Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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*Mo runs in grinning already just at the sight of all those delicious spoiler boxes and smilies...* "Oh what a beautiful morning, Oh what a beautiful day!" :D Good morning my dearies, how are you all this fine Monday morning? Why I'm always so happy first thing Monday morning I'll never know...then again it could have something to do with our lovely ship, hot couple, and all you wonderful peeps! ;) (Just a guess though! :lol: )

First let me say...I am indeed a real blonde! :lol: Just felt the need to defend my hair ;) not bottle blonde but real...but definitely not dumb! ;) Fluffy yes, for shizzle! :D
Mo and I were separated at birth. We know that much. We know various things about each other and tend to ship the same people. We also 'pm' like crazy. Me, I talk too much, Mo gets excited or pretends to be... Anyway, yup, we know each other's dirty little secrets like what kind of shoes we like, what are real names are, and what we'd like to do to Carmine. But I haven't seen her before. I just know that if I'm ever in the Northwest to look out for a very blonde and beautimus (my brother's made up version of 'beautiful') Dutch looking sweetheart! What would I do without ya, Mo
Aud! *Mo tackles and snuggles her Fluffy Twin!* You are the best!! :) And yup she's right Angel...we really were seperated at birth, and I swear we share a brain, cuz we can pretty much read eachother's minds most of the time, especially when it comes to our ships...it's fabulous! And she knows if ever I'm in Texas I'm keeping an eye out for the most gorgeous chica there cuz that's my Fluffy Twin! ;) Wub ya Fluffykins! :D
SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay! Yay! Yay!!! That is what I wanted....they didn't have to turn the show into a soap opera and make it all about D/L all the time, but I LOVE that they are not hiding it and they are going to show us D/L Love!!! Yay, yay, yay!!! Oh people this totally makes my day!!! I am so happy with this!
*Mo sighs happily...content now to rest in her Bubble and eagerly await the beginning of what will most definitely be the best season of NY yet!!* :D :D
*peers around seemingly empty room*. Where is everyone today? Come out, come out, wherever you are! We have cookies...

I started a new ficcy today. Clicky the linky. Pwease? :D Remember the Time

No one is around today...except for Danny and Lindsay, that is. I'm sure they're here somewhere. *starts on a manhunt for the naughty pair*

Mo darling I'm squeeing right along with you. We're all squeeing together here...so incredibly psyched!

Cheers shipmates xx
I started a new ficcy today. Clicky the linky. Pwease? Remember the Time

I read your fic. It sounds like it will be very interesting. I will leave a review for you.

Spoiler boxes are making my day brighter and brighter. I cannot wait for next season.

Jen :)
I'm here Stuffy! Unfortunately only for a brief moment... :(eats some of the lovely cookies :)

Dutch, my sweetie! Are you a blondie?
Absolutely...I have that Scandinavian look... ;)

Now that they've tried the pool table, I wonder what's next?
Well, Danny's bike still has my vote! :devil: :cool:

Stuffy those swords and daggers are amazing...what a great hobby! And I can totally picture 'Sir' Danny as a knight in shining armour coming to the rescue of his damsel in distress. :D

Angel that avvie is hilarious! :lol:

Abby, Cam I wish we could trade places for a while...I've seen only rain and thunderstorms for the last couple of days... :(

*squees along with Mo, Stuffy and all the animals* MOO! :D
Sarah slips in for a moment
Now that they've tried the pool table, I wonder what's next?
Probably the Phoos-Ball (however you spell it! :lol:) table, although that could be very painful :lol:

Sarah has to go, she will be back later! Bye guys!
And Monday's done...Hallelujah! :D *Mo grins and melts into her couch as she grabs a couple cookies and relaxes, so glad this day is done!* :lol: Are we looking for Danny and Linds...cuz I just spied them...they were um...eating dessert...off eachother! :devil: Yeah baby! :D

My cutie pie squeeing buddy Stuffy giggled:
Mo darling I'm squeeing right along with you. We're all squeeing together here...so incredibly psyched!
*Mo giggles and jumps up and down with her bud!* Squeeing together for sure hon! Yay! :D Can't wait, can't wait for our new season! Yay! :lol:

My blonde bud from my homeland Dutch dearie winked:
Well, Danny's bike still has my vote!
Oh the naughty naughty....lovely naughty thoughts! :devil: *Mo grins and swoons at just the mental image of them doing "it" on there!* I definitely agree...they should do it on the bike, and in the locker room...and Mac's desk...definitely! :devil: :lol:

Okay off to grab some dinner...then I'll be back...of course! ;)

*Mo skips off...still squeeing...to her fluffy bubble and shimmers off!*
Oh, Fluffy Twin! How great you are! :D Have a nice din-din my lovely. Me, I had a lurvely salad with grilled chicken, spinach lettuce, cucumbers, strawberries, small amount of cheese, balsamic vinegar/olive oil topped off with almonds. :)

All naughty stuff aside...Wait, did I just say that? :lol: What are some great things to do in New York over the summer? Also, what song really represents D/L the best? We have so many. Some are great, some are okay. But what song really defines their relationship?

See y'all later. Off to do my Yoga Booty Ballet. Goddess that I am! :lol: See ya later. :cool:
Okay auda that dish sounds so good. Especially the chicken, cucumber, and strawberries part :) and thanks for reviewing my ficcy over at DLC hun *hugs* much appreciated!

Great things to do in New York? Hmm...well there's visiting Central Park, taking a gander at Staten Island, maybe stopping by Times Square. Oh the places one can go in the Big Apple! I want to go down. ROADTRIP!! :lol:

To me, the best song that represents Danny and Lindsay is 'Far Away' by Nickleback. It just captures their love and passion for one another and was perfect when Lindsay was in Montana. But even now it's still perfect for them (IMHO).

