Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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*Mo dances in...cha-cha-ing as she enters!* Hi y'all! *Mo grins and huggles all her buddies!* So we're havin' another party are we? Sweet! *Mo grabs a drink and sets out to enjoy the party!* :D

Lol, Liffy I think if we were ever in the same place at the same time it would spontaneously combust from the sheer combined naughtiness of the two of us! :devil: :lol: That said, we'd definitely wreck some fun havoc together! ;)

Dutch ohhhh, good question...let's see...I still maintain that Mr. Tough-Guy-Hot-Pants-Danny is terrified of spiders! :lol: I can SO totally see it! And Linds...mmmmm, she's harder to picture being afraid of something...I can see her being afraid of snakes...(especially after getting bit by one! :p )

Alright my dearies...I'm to a FABULOUS part of Seas. 2...it's 4 fabulous D/L eppy's in row...."Risk, Stuck on You, Fare Game & Cool Hunter" all one right after eachother on one DVD...score! :lol: I'm so not sleeping tonight... :D

*Mo grins, tosses back the rest of her "Sex on the Beach" :devil: and wrapping herself in her blanket in her fluffy bubble, sits back to enjoy the D/L love!* :D

Pssstt...Aud wub...come over, hang out and soak up the D/L wub with me! ;)
Woooooooooooooow !!! This party is awesome!!! I love it! :D :D :D
*Cammie hugs Sarah :), then says to Gino : Hey Gino stop! The drinks are not for ya!!! :mad:*

I’ve brought a strawberries cake with a lot of whipped cream! I hope you’ll like it!!! ;)

*Cammie grabs a drink and starts dancing* :p

My dear Dani said:
I can help Stuffy with the zoo if she wants me to. It would be a pleasure.

I’ll be glad to help you with the zoo, if you want :)! I love our pets! :D

Sarah hun said:
Anyways, I'll set up Twister :devil:

Awwww! I can just say: Great idea! :devil:

Mo dear said:
I still maintain that Mr. Tough-Guy-Hot-Pants-Danny is terrified of spiders! :lol:

I agree. I can see him trembling on a chair! Poor Danny… Then Lindsay kills the spider with a broom and hugs her cute Danny. It would be so sweet!
I’m afraid of spiders :(. I hate them :mad:!!! Once time I was going to the beach with my mother and my father. I was ‘bout 5. I was sitting in my car and suddenly I saw a spider. I screamed and my mother said to me: “What’s the problem, hun?”. I replied: “A spider want to kill me!!!” :(
My mother laughed in this way: :lol: for all the trip.

Ok… now it’s time of Maccarena!!! Yeah! :)

*Cammie eats a slice of strawberries cake before the Macarena*

See ya soon guys!!! :D

Sweet party Sarah! *grabs non-alcoholic drink (i'm underage!) and joins in with the Maccarena!*

Why is everyone afraid of spiders, I adore them! I have a pet tarantula called Kaia, she's adorable! She wouldn't hurt ya. Maybe we could have a tarantula in the zoo?

This might be my last post before I leave for camp in the morning. I'll miss you all loads, but i'll be back on Fri!

Love y'all! Keep the thread going! Oh and Mo, Liff... behave yourselves :lol:

PSG xxx
Dude, this place is a zoo! :p No matter what, I'm not picking up after the animals in this thread. It better stay clean! -Mommy.

Fluffy Twin cheered:

Dude, that's like my favorite word. My best friend loves that word. And he's had like twelve years of college too. (Don't you 'like' luvre my valley girl talk? :lol: :rolleyes: :eek:)

Fab Fluffy Twin also stated:
I still maintain that Mr. Tough-Guy-Hot-Pants-Danny is terrified of spiders! I can SO totally see it! And Linds...mmmmm, she's harder to picture being afraid of something...I can see her being afraid of snakes...(especially after getting bit by one!

Okay, I think from now on we'll call him that! Mr. Tough-Guy-Hot-Pants. :cool: Can those pants get any tighter? He'd better watch out--they could get him into trouble or leave him sterile. :eek: He's so afraid of spiders...probably scared of water bugs too. :lol:

As far as Linds...I don't see her even being scared of snakes. She's probably pissed at them now! I can see her grabbing a snake and twisting its neck off! But when she's around Danny, I bet she'd be really dainty and 'pretend' to be scared. That's what his safe arms are for. ;)

Did I hear 'party'? I'm there. But Mo and I will take the strong stuff. We need it this week. :D

