Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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61 Days? That is way to long, what are we going to do??
Okay so Angell is coming back...why did she leave in the first place? And why does she have to come back? I mean is like somebody going away for something that they need her to fill in? Ok anyways there isnt going to be much D/L huh? Oh well hopefully they will make it up with another 'Snow Day' scene :lol:
About Angell, there is not much to worry about, I think. The writers' can't even remember the first name they gave her to begin with, because it's wrong in the spoilers. Probably a minor error, but if she's that important a character, would you not get the name right? So, I don't think she's a threat to D/L. And I don't think she ever was really missing, but there were some rumors that the actress had another show she might be on. I guess it fell through, or they'll get a new actress to play her. Who knows?

Dutch, glad you're back! Missed you around here!

Liff, get some sleep! Dream pleasant dreams, and we'll see you later.

Sarah, I'll remember your name from now on, and like I said, your party was fine.

Chell, your back! Good to see you.
*starts by throwing pie back at Rad*

My dear Angel said:
dani, you didn't see danny behind you, did you? i think he's looking for lindsay!
Oh, so that is why he passed running like crazy! I guess he was already missing her :p Hope he has found her already, I think they had something to do tonight :devil:

Btw, this spa treatment was really relaxing, great idea Angel ;)

dutch, I'm glad you're back and better :)

Chell, good to see you around here! Post more often!

Liff, CONGRATULATIONS! and have a good sleep time ;)

Liff said, just before going to bed:
I can definately see him spoiling his little princess and she'll have him wrapped around her fingers. So sweet.
*melts* Yeah, that's why I always picture them with a girl first, because I love the thought of Danny and his little princess :)

Ok. 61 days to the first definite news from D/L, not spoilers! It seems quite a lot, though.

*Dani goes to "the 8-ball", but finds the place a little empty* Cammie, Mo, Mer, Carly come from where you are!

Well, I'm going to watch the crime/forensics show I found yesterday! Can you believe how much I love them and how much they have an influence in my mood? Yesterday I was like a bit down, not sure why, even my mom noticed, the show came on, and when it finished I was happy! It just gets me really into it, so I forget about stuff! Love them! :D Now you figure out what CSI:NY does to my mood? It has the forensics part + D/L, so I always get ultra excited :D
"Cuz I can't stop loving you! No I can't stop loving you...why should I, why should I, even try? I'll always be here by your side..." Awww Phil Collins, 80's icon that you are...you make brilliant music! :D

Hello my Shippy buddies! How are you all this fine Friday evening? I was going to come in singing the Finally Friday song but I figured I'd change it up a bit ;) that said...YAY for Friday! I love it! :D Lol, I'd say our couple is celebrating the start of the weekend in a "special" fashion :devil: but that's pretty much the way they celebrate every day! :lol: ;)
Poor naive but still my so cute Stuffy bud said:
You wouldn't dump that bucket on my head, would you now oh dearest Mo? You wubs me too much.
Dearie, dearie, dearie...of course I wubs ya...but hon, you still KNOW I'd dump the bucket on you! :lol: ;)

So...Wednesday, that's when we get our "fabulous" (that's so mean of me to hint at, isn't it Liffy! ;) ) spoilers from Ausseilo on tvguide.com right?? :D

Angel hon, I don't think this has to be in a spoiler box...so in light of that, I am about 99.9% sure, the writers are most definitely Pro-D/L hon! Pam Veasey is the shippy writer of the year, and Peter Lenkov is second only to her in that department!! No worries, we have very powerful PTB on our shippy side! ;)

OMG...Stuffy are you serious about that spoiler?? :lol: That's what happens to the victim?? That is HILARIOUS!! And definitely a new one for NY, that'll be fun to see people's reactions to that! :lol: :lol:

Lol, Dani you went shoe shopping and didn't call Aud and I? We're the shoe shopping queens! :lol: Good times right there...indeed!! ;)

CHELLLL!!!!!! *Mo tackles her lost buddy with a HUGE hug!* I was SOOO worried about you...I thought you disappeared, I'm so glad you're back!! Hi honey!!! :D :D :D

Gutter king and naughty thought buddy Liffy asked:
61 Days left of our hiatus! Too early to start a countdown ya think?
Nah, not too early! Last year, we started at like 120 days! So 61 is way better than that! :D

Rad, niece hon! Hi! You're avie is hilarious...and I love it!! :lol:

Alright, I'm off to enjoy my Friday evening...not sure how...although I have a feeling it'll be involve some D/L love invoved somewhere! :lol: Happy Friday y'all...enjoy it! :D

Pssstt...Aud...have a hug bud! ;) *Snuggles!*

*Mo grins and shimmers away in her happy Fluffy Bubble!*
Happy Saturday fellow shippers! Well it's not Saturday for me yet, actually its only about 9:45pm(Hawaii Time) but Im pretty sure its Saturday for the rest of you ;)

Enough about that. Lately I have been working with my Paint Shop Pro. Im about to throw it out the window, so D/L avvies and banners are in the distant future :lol:

Sarah, I'll remember your name from now on, and like I said, your party was fine.
You lie but thanks :lol: Just kiddin'

Anyways, Im sick so Im off to take medicine and go to bed. :lol: 'Night All!
Aaah, i like like like those D/L-spoilers! Thanks TPTB!!! :)

61 days! That's a long time to go. Hopefully we'll get more sun and less rain in the meantime. Otherwise, it'll be to hard to bear. :(
Morning guys! :) I've been out for 13 hours straight, so I think I'm pretty good :D haha.

