Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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*Mo waltzes in....visiting quick before she begins another round of her Season 2 D/L marathon!* Hello my dearies...how are all y'all this fine afternoon? I'm doing well...got my cleaning done, did some shopping, now I'll be doin' some relaxin'...gotta love summer weekends! :D

Fluffy Wub Aud honey giggled:
The man in my life is scared of clouds. So I'll be going in about 20 minutes instead. Have fun cleaning, Mo Dear. Don't worry I'll send Danny over to help ya.
Lol, he's scared of clouds? :lol: That's pretty funny hon! Is it clouds in general? Or more the rain that comes from said clouds? Or the lightning? And I did have fun cleaning, thanks for sending Danny babe, he was very helpful! :devil: Heehee! ;)

1. What are some cases you would like to see this year (with D/L of course!)?

2. Who's more of a 'mirror hog': Danny or Lindsay??
Oh yay, fun questions...I like fun questions! :D Good ones too wub, mmmmmmm...let's see!
1.) Well I want them to bring Louie back and I want to see some just normal "couple" stuff from D/L....as far as cases go (which was the actual question I know ;) ) I really don't know, they've done so many different fascinating ones I can't think of something they haven't done...maybe one that has D/L having to travel somewhere upstate together...that'd be fun! :D
2.) Lol, definitely Danny! I mean Linds is a girl so of course she's gonna take her time to look good...but she seems like a fairly low-maintainence kinda girl to me...but I can totally see her teasing Danny for taking longer to get ready for a date then she does! :lol: Totally!!

Gutter King and naughty bud Liffy laughed:
We'd be unstoppable and on fire Why...sounds intreaguing
*Mo grins devilishly and winks at her naughty Gutter bud* mmmmm, intriguing...it does indeed! ;) We might have to test that sometime! ;)

that was just an "I wish it had ended that way" type of thing for SD...I'm pretty sure it wasn't a cut scene from SD....it'd be totally awesome if it was I'll give ya that! But I kinda don't think it is ;)

Alright I'm off to grab some dinner and then start up my lovely marathon again! Yay for lots of D/L love...oh the joy!
*Mo grins and dances her way out of the thread...happy as a fluffy clam!* :lol:
*swoons into room and dump a bucket of water on Liffy*

Ahoy shipmates! Oooo, fun questions to answer :D

1. What are some cases you would like to see this year (with D/L of course!)?

2. Who's more of a 'mirror hog': Danny or Lindsay??

1) Definitely something with Tanglewood that might cause some stir between Danny and Lindsay. That's the angst I want, not some stupid and horrid cheating thing.
2) Well Danny has to stay all purty for us ladies ;) but Lindsay has to look hawt for Liffy. I think they have their equal share of the mirror ;)

Alright everyone, I'm off. I'll be gone all day tomorrow and will be back with a nice shiny sword! So be good, keep a weather eye on Liffy and make sure he doesn't come up with any more naughty schemes. I hope to still hear some party music when I get back!

Cheers shipmates xx *hugs to all her fellow buddies before tossing a few M&Ms at aud and dutch and swooning off to bed*
Stuffy darlin' you're getting a sword? That's awesome!! You've been talking about this, right? But remind me, why are you getting a sword? Hey Liffy...*Mo giggles and whispers to her naughty bud...* wanna wreck some gutter havoc while your conscience is gone? *Mo grins and whistles innocently...* I mean umm....sure Liffy and I'll be good! ;)

*Mo laughs and skips off to watch "Stuck on You"!* :D
Mo darling, I'm watching you and Liffy. Just because I'm gone tomorrow doesn't mean I won't be keeping a keen eye on you and your mischievous friend ;) *does the whole "I'm-watching-you" eye pointer thing*

Why am I buying a sword? I love weapons, but swords are my favourite. I already have three swords (two real and one wood), so I'm hoping to buy another one tomorrow. I want to start a collection someday. Besides, I need something new to prod Liffy with hehe :p
ahh, okay, yeah Mo, i went back to read it. is that you on that board?!! :lol: thanks, hun for correction! go D/L season 2 bantering & watching marathon!

stuffy, we'll see ya soon! :cool: have fun with that new sword! *helps her dump more ice water onto liffy*

where are the party animals?!

