Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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dutch, your nut comment. heehee. did you enjoy your prize for the night? lindsay wants him back. were you right? danny’s not afraid to show his nut. do you want an M&M suit too? we can get you the blue one!

danny and lindsay in M&M suits running around Gutterville. they play the grown-up game and eight years down the line, they can take their D/L babies around for Halloween all dressed in CUTE M&M costumes.

vex, summer DaLicious av.
catey, yay im honored that youve become my virtual big sis!
thanks, Abby, sweetums:

Wheatfield Zoo
Pavarotti the goat
Larry the giraffe
Moo the cow
?? the walrus – possibly Egor or Wally
Tiggy the tiger
?? the seatbelted horse

Mo, there def seems to be more than danny/aiden going on with our lovable stuffy and naughty liffy…there are some hints of danny/lindsay. sorry just had to add to that, my Ffys!. wubs ya, stuffy and liffy. *tackles riddler stuffy and liffy*

tame that tiger, Liffy. he’s scaring Moo. i know Tiggy’s frisky and everything too…reminds me of danny (mating hormones into OVERDRIVE).

i was shopping around for a bracelet online and stumbled upon rings. so, when (notice that i said “when”, not “if”) danny and lindsay get engaged, would danny buy a large diamond engagement ring or a small one? (large: to show the world how much he loves her or small: to prove that great things come in small packages and that it doesnt matter the diamond size--no size would compare to his love for lindsay)

wheres the next party? cammie’s? dani’s? okay, back to RL.
Hello my buddies! Sorry for my absence, but I’m so busy. :(

Fortunately my foot feels better! Probably I’ll go out with my friends tomorrow! And I’ll buy 5 chocolate milk-shakes! Liffy hun, I’ll buy a milk-shake for you too! :D

First of all welcome D4G and happy birthday!!! :D :D :D

By the way… We have a new “pet”! His name his Gino l’orsettino ! It’s a bear, a little bear! Do ya like this name? It’s a nice bear :)

Liffy hun said:
Cammie hun! I hope your feet gets better. migliorare presto! (courtesy of google translate, but I don't think it's right :eek: )

Awwww my buddy! It’s almost correct… get better = migliora presto or guarisci presto.
You’re so cute! :D
*Cammie gives Liffy a chocolate milk-shake and hugs him*

My buddy Dani said:
Where is Cammie?
I’m here now, hun! I was so busy… and I went to the doctor almost three times. But now I’m fine. ;)

Abby hun said:
^ Well then at least he's not afraid to show off his 'peanut' in public.
You were about to kill me, when I’ve read this, my coke was going down the wrong way. In any case, that was awesome! Right into the gutter… :lol:

Hahaha! Danny WATCH OUT! An animal could bite into your ‘peanut’. We have a lot of pets here in Gutterville. :p Lindsay won’t be happy… :)

Angel said:
wheres the next party? cammie’s? dani’s?

Another party? Yayyyyyy! I’m glad to organize another party hun! :D :D :D
Main topic: Pets and D/L
*Cammie hugs Angel*

Dutch your avvie is so cute!!! I love it! ;)

See ya soon guys! :D :D :D
lindsay giving danny a lap dance
:eek: *whacks Anffy* I'm clearly not the only one who gets more and more influenced by living in GutterVille. :D
did you enjoy your prize for the night? lindsay wants him back.
Well she just has to wait a few hours longer...our night hasn't even begun yet... :p
just make sure it's alright with Montana
Of course it is Stuffy...after all she gets to spend the whole night with Liffy and his 'loveable nature'. :D ;)
That is HILARIOUS though Dutch I can totally picture that in my head, even though I've never seen the commercial!
The commercial is pretty funny Mo :lol: you can watch it HERE (just scroll down the page)
would danny buy a large diamond engagement ring or a small one?
Great question Angel! I think Lindsay is down-to-earth enough to not want a big stone as proof of his love; perhaps not even a diamond...a beatifull ring with a sapphire to remind her of his eyes :rolleyes: is something I think she'd appreciate much more...and I think he knows that... :)

Abby, Cam txs for bringing in THE horse and the little bear.

Oh and sweeties the next party is this weekend on no. 2 Gutter Drive, Sarah (ILJT)'s place. :D
danny and lindsay dancing? im dwindling between sweet (sexy) rumba and lindsay giving danny a lap dance.
Yay! That's my girl! :lol: Embrace the gutter. :devil:

You were about to kill me, when I’ve read this, my coke was going down the wrong way. In any case, that was awesome! Right into the gutter…
It's official then - both tubes run down to the gutter *gigglesnort*

tame that tiger, Liffy. he’s scaring Moo. i know Tiggy’s frisky and everything too…reminds me of danny (mating hormones into OVERDRIVE).
Tiggy is always frisky. Oh yeah...reminds me of Danny too :p But he's fine AND tame. He only prowls around looking for catnip. :devil:

would danny buy a large diamond engagement ring or a small one?
Nice one Cuz, umm...whatabout an heirloom? His grandmother's ring would be sweet. Otherwise, if it's a diamond, she'd prefer a small one (I've been around too many diamonds in my life, kinda lost interest in them). Besides, Linds is more than a material girl, she'd love him if he placed a plastic ring on her finger.

