Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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Wow guys what’s happening? I’m sick too! I’m sorry hun! Get better soon!
Thanks :) You get better too, ok? Someone is spreading colds and etc. here on this thread. Stop :(

Aww sweetie why? Keep at it hun, and there's tonnes of tutorials out there for you to learn from!
Okay, I'll try ;)

Welcome back PSG! Glad to hear you had fun at camp, glad to see you back though :) Your camp sounds excited...but not the strange people part...:lol:

Anyways I guess Im off to work at my PSP, wish me luck!

ETA: I forgot to ask this earlier, what crime are you guess talking about thats so hilarious? I read back and can't find what you are talking about :D
We are almost there guys for the premiere!

It's unfortunate that I have to spend all my time waiting by updating fics! :) ;)

Dutch, I hope that you are feeling better. If you want to I can just send Danny over to make the pain go away! :) ;)
hey neighbor vex! nice michael av :p WISH!!

*blows a kiss at stuffy and cuzzy*

ive sent lindsay back to danny so now he can rest assured she's in his arms.

Mo hun, thanks for the pro-writer speech :D . im just super cautious/borderline pessimistic, thats all :eek:. but you know this, i LOVE Danny & Lindsay. :)

im going to look for the location of the home of the famous pool sects table (aka danny's apartment) in RL. that is if it really exists. i'll take any help if you can offer some! i'll bring back a picture if im successful in my search.

*throws M&Ms with stuffy at dutch, mer, AND Mo :p *
aww Dutchy's not feeling good? aww *hugs*

wow, I haven't been in here since the last thread, bet yall didn't notice did ya? *mumbles crazy ass ppl see if I leave you candy*

Its almost time for a new season and I'm kidnapping Danny, just thought yall should know.

*disappears for another couple of months*
Howdy, howdy, howdy, hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey! *Mo comes in singing and waiting for an echo...!* Happy Saturday evening my shippy dearies! :D Danny and Linds have been "enjoying" their day today...definitely enjoying it! :devil: (But then I guess they do that everyday! ;) ) Heehee! :lol:

LYNNY!!! I see you! (And by the way I totally noticed you weren't around in here!! ;) ) And now that you came back in here...you are so not escaping again that fast! *Mo grabs her angsty buddies heels and refuses to let go!!* :D

Aud my darling Fluffy Twin, I'm totally up for some "8 ball" with ya! Sounds like a fabulous plan to me..."Sex on the Beach" babes? ;) Heehee! :lol:

Vex your icon is way too cute hon...little Michael from Peter Pan! :D Awwww too cute! ;)

Stuffy hon, you mean Danny boy who is currently laying on my....I mean uh...Linds couch right now? :devil: *Mo dumps the ice cream bucket over her Stuffy's head and grabbing Danny runs off giggling!*

Okay all my buddies...I am off to watch the angstiest eppy of Season 2 (yes that would be RSRD...) which for some reason I love! (Oh yeah, it's cuz the love between D/L in the eppy is practically a living thing it's so strong!! :D )

*Mo waves and giggles and shimmers away!*
I can just send Danny over to make the pain go away!
I'm kidnapping Danny, just thought yall should know
Lynny! :eek: You better hold on tight to her Mo! I need the lovely pain medicine that Vex offered and no way that you can run off with it. :p My head's fine (just hope that lump will disappear too :rolleyes:), but I can come up with some other aching spots... :devil:*fills watergun with terrible sticky syrup and starts soaking Lynny*

Angel if you do find that apartment you can really start organizing a D/L tour! :D Good luck!

Vex I love Peter Pan...well actually I like all the Disney stuff, :cool: but that's one of my favorites...
Sarah[/b]-Go away Liff!-S04E04]This is from Stuffy's post: "you can all focus your attention on the way the college kid dies in this episode, because it is absolutely hiarious. Y'all ready? She's "orgasmed to death". Apparently she was used as a sacrifice and she has an orgasm that caused her to die or something like that" :confused:

Mo you're watching my favorite season 2 D/L ep! :D*throws M&M's back at everyone and joins Mo*
Glad to hear you are doing better Dutchie :)
Are you serious!? Oh my gosh, I cant wait to see their reactions to this one! :lol: They are definetly coming up with some er...interesting? cases. That is so hilarious, gosh Im going to lose weight from laughing so long :lol: :lol:
Thanks for filling me in!
*Dani comes in after being missing yesterday* Hope you're doing great this beautiful Sunday morning! I am doing quite fine, forgetting that my gum still hurts from going to the dentist yesterday. Stupid anestesia, needle in my gum several times and this is what I get (not counting with the 4 hours of frozen effect) Bah, I hate dentists :eek:

