Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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audacity said:
Welcome D/L newbies or first time vistors! Hey PE,
What does Danny think about Stuffer's and Liffy's goat? Not sure how he turned up, but every ships got to have mascot. ;)

I think that he likes the goat. But let's not dress up the goat. I see so many animals (like dogs) with clothing on them, let's leave this one alone! :lol:

Time to also get back to the real world. I know the future of financial aid depends on the education level of my parents!
*Mo skips into the thread...much like Danny is skipping in Liffy's fabulous new avie (lol, in fact where do you think Danny learned to skip like that? ;) )...* Hello my lovelies! How are we this fine Tuesday evening? Doing well I hope...D/L are sure fine! :D The last time I checked on them...*coughspied-on-them-through-their-windowcough!* :lol: they were enjoying a pleasant relaxing evening together! :devil: Take that how you will! :D

Buddy from the land where the coffee holds a spoon upright Dutch:
hands Mo some extra strong fresh coffee
Oh you're a dear, thank you hon! Good strong coffee is almost as essential to my life as fluff! :D Yes I am serious...withdrawal headaches are a very real and worth avoiding at cost part of my life! ;)

Mo hon, txs so much...when Twister was first mentioned a couple of pages back I immediately thought "Yeah nekkid Twister!" and I didn't know whether it was my own dirty mind or if it had been discussed her before...When Danny's playing, I'm so joining that game too...
Yay! I knew there were a few people at least who would remember this! Sweet deal! :D And yeah Danny....nekkid Twister...ahhhhh good times! :devil: And yeah I'm so joining when he does too! Heehee! :lol: And yeah ILJT and Liffy this was from a few threads back...it was our "lock-D/L-in-the-broom-closet-to-work-out-their-unresolved-tension-in-various-naughty-and-very-fun-ways-game!" :devil: Awwww, good times! :lol:

Undisputed King of the Gutter Liffy suggested:
Hmm...Gutterville needs a flag...anyone care to design one? I'm all out of creativity right now and I still need to do a whole load of writing.
Ohhhh good idea bud! Lol and I was just gonna suggest that you make one Dutch hon, cuz I know you rock at those and I just saw yours and I totally love it! :lol: And the colors and symbols...rock on...it was perfect hon! :lol:

Poor lost to the Gutter forever Liffy whispered:
Save Me.
Can't babe, you're hopeless! ;) But then again, we wouldn't have you any other way! :D Oh and here...*Mo hands her bud a HUGE bucket of all colors and kinds of M&M's...!* Can't have you running out of m&m's! :D

Cute as a button bud Stuffy dear pointed:
*searches for Mo* Who's flirting with who now, eh?
:lol: :lol: Lol, ummm...both of you with eachother? ;) Heehee! :lol: Yeah, yeah I see hon it's mutual! :D Aiden/Danny huh...mmmm, you seem more like D/L at their beginning to me! ;) Now how's that for fun! :D

My Fluffy Shoe shopping Twin wub Aud asked:
Mo, you get some new shoes yet? Do tell.
I haven't! :( I keep looking, but their either too expensive for my sad budget or they don't fit right! :p But I haven't lost hope yet...Nordstroms has their big sale starting this weekend too...so that holds definite promise!! You coming with me Fluffy wub? :D

Anybody heard from Smilie lately?
No! Smi??? Where are you? We miss you around here hon! :(

Gutter-iffic buddy boy Liffy said:
Moo =My One & Only! D/L!!!! (credits for that little line goes to destined4gr8ness)
Ohhh, I like that line...alot! But...wait...uh, I kinda thought I'd thought of that a while ago! :confused: Either way I like it! :D And yeah our mascot should be a cow...it's very fitting with the whole cowboy...wheatfields theme for D/L! :lol:

Stuffy your riddle is hard and my brain is dead! :p :lol: Post the answer....pwease?! :D

Yay we get D/L and it sounds like great D/L! Sweet! Sounds like Linds is really concerned about Danny and Hawkes and then I can't wait to see the 3rd eppy, sounds like loads of D/L fun in there! YAY!! Can't wait! Love it! :D

Alright my dears...Dessert is sounding good right about now! ;) So I'm off to grab me a popsicle while I stare some more at our lovely couple "enjoying" their evening! :devil:

*Mo scampers off to her Fluffy bubble, armed with a blankie and her spying binoculars!* :devil:
And yeah ILJT and Liffy this was from a few threads back...it was our "lock-D/L-in-the-broom-closet-to-work-out-their-unresolved-tension-in-various-naughty-and-very-fun-ways-game!" Awwww, good times!
Why couldn't I have come earlier :lol:

Guys, You can call me Sarah -if ya' want :)
Oh we can definitely bring back Nekkid Twister...that's always a good game for D/L to play! And now that they are most definitely together...I see a lot more Twister (definitely of the NEKKID variety) in their future! :devil: heehee! ;)

Sarah okey dokey...I might forget and call you ILJT occassionally too...just so you know! ;)

*Mo grins...off to watch more Seas. 2 eppys...yay!* :D
Jen - i'm so sorry for your loss! :( It must be very hard for your family as well. I hope that you have a nice holiday and are able to think of something else.

