Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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Well to be quite honest I didn't totally get it...I understood how to solve it, but I didn't realise the 3rd and 4th line were about the same two letters ...so I ended up with a letter too many and therefor a slightly different word..

I know dutch. But you were pretty close :) I didn't want to say that you didn't get it cause I didn't want to embarrass you.

do you guys think Danny or Lindsay has a 'strange' addiction (besides each other ) without which they get pretty grumpy?

Hmmm...good question. I'll have to get back to you on that one. Good question dutch ;)
Rad, Hump Day is Wednesday, because it's the middle of the work week. You go uphill on Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday is Hump Day, and Thursday and Friday are downhill to the weekend. So Wednesday is traditionally known as Hump day. Liffy however, may have another reason for calling it that!

Angel, of course I'll be your virtual big sister. My virtual family is actually nicer than my physical one. Go figure, that's why I like being on here so much!

I think they probably both have an need for something that makes them grumpy to be without it. Coffee, probably. Or pizza. Chocolate maybe. I'm rambling here, so Dutch, that's it for my answers!
Rad, Hump Day is Wednesday, because it's the middle of the work week. You go uphill on Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday is Hump Day, and Thursday and Friday are downhill to the weekend. So Wednesday is traditionally known as Hump day. Liffy however, may have another reason for calling it that!
Hey!....but when you're right, you're right. And my reasons are all rather naughty and dirty and Mo agrees with me! :devil: (Okay, to tell the truth I had no idea about the whole up and down week thing. My thoughts have been dirty since the get go :eek: )

Liff that avvie of Danny frolicing home to be with Lindsay is hilarious...I wonder which happy thoughts make him so ecstatic...
How bout I try something that's not so dirty...
...hmm...gosh this is hard. I know! They ordered a new bed!

...but then Danny's probably more excited with trying it out :devil:

Nope. I give up :D

do you guys think Danny or Lindsay has a 'strange' addiction (besides each other :) ) without which they get pretty grumpy?
Hmmm...Coco pops. :lol:
I figured that you all made "Hump Day" something dirty. Now hearing what it is, it makes perfect sense. No doubt Lif and Auntie Mo made it dirty though, but hey, that's why you all rock my socks.

Thanks for the clarification though, it's good to be on the same page.
"Howdy, howdy, howdy, how..." (And the crowd repeats..."Howdy, howdy, howdy, how...") "Hey, hey, hey..." (And you all..."Hey, hey, hey...") "D/L is love!" (you know the drill..."D/L is love!") "Love, love, love, love!" :D
Just thought I'd have some fun! ;) Good evening my dearies...how are you all this fine Hump Day evening? :D *Mo sneaks a peek into her binoculars...* D/L's definitely doing well! :devil:

Angel dearie asked with a wink:
what a great way to break into HUMP day: nekkid danny. twister is such a dirty game! now, can you imagine strip poker with Danny/Lindsay?
Every day hon, every day! :devil: Lol, that would most definitely a fun game to join...heck forget that, it'd be a fun game to watch! :D Heehee! :devil:

whats the name of the cow? “Moo?” awww…black and white milk cow. and what happened to the walrus? he or she’s a naughty one! (must be the property of Liffy ).
Awwww, yup that's a good name for the cow! She's a pretty cute little thing too...not a full grown cow yet, still a bit of baby, but SO cute...she's eating the grass in my backyard as we speak! :D And as for the walrus (who needs a gutterific name! ;) ) is happy as a clam in Liffy's pool! :D

Fluffy dear Stuffy grinned:
love it Mo. You're our official news person.
Awwww yay! Now that's definitely a job I would LOVE! The only job that would be better would be to be an actual writer for NY...in which case we'd have D/L ALL the time! ;) But I'll take "news person" too! :D

starting a full-blown pillow fight*
Ohhhhh darlin'....Lol :lol: , you may as well just start making out already hon...cuz pillow fights and making out...they're pretty much the same thing! ;) Or at least that's what Danny keeps telling me when he comes over! :devil: :lol:

Angsty niece Rad wondered:
what is HUMP DAY?!
Lol, did you miss that darlin? Sorry! Catey dear answered what it is perfectly though! It's cuz Wednesday's the middle of the week...hence the "hump" of the week....hence "Hump" day! :D (That's the "technical" and "innocent" definition! Liffy and I and many others of y'all have some more guttery definitions of what "Hump" day means! ;) Although if that's the definition of Hump Day...then for D/L...every day is Hump day! :devil: :D )

My "Real" coffee loving buddy Dutch
They're real indeed...nobody wants to be around me when I can't get my daily dose of caffeïne ...I'm glad you inhereted the Dutch appreciation for real coffee instead of the ditchwater (no offence) I got served in the US on numerous occasions....
Yup, I am definitely a "real" good coffee lover! I most definitely inherited that from my mom and our homeland! There are places in the States where they serve good coffee...podunk diners and here in Seattle ;)

And our little coffee addiction gave me the idea for a new 'question of the day': do you guys think Danny or Lindsay has a 'strange' addiction (besides each other ) without which they get pretty grumpy?
Ohhh good question! Lol, I was gonna totally say eachother...but you nixed that! :lol: Um I think for Lindsay it's coffee, she strikes me as a gotta have her first cup before she opens her eyes kinda gal! :D And for Danny...mmmmm, I see him as a grumpy without his breakfast kinda guy...that a a clean shirt! ;) I dunno why, those just fit to me! :D

Gutter King and just fabulous Liffy grinned:
And my reasons are all rather naughty and dirty and Mo agrees with me! (Okay, to tell the truth I had no idea about the whole up and down week thing. My thoughts have been dirty since the get go
Of course I agree with you bud! ;) When it comes to the Gutter, I always agree with you! :lol: And I KNEW you had just dirty thoughts in your head when it came to Hump Day...I mean of course I did too, but at least I knew the technical meaning! :lol: :lol:

Angsty niece Rad laughed:
No doubt Lif and Auntie Mo made it dirty though, but hey, that's why you all rock my socks.
Lol, yeah we pretty much dropped it into the Gutter from the very first second! :devil: But like you said, that's why you likes us! :D

Alright my dearies...I am currently watching my new favorite reality show..."So You Think You Can Dance!" and it begs a D/L question for y'all before I go...:
#1.) Do you think Linds and Danny would watch this show or one like it? And #2.) Do you think Linds and Danny would ever go dancing? And if so what kind of dancing would they do? (Other than the pool table tango! :devil: )

Okay darlin's...I'm off for a bit...got a bit of fever or something...dunno what's up! :p I'll see y'all later! :D

*Mo climbs tiredly into her bubble and glimmers away!* :D
#1.) Do you think Linds and Danny would watch this show or one like it? And #2.) Do you think Linds and Danny would ever go dancing? And if so what kind of dancing would they do? (Other than the pool table tango! )
1. Maybe they would but Im pretty sure that that show is on towards the evening so they'd probaby be busy with other plans :devil:

2. I supposed they would go dancing when they got some free time :lol: They are always busy with something, whether it's CSI stuff, cop stuff or er... other stuff :devil:
Anyways, If they were to go dancing- it would involve skimpy clothing and tight holding :D

^Sarah hun, I thought you were the one who was gonna throw the next party?...So give us a date and an place and we'll be there...
Really? I have been slow lately :lol: Is my house-Friday leading in to Saturday then still Sunday :D Good?
:lol: Im off to try to use my Paint Shop Pro without murdering it -tootles!
Hiya, dstined4gr8ness. Great to see you over here. Happy Birthday too. :)

#1.) Do you think Linds and Danny would watch this show or one like it?

Brilliant question, Fluffy Twin! Lindsay might be curious about it. But the Italian Stallion might whine about that 'guy in the glasses' having to run and chase every suspect. Poor Danny! :lol:

#2.) Do you think Linds and Danny would ever go dancing? And if so what kind of dancing would they do? (Other than the pool table tango!

