Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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Lol, hon you are SO dang cute yourself...that's why I love giving you a bit of a hard time about this...if it's annoying tell me, you know that right?! Now...can I just state that your above "explaination" by technical definition is "flirting"! Seriously I even looked it up...that's pretty much it! Just thought you should know!

You looked it up? Awww aren't you adorable :D and no it's not bothering me one teeny bit. I'm very laid-back...not much annoys me, and if something does it's for a very short time. And yes I do think Liffy is a cutie pie. Granted I've never met him before and most likely never will unless one of us moves to either Africa or Ontario, but he's still a sweetheart. And Liffy I most definitely mean that :D

Everyone here are sweeties *hugs to her fellow buddies*. Y'all ROCK! And don't you ever forget that or I might just have to go all Danny on your asses hehe ;)

Psst PSG...thanks for the review hun! Mwah!
Granted I've never met him before and most likely never will unless one of us moves to either Africa or Ontario, but he's still a sweetheart. And Liffy I most definitely mean that
Aww you're such a sweetie pie hun! But careful what ya wish for! There's a chance I might be moving to Vancouver for University :D HAHAHAHA, I WILL FIND A WAY TO STALK YOU!!! :devil:

....that is if I can get my head out of the gutter long enough. :D
Vancouver? Nice. I've always wanted to visit there. One problem hun: I'm in a completely different province, let alone area of Canada. But least you'll be closer. Ah! You can visit Mo! She's in WA state; all you gotta do is head a little south and boom!

Liffy and Mo near each other...oh the endless possibilities of naughty thoughts :devil:

Wubs you both :D
Oh Cuzzy! we might want to announce our documentary now! ....that came out wrong. Correction: our documentary of something else
:eek: thats just so wrong! and youre in Africa now? my Cuzzy and i are the co-producers of danny and lindsay's official walrus documentary.

3 years since I laid eyes on you,
2 and a half years since you ate bugs with me,
1 year since you left for Montana,
1 year since I went to get you back,
1 year since we made love,
1 year since I told you I loved you

1 second before I ask you to marry me...
^^ that’s so sweet! gushing!

aww, stuffy’s going to be one with the animals. whoa aiden, watch it! :D

soph’s animal question :) : adorable question! i agree with Mo, im not sure if lindsay would want a dog around all the time. but danny is a doggy person...so hmm...think the messer-monroes would have a cute little bunny?? i can see the D/L child with a pet bunny!

feel better, Mo! :)

duffster, where are ya? :p you had a question back a few posts, did i answer it? (im losing my mind!)

new fics. yay!! but really, all this gutter talk is killing me in a good way. :devil:
^^ Oh no, Mo and Liffy together...we've got to alert all those people there...the naughtyness those two can come up with cannot be healthy... :p :D

Humpy the Hippo
LOL :lol: that's a good one Natty...beautifull guttery name... ;)

I'm going to have fun explaining to my kids why mommy's "not feeling well" again
Oooh Catey :eek: *grins* :lol: That is just too funny...mommy pretending to be 'school sick' to go to a party... :cool:

I bring along with me a pair of seals, because they are just too darn cute to not have in a zoo. Oh and some meerkats, cause they rock. And some purty birds. And how can we forget those lovable creatures: OTTERS!!
Pandas are adorable, so we have to have one.
Zoo wouldn't be complete without a monkey
Stuffy good thing you're going to manage the Wheatfield Zoo! WoW :eek: so many animals and I love them all *cuddles the panda* :)

Dani txs for those totally cute pics...*melts* And I think when Lindsay sees him with that dog (or any other animal in our lovely zoo) she would immediately allow him to keep it...who can resist that? :rolleyes:

Liff you should absolutely try and write a story about the plastic ring...I think that would be so sweet - or maybe you can find some twisted way to make it totally angsty ;)