*eyes pals Mo and Cuzzy and hands them wads of gum*
Lol, no worries hon...I'll make sure Liffy stays out of any trouble! ;) *Mo grins and winks at her gutter buddy!* We're angels! *Bats her eyes innocently!* :D

Wow, you do like swords...that's pretty cool! I think if I were to collect a weapon, I'd be a gun chick, like Calleigh on CSI:Miami....I wouldn't keep it in my home I don't think...but I would like to learn to shoot someday!

Ummmmm, ya know Angel I dunno...it could be, depends on where you read it! ;) I tend to not venture very far from the Shipper Thread around here...not as many D/L fans outside of here! :D

*Mo grins and blows bubbles in her Fluffy Bubble!* :D
*takes a break from Twister while drinking orange juice* Hey everyone! :)

messermonroe said:
Okay, I think from now on we'll call him that! Mr. Tough-Guy-Hot-Pants.
Does that mean I can call Linds Ms. Hot-Chick-Low-Cut ? :devil: *drool*
:lol: I love the way you answer each other guys :lol:

About the questions, in this season I would like to see, as mentioned before, something emotional for Danny that would make Lindsay be there for him. I don't think it should be related to Louie, though, I think that should go to something Danny would deal himself. Obviously he wouldn't keep it from her, but I don't think we have to see it, so the characters still have personal storylines. I don't know really :rolleyes: And a shared interrogation scene is going to be awesome :D (i take it as it is really going to happen :p)
#4: not case-related-- a stolen kiss or the others walking in on D/L kissing in the break room, hugs of course too.
Yeah, agree with you Angel hon! Who wouldn't like it?!

About hte 'mirror hog' question:
but I can totally see her teasing Danny for taking longer to get ready for a date then she does! Totally!!
Absolutely, me too :p So tipical D/L :lol:

Wow, there's a few of you liking spiders :eek: It freaks me a little bit. But as stated, if you decide to have your in Guterville, just make sure they don't go near me, please.

PSG, I hope you have fun in camp ;) And stuffy is going somewhere too?! We'll miss you.

Angel said:
miss dani danny and lindsay ARE the party
:lol: Dear, now I have 'miss' *huggles her dear bud* *mwah* And that's true, they really know how to be entertaining :devil:

Before I go, I will just leave a picture to celebrate D/L love!

Seriously, I love this episode so much and these scenes, maybe because they're the first 'real' ones, that no one could ignore :) And because they're so beautiful and lovely and sweet *melts from the mental images*
Shimmers in floating on a cloud---"Love! Exciting and new, come aboard we're expecting you! THE LOVE BOAT...promises something for everyone!" :D :D :D

Dudes! Your answers to my questions rock! And Dani, love your pic.

I come bringing spoilers gifts: Liffy, Boleyn doesn't consider this a spoiler, but just in case it is for you, I'm putting it in the spoiler box. ;)

Be sure to check out "Ask Ausiello" on August 1st. Not only will he have CSI Press Tour spoilers but he'll have some good news for D/L shippers. Not sure what it is---it could be anything. Check it out though! Yea!