In my world they would. I think everyone should dance though. Even if they don't have any talent, they should. Anna is a gifted dancer so I would hope that Linds would be too. Linds seems to love musicals! Rock on! So I suspect that even though she is involved in that science stuff, she probably can still get her groove on when she wants to. And please, just because she from Montana doesn't mean she is all into two-stepping. Nothing wrong with it, but I would hope she would flock to something more refined like ballroom dancing. Ah, what the hell, hopefully she's into burlesque. :devil: Danny would dig that.

Come on and shake your bootayyyyyyyy...Okay, I've been doing too much of my Yoga Booty Ballet. Forgive moi. :eek:

Happy Hump Day. Later. :cool:

EDIT: MO! Pool Table Tango?? Just thought about that one. Do I smell future thread...well, I better not say just yet. But remember that one for later. :D ;)
Aud! *Mo tackle hugs her fluffy wub!* :D Yeah I agree with you! (Of course, we share a brain! :lol: ) I could Linds finding the show one night while flipping channels and getting hooked on it and making Danny watch it with her... :lol:
And as for them dancing together...I definitely would love to see that! (Side note: Anna's a dancer? Really? Sweet!!) And I agree, while I think Linds can probably do a mean "Cotton-eyed Joe" :lol: I would LOVE to see her and them bust out with a hot tango or some dirty dancing...that'd be fabulous! :D

Destined, hey! :D Welcome and happy B'day! :D
Tackle hugs Mo back. I love the Cotton-Eyed Joe!! But it would be cool to see Linds do a belly dance or something racy for Danny. :devil:

Could you see Danny doing the "Cotton-Eyed Joe"? :lol: :lol: :lol: He'd bitch the whole time, but he'd eventually like it. He'd make a cute cowboy, wouldn't he? :D

I miss Mer and her episode questions. :(

OT:And yes, Anna was involved in musical stage as well as plays before television. She and Melina supposedly sing and do little dances in between takes. Melina was once in Cabaret. ;)
Destined, hey! Welcome and happy B'day!

Thanks guys!

Could you see Danny doing the "Cotton-Eyed Joe"?

Bahahaha....my moniter just got a bath :lol:

And yes, Anna was involved in musical stage as well as plays before television. She and Melina supposedly sing and do little dances in between takes. Melina was once in Cabaret.

Hmm. I bet Anna has a great singing voice, her tonal quality is a bit husky..I'd like to hear her sing.
Happy Birthday, dstined4gr8ness !!!!!!

Ohhhhh, I'm so tired although it's 10:26 a.m. I should go back to my bed. See you later.
Good morning everyone! How are you?! Good, I hope!

Welcome destined4gr8ness :) *hands out a packet of M&M's*

Where is Mer? And Cammie?

Thanks Catey and Stuffy for clearing up the whole spoiler story for me, I was confused ;)

Sarah, the idea of another party is just awesome :D You want me to help you with anything? I can bring 'sweet rice' and some drinks! Seems OK?

Nekkid twister? That seems so...appropriate for them :devil: I wasn't around at that time either, but I believe it helped them understanding what they feel for each other :rolleyes: Oh yeah, definitely something they like!

I had no idea we were connected with cows :eek: But Moo is cool, too ;) So how many animals do we have now? There's Pavarotti, Jen's giraffe ( Larry, right?), now there's the cow (is there a name yet?)...Is there any other one? :confused:

Thanks for the explanations on Hump Day. Rad asked, but I wasn't that sure myself. I figured it would be wednesday for some reason, but never thought of that. Makes sense though. And obviously, dirty thoughts for Mo and Liff, that was predictable :p

If Lindsay and Danny would watch "So you think you can dance" and dance...I don't really know. I think Lindsay likes to dance, so she probably would like the show. And I think Danny would go with her. Er, difficult question though :rolleyes: [but loved to know that Anna sings and dances, that just makes her cuter :) ]

About if they have some addiction. Hmm, I think Linds needs her coffee, too, and for some reason I think Danny likes chocolate...Yeah Liff, chocolate sauce, too :devil:

Well, I hope you all have a great day! I'm off to eat breakfast!
Sarah, the idea of another party is just awesome You want me to help you with anything? I can bring 'sweet rice' and some drinks! Seems OK?
Sounds great to me ;) I'll have plenty of desserts for you guys and some chocolate sauce for D/L :devil:

This is the strangest thing! I think I saw a tiger in my back yard. She/He seems very gentle and they are very young...did someone's tiger get loose? Does someone even have a tiger?