PSG, it's great that you're back and that you had fun in the camp ;)

Mo said:
Lol, Dani you went shoe shopping and didn't call Aud and I? We're the shopping queens!
If only I knew that :rolleyes: I still need to buy shoes for myself this time, so you can always join me today ;)

Vex, your avatar is so cute. I love Disney!
Btw, Abby mentioned avatars too, have you figured what you wanted already?? I hope so. I am in need of a D/L icon as well, to put on my LJ, but as I am not an icon maker, I need to find someone who has a gallery or something. Any suggestions guys?? You maybe have a gallery??

dutch said:
I can imagine him buying a race track for a 2 months old baby boy and coming home with it all excited...Lindsay would just smile...he's such a boy...
:lol: yeah, I am imagining that now! Danny could do that :p

Mo, it's great that you're enjoying your season 2 marathons! I would love to rewatch the episodes as well :rolleyes: I adore that teasing between them :)

Question of the day : What do Danny and Lindsay prefer: a dinner out in a good restaurant, a simple walk in Central Park or going to a baseball game? Or something else?

And now just before I leave, here's a D/L picture for everyone
Good afternoon my special shipper buddies!!!

Chell bounds in with a hamper full to the brim of D/L cookies ( we all know how much Mer LOOOOOOOOVes them cookies!!!! ;) ) hehe

Just popping in quickly to say a quick HI nbefore i jump back a few.. ooohhh i dunno, 10 pages!!! :lol: i am soo behind its unbelievable!!! today is catch up day for moi!!

Angel!!! .... Chell-bell jumps in and tackles her giving her a big hugglez!!
hello huni!! yes im back.. it was soo sweet of you to still msg me to check if i was ok!!! mwah to u huns!!! I'll meet you down at the Fluff spa later this afternoon and we can have a girly day hehe ... ok?! :D

MO .... Chell smooshes a big lemon and lime cheesecake in Mo's face before running and hiding, giggling :lol:
CHELLLL!!!!!! *Mo tackles her lost buddy with a HUGE hug!* I was SOOO worried about you...I thought you disappeared, I'm so glad you're back!! Hi honey!!!

hehe well hopefully, fingers x'd, i will be here to stay now! (stupid net :mad: ) but big hugz to u all for worrying about me!!! i havent dissapeared!!! :D hehe


Sure sweetie. I havent done anything to it I'm afraid, no time, and I'm still dead on my feet.

well hello there dude!! aww thanks soo much for posting the link to where i now live!! hehe and wow.. congrats on stayin spoiler free!!!! woo!! Go liff!!!!! :D

well guys, hopefully i will catch up with the past few pages real quick hehe Byes!!! XXXXXX
Well, everybody, I'm glad Stuffy could write about it,
because honestly, I couldn't even write it down. The very thought of it is icky and funny at the same time. I still can't believe they are going to show that and how exactly does one die of that anyway?

Lynny, I missed you in here too! I've had to visit other threads to find you! Nice to see you here. Stealing Danny however, may get the others chasing you, but I'd look out for Lindsay. She's protective of her man!
*Liff wanders in humming "Gonna get Dirrty!"*

Howdy y'all! How's everyone this lovely Sunday? :) Welcome back Soph ;) Glad t'hear that ya had fun at ya camp :)

Abby said:
I can see Lindsay looking for cute pink dresses and Danny that tries to convince her to choose comfortable pants and shirts for their daughter. :D
Haha, I can definately see Danny as an uber-protective daddy, answering the door to any of her guy friends whilst cleaning his gun :devil: His little gets only the best of the best ;)

But I still think it'd be cute if they had a baby boy first, so when the little girl comes along, she'll have big bro and daddy. It's just cute. :)

Rad sweetie your avvie is hilarious! OT: I thought Ron was such a prick in DH, at least for the most part until he got his head outta his ass! :p Woo go Harry! ;)

I think that Danny and Lindsay baby clothes shopping together would be hilarious. Linds would be so totally into, wanting everything for her little soon-to-be kid. Danny on the other hand would stand there with his arms folded across his chest with this dumb little smirk across his face. He would just basically nod at Lindsay for everything she wanted, knowing that they were never going to buy all that baby stuff in one shot. In this particualr case, Danny might be the logical one...
:lol: Haha, he might be a bit more money minded when the baby comes along, but he's just going be as excited if not more than his wife! :)