Mo - take it easy with the marathon! We want you alive. :)

CSIFray - nice banner there! :cool:
Alright everyone, y'all seem to be stumped on my riddle. So, first here's the riddle again:

My first is in water and also in war,
My second in ambush, battle and soar.
My third and fourth are in present and preach,
Five of line three, and at the start of reach.
My last make up but a single word,
Eight, fifteen, twenty-one, nineteen, five.

Okay, it's probably best to figure out the last five letters first. Each letter of the alphabet has a coreesponding number:

Eight = H
Fifteen = O
Twenty-one = U
Nineteen = S
Five = E

In the first line, the only prominent letters in both words are w, a and r. In the next line, the only prominent letter is a. So it's ruled out for the first line. You can do process of elimination here if you want to figure out if it's w or r, but the answer is w (that was my fault; I should have picked better words). The third and fourth line are related, and when it says Five of line three, it means the fifth word in that specific line. Well, that word is are, which is also pronounced like the letter. In both the words present and preach, the only two letters beside each other are r and e. They are also the first two letters at the start of reach.

So you've got ware and house. Put them together and you've got WAREHOUSE.

There was no connection with the story, so if you didn't read it that's alright. I hope everything made sense. Congratulations to catey and dutch for figuring it out :D
Very clever, Stuffy! I got the house bit, but not the rest. I'm hopeless at riddles!

I like the Nekkid Twister idea! We should definitely bring that back! And are we locking DL in the broom closet again, or are they too busy their house in Gutterville? :devil:

OT: I am finally on summer vacation! Wehay!!! Seven weeks of freedom! So, hopefully i'll be able to finish my fic! But, i go away to camp on Sun until Fri, so i'll try and get some work done on it before then! :D

Later guys! PSG xxx
"Good morning, and thank you for tuning into Channel 143 this morning. I'm Moriel, welcoming you all to another edition of the Danny and Lindsay morning show! Before we get started I'd like to say a very heart-felt Happy Hump Day to all you shippy viewers out there this morning! As we all know, Hump Days hold a special place in both our hearts and the hearts of our couple since that is the day that we are allowed to peek into their lives and hearts each week come fall! And now for our morning report..."

(Yeah in a bit of a fun mood this morning...go with it! :lol: ) Hi all, good morning! :D

Svet no worries, I'm quite alive and enjoying my Seas. 2 marathon! ;) I watched "Dancing with the Fishes" last night and I have decided I adore Lindsay! I mean duh, we knew that already...but she is so freakin' adorable...yet snarky and confident in that eppy, it rocks! Her dishing it out to that cop in the tram, and then her little experiment with Mac and Stella and then her in interrogation...she rocks! :D

Stuffy wow, that riddle was good! I might have figured it out if I'd sat down and really pondered it...but I didn't have the patience...but still, wow! :D

Lol, Soph I think D/L is too busy in their house at the moment... :devil: Besides, as much fun as the broom closet was...I think the point of it was to get them to reach the point where they ripped eachother's clothes off already...and since they've already done that and now are doing it all the time :devil: we don't really have to use the broom closet! ;) Although we're definitely keeping it open in case they ever need to be tossed back in there as a reminder! :D

Alright y'all...as much as I love hanging out in here...the real world beckons...actually it's grabbing me by my ankles and dragging me away...but either way I gotta go! :lol: I'll see y'all later...have a fabulous Hump Day! ;)

*Mo climbs into her Fluffy Bubble and shimmers off!*
what a great way to break into HUMP day: nekkid danny. twister is such a dirty game! now, can you imagine strip poker with Danny/Lindsay?

duffy, great artwork with the flag! the goat picture made for a good chuckle. clear explanation and choice of colors: makes sense. okay, i’ll just keep that storyline idea in my world of mini-imagination for some other time :) . RL…:mad: sigh.

muffin, you know who you are (you and your growing number of nicknames). im sitting here reading your answer to the riddle and that five for fighting song popped into my head again! :p

PE, i think ive seen you around at DLC; im not over there too much. again, nice to see you back here. :cool:
kissmesweet, miss seeing your username around!
catey, upon reading your last few posts, can you say angel’s virtual big sister?? :D
PSG, you can do it! *cheers PSG on*
who’s Smilie? :eek: hi Smilie :) !!

whats the name of the cow? “Moo?” awww…black and white milk cow. and what happened to the walrus? he or she’s a naughty one! (must be the property of Liffy :devil: ).

