a baseball game, then dinner at a cute little restaurant followed by a walk in the park? :D It'd make a nice Saturday in the summer date for D/L! (Sorry I couldn't pick one! :D )

My food fight darling Chell-belle giggled:
MO .... Chell smooshes a big lemon and lime cheesecake in Mo's face before running and hiding, giggling
CHELL!!! Hi honey! :D I missed you! Awwww, yay lemon and lime cheesecake...YUM!! *Mo wipes her face off and licks the yumminess happily...then grinning devilishly she whips out her own blueberry cheesecake and smooshes it on Chell's head before running away herself!* :lol:
Lol, yeah I have to admit, it's hilarious and almost awkward at the same time Catey! :lol: I definitely can't wait to see how Danny reacts to that COD! And I would love to see him tell Linds about that...I can just imagine her face as he told her! :lol: As for one dying of "that"...there was a girl who had them over and over on "Grey's Anatomy"...it's a disorder that causes them every few minutes...so there are plenty of those kind of things that happen! *shrugs and giggles!* :lol:
Angsty niece Rad hon laughed:
Pies Mo in face for old times sake
Cute hon, very cute! Lol, apparently it's "Get Mo with Pie" day or something! :lol: Well never let it be said I couldn't take it...of course never let it be said I can't dish it out either! ;) *Mo grins and smooshes a pie right back in her Rad's face! :lol: *

Lucky bud who got to go to the land of the Eiffel Tower Del said:
Mo: I love you and all, but I bagged a thread like 5 threads ago. lol.
Del! Hi bud! Welcome back!! How was France? As beautiful as I imagine? You are so lucky to have gone and I'm totally jealous! ;) As for the thread...I didn't even know we were talking about the next one yet...but no worries, I know you called the next one! :D

Gone so long I started to worry...darling Mer-bear winked:
*peekaboo* Hiya!! Did ya miss me?
MER!! There you are! *Huggles!* Aud look, Mer's back! Yay! :lol: Hi hon, of course we missed you around here! I'm so glad you're back and I really really hope your internet gets fixed soon...it definitely sucks to not have it! Yay for you being back even for just a bit, that makes me happy! :D

Angsty niece who is showing lovely fluffy thoughts Rad said:
I think that they would just stay at home and watch a good movie or something. Some kind of Romantic comedy that Danny secretly enjoys. They'd cuddle up in a nice warm blanket next to eachother with a fireplace burning in the background. [/fluffyness]
Wow, Fluffy or what. Auntie Mo must be getting to me.
Heehee, YAY!! I always knew I'd get you hon! Heehee! I'm telling ya, fluff is irresistible...especially when it comes to D/L...angst can be hot sometimes (RSRD...LRC) I'll give you that...but Fluff...fluff is where it's at baby! Totally!! :lol: Especially with these two...most definitely! :D

Alright my dears...time for dessert I think...and then maybe some more D/L...yeah I could go for that! :D Have a fabulous evening my shippy dears and as always...our ship freakin' rocks...Canon baby, all the way! :D

*Mo grins and shimmers off in a haze of fluffy love and bubbles!*
Good morning! How are you all doing today?? Fine, I hope! *Dani gives out DLicious cake for breakfast*

mer, hope you fix that internet soon. We miss ya around here. kissme, you're back hun *huggles* I hope you had fantastic holidays :) And Cammie is going on holidays too? Have fun Italian cousin ;)

Liff said:
But I still think it'd be cute if they had a baby boy first, so when the little girl comes along, she'll have a big bro and daddy. It's just cute
Aw, I never had thought of the situation like that, but it's super cute! Ah, either way, boy of girl, I don't care.