*runs out to quickly make some cocktails for the party before she's off to watch the Harry Potter movie* :)
I was thinking of starting the party in a few hours because I will be out (Church-Kid watching thing) but you guys can just come over and raid my house if ya' want. I trust you not to steal my useless junk ;) So you guys can make the choice, I'll be going now. Wish me luck with the kiddies! Oh thanks goodness that today is the last day for the program :)
Stuffy wub said:
Liffy and Mo near each other...oh the endless possibilities of naughty thoughts :devil:

Dutchy said:
Oh no, Mo and Liffy together...we've got to alert all those people there...the naughtyness those two can come up with cannot be healthy... :p :D
Hehe :p Maybe I should stay in the southern hemisphere huh Mo? You can take over the north and I'll do the south. In between us no one can escape the gutter :devil: Mwahahaha. ack.

Cuzzy said:
my Cuzzy and i are the co-producers of danny and lindsay's official walrus documentary.
We've wrapped up the shooting and editing the footage :devil:

^^ that’s so sweet! gushing!
Thanks hun! You're the only one who commented on my atrocious spur-of-the-moment-while-making-tea poem. :p :lol:

new fics. yay!! but really, all this gutter talk is killing me in a good way. :devil:
Embrace it. Enjoy it :devil: :devil:

Angsty Dutch said:
Liff you should absolutely try and write a story about the plastic ring...I think that would be so sweet - or maybe you can find some twisted way to make it totally angsty ;)
Maybe I'll write someting utterly and completely angsty that'll end up converting you to the fluff side :devil: Oh yeah...that's a plan. How on earth can I twist up a perfect proposal with a plastic vending machine ring? :eek: It's UNSPOKEN OF! You cannot ruin a D/L proposal....unless Dutch's the one writing it. :p

Hehehehe. Nah, I'll have to slot that into my list of "things to write" :eek: Oh boy...so many fics, so little brain (power) and time. :D

5 hours until Harry Potter! :p and then I've told my mom to leave any food by the door, I'm not moving till it's done. I'm an addict when it comes to books.

*snuggles Tiggy* I got my Catnip and my tiger's happy (FYI he does occasionally like to savour on girls...but only of the angsty types :devil: ) Hahahaha :lol: Enough reason to come over to the fluff side Dutch? :D

Sara said:
you guys can just come over and raid my house if ya' want.
I dont think you'd want me raiding your house...but since the invitation still stands... :devil: Just point me to your chocolate stash and I'm there. :lol:
angsty Dutch who likes HP and has pooh stuff, love that youre getting on that story. no rush cause i know how time consuming RL can be. ohmy its going be a great present for me! eeeee! *jumps up and down like tigger*

stuffy, do you need that animal roster? otters are so cute. i would help you out with the animals, but liffy’s slightly hormonal tiger and walrus are kind of scary. im not very good at cleaning up after animals either! :lol: :lol: okay. i really have to sign up for ff.net now, huh??

and a monkey, oh Rad, what thoughts you have started with your PG13! :devil:
PANDAAAAAA! vex, you genius---uber cute bear :) !

*splashes cold water on Cuzzy to cool his naughty persona down*
yes, sir, i definitely liked that poem! you drink tea? our documentary is so long! danny and lindsay are so full of energy! :devil:
stuffy, do you need that animal roster?

Actually, I wouldn't mind if someone PM'd it to me :lol: I've completely lost track of the animals we have.

Yes Anffy dear, you do need to sign up for FF.net...remember what I said would happen if you didn't? Keep that in mind young missy ;)

vex love, pandas are so adorable! Great thinking hun, we most definitely need a panda in the zoo. Maybe some cats as well...like a cheetah! Some lions as well :D

*peers around room and taps foot on floor* Now where has that rascal mer gotten to, eh?

Anffy darlin', you're splashing water on Cuz and you didn't even tell me? *joins in on all the fun*
*enters Sarah's house with Pavarotti and her famous cocktails* hmmm, pretty quiet...even Sarah isn't here yet..."Pavarotti leave those plants alone!" *dumps half-eaten plant behind the couch* :eek:

How on earth can I twist up a perfect proposal with a plastic vending machine ring? It's UNSPOKEN OF! You cannot ruin a D/L proposal....unless Dutch's the one writing it
Ooh, believe me dear, there are ways... :eek:and the angst will only make the proposal more meaningfull... ;)*shoves fluffy muse to the side and starts discussing with angsty muse* we're not afraid of tigers :p

^^ Question of the day:
Which animals do you think Danny and Lindsay are afraid of?