Liffy[/b]...response to 4.03 again]i woke up today and was thinking "how cute thats going to be..." SIZZLING bantering!! oh MAN!! :D

*tunes into Mo’s report for a few minutes then back to RL*

Thanks for the encouragement, Angel. I'm gonna work on it once i leave here.

I've just made a DL banner based on Sleight Out Of Hand. I thought i'd post it here to see what you guys think. I'll post it in the banner thread also. Now, this is my first proper banner, so be kind, i'm not very good.


The text is a little hard to read. It says "I wish you were here with me... i miss you"

Tell me what you think. Later guys! PSG xxx
Oooo a morning report! Much better than the news :D love it Mo. You're our official news person.

Lol, ummm...both of you with eachother? Heehee! Yeah, yeah I see hon it's mutual! Aiden/Danny huh...mmmm, you seem more like D/L at their beginning to me! Now how's that for fun!

Mo darlin' you took the words right out of my mouth. Liffy and I were chatting last night on MSN and I said that exact same thing! Guess we're a mixture of Danny/Lindsay and Danny/Aiden. The whole teasing and bantering thing...it's great fun :lol:

So did y'all actually understand my explanation to the riddle? I tried to make it easy to read.

whats the name of the cow? “Moo?” awww…black and white milk cow. and what happened to the walrus? he or she’s a naughty one! (must be the property of Liffy).

Moo the cow...I love it! Hehe. Nice Anffy :D

*snuggles up to Liffy and throws a couple of red M&Ms at him before starting a full-blown pillow fight*

ETA: PSG, I heart your banner :) it's beautiful.
*Liff skips in and waves at Mo as she's dragged off* See ya later huni! :lol:

Hellooo all! I just realised that it's still morning for those of you in the US, while it's getting dark here! :lol: oh well - gotta go with the flow (helps that I'm turning nocturnal too)

Happy Hump Day!!!

Umm...yeah ditto with Cuzzy, who's Smilie? *waves*

are we locking DL in the broom closet again
Why do we need to? They lock themselves in just fine :devil: hehehehe

what happened to the walrus? he or she’s a naughty one! (must be the property of Liffy
Oh yeah! :devil: He's swimming around in my pool, Danny and Linds comes over once in a while to pet the guy. hehehehe.

Soph huni, the banner is awesome for your first banner! (I think I deleted my first the moment I made it) :p

It's purdyful! and I suddenly feel like makin' more myself :lol: SWEET NEW YORK SKYLINE!
I missed a convo somewhere and have been ignoring it for too long... what is HUMP DAY?! I see it every week, and I'm assuming it has something to do with Wednesday but I'm not sure... It's killing me!

Love that banner btw, very cute, I forgot about Danny's crying scene. Nice work!
Happy Hump Day! Im so excited, I think this is my first Hump Day here :D There better be a party :(
:lol: Ill be gone for a few hours so tell D/L not to start the naughty games without me :D
^Sarah hun, I thought you were the one who was gonna throw the next party?...So give us a date and an place and we'll be there... :D :cool:

What does Danny think about Stuffer's and Liffy's goat?
Aud you've got to keep track of the whereabouts of the goat. ;)..I named him so Liff decided he was mine to take care of :)...and since I feel like he deserved a loving home he's now in my garden :)...and don't worry Vex I won't dress him up...*hugs Pavarotti* :lol:

Liff that avvie of Danny frolicing home to be with Lindsay is hilarious...I wonder which happy thoughts make him so ecstatic... :devil:

Riddler Stuffy said:
Congratulations to catey and dutch for figuring it out
Well to be quite honest I didn't totally get it...I understood how to solve it, but I didn't realise the 3rd and 4th line were about the same two letters :rolleyes:...so I ended up with a letter too many and therefor a slightly different word.. :)

Rad I think Mo's the one who can answer your 'hump day' question the best :D...but your guess is pretty accurate....

PSG great banner! :)

Angel that story is forming in my head so I'll see what I can do when I have a day off... :)

And txs all for the compliments on the flag and the coat of arms...if anyone has any ideas for making something with Moo the cow and/or the unnamed walrus I'd love to see it... :D*walks to the zoo again to see the two new arrivals*

fellow coffee addict Mo said:
withdrawal headaches are a very real and worth avoiding
They're real indeed...nobody wants to be around me when I can't get my daily dose of caffeïne :mad:...I'm glad you inhereted the Dutch appreciation for real coffee instead of the ditchwater :( (no offence) I got served in the US on numerous occasions....

And our little coffee addiction gave me the idea for a new 'question of the day':

do you guys think Danny or Lindsay has a 'strange' addiction (besides each other :p) without which they get pretty grumpy?
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