Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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I think Danny would give Lindsay an heirloom ring, one handed down in his family. Just my thoughts, anyway.

As for another D/L party, I'm going to have fun explaining to my kids why mommy's "not feeling well" again. And so soon after the other one. lol. You guys are great! I love how you all are in the spirit of this. I love Gutterville!
Auda wubs, don't you fret about my story. You know I wouldn't kill off our beloved Danny or Lindsay. Okay well maybe I did that in 'Broken Frame' but not here :) so no worrying now. Oh and dutch thanks for thre reveiw hunny *hands buddie a daisy and cookie*

Ahoy and aloha fellow buddies! I bring along with me a pair of seals, because they are just too darn cute to not have in a zoo. Oh and some meerkats, cause they rock. And some purty birds. And how can we forget those lovable creatures: OTTERS!! :D Looks like we're going to have a full-fledged zoo here. Nice!

I am so happy. I realized that I'll still be at my workplace when History shows season two. So at least we'll get to watch some DL eppys. Yay! :D

Okay, off to finish this chapter. Apparently I'm "cruel and evil" for leaving the cliffhanger that I did. You could say that I'm "DLiciously evil", no?

:lol: Sorry. That was lame.

ETA: Auda and catey, you will be pleased to know that the final chapter to Twin Shadows is now up on FF.net and DLC. Please refrain from throwing M&Ms until you have finished reading the chapter :lol: there's DL fluff in the end ;)
I love the concept of the zoo. And it seems like the zoo is feeling up pretty fast.

Can we add a panda?

And I love The dog and his boy. It's nice to see the dog's perspective on Danny and Lindsay.

Pandas are adorable, so we have to have one.
Yes, We should definatly have a panda ;) But a Zoo wouldn't be complete without a monkey. That's just a thought :lol:.

So...yes-party starts tomorrow! It will be fun, and anyone can help. That would be much appreciated.

I was thinking, Maybe we could hire D/L to come to our Zoo sometimes and be the "wild animals" attraction :devil:
We could always use Danny's monkey... whoa, whoa, my bad. PG13... okay, okay. Back to reality. I'm excited for this Zoo, I mean after all, it is mandatory that we have one.

I was thinking, Maybe we could hire D/L to come to our Zoo sometimes and be the "wild animals" attraction

I'm all with you babe. That is a fantastic idea. I'll pay them if I have to.
*Mo walks in, high with a fever...and tripping over all the animals suddenly roaming our thread... :lol: * Wow, y'all...how are y'all? And seriously what's up with all the new animals? :lol: Tiger, goat, walrus, girafe, now a bear? Wow...we've got a serious Zoo goin' on! Yay for Gutterville! :D (Nice with the monkey, Rad babes, very nice! :devil: I'll use Danny's monkey! ;) ) *Mo grins devilishly and ducks the meter...barely!* :devil:

Okay y'all....I'm sick, again...seriously think something might be wrong with me...well that or I'm a hypochondriac...both are possible :lol:

Anyway...all that to say, that's why I don't have a lot to say this evening...sorry! :p I'll be back tomorrow hopefully much more animated...for now though, I'm off to sleep and to dream...hopefully of nekkid Twister and monkeys! :devil: :lol:

*Mo slips out and into her bubble and shimmers sleepily away!*
Hey guys! Woah, our zoo sure is filling up! What have we got so far?

Awww Mo hun, sorry to hear you're not feeling too good. *huggles buddy* Do you want me to send Danny over to look after you :devil: I'm sure you'd love that! ;)

I'm not feeling too good either, but that may be from the lack of sleep. I'm supposed to be on vacation, but my dog has other ideas. He barks the place down at 7am and wakes me up! Darn dog! :lol:

Question: When (not if!) Danny and Lindsay get married and move in together, do you think they'll get a dog?

I think they would since Danny seemed to like the little dog in "Love Runs Cold".

Anywayz, that's all folks! :lol: Later guys! xxx
Hye everyone! Today is our party! When is it going to start Sarah?