I think it would be so funny if Danny should visit Lindsay's family and they have a big cow farm and it turns out he's totally freaks out by them...Danny running through a field while some happy, frolicing calf is following him... :lol:

And Lindsay will panic if something really sweet that nobody fears, like a ladybug, lands on her arm...."get if of me, get it of me"...and everyone has to come really close to find out what's really bothering that usually tough chick... :lol:

angsty Dutch who likes HP and has pooh stuff
Wow,that's one complex person :eek: ;)...writing's going fine, but I keep getting more and more fun (and totally fluffy :rolleyes:) ideas that I want to put in it...

Mer, come out, come out, wherever you are...there's a party going on! :D
*Joins dutch in the party! Brings Humpy the Hippo with her* Yeah, that's right, the name is accepted, she just loved to have a name in honour of important Hump Day! Natty, thanks for the idea ;) It was you right?!

Well, as I said, I brought some drinks and 'sweet-rice' I don't know if you've tasted it before, but if you haven't, I hope you like it! Let the party begin! Where's twister?? :p

3 years since I laid eyes on you,
2 and a half years since you ate bugs with me,
1 year since you left for Montana,
1 year since I went to get you back,
1 year since we made love,
1 year since I told you I loved you

1 second before I ask you to marry me...
That's just so totally cute Liff ;) Original way of proposing to her, huh?! :p

Nelly Furtado..."Quando, Quando, Quando"
:eek: That's portuguese!! :lol: Sorry...But I do like that song, too, Mo my dear :)

Btw, I can help Stuffy with the zoo if she wants me to. It would be a pleasure.

dutch, loved your the-animals-they-are-afraid-of-scenario *pictures Danny running away from the cow* :lol: I think Lindsay doesn't like snakes very much("Sweet 16") and I can see Danny being sort of bothered with rats and their families :p

I'm glad you liked to see the pictures :) I do agree that they're adorable! Even if Lindsay doesn't like dogs too much, she wouldn't ruin Danny's connection with them :p

mer, I ask too, where are you with your episode guessing games?!

*dances and sings throwing M&M's at dutch* You know how it works, there's no real D/L party without M&M's :p
Woohoo I've got an assistant! Thanks Dani :D

Hmmm animals that they'd be afraid of. Maybe spiders, since they're icky (can you tell I have arachnophobia?), but I think that would be it. They're both tough, so I think that not many animals would faze them :)

My mom bought daisies earlier from a store. You can imagine how much I squeed when I saw them. I took a bundle and held onto them until we got home. They were fake but still...DAISIES!
You know what we need at the d/l zoo?

A petting zoo! You have to have a petting zoo.

stuffy I would have thought of the same thing when I saw the daisies. But of course, my mom would have thought I had lost my mind if i squealed! lol
Did you ever think they might be afraid of butterflies? My daughter, who so badly wanted to go to a butterfly conservatory, screamed, ducked and ran when we did visit there. Just a thought, since you all asked what D/L might be afraid of! I thought it was hilarious myself, and if I hadn't paid almost $40 for us to all go, it would have been even funnier. Dutch's comment about ladybugs made me think of that. Something innocent like a butterfly.

Is everyone enjoying the party? I'll have a margarita again, thank you very much. Some M&M's too, please! Have we got the music going yet? What kind of music do you think D/L would like to party to?
Sarah walks into her house, Hey guys! Parting already?
turns on The Macarena, Me and my friend were doing The Macarena when the kiddies were watching a video at the 'program'. :lol: We do random stuff like that...
Anyways, I'll set up Twister :devil: And heres some more drinks, I'll set them on the table. Im going to have one now so this party can really get started :lol: Have fun!
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