Angel, Mo and I were separated at birth. We know that much. We know various things about each other and tend to ship the same people. We also 'pm' like crazy. Me, I talk too much, Mo gets excited or pretends to be... :confused: :eek: :lol: Anyway, yup, we know each other's dirty little secrets like what kind of shoes we like, what are real names are, and what we'd like to do to Carmine. But I haven't seen her before. I just know that if I'm ever in the Northwest to look out for a very blonde and beautimus (my brother's made up version of 'beautiful':lol:) Dutch looking sweetheart! What would I do without ya, Mo :)

To answer my questions: I think Danny/Lindsay should tackle cases that are very physical, that allow them to be tied up often, and that require regular meetings in the crime lab labor-a-tory...nice and long, eh? :lol: :devil: :lol:

Danny's the Ms. Little Priss of the couple. He likes everything just so. I can imagine him being a neat freak too. :lol:

Later. :cool:

Edit: Mer's okay. She doesn't have internet right now, but hopefully she'll be back on Wednesday. Send warm fuzzies to her. :)
Hey guys I read this in the spoiler thread I thought you might want to have a look...

"New York-Style Nooky: I've got good news for all you Danny and Lindsay fans out there: I hear there's plenty of romance to look forward to next season on CSI: NY. Also, office romance though it is, the relationship will not be kept a secret, which is not to say they‘ll be swapping spit at work (contaminates the evidence, you know…) but even though the show won‘t be making "that big a deal" of it at first, they will be together."
*Liff walks in thread, whose eyes sparkle and light up in presence of all the D/L love*

Hiya all! Been a quiet Sunday today huh? :)

ILUVNY said:
Apparently, in ep3 of s4 ther is some serious D/L action. Don't know what yet though.
Squee! I don't consider that a spoiler...but that just got all my clogs rolling :lol: Please use spoiler boxes! I don't want to get a heart condition so soon in life :eek:

Cuzzy said:
who is this complex person?? ;)
That would be Yonker who's had too much coffee. :lol:

you drink tea?
Well...yeah? I drink chinese tea daily. Why? Is that strange? :confused: I don't drink coffee :eek: can't take the stuff.

liffy, i wubs ya cousin but you know, you are SO going to get whacked by danny for giving miss lindsay monroe a lusty nickname ! "the SD-I-just-got-laid-and-woke-up-late look"
Ya know...I'm rather proud of that decription of mine. :lol: And Danny won't mind. He, unlike me, has the ability to whisk her away into a broom cupboard without being chased, I however, unlike him, do. Therein lies my dilemma. :p

Still, Ms-Hot-Chick-Low-Cut :devil: (the devilish smile makes all the difference) :devil: :devil: still loves me :) :lol:

Co-conspirator Mo said:
*Mo grins devilishly and winks at her naughty Gutter bud* mmmmm, intriguing...it does indeed! ;) We might have to test that sometime! ;)
Oh yeah...that would be real interestin' :devil: Smutty thoughts all round! :lol:

Stuffy said:
So be good, keep a weather eye on Liffy and make sure he doesn't come up with any more naughty schemes.
*Salutes* I'll be good...mom! :lol:

*Mo giggles and whispers to her naughty bud...* wanna wreck some gutter havoc while your conscience is gone? *Mo grins and whistles innocently...* I mean umm....sure Liffy and I'll be good! ;)
Now you're talkin! You take the whipped cream and I'll go for the chocolate sauce. Tie D/L to sticks and we have ourselves 2 lovely flavoured lollipops Mo! :devil: :lol: *Liff whistles innocently as he and Mo dissappear off with cans of whipped cream and a bowl of melted chocolate* See y'all later! :)

Besides, I need something new to prod Liffy with hehe
See now that's just mean. :p FYI I am not a masochist, but your sadistic nature begins to worry me dear.

Dani! I completely forgot to thank you for reviewing my fics hon! :p Sorry bout that! *spurts buddy with some melted choc* Squee! That pic you posted is Love!

Aud said:
Liffy, Boleyn doesn't consider this a spoiler, but just in case it is for you, I'm putting it in the spoiler box.
I only consider a spoiler what Bobo considers a spoiler. :D She is my mentor. and YAY ME! I'm still SF. I think I actually have stumbled on some spoilers due to some airheads not understanding the sentence "hello! I'm spoiler-free! Means I dont do spoilers!" But oh well... I forgot them come this morning anyways. Or maybe it was all a dream...don't really know...