Mo, I'm sorry you're not feeling that well *huggles*

Someone comes onto Lindsay, likes puts a move on her or hits on her and Danny puts the guys in his place.
Yeah, that's an awesome idea, and I would love to see it on screen ;) Aww, how lovely! He is there to protect her!

She can keep the walrus company...
Yeah, I think that they can be friends...well, them and some other animals of the zoo, afterall we have a good number of them already, which is cool!

I think that the family heirloom is also a good idea. Seems something Danny could do! Yep, and I really think Lindsay would love it!

If Lindsay and Danny would have a dog? Yes, I think they would. Well, I think Danny already has one , so he would keep it :p
But they can always have another one

Liff, the plastic ring idea also sounds cool! I think it's a good story for a oneshot ;) I'll read it once you write it! I also plan to read other fics, let me find the time!
Ahoy and aloha out there! How are we all doing today? Mo darling you're sick? :( that is not good at all. Good thinking PSG; Danny will be over there in a bit Mo. He'll make you feel better.

My fic is done, which makes me kinda sad cause it was so fun to write. Anyways here it is if y'all want to take a gander at it: Twin Shadows

It's centred around Mac/Reed and DL, and there's a teeny bit of angst in there (but it's not bad). There are two character deaths, but have no fear, I did not kill off Danny or Lindsay this time.

IMPORTANT: If you do read it, please be forewarned that I do have a scene at Ground Zero.

Thanks shipmates! Much appreciated :D

*gives Mo a kiss on the cheek and wishes her to feel better before tossing a few random M&Ms at Liffy and mer (who seems to have vanished from us...where be ye hun?) before swooning off*
some pics

my favourite danny/lindsay pics. they looks soooooooooo funny

*Liff pops into the thread singing, "Another winter day has come and gone in Paris 'n Rome and I wanna go home..."*

Michael Bublé : Home - You guys HAVE to listen to it. It's absolute love! Haha, I can see Danny singing along to it when he has to work the late nights :)

Wow, we're really getting into this animal business eh? We need someone to look after the Wheatfield Zoo. I've already got my bakery, Dutch has the 8-Ball and Mo has Gutter Tower. Anyone?

Oh and Mo dear, I hope you feel better soon! I'll ask Danny and Linds to parade around pool street nekkid again for your benefit (well Danny is for you, Linds is for me :D ) We promote "public exposure" in Gutterville :devil: Such depth doth my gutteriness run. :p

Naughy Catey said:
As for another D/L party, I'm going to have fun explaining to my kids why mommy's "not feeling well" again.
How scheming of you sweetie! I love it! :lol: :devil:

Darlin' Stuffy said:
Apparently I'm "cruel and evil" for leaving the cliffhanger that I did.
Oh that's nothing compared to ALWY. I put in what? 6 cliffy's in there I think my readers are starting to get disappointed when I don't put one in ;) Which reminds me, my next chapter is such sap it hurt to write :D hehehehe.

Sara said:
I was thinking, Maybe we could hire D/L to come to our Zoo sometimes and be the "wild animals" attraction :devil:
Now you're talkin'! :devil: I love how my gutteriness is spreading to everyone. Oh Cuzzy! we might want to announce our documentary now! :lol: ....that came out wrong. Correction: our documentary of something else :devil:

Anyways, HP comes out in 8 hours for me! hee!! Can't wait. I'll be off the entire weekend reading :lol: Unless I can drag myself onto my laptop! :D
Liff I love that song by him. Unfortunately it brings back some memories as it was played at my uncle's funeral. But it's still a good song.

