Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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Liff! Run and don't look back!
Hahaha! No. That better be a joke because if there's anything bad in there I'm gonna growl. rawr. :D Pls stick to "Go Away Liff" to keep my heart rate down thank you! I seem to incredibly jumpy today for some odd reason.

anybody remember nekkid Twister?
Umm...no? I wasnt here yet. Do explain? (Well okay it's fairly self explanatory but still...pray tell :devil: ) I'm a sucker for dirty thoughts. Y'all know that! :lol:

Liff I think Pavarotti likes the name you picked for his giraffe friend!
Well of course Dutch ;) Who can resist the lovable Larry the Giraffe? :lol:

Yay for PE for miraculously appearing! Although...it seems she's dissappeared off again... come back!

Hmm...Gutterville needs a flag...anyone care to design one? I'm all out of creativity right now and I still need to do a whole load of writing. :D

Stuffy wub that riddle is hard....you have way too much brain power :lol:
dutch, care to follow that intro storyline up with a fanfiction? its yours to take!
Angel sweetie, that's tempting, but like Stuffy said, stupid RL gets in the way a lot lately :mad:...I hardly have time to read ficcies let alone write one :(...but I keep the idea in mind and try to give it a shot in the next weeks, months... :D

Pls stick to "Go Away Liff" to keep my heart rate down thank you!
Aaah, I'm sorry dear [not] :p I was just teasing you with that line... ;)

Gutterville needs a flag
Great idea...let's see what people come up with! :)

Stuffy I got an answer to your riddle :D, but it doesn't make a lot of sense - PM'd you!
Anyone care to share a little bit about this 'nekkid twister'? :lol: I swear, you guys are so random that it's hard to keep up with. But I'm learning :D

On an off-topic note: I just got my Paint Shop Pro so now I can make my own D/L Icons and banners and they might not look like crap! :lol:
Hahaha! No.

Stop stealing my sayings Liffy, unless you want a jab from my sword that I am buying on Sunday.

I heart you :)

Any luck so far on my riddle? I know it's tough, but just keep at it :D

A flag? What a great idea! I can try and make one; it'll probably be horrible though :lol: I can't draw on my life. But I guess that's what Paint is for...or Paint Shop Pro, except I don't have it :(

ETA: Welcome aboard Brinchen! Glad to see we've got another shipper on the lovely Dantana. Have some M&Ms and relax with us in Gutterville. We're a crazy bunch *motions toward messermonroe* but it's all good. You'll love it here :D
Okay, Liffy, go away!
Title of it is "You Only Die Once". It's a one case episode but Danny and Lindsay work the case together with a lot of bantering, but a professional relationship (apparently a lot of D/L this episode). Flack gets a girlfriend. I'll post more as I know about it.
catey1234 said:
Okay, Liffy, go away!
Title of it is "You Only Die Once". It's a one case episode but Danny and Lindsay work the case together with a lot of bantering, but a professional relationship (apparently a lot of D/L this episode). Flack gets a girlfriend. I'll post more as I know about it.
:D yay can't wait!!! :D
Ooh Ooh. Mentions of a good spoiler! Dang it, I should never have paid attention in those theory of knowledge classes cos now I'm like prime with deductive reasoning. :lol:

:eek: The most unacceptable thing just happened. My stock of M&M's have run out and there isn't anyone visiting us in the near future. :0 I have deal with smarties mini-eggs instead -but they're not M&M's! *throws a tantrum*.

Ahh. I feel much better now. I'm such a dork. :p

I just got my Paint Shop Pro so now I can make my own D/L Icons and banners and they might not look like crap! :lol:
Congrats on the PSP! (wait...that stands for something else -woops) Paint Shop Pro! I use Photoshop CS myself and I love it. *snuggles photoshop*

Stop stealing my sayings Liffy
That's not your saying! Your's includes a really ugly white head thing and funny colours. :p Mine is all me babe ;)

Hey, I´m new, this is my first post here. Can I join in this thread?
Welcome Brinchen! As to if you can join our thread...of course ya can :D

Hey it's HUMP DAY tomorrow and you're all invited to my gutterpad for some...err...star-gazin' ;) You know what stars we'll be gazin' ;)

We're a crazy bunch *motions toward messermonroe* but it's all good
Hi! My name is Liff and I'm friends with Larry the Giraffe. Nice to meat you *bows* I'm mentally dorky and in need of a cup of tea.

Good day to you all! (I love happy spoilers, even when I don't know what they are! :lol: ) D/L lurve is DLicious :devil:

Not to mention dirrty, naughty and kinky. :devil:

Save Me.

(*waves to danafireprincess*)
That's not your saying! Your's includes a really ugly white head thing and funny colours. Mine is all me babe

*searches for Mo* Who's flirting with who now, eh? :p

Hi! My name is Liff and I'm friends with Larry the Giraffe. Nice to meat you *bows* I'm mentally dorky and in need of a cup of tea.

You know Liffy, you should count yourself lucky here. I had just taken a drink of coffee when I read this...and this isn't even my computer I'm on. It's work (your favourite word) :lol: You always make me laugh though, that's why I love you *pinches his cheeks cause he's just too darn cute*

No Mo I am not flirting with him...think of us as Danny/Aiden 2.0 :D (thank you Anffy!)
Mo, of course you can call me Jo! MoJo for DL! :D

Look Liff, I'm not going anywhere. I'm just not online @ all hours of the day and night. Real life, you know. :( I'm so glad you're busting my chops. It's going to make busting yours back so much more fun! :lol:

Hey Angelheartz! What's up? :p
Cuz[/b]...response to Spoiler Queen's info on episode 4.03]girl, you have me mini-squeeing (much thanks as usual)! ohmy, bantering/lots of D/L...something BERRY GOOD to hear! :)

stuffy & dutch, hurrah for your heads up. :cool:
welcome to the ship, Brinchen!
IluvJonathanTogo, youre fine. :D check out how cut-paste my av is :lol: :lol: . i have the ability of my three-year-old cousin. :p

*randomly throws some whipped cream M&M pies at duffy, cuzzy, and stuffy*

ETA: enjoying the great company here, PE! :) are you staying around?

danafireprincess, helloooo!

yup, Danny/Aiden 2.0!
PE! How's it going hun? I'm so used to seeing you over at DLC :lol: *hands M&Ms to fellow buddy*

Anffy! So that's how it is, eh? I see. *throws pie back at buddy* I heart you as well :)

Del wubs, we miss you! Wherever you are, I hope you are having fun. Lots of goodness to read when you return :D
yup, Danny/Aiden 2.0!
Make that Danny/Aiden/Maka babe ;) And your cut + paste avvie is cute :D

I'm so glad you're busting my chops. It's going to make busting yours back so much more fun!
Wait..what? :confused:

You know Liffy, you should count yourself lucky here. I had just taken a drink of coffee when I read this...and this isn't even my computer I'm on.
Darn...I so need to work on my timing. Tell me when you're home and I'll whip out something new :devil:

So I was thinking, we should so start a D/L gutter franchise :devil: and Cuzzy can handle the NYC tours and I'll go visit the Zoo! :devil:
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