Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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Hey guys!

Thanks for all the praise for my banner! I didn't think it was that good, but you guys obviously like it!

I was thinking, since the walrus doesn't have a name, can I name him? I was thinking Egor. Tell me if it sucks.

Welcome DFG! Glad to see you made it here! Oh, and Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day!

Just to let you know, I have the next chapter of my fic drafted. Just needs typing up and editing. Should be up before I leave for camp on Sun :D

Later guys, real life beckons! Grr! PSG xxx
*comes in totally happy 'cause her appointment for this afternoon got re-scheduled and she suddenly has a few unexpected free hours* :D

now, can you imagine strip poker with Danny/Lindsay?
Yup Angel I most certainly can :devil:...made me think of that M&M's commercial we have over here where Red and Yellow are playin strip poker and Yellow doesn't wanna show off his 'peanut' :eek: in public.

you were pretty close I didn't want to say that you didn't get it cause I didn't want to embarrass you.
Aaah txs Stuffy...that's so sweet...so does that mean I get Danny for half a night then?.... :devil:
Nope. I give up
LOL Liff! Well at least you gave it a try :p...Weeee! :lol:
you may as well just start making out already hon...cuz pillow fights and making out...they're pretty much the same thing!
*blinks too* :eek: But you may have explained how those pillows ended up on the pool table in SD Mo! :D

And yeah...more great questions...

#1.) Do you think Linds and Danny would watch this show or one like it?
I think Lindsay would watch it...Danny doesn't seem to be the type to watch a dance show...

#2.) Do you think Linds and Danny would ever go dancing? And if so what kind of dancing would they do?
Sweetie you now nixed my answer too! ;) Again Danny doesn't strike me as the dancing kind, but I think his mother at some point has forced him to take some lessons :lol:, so he does now how to dance...And maybe at some official Police Dpt. ball Lindsay can persuade him (her dress may have something to do with that ;)) to try the dancefloor. I'd love to see them do the Paso Doble...very exciting and hot dance... :devil:
Is my house-Friday leading in to Saturday then still Sunday Good?
Sounds great Sarah...I'm there...before I get it and after I've finished my new Harry Potter book... :D

I was thinking, since the walrus doesn't have a name, can I name him? I was thinking Egor
Never heard that name before :confused:...does it mean anything PSG?

I hadn't answered my own question yet...

I think Lindsay could be the one with a serious chocolate addiction (especially when it's chocolate covered Danny :devil:) and we all know Danny can't go an hour without thinking or talking about...- yeah that too :p, but a was going to say-... food!

Welcome D4G and happy b'day! :)
dutch love, your new avvie and banner are incredibly adorable. I've always enjoyed Winnie the Pooh and those are just too cute!

Ahoy there D4G!! It's Stuffy from DLC. Welcome aboard shipmate :D glad you've joined along. Psst...happy birthday!!

you may as well just start making out already hon...cuz pillow fights and making out...they're pretty much the same thing!

:lol: Oh my dearest Mo. You're so funny!

But you may have explained how those pillows ended up on the pool table in SD Mo!

Ahhhh good point dutch. Excellent observation :lol:

Alright so we have a cow, a walrus, a giraffe, a tiger, and a goat. Intriguing. All we need is two people dressed as M&Ms and we're good to go! :D

dutch, you get Danny for a full night. You can never have too much Messer luvin' :devil:


^ You forget that there's suddenly a tiger walking around town too :eek: *locks up Pavarotti in her kitchen* Liff you better get your tiger back to Wheatfield Zoo as quickly as possible...

you get Danny for a full night. You can never have too much Messer luvin'
*runs out to buy some more pillows* :devil: Liff I guess Lindsay's yours tonight! :)

I've always enjoyed Winnie the Pooh and those are just too cute!
Txs! I love Pooh and his friends too and for some personal reason they are very important to me.
I was thinking Egor.
I was thinking more on the lines of a Walter :lol: But where is Egor from? I remember one from Van Helsing, or some Austrian/Hungarian name :confused:

But you may have explained how those pillows ended up on the pool table in SD Mo!
Oh yes. :lol: Now where'd the blanket come from? :devil:

Sounds great Sarah...I'm there...before I get it and after I've finished my new Harry Potter book...
:eek: I completely forgot that HP is coming out this Sat, :lol: Shows ya how much of a fan I am. :p

we all know Danny can't go an hour without thinking or talking about...- yeah that too :p , but a was going to say-... food!
Haha :devil: Danny loves his food. He asked her out to get food more than enough times. The man is a bottomless pit, but unlike Dean from Supernatural, he doesn't eat every single episode -THAT is a bottomless pit. :lol:

I've always enjoyed Winnie the Pooh and those are just too cute!
Oh bother. I love that guy's voice. He's such an airhead and an adorable one at that :p

All we need is two people dressed as M&Ms and we're good to go!
Alright! Here's a yellow M&M suit for you...and..CUZZIE! Where are you!?!? There's a Red M&M suit here with your name on it!