It's purdy outside, so I'm going swimming with the boyfriend today. Later. :cool:
*Mo slips into the thread, loving that it's Saturday morning and she could sleep in!* Morning all! Looks like the party's still going...sweet deal! :D

Aud! Hi wub!! *Tackles!* You're right, after this last week...bring on the strong stuff! ;)

And I am all for that being Danny's new nickname! I don't think his pants could get much tighter...but can I just say, how very much I appreciate those pants...the view they showcase...*drools* yummy! :devil: Lucky Linds! ;)

Lol, and yeah you're totally right, Linds would be pissed at snakes more than anything! Seriously though, I can't really think of any bug/animal thing she'd be scared of...*shrugs!* She's a country/farm girl...they're pretty fearless when it comes to animals! :D

By the way Fluffy Twin darling of mine..."I like totally love your like totally awesome like Valley girl talk, ya know!" :lol: (I do a sweet V-girl impression, you'd love it! ;) :lol: )

Cam hon I'm with you, definitely do NOT like spiders...I'm past shrieking and running when I see them, but mostly cuz I live on my own now and have to kill the ones I see now....but I still don't like them! *shudders!* Sorry Soph dear...but a tarantula in the zoo would freak me out! :eek: Not a fan! Sorry!!

Okay y'all...I'm off to do some serious cleaning...talk about a fun Saturday! :rolleyes: But it's all good, it really needs to be done! :D Have fun with your boy Fluffy Twin! ;) And enjoy the party all the rest of y'all...I'll be back later! :D

*Mo grabs her vaccuum and shimmers away to the land of the dust bunny invasion!* :lol:
Hey guys!

Awww ok, so no spider in the zoo then. I don't wanna freak my buddies out, even tho i think they're so sweet! I guess i'm just weird :lol: I love that kind of thing. When i'm older i hope to get a snake, geckos, and a bearded dragon too. I love them so much... Yeah I am weird :lol: :D

Anywayz, will miss you all whilst I'm at camp. Have fun without me :(

Love y'all! L8erz xxx
Wow, great!, the party is still going :D Awesome!

Oh stuffy, I can just imagine the lovely feeling of daisies. Thinking of them and their meaning :rolleyes: I should seriously name my first born 'Margarida' (portuguese for daisie). Ok no, maybe just a pet or something :lol:

I'm glad that you like to have my help. I think Cammie is also a great help, afterall a zoo is hard to keep.

I have a pet tarantula called Kaia, she's adorable! She wouldn't hurt ya. Maybe we could have a tarantula in the zoo?
Er, as long as I don't have to be near her, it's ok *thinks about it* Well, to tell you the truth, is not really ok at all, because I am afraid of spiders but I think I could try to make an effort for PSG! Maybe you should just keep it at your home, because Mo doesn't like them either :rolleyes:

Dancing Macarena? That's great (I am so outgoing in our parties, I can't believe it :p). Question for you: Imagine D/L going to a party with friends. Now would they dance Macarena as well? Would any of them start the dance? Or they wouldn't start it but they could eventually join? Or not at all? What do you think of it?

*Dani east 'sweet rice', drinks something and sees if anyone is currently playing Twister*
*Abby comes in, takes some pizza and some pastries and joins the party*

Why is everyone afraid of spiders, I adore them! I have a pet tarantula called Kaia, she's adorable!
Yay! I love spiders, too!!! :D They’re…ehm…cute... *_* and they eat mosquitoes, and that’s always a good thing. :p I’d like to have one, but my mom would kill me. :rolleyes:

He's so afraid of spiders...probably scared of water bugs too.
I think that Danny is afraid of a lot of bugs. For me, Lindsay is not afraid of bugs, instead. She’s a country girl and she must be accustomed to bug’s presence. :D

Imagine D/L going to a party with friends. Now would they dance Macarena as well? Would any of them start the dance? Or they wouldn't start it but they could eventually join? Or not at all? What do you think of it?
That’s a good question…At a party, if they can resist at the temptation to hide in the bathroom, :devil: :lol: I think that Danny would join his friends and dance, then he’d drag Lindsay on the dance floor. :D Also, I can see them going to a party in Montana, organized by relatives and friends of Lindsay. Here, I think that Danny would be a bit embarrassed and Lindsay would drag him on the dance floor, but finally he’d enjoy that and let his hair down. :lol:

Anywayz, will miss you all whilst I'm at camp.
PSG, have fun at camp. I’ll miss ya! :(
Soph hon, have a fabulous time at camp! Of course we'll miss ya hon, come back soon and with lots of stories..."This one time at camp...." :lol: :lol:

I watched "Risk" last night...and can I just say again how totally adorable D/L is together! :D I mean right from the get go...I LOVE Danny's double take of Linds walking up at the very beginning...love it! And then they're just so cute through out...this is so fun, rewatching all the D/L eppy's from the beginning! Fun times! :D :D
Oh, my. Just when I thought I'd go swimming...clouds. The man in my life is scared of clouds. So I'll be going in about 20 minutes instead. Have fun cleaning, Mo Dear. Don't worry I'll send Danny over to help ya. :D

Macarena and D/L? Can't see that one!! Somehow I just don't see Danny as the dancing type---except the naughty type! :devil:

No spiders or snakes allowed in this thread! Danny cries a lot. No, actually I can't take them either. I still don't see how Lindsay and Danny ate them. Arg! :eek:

Have fun at camp, Pint sweetie! Come back soon. :)

Question for the day (before I go--I'll be back tomorrow to check out who answered these tough questions the best. ;)):

1. What are some cases you would like to see this year (with D/L of course!)?

2. Who's more of a 'mirror hog': Danny or Lindsay?? :lol:

Later. :cool:
Thanks guys for the good wishes. I managed to sneak onto the comp one last time before bed, but this really is my last post. I'm glad i'll be missed, it's nice to be noticed.

Have fun and i'll look forward to reading all the posts when i get back.

Miss you all, PSG xxx
Cuzzy said:
liffy’s slightly hormonal tiger and walrus are kind of scary.
Hey! I do not own that walrus, he's just...frolicking in my swimming pool :p My tiger is a wee bit hormonal but he's still as adorable as any cat! (Actually I've been licked by a cheetah and put my hand in it's mouth, but never a tiger...Tigers are much better :) )

*splashes cold water on Cuzzy to cool his naughty persona down*
I'm sizzlin' with smoke :devil: Don't think the water's workin' hun ;)

Question of the day:
Which animals do you think Danny and Lindsay are afraid of?
Hmm, great question Dutch I'm laughing my ass off at Danny being scared of cows, but I can't really see it. He might get a bit spooked at first...but I think he might be more freaked out with spiders. Seing Linds eat one either made it worse or pretty much wiped it out :p His girlfriend just ate the thing he's scared off :p Hehe.

As for Lindsay, I'm going to say...rats, or grashoppers. Both freak the hell out of me :rolleyes:

Catey said:
Did you ever think they might be afraid of butterflies? My daughter, who so badly wanted to go to a butterfly conservatory, screamed, ducked and ran when we did visit there. Just a thought, since you all asked what D/L might be afraid of! I thought it was hilarious myself, and if I hadn't paid almost $40 for us to all go, it would have been even funnier.
Oh honey that's so sweet and funny :) Butterflies freak me out sometimes when they get near my head. Actually I get freaked out by anything that flies towards me :p Call it a strange reaction if you will.

Naughty Neighbour Mo said:
Lol, Liffy I think if we were ever in the same place at the same time it would spontaneously combust from the sheer combined naughtiness of the two of us! :devil: :lol: That said, we'd definitely wreck some fun havoc together! ;)
We'd be unstoppable and on fire :devil: Why...sounds intreaguing :D

Soph said:
Why is everyone afraid of spiders, I adore them! I have a pet tarantula called Kaia, she's adorable!
Hey that's awesome babe! I want a pet tarantula, though I'd probably get freaked out if it escaped :eek:

Oh and Mo, Liff... behave yourselves :lol:
*smiles innocently* We will! :devil:

Fluffy Aud said:
(Don't you 'like' luvre my valley girl talk? :lol: :rolleyes: :eek: )
Oh! Like I could like so immitate that accent like it was whatever! :lol:

No seriously...I can. :p My immitating accents ability does both the male and the female :rolleyes:

Okay, I think from now on we'll call him that! Mr. Tough-Guy-Hot-Pants.
Does that mean I can call Linds Ms. Hot-Chick-Low-Cut ? :devil: *drool*

Mo said:
"I like totally love your like totally awesome like Valley girl talk, ya know!" :lol: (I do a sweet V-girl impression, you'd love it! ;) :lol: )
That's like scary, and I'm like gonna stop now cos like it's like...scary. :rolleyes:

Takes a bit of practicing but I think I got it down. A bit more exposure to Danno and I'll spoutin' off with a Staten Island accent in no time :lol:


Soph said:
When i'm older i hope to get a snake, geckos, and a bearded dragon too.
What's a bearded dragon? Unless...that's what it is...a bearded dragon :confuse: I am however all for the snake! Snakes are awesome and would be even more if they'd listen to you! *whack* I think I've spent too much time in Harry Potter land :p

Speaking of Harry Potter, I just stayed up the entire night reading Deathly Hallows and it is incredible! :p I'm lyk going to lyk so pass out lyk after this.