You know, I can actually see Danny doing that. Proposing on impulse when they're just in the middle of nowhere and just grabs the first thing he sees. It's romantic in the "no overtures" kinda way and is alot more d/l. Cute! Of course she'd get a real wring later on... :)

Dutch!! That advertisement was completely hilarious.
*Dani hugs Cammie* I'm glad you're back sweetie :)

Gino l'orsettino
Does it mean something? Aww, I already saw him in your backyard, he is totally adorable :) That cute little thing.

Well, and as everyone is bringing animals to our zoo (and homes), I have the pleasure to present you my hippo ! Yeah, that's right, a little female hippo :) I don't know what to call her yet, though.

Dear Angel asked:
so, when (notice that i said “when”, not “if”) danny and lindsay get engaged, would danny buy a large diamond engagement ring or a small one?
First of all, I loved the 'when not if' detail! Because for them it's totally a when ;) As about the ring, I do think they would both prefer something small. A big diamond is not what tells how big your love is...and they have another way of showing their love, we all know it :devil: But
King Liff said:
You know, I can actually see Danny doing that. Proposing on impulse when they're just in the middle of nowhere and just grabs the first thing he sees. It's romantic in the "no overtures" kinda way and is alot more d/l. Cute! Of course she'd get a real wring later on...
That would be totally great :) And cute! And so D/L! Loved the idea!

Btw, I read two of Liffy's fics today and they are just awesome :D I reviewed *applauds*

And yes, we have another party, this time at Sarah's. Don't forget to bring something, huh? We want it to be great again :D

*goes to "the 8-Ball", sits in the couch drinking orange juice while watching "Sleight out of Hand" again* This episode is in the emmy nominnes, for outstanding stunt coordination, but it should also be in for outstanding lovely sweet scene between a great pairing :p
Okay I know I said I was going to start talking more, but RL keeps getting in the way. Plus, I am ready for my kids to go back to school ASAP. They are driving me crazy.

Back on topic :)

I love all of the animals you guys have in the zoo.

I think Lindsey would prefer a smaller ring because her fingers are small. That is what I told my fiancee' I wanted.

I can also see Liff's idea of it being a family heirloom, that would be sweet.

And yes, we have another party, this time at Sarah's. Don't forget to bring something, huh? We want it to be great again
Hey, As long as there's Twister, a broom closet and cocktails-It will be an awesome party. The more we have the better ;)

I think Lindsay would want a big ring because be honest, wouldn't us all? But I think he would get her a small ring because of what Jen said, her fingers/hand is small.

Liff, Your tiger...Tiggy seems to be taking a liking to my house, especially my plants :lol: I gave him some meat ealier and now he wondered off.

Guys, You know what I want to see in the show. Someone comes onto Lindsay, likes puts a move on her or hits on her and Danny puts the guys in his place. Especially if it was infront of the team because I think they should know about them. How do you guys feel?

Im off to the church program to watch little kids! Oh joy :rolleyes:
Wheatfield Zoo
Pavarotti the goat
Larry the giraffe
Moo the cow
?? the walrus – possibly Egor or Wally
Tiggy the tiger
?? the seatbelted horse

Don't forget that dog Danny once had with him to the lab!

So cute avvie you have Dutch!
^ txs...with all the animals we're bringing in here I thought the inhabitants of the 'Hundred Acre Woods' would fit right in...and yes! we have the dog too...What would be a name Danny could've given him?

Liff the idea of Danny giving her his Grandma's ring is totally adorable. :)..and sorry Sarah, but I disagree...I want a ring that's given to show how big his love is and not how big his bank account... ;)
Gino l'orsettino
Does it mean something?
Dani, Gino is an Italian first name and according to a baby name site it means well-born and l'orsettino is Italian for little bear...totally cute Cam! And we now have a female hippo too...that's just great! She can keep the walrus company... :eek:
Someone comes onto Lindsay, likes puts a move on her or hits on her and Danny puts the guys in his place.
That would be funny...especially if that happens in front of the (few) people that still had no clue they were together :rolleyes:...I can just see Adam's shocked face... :cool:
I don't remember the dog being given a name. I just remember that everyone said it looked like Danny :lol: Maybe we should name him Danny Jr or summet?

Oh and Liff, you can the walrus Wally if you want. It's much better than my suggestion!

