Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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PE, it's good to see you over here too. Since I never knew why you weren't here, I'll leave it at that. But it's great that you've joined us here too. I'm like Stuffy, I'm used to seeing you at DLC. We aren't to bad over here, either, but watch out for Liffy. He really is the gutter king. You'll get all kinds of nasty, D/L action because of him!
Anyone care to share a little bit about this 'nekkid twister'?
Well it's exactly what it is ;)...I think even before season 3 started (and when I was still lurking) there was a few pages of fun talks about them being locked in the broom closet, playin Twister and that quickly (guttery minds :devil:) turned in to nekkid Twister in the broom closet... :eek:

And Liffy's idea of a flag kept haunting me...made something simple and made a coat of arms too…

Every flag needs an explanation of the colours on it so this is why I chose those:
red + yellow – the famous M&M
green + white + red – the colours of the Italian flag
yellow – the Montana wheatfields
green – the felt on the pool table
red – colour of love
white – the daisy (flower of innocence)

Can I join in this thread?
Of course you can Brinchen! Welcome to GutterVille!...En dana welkom! :)

Any luck so far on my riddle? I know it's tough, but just keep at it
Stuffy did you get my PM?..I thought I figured it out...*crosses fingers* :D

Stuffy, Liffy you guys having an angsty moment? :D :p
These spoilers are lucious. With each box I grow more and more eager for season 4! Liff I admire the SFness though, I must say, it's a very difficult task. I was almost SF, then I saw the pretty little box and it all went down the toilet.

I'm in for the franchise btw, we would make so much money, but of course, it's all about pleasing DL fans across the world.
dutch love, I did get it and I sent you one back (did you get it?) You were so close hun. You got the second half right. Keep at it :D and you did a simply fantastic job on the flags. They're love!

He really is the gutter king. You'll get all kinds of nasty, D/L action because of him!

:lol: Nice catey. It's so true. All he ever thinks about is naughty stuff. I have to whack him sometimes on MSN :)
Ok I am squeeing now beyond imagination! Now I can not wait for S4 but most importantly this ep- I just love DL banter!!

Yay Hump day, i'll bring the M&Ms! I think a game of pool is in order to celebrate so don't forget your cues guys! Is any body else hating this DL dry patch... or is that a stupid question :lol:
Hi buddies! I’m very busy in these days.
More I can’t walk! My right foot’s swollen :(
This morning I was about to go out but… SURPRISE!… my stupid foot was swollen. I don’t know why… Maybe it’s an allergic reaction :(
I’m very unlucky :(
So I’m here, sit in my couch… Uff…

By the way I’m in our awesome thread now!!!

First of all thanks for the spoilers guys! I’m feeling better! ;) This season will be certainly wonderful!
Awww new shippers! Welcome aboard Brinchen and danafireprincess !!! (Can I call you Dana ?)

*The baker Cammie’s making a cake for her new buddies!!!*

Larry? Awww it’s a great name for a giraffe! ;)

Awwwww Dutch hun!!! I love these flags but… I prefer the 2nd flag! It’s so cute!!! Well done hun!!! ;)

See ya tomorrow guys!!!
Hey guys!
First of all, welcome Brinchen and Danafireprincess ! :)

Liff said:
The most unacceptable thing just happened. My stock of M&M's have run out
I know what it means! That happens almost every day with my nephew and my grandma around. It’s terrible, these two are capable of make a whole packet of M&M’s disappear in a minute… :rolleyes:

The idea of the flag sounds great! Dutch , these flags are awesome!!! I don’t know what’s the best! :D

I’m glad that they’ll work together and we’ll see bantering. I’m sure that it means that their relationship is going on! :D ;)

Cammie , I’m sorry, I hope that tomorrow you’ll feel better! :)

*Abby hugs her buddy and gives her an M&M’s ice cream*

Brinchen said:
We can't wait for season 4 and I haven't seen season 3 yet (have to wait until September or so)
Eheh...I'm in the same situation! In Italy season 3 will be aired in Jenuary! :rolleyes:
Liff, "busting your chops" is a phrase. It's not a bad thing or anything. Can anybody help me out here?

It's like I'm teasing you, or giving you crap for what you said. We go back and forth, like at DLC.

Catey and DLshipper, hugs to you both! I just wasn't around for a while due to the DF/DL toxicity. It's toned down quite a bit, and some friends asked me to come back. So I'm here. :D
*Dani is tired after waking up early today and taking care of her cousins all day long...* They never stop!

Welcome Brinchen and Dana! I hope you have fun with us ;)

dutch, your graphics are just awesome!

About Aud's questions...I can't figure out if they like it or not, but I think anything that involves playing and er, a good excuse to be together feels great for them :devil: I do think that they're not going to stop everything, though I believe they are going to be careful...But they are not going to be able to help it :rolleyes:

Gives Liff some more packets of M&M's to keep and make sure they don't ran out ever again :p

I'm sorry for you that are still waiting for season 3. I saw today the episode where the A case victim is playing Marie Antoinette (sp?), and where Danny and Linds work together :D in the b-case-something with wine and bugs :p Loved, he call her Montana again (squeee)! And I loved the way he smiled at Adam after her answering him ;)

All this spoiler things can be so confusing. I am always so surprised by how people know details in advance. Lol. Anyway, I see some possible good storylines, they work together and stuff. Though I am a bit worried about the 'Lindsay getting upset" part. Well, some angst is always good, let's think this way...