Anyways, I'll be sure to have Twister(Of every version :lol:) at the party so everyone better strech before they come!
*Liff skips in just coz he can!*

Morning all! (Yeah this time it's actually morning when I say good morning for once :rolleye: ) hehehehe.

For old time's sakes lets all join Danny and go WEE!


Neighbour Mo replied:
Lol, that would most definitely a fun game to join...heck forget that, it'd be a fun game to watch! Heehee!
I'd rather watch. Less people means the clothes fly off that much faster. I of course am partial to Danny winning since we get to share the prize, :eek: but I think Linds can hold herself up when it comes to poker ;)

you may as well just start making out already hon...cuz pillow fights and making out...they're pretty much the same thing!
*blink* huh? *whistles nonchalantly*

she strikes me as a gotta have her first cup before she opens her eyes kinda gal!
Oh I think she might have a serving of something of something else before her eyes open if y'all catch my drift :devil:

Danny...mmmmm, I see him as a grumpy without his breakfast kinda guy...that a a clean shirt!
I'm surprised the man has any left considering Linds runs out of them pret-ty often when Danny's around :devil:

#1.) Do you think Linds and Danny would watch this show or one like it?
Mental Image: Danny dancing around the kitchen whilst flipping pancakes and Linds is rolling on the floor laughing. :eek:

#2.) Do you think Linds and Danny would ever go dancing? And if so what kind of dancing would they do? (Other than the pool table tango! :devil: )
:eek: Think clean thoughts, think clean thoughts. Hell yeah, of course they'd go dancin'. Whenever they have spare time (and that's time off work and certain...non-work-related activities). :lol:

As for what they'd do...hmm...How bout the real deal :devil: The Argentine Tango has alot of eye gazin', ass gropin, hell...alot of rubbin': perfect for our naughty couple :devil: ;)

got a bit of fever or something
Mo huni! Danny and Walrus are coming over to frolic infront of you. (That makes an interesting sight to see....) :p

Newbie D4G said:
Hey guys! I just discovered this thread *smacks forehead*
*smack* :lol: Hi hunni! *waves*

It's nice to see ya here! and...


Aud said:
Ah, what the hell, hopefully she's into burlesque. :devil: Danny would dig that.
I would dig that too :devil: yum.

Mo said:
I would LOVE to see her and them bust out with a hot tango or some dirty dancing...that'd be fabulous!
I support anything that has the word "dirty" of the naughty kind. kinky :devil:

She and Melina supposedly sing and do little dances in between takes. Melina was once in Cabaret.
Awesome. Melina rocks and I'm not gonna start with Anna cos I'll start drooling again. *wipes mouth* :D Here that writers??! We want the Tango (in addition to the pool table one you gave us) hehehe :lol:

Dani asked:
now there's the cow (is there a name yet?)
The cow's name is Moo honey! :lol: It's the walrus that's still nameless. MOO!

Yeah Liff, chocolate sauce, too :devil:
There goes my dream of a perfectly clean morning.... :devil:

Sara said:
Does someone even have a tiger?
*raises hand* MINE! Where'd you run off to honey?? :D I LOVE tigers of any kind. Rawr!

Right-o. I just had the most delirious and naughtiest smutty thought ever. In short it involved a carwash and later on....a bed. :devil: I think I'll just leave it at that. :lol:

Must be off! RL beckons for a wee bit and then I shall be baaaack!

*Liff skips out of the thread crying WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*

(The man never fails to amuse me. Seriously)
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