PSG xxx
who are you whacking, hmm, dutch :p :p ??

cousin liffy, stop pulling me into the bright-colored side of the gutter! and stop using words like “prowl” and “tame”…tsktsk! even your diction is naughty. :devil: on to non-naughty issues: i can imagine danny paying in coins to buy a plastic ring from a dispenser or a ring from a cracker jack box (boxed caramel popcorn). a family heirloom would be beautiful. OR danny could go far and wide himself, dig for a diamond, set the ring, and then present it to lindsay with a handmade band engraved with his chisel. oh man, thanks a lot, liffy---im thinking now of caveman danny messer. :devil:

PSG, your suggestion was fine!! it’s still listed on the zoo roster. :)

Wheatfield Zoo
Pavarotti the goat
Larry the giraffe
Moo the cow
? the walrus – possibly Egor or Wally
Tiggy the tiger
? the seatbelted horse
? the dog – Danny Jr.? got it, (SB!)
? the hippo – dani’s hippo! (it’s a girl)

whoa wait, the hippo and walrus are a couple? *throws blankets on dutch’s head playfully* should we name one of them GINO? thanks for the ad. heehee.

aww, *hug back at ya, cammie; holds her hand and skips around the zoo to pet the animals*

Someone comes onto Lindsay, likes puts a move on her or hits on her and Danny puts the guys in his place.

That would be funny...especially if that happens in front of the (few) people that still had no clue they were together ...I can just see Adam's shocked face...
^^^dutch, adam’s face would be priceless! sarah, lindsay might pretend to enjoy flirting with the other guy, but we all know she loves danny only. and danny might play along since he trusts her 100% or he would slyly let him know that lindsay is his woman. party at your place??

dani, SOoH got nominated?!?! great news! :D could you PM me with the link?
HHH, cute, small, and simple can mean more than the world. :) :)

*taps finger on keyboard, where are ya, best friend stuffy?? tosses some gummi worms to her*


Wheatfield Zoo
Pavarotti the goat
Larry the giraffe
Moo the cow
? the walrus – possibly Egor or Wally
Tiggy the tiger
? the seatbelted horse
? the dog – Danny Jr.? got it, (SB!)
? the hippo – dani’s hippo! (it’s a girl)
Gino l'Orsettino the bear -- Cammie's bear
who are you whacking, hmm, dutch??
Another pretty naughty girl who came up with the most smutty dance suggestion... :p
caveman danny messer
Don't even wanna know where that came from... :eek:
should we name one of them GINO?
Nope! Gino l'Orsettino is the bear Cammie brought with her...that still has to be added to the list btw... :)

And I think you're right...Lindsay would so enjoy watching Danny get more and more agitated by the other guy's behaviour that she might just tease him a little bit and pretend she's actually enjoying it :cool:...I just hope she doesn't push it too far...Danny might be a little too hot-headed to realise it's not for real... :eek:

PS: Angel I've started writing that sandcastle story :)
Right I was only just able to get on now since yesterday... Do you know how much I had to read i'm dreding going on holiday!! :lol:

OK so the wheatfiels zoo is filling up I'll give you a few name suggestions...

>I like Wally the Walrus

> Danny's dog..now that's a hard one! I think Danny would call his dog ripper, taz or something like woody (no idea where I got the last one!) Its not going to be a 'sweet' name is it? because he would have had the dog (probely) before he fell head over heals in love with Lindsay!

> I think Harry the horse sounds good!! (I just got back from seeing the new Harry Potter film, can you tell?)

>Humpy the Hippo (It's only friday and I already want hump day to come again :()

Danni, that's great news! Is there an award that is given to the best users of a pooltable!?!?! :lol: :lol: If so we know who'd win! :lol:
There should so be an award for the kinkiest TV couple. D/L would so win that with all the fun they had on Danny's pool table.

Gosh, what started with the goat now is turning into a zoo? FYI Tiggy does live in the zoo, he lives with me.

Liff, Your tiger...Tiggy seems to be taking a liking to my house, especially my plants
You have CatNip? Ahh, he'll be out sooner or later. I'm ordering more in since he had a bit...too much fun last time.

Oh and Liff, you can the walrus Wally if you want. It's much better than my suggestion!
Are ya sure hun? Hehe, he's Walter the Walrus, a.k.a Wally. :D

As for Danny's dog, my friend mabelreid named him Rex in her fic The Dog and His Boy . It's a must read, he's so adorable :)

I think I might make that little proposal idea earlier into a oneshot. What do you guys think? I mean I can definately see him putting coins into a machince for one of those cheap plastic rings and I think the thought is definately there to symbolize his love for her.

Rocks these days have become extremely superficial in my eyes, (maybe it's a guy thing) but the plastic ring will definately be a sign to Linds that Danny loves her more than anything and isn't "buying" her love. Mmm, I feel so sappy now it hurts. :) Definately turning that into a oneshot! :lol:

Thoughts anyone?
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