As for Ask Ausiello...oh ho-hum I'll just ban that site from my computer right now... :lol:

Hehe, and Mer's feelin' lost without her internet. I suggested she move into a hotspot for the time being :p She's off friday so hopefully we'll hear a word or two...or few from her :lol:

EDIT: What happed to "Nothing Liff go away?" :confused: The word Season 4 D/L scares me :(

Cuzzy[/b]...response to nat]nat, that is some good stuff to hear. squee! D/L being together: working, eating, bantering/flirting. ohhhh...too long a haitus. this is when i wish i had a boy again. sigh. heck, its so much fun living through danny and lindsay ;) ! yup, thanks TPTB.

Gutter King Cuzzy, tea! i like tea and i like coffee. are you a bubble tea guy? :p you are still quite naughty and the ice water did nothing. hmm, we need a name for the documentary.

Auda, thanks for the explanation. :D heehee. thats the beauty of online pals. :) i have to really have to stop lurking and join you shippers (big sister catey, sword-loving stuffy, etc.) at DLC. wheres the main hangout?

ETA to my answer to Auda's questions: i wanna see danny and lindsay eat together for once (i know we already have buggy date)---ya know how danny is always asking lindsay to eat??

*plays a little bit of Twister then has some snacks with miss dani*

hey, Pava, stop nibbling at my skirt! :p
‘Evening dears!!! :)It’s so hot here :(!!! I’ve turned on the air conditioners since 09:00 AM. I had four showers today!
Btw… my brother has brought a little pool table at home yesterday!!! It’s fantastic!!! :D :D :D

Could Danny and Lindsay use a little pool table instead of their pool table? What do ya think? It would be too much hard? :devil:

Dani, hun! this pic is awesome! I love it!!!

Wow!!! It’s fantastic!!! They would be so cute… Can you imagine D/L watching in each others eyes in front of Mac and Stella (maybe holding their hands?) Ihihih! Totally awesome!

Hey Nat thanks for the spoiler!

Liffy hun said:
you drink tea?
Well...yeah? I drink chinese tea daily. Why? Is that strange? :confused: I don't drink coffee :eek: can't take the stuff.

I love tea! I drink a lot of tea!!! Ihihih!!! But I love coffee too! But wait… Italian coffee only ;) Especially espresso!!! :D

Pava don’t nibble Auda’s skirt :)
Don't worry Angel and Auda!!! Pava is playing with Gino now! ;)

See ya soon my buddies!!! :D :D :D
Hey neighbors ;)
I have to get going but I stopped by to answer this question real quick because I couldn't resist.
2. Who's more of a 'mirror hog': Danny or Lindsay??
Danny, Yes totally Danny. He's hot...and he knows it. And he probably has to make sure he is still hot everytime theres a mirror around (They just don't show those scenes). :lol: I'll see y'all later today!
Yeah I'm back...just finished the final Harry Potter book (loved it-understatement :D)...silly, I read spoilers for everything, but really didn't wanna know any HP ones; so I've avoided the Internet, radio and TV for 2 days :eek:. And while reading all the posts I've missed I was grinning: spiders, bearded dragons (are that lizards?), snakes and even swords :cool:...have you guys been reading that book too?

As for the questions:

#1 Next season's cases
I like to see ep's again with angsty stories (kidnapping, stalking, etc.) in which D/L are fighting for each other or their friends. :)

#2 mirror
Danny! No doubt about...he's sooo vain! ;)

look out for a very blonde and beautimus (my brother's made up version of 'beautiful') Dutch looking sweetheart!
Lol, but the the real blondes here are a dying species... :)

Txs so much Natty! They will be together and the relationship will not be a secret

*puts left feet on yellow :lol: before she's off discussing 'the deathly hallows'*
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