Liff you better get your tiger back to Wheatfield Zoo as quickly as possible...
Tiggy wanders around freely :p and he doesn't eat goats. It gives him gas.


He's perfectly tame and only doesn't listen to me when Linds is around. Apparently he prefers her to me -traitor. :p

*snuggles tiggy*
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I just knew one of you -ffy's was gonna suggest wearing those costumes for the other ones! But I think it's only fair that we give them to D/L...gives them a chance to walk around GutterVille incognito ;) :lol: At least have them think that :p

he doesn't eat goats. It gives him gas.
*sends Pavarotti back out again to play with the other animals*
I just knew one of you -ffy's was gonna suggest that for the other ones! But I think it's only fair that we give them to D/L...gives them a chance to walk around GutterVille incognito
Yeah? And we'll be left watching a pair of M&M's trying to make out on the streets. Granted Danny's gonna get pret-ty irritated with his and end up tearing them both off :lol:

He's not exactly the most patient man is he now? :p
^ Well then at least he's not afraid to show off his 'peanut' in public. ;) :devil:

And since I won him *sigh* just for one night I must admit I'm glad he's a little impatient. :D

*runs down the block to avoid the incoming meter* :)
And since I won him *sigh* just for one night I must admit I'm glad he's a little impatient.
Oh and that means I get to play with Tiggy and Linds for one whole night...

Take your time Danny! :lol:

Well then at least he's not afraid to show off his 'peanut' in public.
*whack* that was naughty! :devil: I love naughty thoughts :p
Well then at least he's not afraid to show off his 'peanut' in public

:lol: :lol: Looks like dutch is getting in on the naughty stuff. Have fun with Danny hun :D hope it's a good night :devil:

Two M&Ms making out on the street? Now that'd be a sight to see I'm sure :eek: although I'm pretty content with watching them on the pool table.

Liffy has taken over my mind :)
The cow's name is Moo honey! It's the walrus that's still nameless. MOO!
Ok then. I knew I was confusing everything :lol:

There goes my dream of a perfectly clean morning....
Sorry, Liffy :rolleyes:

Well, as for Egor, I like it! The only thing I remember being named that, that I know off, is the portuguese name for Eeyore on Winnie the Pooh (though with a different spelling Igor, but read the same way as Egor, I think). Coincidence or not that dutch just changed her avvie and banner to winnie the pooh related ones :rolleyes: They are just so cute :)

Who owns the walrus, afterall? They are really cute animals, in my opinion! And now we have a tiger, too?! :eek: *locks herself in home until making sure it's safe...yeah, he might not eat goats, but what about girls?* :lol:

Wow, I really can't believe we are having a party again tomorrow! Well, with D/L is always time to party! I wonder if they will find time to come to this one, or if they are going to be too busy, again *goes to D/L home to invite them...ends up hiding and looking trough their window :devil: and just in time before dutch arriving to have fun with Danny as well :p
im here, you three silly shippers!

auda! and Mo the twins. ohmy Cotton-Eyed Joe!! :lol: who else has a very comical image in their head right now??

to answer dutch (oh you went the Pooh bear way! CUTE!) and Mo’s questions:

would danny and lindsay watch a dance show like So You Think…? i think they might watch it. and in the middle of it, lindsay challenges danny to see if he can bust out his moves. makes for a good bantering session.

danny and lindsay dancing? im dwindling between sweet (sexy) rumba and lindsay giving danny a lap dance.

danny and lindsay addictions? i see them both having a morning routine (both coffee or tea drinkers in the morning). besides, like everyone said, being addicted to each other, i can see lindsay having a soft spot for yummy Italian desserts: danny feeding them to her off his finger…

welcome, dstined4gr8ness! and happy birthday—make a wish!

PSG, skyline banners are so filled with loving atmosphere! good job.

Cuzzy, your av is too giggle-worthy. we should open a franchise. look at all the talent we have here!

PAUL the walrus. just kidding. that name is popped into my head. i think he deserves a naughty gutteriffic name. look at that kid, swimming around in the pool.

Sarah, great idea with the tiger! i forgot all about that DL animal.
stuffy, ive got your M&M suit. put it on. *takes suit from Liffy and hands it to Stuffy*
dutch, you know us -ffys all too well!