Have fun with your yoga ballet auda :D
My Darling Fluffy Wub Aud grinned:
Oh, Fluffy Twin! How great you are! Have a nice din-din my lovely. Me, I had a lurvely salad with grilled chicken, spinach lettuce, cucumbers, strawberries, small amount of cheese, balsamic vinegar/olive oil topped off with almonds.
Hello wub! *Huggles!* Not half as great as you are my wub! ;) And wow, that salad of yours sounds AMAZING! Not nearly as good as my dinner...you're gonna have to come over and make me dinner sometime! ;)

Also, what song really represents D/L the best? We have so many. Some are great, some are okay. But what song really defines their relationship?
Ohhhh, yay I love the song question! :D Having never been to NY I can't answer the "best thing to do there question" (Someday I'm gonna go though! :D ) As for the song question...for me THE song that will always be D/L's song is "Beautiful Mess" by Diamond Rio. It's one of my favorite songs anyway and it just fits them to me, perfectly! I'm still totally planning on doing a music vid of them set to that song! (Something I can actually attempt now that I have the DVD's! :D )

Dearheart Stuffy hon chose:
To me, the best song that represents Danny and Lindsay is 'Far Away' by Nickleback. It just captures their love and passion for one another and was perfect when Lindsay was in Montana. But even now it's still perfect for them (IMHO).
And if I could have two choices, that would be my second one hon...most definitely! I LOVE "Far Away"! It is such a perfectly beautiful song, so romantic and full of love...I don't ever tire of hearing it! :D

Shake your booty Fluffy Twin! ;) :lol:
My choice for song is "Everything" by Michael Buble. I just love it, and I think it fits D/L really well. It's a perfect fluffy song for D/L.

Oh, and if we are dishing on hair colour, I'm a redhead, previously a brunette. Just changed it 6 months ago, and I love it. So, we know we have a few blondes in here, and a redhead. What is everyone else's hair colour?
Lovely song choices everyone. :) What no "A Little Bit Country, A Little Bit Rock 'n Roll"? :lol:

Catie, Michael Buble is wonderful. I think he should serenade D/L. ;)

I really love "You and Me," "As Time Goes By," and "Love, Look What You've Done to Me." :D

Mo grinned:
Not nearly as good as my dinner
Mo Darling! Do tell us about your beautiful dinner. Was Danny there? Oh and it's a date. What shall I bring to cook?

You're welcome, Stuffers. Roadtrip sounds fun. :cool:

A few 'shake your booty' exercises, some 'bad kitties' and a couple Hallelujahs! I'm good to go. Where's Carmine now? :lol:
Ohhhh, that's another really good one Catey dear! Wow, we have some great song people on here! :D I think your favorite song says something about you...don't you all kind of agree? :D

You're a red head Catey? Sweet! I've always wanted to be a red head! (Well technically I was one for about a month...not so good! :rolleyes: I make a better blonde!) But that's cool that you're a red head! Nice! :D

ETA: Lovely song choices Fluffy Twin! (lol, we posted at the same time...great minds! :lol: ) And my dinner of choice was boring...but Danny spiced it up nicely! ;) Linds let me borrow him! :devil: So kind of her! :D And yeah it's a date Aud wub! Sweet!! Um, suprise me! ;) Lol, sounds like your all hot and bothered and ready to get busy there Fluffy Twin! :lol: Need to borrow Carmine for a bit now...go for it! ;)
My choice for song is "Everything" by Michael Buble. I just love it, and I think it fits D/L really well. It's a perfect fluffy song for D/L
Is there an echo in here? I said the exact thing a couple pages ago :lol: Great minds think alike ;)

What is everyone else's hair colour?
Plain ol' brunette, although I have been wanting to dye my hair for some time now :)

To me, the best song that represents Danny and Lindsay is 'Far Away' by Nickleback. It just captures their love and passion for one another and was perfect when Lindsay was in Montana. But even now it's still perfect for them (IMHO).
That song...more so that video, make me cry. Im a big baby ;) But it does represent them well. :)
Good morning buddies!

what song really represents D/L the best?
I think that ‘Where you are’ by Rascal Flatts is perfect for D/L…Even if I love Far Away and Everything, they’re perfect, too. :D

Catey said:
What is everyone else's hair colour?
I’m brunette too, but I don’t like that very much, because in Italy, especially in the south, brunettes are very common. :rolleyes:
Good morning my dear shipmates! How's everyone doing this morning?! The sun is shining outside (at least for me it is). What a lovely day :)

Before I forget, I created an LJ account. I don't know if you are over there, so if you do, friend me if you wish. I'm mildani ;)

I tried to read stuffy's fiction, but I can't access it.

Abby said:
Catey said:
What is everyone else's hair colour?
I’m brunette too, but I don’t like that very much, because in Italy, especially in the south, brunettes are very common. :rolleyes:
Yep, same here. I don't dislike my hair colour though, but it could be a little lighter and I would be happier, I think :rolleyes: Anyway, sometimes my hair looks like Lindsay's, which is a plus :p Yeah, today I am quite pleased with my curls/waves...

You know what, I have a picture of Danny and Lindsay! Yeah, what more could it be? It's from "All Access" and credits to crimelab.nl

Well, about what they could do in NY, I don't really live there so I don't know what the best places are, but I am sure that even without leaving home they would be entertaining each other :devil:

About their songs, I don't have any in specific that I associate with them, really, but I am pretty sure all the ones you mentioned go perfectly along with their love :)

*hugs Cammie back and leaves happily eating DLicious M&M's*
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