Auda and catey both said I was "evil and cruel" for leaving the cliffhanger that I did. I think they were about to throw M&Ms at me ;)

Awwww a sappy chapter? Wubs! C'mon, hurry up and post it, pronto! *prods buddy with a stick* :D

ETA: I'll look after the Zoo if that's alright. Maybe some people can help me?
*Mo pops in, humming the "Finally Friday" song to herself happily as she sidesteps all the zoo animals and chases after a nekkid Danny!* :lol: Awww another lovely day in our fabulous thread with all you lovely buddies...Happy Friday! Have I mentioned lately that I love Fridays? (Yeah probably only like a million times right! :lol: ) It's all good though...cuz it's Friday! And it's T minus 17 hours and counting until the world will know the fate of Harry Potter...just had to throw that in ;) I'm not an obsessed fan, but I am interested to see how this last book goes down! :D Oh and I'm feeling much better than yesterday! Thank you all for the concern and well wishes and sending Danny over to me, most definitely helped me feel better...it's all about bathing the body in cool water to get the fever down...thank you Danny boy! :devil: (How's that for guttery first thing in the morning? :devil: :lol: )

Shippy bud Soph asked:
Question: When (not if!) Danny and Lindsay get married and move in together, do you think they'll get a dog?
That's a good question...I dunno really, cuz clearly we know Danny is a dog person, and while I don't think Linds hates dogs, I'm not sure she'd want one around all the time....I see her as more of a cat person kinda...I dunno, maybe I'm wrong! :D

Dani, those pics of Danny with a dog are SOOO cute! Thanks for those! :D He is so cute with that little "stray" he brings in to the office...if it wasn't his before, it's totally his now! ;)

Singing bud Liffy warbled:
*Liff pops into the thread singing, "Another winter day has come and gone in Paris 'n Rome and I wanna go home..."*
Michael Bublé : Home - You guys HAVE to listen to it. It's absolute love! Haha, I can see Danny singing along to it when he has to work the late nights
Awwww, I love Michael Buble, Liffy bud! That's such a good song of his too! I could totally see Danny singing that...that'd be SOO cute! Another song of his, that you'd probably like is his newer one, he sings it will Nelly Furtado..."Quando, Quando, Quando"....that song is SO fabulous!! :D

We promote "public exposure" in Gutterville
*Face meet ground...note to self, learn to walk and laugh!* :lol: :lol: Liffy that totally cracked me up! And yeah we do, especially when it comes to D/L...definitely promoting that...all over! :devil: :lol:

Had to comment on this Stuffy Darling, you know I did...:
you are just loving this aren't you darling? I deny nothing except that I love teasing and bantering with Liffy. Our conversations on MSN are hilarious. His "loveable nature" is too cute! No I am not flirting...I am merely stating what he says on his profile. Well that and it is cute
Lol, hon you are SO dang cute yourself...that's why I love giving you a bit of a hard time about this...if it's annoying tell me, you know that right?! Now...can I just state that your above "explaination" by technical definition is "flirting"! ;) Seriously I even looked it up...that's pretty much it! :lol: Just thought you should know! ;)

Alright my dears...it is time for me to go once again and join the ranks of the people-who-go-off-to-work-but-don't-really-want-to! :lol: Happy Friday again and I'll be back later, of course! ;)

Aud how are ya wub? *Snuggles!* :D

*Mo grins, waves and shimmers off in her Fluffy Bubble of wub!*
^^Yeah sure you can take care of the Zoo hon. :) We'll appoint some more caretakers to help ya ;)

I'm sorry about your uncle :( But it really is a beautiful song... *sigh* sap...

As for posting..not sure when that'll happen. Editing a 10 page long chapter is NOT fun I tell ya :p

I wonder if Linds likes to write...maybe Danny can come up with come sappy, funny, new yorky, witty poem for her on their anniversary :)

3 years since I laid eyes on you,
2 and a half years since you ate bugs with me,
1 year since you left for Montana,
1 year since I went to get you back,
1 year since we made love,
1 year since I told you I loved you

1 second before I ask you to marry me...



Mo honey! Glad to hear that you're feeling better babe ;) I love all his songs, Quando, Quando, Quando is a fabulous and beautiful song :D Love it! I've got all his albums :lol:

Still 17 hours for you? Wow...8 hours for me :D GLee! I'm not an obsessed fan either, all my obsession goes into D/L. :lol: Can't wait to see what JK comes out with!
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