Mo darlin' said:
So...Wednesday, that's when we get our "fabulous" (that's so mean of me to hint at, isn't it Liffy! ) spoilers from Ausseilo on tvguide.com right??
On the contrary my dear. I'm reading them :devil: Mass publications aren't considered spoilers. Bobo doesnt, neither does DLC so why on earth would I?? :lol: :D I have no self control but oh well. It's the leaks from unaired scripts and stuff that I don't tune in to ;) Besides, Ausiello is never THAT spoilery anyway.

60 days! Still sounds alot shorter than 2 months, simply cos we'll be staring at the "2 months" for another month :p yay!

Enough about that. Lately I have been working with my Paint Shop Pro. Im about to throw it out the window, so D/L avvies and banners are in the distant future
Aww sweetie why? Keep at it hun, and there's tonnes of tutorials out there for you to learn from! :)

Anyways, that's enough from me :D Hope y'all have a fab saturday! I'm going to go find some food. Think I'll take Dan with me, he seems to be prowling around and sending annoyed looks at their "empty" fridge. Guess they didn't have much time to re-stock huh :devil:

Linds can join one of you guys ;) We need to have a lil' ol chat :p

HEY GUYS!!! *runs in and hugs everyone!* I'M BACK!!! I missed you all so much!!!!! God you guys post so much! I've just read 3 whole pages of posts in just over an hour! Now that's obsession! :lol:

I don't have time to comment on eveything everyone has said, but i'll just say, i'm glad everyone's okay! (Hope you're feeling better, Dutch!) and that the spoilers look wicked!

OT: Camp was wicked! I went to Lake District for a week! (For those who don't know it, it's out in the countryside, with beautiful hills and lakes!) I did abseiling, ghyll scrambling (which is walking and climbing through streams and over waterfalls! I got absolutely soaked! :lol: Was wicked tho!), archery, hiking, survival skills (building shelters, making fires, cooking our own food, making rope out of straw etc...) and for a treat we went to the cinema and bowling. We were supposed to have a beach party but the weather was rubbish so we couldn't :( but it was still fun! I made quite a few new friends, but some people were very strange... :lol:

Anyways, I'll be back later hopefully, when i've caught up with the other threads! *hugs everyone again before running off!*

PSG xxx
Hey buddies!
Welcome back Chell and PSG ! :)

Dani said:
With being with babies around so much, I found myself thinking of Danny and Lindsay shopping for shoes to their babies. I am crazy for baby shoes and clothes. They are just too adorable *pictures Danny choosing a pink skirt for their little girl*
Awww! That would be simply awesome… *_* I can see Lindsay looking for cute pink dresses and Danny that tries to convince her to choose comfortable pants and shirts for their daughter. :D

They really never fail to do that with me either! They are just too good to be ignored And SooH has the same efect on me As well as D/L scenes in general
For me is the same. After SooH, I was smiling like an idiot all the evening. After SD, that didn’t happen only because a friend called me and I’m sure that she immediately realized that she chose the wrong moment, because I talked to her about D/L moments for almost two hours! She was going to kill me… :lol:

Liffy said:
I can definately see him spoiling his little princess and she'll have him wrapped around her fingers. So sweet.
Yeah! Definitely I can see him doing that! Danny would never be able to say no to his little girl. :)

Mo said:
Nah, not too early! Last year, we started at like 120 days! So 61 is way better than that!
Yeah, we should start the countdown! Waiting is killing me! :(

Hey, now I’ve reached 100 posts, but I don’t know how to do for avvie and banner…Someone could help me?

Ok, now I have to go to tidy up my room. My mom is going to kick my ass…
See ya later! :D
‘Morning my buddies! How ya doing? I’m a bit sad cuz I’m going in my little holiday home! And there I can’t use internet! So I won’t come in Gutterville for ‘bout a week :( :( :(

Btw… Wow Dutch I’m sorry for your head, hun!!! I hope you’re feeling better!!!

Sarah darlin’ said
Im sick so Im off to take medicine and go to bed.[/b]

Wow guys what’s happening? I’m sick too! :( I’m sorry hun! Get better soon!