Wheatfields Zoo
Pavarotti the goat
Larry the giraffe
Moo the cow
?? the walrus – possibly Egor ot Walter.
Tiggy the tiger
"Oh what a beautiful morning....oh what a beautiful day!" *Mo waltzes into the thread...high on life and coffee and probably with a bit of a fever still! :lol: * Good morning my shippy pals and Happy Thursday! Now what's my favorite part of Thursday? That it's the day before Friday! :lol: That and I get to come in here and see y'all! I know I do that everyday...but still! :D

Fluffy Wub Aud grinned:
He'd bitch the whole time, but he'd eventually like it. He'd make a cute cowboy, wouldn't he?
He SO totally would! I could see him with a cute cowboy hat on dancing with Linds awwww....and then later of course, him with JUST the cowboy hat on....ohhhhhh yeah baby! *Mo grins and pictures that for a moment!* :devil:

OT:And yes, Anna was involved in musical stage as well as plays before television. She and Melina supposedly sing and do little dances in between takes. Melina was once in Cabaret
Sweet! I so wanna see outtakes and bloopers from between the scenes now, see if we can't see them goofing off and dancing together...that'd be SO fun to see! I bet both of them are awesome! :D

Gutter king and total flirt Liffy tried to look innocent:
*blink* huh? *whistles nonchalantly*
Yup definitely need to just make out already! :lol: You two really are like D/L...just go grab her already! :lol:

The Argentine Tango has alot of eye gazin', ass gropin, hell...alot of rubbin': perfect for our naughty couple
Ohhhhh, good call bud! I LOVE that dance! It's so hot and naughty and yummy all wrapped in one! ;) Definitely could see D/L doing that! Which would of course lead right to the pool table...but then again, what doesn't with them lately! :devil: :lol:

Closet Gutter bug Dutch laughed:
Yellow doesn't wanna show off his 'peanut' in public.
And there goes my dream of a smutty-free morning! :lol: Awww who am I kidding, I couldn't even attempt to have a smut free morning! ;) That is HILARIOUS though Dutch I can totally picture that in my head, even though I've never seen the commercial! :D And good thing Danny's not afraid to show his peanut... :devil: Oh the smut, the smut! :lol:

Awwww and I LOVE your banner and siggy Dutch hon, too cute! I love Pooh and Piglet and Tigger! :D

My other flirty shippy dear Stuffy blushed:
Oh my dearest Mo. You're so funny!
*Mo nods and winks!* I am! I'm also brilliant and noticing that you deny nothing just laughed...so grab him already dearie! ;) heehee! :lol:

Lucky shippy bud Dutch winked:
And since I won him *sigh* just for one night I must admit I'm glad he's a little impatient.
Wait you won him for a whole night? How'd you manage that and where can I sign up? I definitely need to get in on that game! ;) If it means a night of Mr. Messer to myself, heck ya! :devil:

Alright my dears...real life once again calls my name...oh the joy! :lol: But real life does pay me and until I can get paid for being on here all day (oh the dream! :D ) I must still obey it's call...yeah I'm waxing poetical I know...oh well! ;) Have a fabulous day all and I'll catch ya on the flip side! :D

*Mo grins, waves and grabbing her ever faithful coffee...gets in her Fluffy bubble and shimmers off!* :D
Mo!! *tackles her buddy and tickles her like mad*

OT:And yes, Anna was involved in musical stage as well as plays before television. She and Melina supposedly sing and do little dances in between takes. Melina was once in Cabaret

Yeah I heard about that. Anna can be quite the jokester apparently. Her and Carmine sing their lines to each other.

*Mo nods and winks!* I am! I'm also brilliant and noticing that you deny nothing just laughed...so grab him already dearie! heehee!

:lol: you are just loving this aren't you darling? I deny nothing except that I love teasing and bantering with Liffy. Our conversations on MSN are hilarious. His "loveable nature" is too cute! No I am not flirting...I am merely stating what he says on his profile. Well that and it is cute :)

Wait you won him for a whole night? How'd you manage that and where can I sign up? I definitely need to get in on that game!

That was the prize if you answered my riddle. dutch nearly got it but I let her have Mr. Messer anyways :). No sign-up required, just make sure it's alright with Montana ;) but I'm sure she won't mind. We love him too!
Hey guys!
First of all, welcome D4G ! Happy Birthday! :)

Yay! Questions:
#1.) Do you think Linds and Danny would watch this show or one like it?
I think that they would, and than she could drag him to take dance lessons! XD And definitely, I can see them dancing tango… :lol:

Wheatfields Zoo
Pavarotti the goat
Larry the giraffe
Moo the cow
?? the walrus – possibly Egor ot Walter.
Tiggy the tiger
We’re forgetting the horse with seatbelts incorporated… Now it’s running in the park, I think… :D

I completely forgot that HP is coming out this Sat, Shows ya how much of a fan I am.
I’m a fan of HP too. This week I’d go to see the movie, but my friend that is supposed to see it with me is still in England on holiday. :( I hope that I’ll go the next week.

^ Well then at least he's not afraid to show off his 'peanut' in public.
You were about to kill me, when I’ve read this, my coke was going down the wrong way. In any case, that was awesome! Right into the gutter… :lol:
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