Dutch said:
On the other hand I think Danny's the kind of dad who buys all kinds of stuff their kid cannot use for a long time, but he likes to play with it :D
Definately! :lol: Danny's definately going to be buying the little train set and end up playing with it more than his baby is. Or he'll be holding his baby boy and Linds will walk in randomly to the two sitting down on the floor playing with their train set. ONESHOT DAMNIT DUTCH! If you don' write it I will! :p

Great Liff! So you will join us in discussing everything he has to say...we'll probably have to put that in the spoiler-title-warning-thingy
Hell yeah! :lol: I ain't missing this. I've already missed out so much as it is! :p But I'm good. Repeat myself after me. I.WILL.GET.THROUGH.THIS.HIATUS.SPOILER.FREE! :D

Cuzzy said:
im going to look for the location of the home of the famous pool sects table (aka danny's apartment) in RL.
Awesome! You definately have to post that pic if it exists!! :D

Mo hun, thanks for the pro-writer speech
Did I miss something? What pro-writer speech? *scrolls up* Ohhhh. Well we ALL know that the writers are pro-dl shippers! We also secretly know that they signed our petition under a random name ;) Hehehehehe.

I see...LYNNY!!! Yay Lynny's back! Well... sorta.

*disappears for another couple of months*
How long does that last? A few days? hours? :lol: We misses ya Lynny! Kindap Danny and we'll go out partyin' with Cath ;) Maybe Nicky'll get jealous ;)

Catey said:
Stealing Danny however, may get the others chasing you, but I'd look out for Lindsay. She's protective of her man!
Maybe we should just let Lynny run off and watch Linds run after her with her gun :devil: hehehehe. That would be interesting. No one steals her man ;)

I've changed my avvy...yet again. I think ppl who make their own can't help but do so :p hehehe. :lol:
TWINNY! I didn't think I'd ever see you back in here! It's amazing to see you in this thread. I guess I should pop on over to CatNip now, I suppose I owe you.. he he.

These cases are becoming er.. interesting? Ep 4 sounds hilariously weird. Hopefully it doesn't scare Danny and Linds out of the you know-whatsie... :D

How's Spoiler Free life goin for you Liff? You're not missing much if it makes you feel better. Although I haven't read that much myself. So far though, it seems there isn't that much.

Well, I hope those who are sick get well soon. Being sick is gross. My brother is sick. Poor guy. *Stays away from brother*. And I give love to all my DL Buddies.

Pies Mo in face for old times sake
*Jumps back into the thread!*

I'm back from Champagne & Paris! The language/sport course was amazing. If you want to know more. (lol), PM me or log onto my livejournal. Anyway, I MISSED YOU GUYS and I'm so glad to be back and so I could do the next thread! :p

Mo: I love you and all, but I bagged a thread like 5 threads ago. lol.

Hmmm, interesting spoilers. The cases are sounding a little annoying however.

Rad: Cute avvie! Awwwww, I'm so sad HP ended. :( It doesn't seem enough!
DEEEEEEEEEEEL!!! YOU’RE BACK! Welcome back, hun we missed ya! :) *hugs*

Angel said:
im going to look for the location of the home of the famous pool sects table (aka danny's apartment) in RL.
Yay! That’s a great idea! I can’t wait to now where Danny’s home is! ;)

Dani said:
Question of the day : What do Danny and Lindsay prefer: a dinner out in a good restaurant, a simple walk in Central Park or going to a baseball game? Or something else?
Mmh…I’d say a walk in central park…that would be cute! But I think that they would reeeally like the idea of ‘something else’ and use their creativity… :devil: :D

Liffy said:
Haha, I can definately see Danny as an uber-protective daddy,
Now that we’re talking about D/L babies, I have a question: In which way do ya thin that Danny would react if Lindsay would say him that they’re expecting a baby?

Hiya!! Did ya miss me? I still don’t have net access at home right now, but I am at my parent’s house watching the race at the Brickyard, so I am hooked onto their broadband. I feel so disconnected without internet (no pun intended). I can’t even tell you how much I have missed you all! *hugs all around* I love you guys, you're the bestest!

Liff[/b], you just don’t know…]D/L is on! Reading those lovely spoilers really cheered me up. The fact that they are without a doubt a couple, but it won’t be too “in your face” is just about what we always said we wanted. *does the canon dance* Okay, I saw a spoiler a few pages back that Flack was getting a girlfriend, and then I read a page back that Angell is going to be back… any chance that they would be paired? I haven’t checked the spoiler thread or anything yet since I was busy getting caught up here. Have they said if Flack’s g/f will be an outside character? Oh, and about 4x04’s vic... if you gotta die, what a way to go! :devil:
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