*Cammie gives everyone M&Ms*

Dani don’t worry I’m here now! Your Italian cousin Cammie has a bad cold again, but she’s quite fine! ;)

Hey, thanks for the spoiler guys! I’m feeling better ;)

Wow, welcome back PSG and Chell !!!
*Cammie hugs back her buddy PSG*

Mmm… Yesterday I went out with my friends and we have bought three little rubber balls.
One of them is a black pool ball. Precisely The 8-ball! It’s so cute!!! :D

I’ve just seen your avvie Rad … It’s hilarious!!! I love it!!! :D

My friend Abby said:
Ok, now I have to go to tidy up my room. My mom is going to kick my ass…

Wow! I’m in the same situation!!! :lol: More I’ve to pack cuz I’m going to leave.

Probably this is my last post… I’ll miss y’all!!! :(

Anyway… HAVE FUN!!! :D

Ci sentiamo presto, vi voglio bene
I think that Danny and Lindsay baby clothes shopping together would be hilarious. Linds would be so totally into, wanting everything for her little soon-to-be kid. Danny on the other hand would stand there with his arms folded across his chest with this dumb little smirk across his face. He would just basically nod at Lindsay for everything she wanted, knowing that they were never going to buy all that baby stuff in one shot. In this particualr case, Danny might be the logical one... :lol:

I'm glad you all like my avvie, after finding it online (and reading book 7) I realized how much I love Ron and Hermione. Not to metion I have a huge crush on Ron.. and Rupert.. :D
^^ LoL Rad...Danny being logical, now that would be a first indeed ;)...but I think in the end he would agree to letting her buy some stuff. On the other hand I think Danny's the kind of dad who buys all kinds of stuff their kid cannot use for a long time, but he likes to play with it :D...I can imagine him buying a race track for a 2 months old baby boy :rolleyes: and coming home with it all excited...Lindsay would just smile...he's such a boy... :lol:

Besides, Ausiello is never THAT spoilery anyway.
Great Liff! So you will join us in discussing everything he has to say...we'll probably have to put that in the spoiler-title-warning-thingy :) for you...

That's what happens to the victim?? That is HILARIOUS!! And definitely a new one for NY, that'll be fun to see people's reactions to that!
That one had me totally confused Mo...so I looked up the spoiler...
I wonder what Danny's comments on that COD will be... :devil:

PSG your trip sounds exhausting, but great!

Rad I loved Ron & Hermione in book 7 and I can't stop smiling at your avvie... :)

Sarah just keep practising with your PS...and Liff's right there are plenty of tut's out there...

*joins Dani in The 8-ball and invites everyone who isn't feeling that well for a D/L marathon* Of course the rest of you is welcome to come over too :D

Cam Buon vacanze e ci vediamo!
^^I hope you are feeling better, Ducth. :)

I need some "Eight Ball" therapy!! :D

I'm thinking that our darling couple just might be having fun at a baseball game today...or at home watching a baseball game. By the way, Sugah has written a wonderful D/L baseball fic that everyone should check out. I'd post the link but I think it's....well...you know. :devil:

Well, I'll see y'all later. The plot bunnies have been running around in my head, proceeded to fall over and have done something to the brain---not good, not good. :eek:
Abby said:
Hey, now I’ve reached 100 posts, but I don’t know how to do for avvie and banner

Congrats to your new title! But it's only for the avvie that you must have written 100 posts, not for the banner. That's why I have a lovely banner (made by macayla)! :cool:

In the FAQ-section here at TalkCsi it says ...
"In order to add a banner to your signature, you must have the banner already available on a web server. This can be an image on your own personal web page, for example. To place a banner in your signature, simply use the following Markup Tag: [image]http://www.url_to_image.com/image_name.gif[/image]

For example, if you have an image called cateye.gif and its available from your own website at http://www.mywebsite.com/pics, then you would use the following image markup: [image]http://www.mywebsite.com/pics/cateye.gif[/image]

Click on "My Home" found on any page. Then, under the Main Configuration heading, click on "Personal Information, email, password...". Look for the Signature box, and enter your desired information, including any images/markup as above.

Note: please do not exceed 125 x 600 pixels and/or 35k for a signature image. This will ensure that the forums load quickly for all users."

How to place an avvie I don't know, sorry.

Well, if you already knew the above and wanted to know how to make a banner/avvie I can't unfortunately help you with that. Sorry, but I'm lousy with making avvies and banner. I have no idea how to make them. But I'm sure that there are many others who know. Just ask! :) A tip; look in the Fan Art-thread here at TalkCsi (if you want your banner/avvie to have something with csi to do of course).
dearie, dearie, dearie...of course I wubs ya...but hon, you still KNOW I'd dump the bucket on you!

*shrugs nonchalantly* Alright, fine. Pour that bucket on me...unless of course you want to see Danny tonight ;) And I am 100% serious about that spoiler. Eep.

Welcome back to everyone that was M.I.A. :D we missed ya!

Because I haven't done this for a while...*kisses Liffy and Anffy on the cheeks, throws some M&Ms at dutch and mer (who has vanished from us...where did you go??), gives Danny and Lindsay a kiss as well because they are so incredibly awesome and hawt, and swoons off*

Oh, and we have 60 days until the season premiere :)
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