Which leads to Abby's question, how would Danny react if Lindsay told him she was pregnant? Well, as a responsible man he is, and as the most in love couple they are, they would take it ok. They would be happy, I think. And after the 'shock' of the new, they would be excited :D But I don't think they'll have a baby anytime soon (and I hope not for the good of the show)

Liff also said
Liff will go through this hiatus spoiler free! :lol: :p

Dear Mo said :
sorry, I couldn't pick one ...
Oh yeah, I know what that is. After reading all your amazing answers, I think they would like everything you guys said, so I guess they'll just try them all ;)

and ended her post by saying
our ship freakin' rocks...canon baby, all the way!
Yes it does :D *throws M&M's at Mo for being such a fluffy shipper*
Dani!! *giggles over our LJ conversation yesterday and tickles buddy*

Welcome back to everyone that left us for a while there. Hope you had fun wherever you were, and mer I hope you get your Internet back soon.

Guess what ladies (and guy!)...I saw 'The Simpsons Movie' last night, and thankfully we stayed for the credits cause there was a name listed there, and the last name was Belknap!! I couldn't help but wonder :D and of course I got all excited. Hee.

Slightly OT: Funniest. Movie. Ever.

Alright kids, time to actually do some work at work. Have a good one y'all and I'll pop back in here later *eyes Liffy and gives him a big kiss on the cheek for the very purty and rockin' avvie*
It's 'old home' week, huh? Mer, Chell, Lynny.... Oh my, Lynny?? You came back! And kidnapped Danny so that he could join his beloved Lindsay! How sweet. ;)

Ah, der flurffiness, my Rad, is addictive. :D

I'm lost on what to say...haven't got much to say even. You guys lost me way back on the goat thing. My D/L brain has never been the same. :lol: Give me some time to catch up on Gutterville talk.

Hey Stuffy, your goat keeps eating my expensive sweaters. Does he have a name? If not, I think I'll call him Pancho. :lol:

Later. :cool:
Silly Aud, that's not my goat. Turn your attention to innocent Liffy; it's his animal :p

Thanks hun for reveiwing my ficcy at FF :D I didn't know you had done it until just a few minutes ago; I guess FF.net is messed up again cause it said that you reviewed yesterday and I didn't get any notifications. I'm working on the next chapter so hopefully it'll be up today/tonight/tomorrow.

Mo! Get up young miss, or I'll kidnap Danny again. I already stole him after you threatened to dump that bucket of ice cream on my head, and I'll do it again in an instant. :lol: ;) wubs you hunny.
miss dani asked: Question of the day : What do Danny and Lindsay prefer: a dinner out in a good restaurant, a simple walk in Central Park or going to a baseball game? Or something else?
^^^ cute dating-like question!! lindsay in a baseball cap, haired pulled back in a ponytail, sitting on the bleachers, eating nachos with Danny…ya know, this is probably a Danny fantasy. heehee. :D

neighbor Vex[/b]]:lol: that would bring them closer together no doubt! with some laughs too! but ohmy, what an interesting way to die. the storylines are as always umm whoa. sidenote: gooo danny and lindsay love!

welcome home, delia; how was the trip??

great choice in av, stuffy, er, and liffy for making it! whats with the HSM-looking-theme? i like it. are you going to smack me yet for not getting onto the ff.net bandwagon? :lol: ETA: belknap! :D

Rad, youre angsty?? i didnt know that! by the way, your av makes me want to get into a photo booth. :p

where are my dutchy and chelle belle off to?
Good morning all y'all! *Mo bounces into the thread...Brad Paisley stuck in her head again this morning! (Liffy were you playing that song last night, cuz I can't get it outta my head! ;) )* :lol:

Dani repeated after Liffy:
"Liff will go through this hiatus spoiler free!"
:lol: More power to you Liff dude, I know I sure as heck could not make that! I can barely refrain from jumping in here at work when I know spoilers are being shared...so to stay totally SF...yeah, you're braver than I my friend! ;)

*throws M&M's at Mo for being such a fluffy shipper*
Lol, thanks hon! *Mo catches the m&m's and has herself a nice chocolate breakfast! ;) *

Cute bug shippy buddy Stuffy grinned:
Slightly OT: Funniest. Movie. Ever.
Just had to agree with this hon! I got dragged by my brothers and dad to go see this on Friday night...it was totally hysterical! And I wasn't the only girl there...which I was afraid I would be for a while! :lol:

*eyes Liffy and gives him a big kiss on the cheek for the very purty and rockin' avvie*
*Mo grins, giggles and winks at her flirting buddy...not even having to say a word!* :lol: :lol:

Fluffy Twin Aud wub sighed:
Ah, der flurffiness, my Rad, is addictive.
Hi wub!! Yup it totally is addictive...and once you get a taste, you're hooked, done, signed-sealed-delivered! :lol: Awwww, I love fluff! It makes me happy! :D

Miss early morning riser...Stuffy laughed:
Mo! Get up young miss, or I'll kidnap Danny again. I already stole him after you threatened to dump that bucket of ice cream on my head, and I'll do it again in an instant. wubs you hunny.
Yeah, you're cute! :p ;) I'm up, I'm up! And you couldn't have stolen him, he's still asleep in my bed! I mean uh...Linds' bed, yup Linds' bed! *Mo giggles and attempts to look innoccent!* :devil: heehee! :lol:

Alright, I must away to work...remind me, how did it get to be Monday already? *shrugs!* Awww well, it's a short week for me...I get Friday off...(which happens to be the day before my b'day! :D )

Okay later y'all...happy Monday! :D

*Mo grins and shimmers quickly away in her Fluffy Bubble!*
And you couldn't have stolen him, he's still asleep in my bed!

Oh Mo dear, I think your dreams are starting to get to you there :lol:

*Mo grins, giggles and winks at her flirting buddy...not even having to say a word!*

Whaaaat? He made me the avvie, so it's only right that I thank him. A kiss on the cheek can be a thank-you :)

Just had to agree with this hon! I got dragged by my brothers and dad to go see this on Friday night...it was totally hysterical! And I wasn't the only girl there...which I was afraid I would be for a while!

The theatre was PACKED. The minute they opened the doors people started flooding in. There was four of us and we got in right away, but if we didn't we definitely wouldn't have gotten a spot together.

It's a short week for me too hun! I'm taking off Friday and headin' out to Ottawa for a few days. 4-day weekend! woo!
*Storms in cheering :D - Yeah everyone's returning! - Missed y'all so much* :)

Chell You have a lot of catching up to do...glad you're ok though... :D

Mer I'm so sorry 'bout your i'net...that sucks...try and take over your parents' PC more often :D...

Del it sounds like you had a wonderful time in France, did you bring us any nice champagne? :)

Danny's definately going to be buying the little train set and end up playing with it more than his baby is. Or he'll be holding his baby boy and Linds will walk in randomly to the two sitting down on the floor playing with their train set. ONESHOT DAMNIT DUTCH! If you don' write it I will!
You go right ahead and write that story Liffy :D...I have so many ideas, but so little time :)...should be a totally cute story...

Now that we’re talking about D/L babies, I have a question: In which way do ya thin that Danny would react if Lindsay would say him that they’re expecting a baby?
Well it's Danny...I think he'll faint :rolleyes:....and after the initial shock wears off he'll be totally excited, but so protective of Lindsay that she cannot go anywhere without him following two steps behind :p, watching her every move to make sure she and the baby are save :)...
Buddy from the land of the awesome wooden shoe Dutch grinned: Lynny! You better hold on tight to her Mo!
No worries babe...I totally pwn her and I've got a massive grip on her ankles! She's squirrly though...so I may need some help! Come on Lynny come play with us!
*grabs Lynny's left ankle while Mo holds on tight to the right one* - Stay here Lynny! We need your sweet ;) comments on Lindsay :p Oh and Mo sweetie :), if you think wooden shoes are awesome, I'm sorry, but I will never go shoe shopping with you... ;)

Dani I think D/L will have fun no matter what they do together, but I like the idea of doing all that you suggested in one weekend...just two days of fun stuff... :D

psst Angel, I'm here! *surprises buddy by pushing a big strawberry pie in her face* :)
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