Cam, I'm sorry about your foot! Who am I to talk, anyway? I am with this stupid pain in my neck (my sister with anatomy classes corrects it to something in the first rib) that is pissing me off so much, it hurts to type in the computer and to turn. But I needed to come here, I don't care :p

Goodbye my dears :) Dani is off to bed soon.
I think even before season 3 started (and when I was still lurking) there was a few pages of fun talks about them being locked in the broom closet, playin Twister and that quickly (guttery minds ) turned in to nekkid Twister in the broom closet...
Kinky :devil: Thanks for explaining that to me :lol:

Congrats on the PSP! (wait...that stands for something else -woops) Paint Shop Pro! I use Photoshop CS myself and I love it. *snuggles photoshop*
Thanks :D I really wanted to get Photo Shop but it was too expensive right now so I got Paint Shop Pro. It's fine though :)

It's almost party time right?
Welcome D/L newbies or first time vistors! Hey PE, glad you're back. You're always welcome here! :)

Good answers to the questions my lovelies! I don't know if I see D/L as boat or lake type people (although who wouldn't want to go to the lake or have a boat), but I can see them definitely going to a waterpark for fun. Linds would be dragging Danny from the wading pool to the 'ultimate awesome ride-slide' meanwhile he's trying to keep up---while complaining about his wet hair (sexy when wet,huh?). He's so girly sometimes! :rolleyes:

What does Danny think about Stuffer's and Liffy's goat? Not sure how he turned up, but every ships got to have mascot. ;)

Oh, well. I guess it's time to get back to seriousness and life stuff. Have a good one everybody!

Mo, you get some new shoes yet? Do tell. :cool:

Anybody heard from Smilie lately? :confused:
What does Danny think about Stuffer's and Liffy's goat?

*giggles* Stuffers :cool:

Gotta love it when a ship's mascot is a goat. I have a question though: much as I love the goat, shouldn't our mascot technically be a cow? It has more significance to the ship. *ducks flying M&Ms* Okay I'm going to shut up now ;) the goat rocks. So does Larry :)

Anyone still stumped on the riddle? Just tell me when you want me to post the answer :)

ETA: Liffy, play with Lindsay for a moment.

According to the spoilers, she gets upset because they lose the feed. In other words, she's only acting how any one of us would act when a loved one is in a situation and something goes amiss. As for everyone saying how she only cares for herself...sorry, but you might want to actually watch the episode first before you judge people. They're already complaining about Flack's girlfriend.

Okay Liffy, playtime with Montana is over. Danny wants her back now :devil: And your avvie rocks.
Liffy, go away!

getting upset in 402, I think she's upset because she's afraid Danny isn't going to free Hawkes in time. It has nothing to do with her being unsupportive, but potentially watching a friend not make it. I get tired of everyone thinking it's all about her(not you, though). Don't believe everything you read in the spoiler thread. It's nothing to worry about, trust me.

Oh, and Stuffy, you are right, the mascot should be a cow, not a coat. Mooo!
*Liff pops into thread and waves as he puts on his kinky hat*

Hullo! Okay, I really have to point my avvie out. *snuggles photoshop* :lol:

It's official. Det. Danny Messer skips home to his girl after work. rofl! Wee! FLY DANNY FLY! :lol:

Spoiler Queen Catey said:
but watch out for Liffy. He really is the gutter king. You'll get all kinds of nasty, D/L action because of him!
Oh yes, I love the gutter. I ought to have a whole row of houses by now huh. :p Can't have D/L kinkiness without ME! :lol:

Fluffy-at-heart-Dutch said:
fun talks about them being locked in the broom closet, playin Twister and that quickly (guttery minds ) turned in to nekkid Twister in the broom closet...
:eek: That IS kinky! Go D/L! I'll just turn up the A/C for a bit before we all melt shall I? :devil:

And Liffy's idea of a flag kept haunting me...
hehehe :devil:

Love the flag and coat of arms hun! :D

Stuffy wub said:
All he ever thinks about is naughty stuff. I have to whack him sometimes on MSN
Ahh...but she loves my naughtyness dont ya hahn?! :lol:

Cammie hun! I hope your feet gets better. migliorare presto! (courtesy of google translate, but I don't think it's right :eek: )

PE said:
Liff, "busting your chops" is a phrase. It's not a bad thing or anything. Can anybody help me out here?

It's like I'm teasing you, or giving you crap for what you said. We go back and forth, like at DLC.
Oh! Umm...okay...

Bring it on :devil:

Dani bunny!
Gives Liff some more packets of M&M's to keep and make sure they don't ran out ever again
Yay for more M&M's! :D Thanks hun! *hugs*

*pretends it's nothing important* Go away Liff
Oh that is SO not funny. Ha ha ha. :eek:


Stuffy wubs said:
Liffy, play with Lindsay for a moment.
*snuggles Lindsay* Gladly! :devil: How long's this moment? A night? 2 nights? A week? hehehehe.

Okay Liffy, playtime with Montana is over. Danny wants her back now
Well that was a party pooper.... :p

I have a question though: much as I love the goat, shouldn't our mascot technically be a cow? It has more significance to the ship.
Moo! Ooh I love cows. I don't mind cows :D Moo =My One & Only! D/L!!!! (credits for that little line goes to destined4gr8ness)

Make more room for the kinky thoughts. *Points to avvie* CLEARLY the man's happy about something. Pink handcuffs anyone? Or maybe a leather whip would be more d/l :eek:

Rehab here I come!
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