Abby said:
At a party, if they can resist at the temptation to hide in the bathroom...
Will that be after they start resisting making out on the couch, cos frankly I think Danny's self control is no better than mine :eek: Not that I'm implying anything... *whistles nonchalantly*

Question for the day (before I go--I'll be back tomorrow to check out who answered these tough questions the best. ):

1. What are some cases you would like to see this year (with D/L of course!)?

2. Who's more of a 'mirror hog': Danny or Lindsay??
Great questions Aud hun! I think for a case I'd like to see something that would really rile Danny up, most likely something to do with a vic and a brother to tie in with his relationship with Louie, not like RS but some deep emotional thing so we can see Linds be there for him this time like he was for her. A shot of them curled on his sofa with their arms around each other would make me melt...

...actually I'm just melting at the thought of it actually. :p I'm such a sucker for sap! :eek:

For #2, hmm....duh - Danny :devil: He's gotta do his hair, unless he goes for the SD-I-just-got-laid-and-woke-up-late look :devil:

Right-o, time for me to get into bed (yeah...this early but I haven't gotten any sleep since thursday :eek: )

Have fun on your camping trips Soph! No naughty business now :devil: That's me and Mo's job :lol: No midnight rendevouz with the opposite gender! :devil:


GUTTERRRIFFIC THOUGHT! :devil: woods + danny + lindsay = :devil: :devil: :devil:

:lol: That's enough for me!

I'll see y'all tomorrow bright but late! :lol:

Bye PSG! It's a shame that you can't stay for the rest of the party :(

Anyone want to start Twister?
The Macarena is getting kind of boring... So here you go *Turns on Cotten Eyed Joe * There you go Danny :lol:

*Grabs a drink and sits on the couch and watches as you guys dance like maniacs*
*dances along to the macarena and brings the song SUNRISE BY ANGEL CITY*

dutch's afraid of which animal question: ya know, im not sure. the image you painted of danny freaking out with the cattle and a calf following him is TOO funny. but i do have this answer: if they were afraid of certain animals, i can see the other person trying to help rid of that fear (lindsay closing her eyes and danny coaching her through touching the animal or danny cursing out loud and lindsay calming him down by stroking his back). who is this complex person?? ;)

Auda's questions of the day:

1. What are some cases you would like to see this year (with D/L of course!)?
#1: i like to see them tackle a case that parallels their life (ie a country girl and city boy falling in love) because it then puts into question their own relationship. danny and lindsay would then build upon (not breaking up) what they learn in the case and get stronger as a couple.

#2: definitely a hardcore interrogation with DL versus bad guy where we see a) D/L being really tough together, b) bad guy realizing that DL is together and trying to use that to his advantage during the interrogation (hitting on lindsay or thinking that danny is soft), c)interrogation that has a lot of bantering references coming from DL.

#3: lab work, hallway talks, suspect house-visiting with sizzling bantering

#4: not case-related-- a stolen kiss or the others walking in on D/L kissing in the break room, hugs of course too.

2. Who's more of a 'mirror hog': Danny or Lindsay??
neither, both seem comfortable in their skins and besides, they can be each others' mirrors ;) .

Mo, speaking of "dust bunny invasion," i have to clean my room too. its been too long. by the way, "sex on the beach" is my fav. :p are you and Auda RL friends? cause that is just beyond cool.
miss dani, danny and lindsay ARE the party :D . they would start the dancing. they will light up the dance floor anyway even without the other people! heehee.
soph, see ya soon hun (have fun). your av looks HSM2-esque!!
big sister catey, aww what a cute little story with your daughter and butterflies given the circumstances.
liffy, i wubs ya cousin but you know, you are SO going to get whacked by danny for giving miss lindsay monroe a lusty nickname :devil: ! "the SD-I-just-got-laid-and-woke-up-late look" -- :lol: :lol: can i say more to that?
stuffy, cmon, lets get Cuzzy with some ice water now! have you become part of our family?

random summer idea (thanks to Soph): we should open CAMP D/L! :cool: can you imagine the activities?? we'll need lifeguards, camp counselors, etc.

i pulled this from an ABC board: "with Lindsay running in after the big shoot out, and gives Danny a big hug and kiss." ^^^ was this cut from the episode?!?!
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